Boku No Hero Academia // Hinata Rikuto

  hinata Rikuto。
   Dave  Moozie  5
— Riku / A shorter version of his name, he is often called this by his parents and friends but wishes more people would call him this since he think Rikuto sounds too formal
— Riku-nii / Meaning 'Older Brother Rikuto', he is called this by his younger brother
— Ricchan / A childish and cute version of his name used only by Akito and Ayumu
— Hi-chan / The 'Hi-' in his name means sun/sunshine which he feels doesn't suit him so the guys by calling him this, Rikuto really hates this nickname
— Flower Prince / Rikuto is actually quite popular among girls since he appears to be a cold, distant bad boy whose expression always softens and only softens around the plants and flowers that bloom around him, something about him having a 'gap moe' (the flowers love to make a crown on his head lol)
— Dirtbag / It's orginally 'scumbag' but since his quirk is related to plants, Bakugou tweaked it

AGE 15
BIRTHDAY February 14

BIRTH PLACE ♡ Shirakawago

 His quirk is agrokinesis, or plant manipulation. His quirk is quite straightforward. As stated in the name, he is able to create, shape, and manipulate plants. He can make any kind of plant grow in the palm of his hand and move them as if they were an extension of his own body. He is quite skilled at controlling his quirk since the plants love him and flourish around him. However, his body is affected depending on the plant he is manipulating/creating, the current environment, and the plant's size. For example, if he is trying to produce a cactus in the ocean, he will end up feeling quite sick and since a cactus doesn't normally grow in the ocean. More energy and concentration will be put into the process as compared to if he was trying to grow seaweed. Another example is if he is trying to grow a tree as tall as a skyscaper, he would obviously need to use a lot of energy in order to grow it. However, the plants around him will often flourish and go out of their way to try and protect him if he is in danger. This doesn't cost him any energy. The more energy he uses for his quirk, the more disoriented he becomes until his sense of touch, sound, and sight are gone. If he continues to use his quirk past this point, his whole body becomes feverish and suseptible to illness like that of a child, and he will collapse. At this point, his powers will go out of control and the plants will go haywire until he regains consciousness. However, the activity will become less and less destructive the longer he is unconscious until it is simply plants growing quickly but peacefully. This once happened in the past causing people he cared about to get hurt which is why he seldomly uses his quirk anymore. He is rather ashamed of his quirk because of the past incident, but despite all that, he still loves plants and takes care of the school's plants when no one is looking.
Stop stepping on the flowers . 

  mirror, mirror on the wall。
1 / 2 / 3 

1 / 2 / 3 

APPEARANCE  Rikuto looks the exact same as his picture with his blond hair and striking gold eyes. He is 178 cm and growing while weighing 53 kg. He has a very toned body despite being affiliated with flowers. His blond hair is always a little messy but he usually wears a hat or beanie to cover it. His sharp eyes don't dull behind the black-rimmed glasses he wears. He is quite handsome with his fierce eyes and sharp jawline. 

STYLE  Rikuto usually wears black clothing, very seldom will he wear colors. He perfers neutral colors and dresses very casually with a rebel/hipster kind of style. He typically wears shirts with jeans and a jacket or coat. He wears his glasses and white face mask on an everyday basis whether it's he's at school or just lounging around at home. When it comes to his uniform, Rikuto is quite lazy with it. He never buttons his jacket or ties his tie poperly. His white shirt is also loosely buttoned and never completely buttoned up. His tie is always messily tied and hangs loosely around his neck. He does, however, wear his pants and shoes properly. His pajamas are simply just shorts since he sleeps without a shirt on.
         — 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 

MY HERO LOOK  His costume is essentially looks like this but instead of maroon, it would be dark green. The yellow accents would stay the same. With his costume, Rikuto wears a thorn crown that he easily grows himself. In order to hide his identity he wears his usual black-rimmed glasses and a green scarf that covers his mouth like this.

  but looks aren't everything。
[ + ] compassionate, earnest, gentle, hardworking, passionate
[ = ] mellow, mischievous, observant
[ — ] introverted, awkward, insecure, fearful, aloof

[ + ] "In a world where you can be anything, he chose to be kind." Despite his appearance, Rikuto is actually quite compassionate. He doesn't like to seem like it but he is. If he sees you trip, he'll have a plant reach out to keep you from falling. He hates seeing others have a hard time with anything and will always do his best to help them without being seen.  Most people don't even notice the fact that he helps them. "He was so earnest that he looked stupid." Rikuto is earnest in everything he does. No matter what it is, he will always do his best for it. He is quite honest when it comes to his work. He never skips steps or does a half-assed job. He gives everything his all which is something a lot of girls find cute about him. "He is gentle to all but himself." Rikuto, despite how he seems, is never harsh with anyone. Many people misunderstand him with his fashion and sharp eyes, but he is really quite gentle. He never attacks others first and only has the plants attack villians. He wouldn't even hurt an ant. He doesn't talk much though and mainly stand behind his best friend, Bakugou, so a lot of people assume that he is the same as him which is completely false. If anything, Rikuto and Bakugou are complete opposites. "He worked hard knowing that nothing worth having came easy." Rikuto strives to have more control over his power than anyone else after a certain incident in the past. He practices using his quirk every day by going around the school and fixing up all the plants. He works harder than anybody even when no body is looking. He will practice for hours on end and will end forget meals and sleep if someone doesn't remind him. "He did it with passion or not at all." Rikuto is really passionate about everything he does which is why he always gives it all. He only does things he is passionate about is easily gets fired up when talking about or showing what it is he is passionate about. 

[ = ] "He knew being mellow doesn't always make for a good story, but it makes for a great life." Rikuto is a really chill kind of guy. He seems intimidating at first, but once you start talking to him, he is really easy to talk to. He typically never stresses about anything. He's a down-to-earth kind of guy (pun intended) who never really gets upset. He's quite tolerant and patient with others and is really just relaxed most of the time. "He used to always wonder would it would be like to live fast, have fun, and be a little mischievous." Rikuto may be a chill person, but even he likes to spice his life up every now and then which is why he is friends with Bakugou. He can always be found near Bakugou and with him often finds himself in unusual situations. He lives for a little adventure and trust the plants to protect him if he gets into a dangerous situation. "The girls think he's sweet when he knows a lot about everyone not because they remind him but simply because he pays attention." Rikuto hangs out with Bakugou and usually leaves all the talking to him. Instead, he'll stand by Bakugou's side and take note of everything around them. He observes their surroundings and takes mental notes. This way he doesn't feel out of place with the peolpe around him even if he doesn't talk to them much. He actually knows a lot about everyone in the school because of all his observations and things he hears around school. 

[ — ] "He likes hanging out with people, just not all at once." Rikuto doesn't mind hanging out with others. On the contrary, he actually loves hanging out with friends. However, he really can bear being part of crowds. This is why he'll often step out to catch his breath if he's with a large group of friends. He prefers to hang out with smaller groups of people because he finds being with large groups a bit suffocating. When he's with a lot of others, he typically gets fairly quiet and a little irritated. "He sincerely apologizes to all the victims of his social awkwardness." Rikuto tries, he really does try to hold a conversation, but he's really awkward with others. He never knows what to say to others and is really just terrible as socializing in general. Literally anything that comes out of his mouth is either way too forward or really out of place. However, he does have his moments where he uses his observations about someone and gives really good advice to them. Usually though, He just makes things more awkward for everyone. "He feels like his insecurities could eat him alive." Rikuto's insecurities are a huge part of him. They consume his thought a lot of the time and are the reason he never feels confident about his control over his quirk. It's also the reason why he practices his quirk like a madman. A lot of the time he puts on airs of being confident and strong but his insecurities constantly make him feel weak and pathetic. It makes him think that he can never amount to anything no matter how hard he tries. It's also why he has a lot of negative and pessimistic thoughts. "He was always scared not of others but of himself." After hurting others in the past once, Rikuto has become terrified of himself. He's always afraid that he might let his quirk go out of control and hurt someone again. He always holds his breath when he uses his quirk in fear that he'll mess up like he did in that one incident. "Him being distant and cold isn't him trying to be cool, it's him being cowardly." Once again relating to his insecurity, Rikuto keeps his distant from others in fear of accidentally hurting them like he did in the past. He wants to be close with everyone but doesn't trust himself to control his quirk. He faces this internal conflict every single day and can't help but be wary of himself. He keep everyone within arm's distance, never letting anyone get too close. He seems like a cold person who is confident about their quirk but is actually more afraid of his quirk than anyone else and the distance he puts between himself and everyone is really just him being a coward.

  dig a little deeper。
PAST Rikuto grew up in the countryside of Shirakawago. It's full of villiages full of rice paddies and belled cows with heavy snow in the winter. The country life was perfect for Rikuto and his family. His dad's quirk was manipulating wood while his mom's was manipulating flowers. Their life there was mundane but peaceful. They never went hungry and had a roof over their heads. They even lived in a close community where everyone knew everyone. And everyone knew that ever since he was born, Rikuto was loved by the plants. Wherever he went, plants flourished and flowers bloomed. Rikuto was born with his quirk so he was named accordingly. His name, Rikuto, actually means 'a person of the land' which suits him perfectly. He grew up relatively normal and when he was 5, his younger brother, Haruto, was born. Rikuto absolutely adored his younger brother. He always helped take care of him and never failed to make him smile. They loved to pretend to be superheroes together. The two grew close and as the years went on, they became inseperable.
When Rikuto was 9, his neighbor finally lost it. He had been going a little crazy the past few months after his wife's death and that day, he finally snapped. He went on a rampage in the village while Rikuto and Haruto were outside playing together. The man saw them and attacked them without warning. Thankfully, the plants pushed Riku and Haru out of the way and cushioned their fall. Rikuto's parents immediately rushed out after hearing their screams but the man knocked them unconscious immediately. Rikuto began to panic since they lived on the outskirts of the village where there were few houses around. He didn't know what to do other than that he needed to protect Haruto. So he did his best to fight against the man, but without any knowledge on how to fight, Rikuto struggled greatly. However, in the end, Rikuto was able to win after giving the fight 120%. As soon as he won, Rikuto passed out, causing the plants to go crazy and strike out at anything and everything, including people. When Rikuto woke again, he was in a hospital bed and the room was completely filled with plants from top to bottom. After waking up, Rikuto's parents rushed to his side and thanked him for saving Haruto and defeating their neighbor who had been arrested. When asked about Haruto's condition, they hesitantly explained that he lost control which explained that the room was full of plants (he cleaned it up immediately) and the plants attacked Haruto. He asked what room Haruto was in and ran in. Haruto was sitting in his hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around his head. When he turned to Rikuto, Rikuto finally saw how Haruto's left eye was covered and bandaged up. The doctors said that ally vision in Haruto's left eye was gone, but Haruto simply smiled like he always did and said, "Hi Riku-nii! Are you hurt anywhere?" Rikuto fell to his knees and cried. He couldn't believe he had hurt his younger brother with his quirk. He had always thought that his quirk was one that was gentle, but he felt disgusted with himself. He hated himself so much for hurting his younger brother whom he loved so much. When he went back home, the front of the place look like it had been abandoned and the plants and overtaken the area. A lot of the front was destroyed by his plants, and Rikuto became very much afraid. He was afraid of himself. He felt like a monster, but most of all he was just terrified. he was constantly thinking, 'Did I really do all this? Am I really capable of this much destruction? Of causing this much pain to others?' It was like he didn't know his own body, and that terrified him.
Haruto and his parents knew that he was shaken up by the incident and constantly reassured him that it wasn't his fault. They told him that he did a great job protecting Haruto. Haruto, himself, tried to reassure him that he wasn't bothered by his lost vision and felt really cool with his eye patch. However, nothing could get through to Rikuto. He couldn't help but blame himself. Seeing Haruto with his eye patch was a constant reminder that he was a monster no matter how hard he tried to pretend that he wasn't. He sought to it that the same incident would never happen again and began practicing every chance he got. He strengthened his body with constant exercise so that he wouldn't be overly reliant on his quirk, and he practiced his quirk until he could control everything about his quirk. He slowly regained his smile and normal attitude, but he had changed. He was no longer the cheerful, energetic child who loved to play without a care in the world. He became quiet, insecure, and distant with everyone except Haruto (Haruto is the only one Rikuto lets get close to him; it's the least he can do for him.)
When Rikuto heard about UA, he saw it as an opportunity to change himself into a hero who could be proud of their quirk instead of monster who lived in fear of their own abilities. He applied and when he was accepted, he decided to move into the dorms. It was too painful to see Haruto and his injury everyday so he ran away from it. He moved into the dorms looking for temporary relief, hoping to change during that time he was away.

PRESENT/SCHOOL LIFE  Rikuto is now a part of Class 1-A and is known to be always be with Bakugou. He wakes up before the sun is up and goes on a run. He likes to workout in the mornings before school starts, and while he's at it, he checks on the condition of the plants a school. After his morning run/workout (he alternates), Rikuto returns to his dorm and showers into his uniform for school and prepares a bento for himself before heading to class early. He is usually the first one to get to class, and sits in Seat C . In class, he is surprisingly diligent. He never falls alseep during lessons and always studies for tests. He is typically second when it comes to exams and tests. However, he does sneak glances at Midoriya during class. Besides academics though, Rikuto is quite popular among girls for being seemingly cold but actually kind and gentle. The girls love how cold and strong he comes off but also how his eyes always soften towards flowers and plants. Some even notice the times when he quietly helps them which earns him popularity points. He's even been deemed the 'Flower Prince'. The guys are often intimidated by him at first, especially since he hangs out with Bakugou, but Rikuto is easily accepted by the guys. They find him amusing to hang out with since the words he saya are typically out of place and random. Some are jealous of Rikuto for all the love letters he gets from girls, but luckily for the guys, he's gay. However, he will meet up with them to politely decline them. They are some rumors about how he lost control and injured his own brother with his quirk, though. After school, he finishes his homework and then works out again. After working out, he walks around school and does a closer inspection of the plants to ensure they are healthy. Doing these inspections are an easy and helpful way of practicing his quirk. Once he is done with his inspections, Rikuto will continue to practice his quirk until Bakugou comes to pick him up. Then, Rikuto will go back to his dorm and shower before going to sleep.
DORM LIFE  Rikuto's dorm is nothing special. His walls are white, and he has wooden floors similar to the ones in his house at Shirakawago. He keeps a lot of plants in his dorm, a lot of which can be used to help with sleep, relaxing, or focusing. He even likes to grow a few herbs in his room. Some plants hang from the ceiling, others are simply in pots and sit on the windowsill. A few are in pots on the floor. Rikuto has a desk in his room that is piled with organized papers and books. He also keeps his laptop there. Also on his desk, there is a picture of him and Haruto smiling together when they were younger. He doesn't have any posters in his room, but his room is always clean and smells nice thanks to all his plants. Did I mention the fact that he also has a collection of giant stuffed toys?


— Haruto
— Plants
— Sweets
— Fluffy blankets
— Snow
— Photography
— Music
— Origami
— Big stuffed animals
— Steamed buns (Get him some and watch him fall in love with you)
— Wolves
— Animals/Insects
— Rollercoasters
Skinship (He actually loves it)
— Yoga
— Himself
— Rude people
— Bullies
— Anyone who hurts Haruto even himself
— His quirk
— His quirk being called 'Flower Power'
— Being part of large groups
— The color red (brings back bad memories)
— Mint
— Ice cream that has topping mixed in it (he believes ice cream should be smooth and creamy)
— People who hurt others
— Persistent girls who he has already rejected
— Junk food
— Waking up early
— Sleeping/working out without a shirt on (the girls love it)
— Biting his lip when he's thinking
— Getting quiet when he's with a large group of people
— Awkwardly laughing when he doesn't know what to say
— Constantly checks his surroudings when he's with other people (he's low-key paranoid)
— Forgets to brush his hair in the morning
— Working out
— Climbing trees
— Farming
— Watching plants grow with his quirk
— Listening to others
— Hanging out with Bakugou
— Working out with Kirishima
— Taking photos
— Making origami
— Video chatting with Haruto
— Taking care of plants
— Cooking (he's actually a really good cook and is always willing to cook for anyone who asks)
F U N F A C T S 
— His favorite color is mint green
— Prefers talking to his friends in one-on-one conversations
— Isn't allergic to anything
— Is a health nut
— Prefers to use hand-to-hand combat with his quirk as support
— Haruto looks exactly like Rikuto when he was his age except with big eyes
— The 'RiRi Duo' is actually the 'RiRi Trio' but Rikuto is too quiet and isn't noticed by others
— Is actually great at singing and often sings with Chidori for fun
— Enjoys taking pictures of his friends with his polaroid camera
— Haruto came up with Rikuto's hero name
— Is high-key embarrassed by how happy and cheerful his family is (he feels like a dark cloud while they are all suns)
— Likes to write letters and send them to Haruto
— Is actually a gentleman despite how he looks
— Gives girls flowers if Bakugou unintentionally offends them
— Is fluent in the language of flowers (thanks to his mom)
— Is good at playing volleyball and actually plays with Chidori's brother when he visits
— Often gets nightmares of the incident 
— Doesn't mind bugs/insects and actually uses them to scare Akito
  never forget。
Father / Hinata, Taiki / 42 / loving, kind, cheerful, energetic, protective
His name means 'big, great tree; full of brightness', Taiki is the kind of dad who gets embarrassingly loud when he's cheering his kids on. He, like the rest of the family, is very cheerful and kind-hearted. He really loves his family and will protect them with his life. He found it really difficult to let Rikuto go to UA, but let him go after his wife suggested that Rikuto might need a break from being constantly reminded of the incident. Taiki never blamed Rikuto for what happened to Haruto. If anything he was ashamed of himself for leaving Rikuto with the responsiblity of protecting Haruto all by himself. Rikuto really appreciates his dad letting him go since he knew it would be difficult for him. (His quirk is wood manipulation.)
Mother / Hinata, Haruhi / 42 / loving, understanding, fussy, observant, gentle
Her name means 'spring day; blooming and flowering', Haruhi is the kind of mother who fusses about every little thing, but she is more observant and understanding than her husband. She, like Taiki, always felt guilty about leaving Rikuto alone during the incident. She always knew the Rikuto was suffering every time he saw Haruto's wound, so she was quite relieved when he said wanted to attend UA. She saw it as an opportunity for Rikuto heal and persuaded her husband to agree. Rikuto always knew that his mom knew more than she let on and appreciates her kind gesture of convincing his dad to let him go. Fun Fact — Haruhi was the one who made sure that her sons were always kind to girls and taught them that flowers are always a safe way to go when apologizing. (Her quirk is flower manipulation.)
Younger Brother / Hinata, Haruto / 10 / energetic, cheerful, optimistic, innocent, considerate
His name means 'spring; sunny; clear up radiance; sunshine; sunlight', Haruto, true to his name, is a ball of sunshine which is also why Rikuto finds it so unbearableto be with him after hurting him. He never once blamed or hated Rikuto for his injury. If anything, he takes his injury in stride saying that it's proof that villians better watch out for his older brother with an innocent smile on his face. He idolizes Rikuto and loves him a lot. He hates the fact that Rikuto hates himself because of his injury. However, Haruto is the only one Rikuto gets close to. Both of them a brother complex. Haruto loves Rikuto more than anyone and gets protective of him when Rikuto is surrounded by girls. He often says, "Riku-nii is mine! Back off!" The two borthers are very close with each other and would drop everything if they heard that the other was hurt. Rikuto would do anything to protect Haruto and keep him safe. (His quirk is leaf manipulation.)

Best Friend / Bakugou, Katsuki / 16 / loud, proud, confident, straightforward, misunderstood
Bakugou and Rikuto are best friends. Where you can find one, you find the other right by their side. For them, the other's existence is as natural as air. Personality-wise, they are complete opposites, but it's also why they fit so perfectly together. Bakugou calls Rikuto 'Dirtbag', and Rikuto calls Bakugou 'Hot Head'. Bakugou is the more talkative and loud one in the friendship, while Rikuto quietly stand by his side and listens to everything he says. Rikuto feels as though Bakugou is simply misunderstood and at the same time, Rikuto really respects him for being so straightforward and honest with himself. He's jealous of Bakugou's confidence and pride in his quirk. Bakugou respects Rikuto for always working hard at practicing his quirk and always listening to him without bias or being offended.  Bakugou says the things Rikuto wishes he could say, while Rikuto clears up misunderstanding people about Bakugou's words. They even each other out and bring each other back when they go too far. Rikukto is the only person Bakugou has patience for and vice versa. The two together have an untouchable aura where no one can interrupt their time together.
Best Friend / Kirishima, Eijirou / 15 / loud, energetic, manly, outgoing
Kirishima and Rikuto are actually workout buddies. Rikuto can often be found in Kirishima's dorm working out with said owner. The two enjoy having someone else to workout with, and Rikuto really enjoys Kirishima's energy. Kirishima is one of the few people who approach Rikuto and Bakugou without hesitation and with an actual smile on his face. He makes Rikuto feel at ease.
Best Friend / Kujikawa, Chidori / 15 / timid, caring, polite, judgemental
To be honest, Chidori was afraid of Rikuto at first, especially since he hanged out with Bakugou. However, she quickly realized that his personality is almost the complete opposite of how he appears after continuously meeting him since Rikuto and Kirishima are workout buddies. Thankfully, Rikuto is quite observant and noticed how uncomfortable Chidori is with Bakugou so he does his best to make sure the two don't meet as often or for very long. Once Chidori got used to Rikuto's appearance and his working out without a shirt (that really startled her), the two actually got along great. She helps Rikuto calm down when he gets nightmares. She is one of the few people who Rikuto has told about the incident (the others being Bakugou who said " that" and Kirishima who said "Relax, your little brother is all good now isn't he?") Chidori helps him with coming to terms with himself. She also teases him about Akito and tries to help him get together with him.
Close Friend / Yamasato, Kannon / 15 / clumsy, courteous, fragile, trustworthy
Rikuto and Kannon are an unlikely duo, and similar to Chidori, she actually disliked Rikuto thinking that he was a bully since he was best friends with Bakugou. However, Rikuto approached her after hearing the rumors about her little accident with her sister. When he heard about her story, Rikuto thought he had found someone who can really relate to him. Rikuto opened up to her, and when he explained what happened to his brother, Kannon was really surprised. The two related on a level not most could. Rikuto became someone Kannon could go to to talk about her troubles and her sister without hesitation. He also helps her record her 'journal entries'. 
Close Friend / Minatozaki, Hori / 15 / extroverted, passionate, tempermental, protective
As Bakugou's best friend and someone who is by his side practically 24/7, Rikuto has often run into Hori. She often drags Rikuto, much to his dismay, away to get some information about Bakugou. She tends to look for him if she's feeling down, as most of Rikuto's friends do. They often climb trees together and talk while being up in the trees. Hori finds it easy to confide in someone who she knows also has the same insecurities, though she would never admit it. Rikuto finds Hori to be a female version of Bakugou, so the two actually get along really well. He actually really supports her and Bakugou's love and often encourages Bakugou to be more honest around her. Hori also forces politely asks him to play Cupid for her and Bakugou.
Close Friend? Partner in Crime? / Akane, Ayumu / 16 / mature, strong-minded, cunning
It is always difficult to deal with Ayumu. The two often meet each other due to Bakugou. Rikuto has conversed with Ayumu several times and he understand that whatever is going on between Bakugou and Ayumu is complicated. Rikuto often talks to Bakugou about it, but Ayumu is the one thing they can never have a normal conversation about. Ayumu treats Rikuto a little different as compared to their other classmates and Bakugou mainly because he is such good friend with Bakugou. The two often run into each other and talk about darker things in life. Rikuto relates to Ayumu about Ayumi since he has Haruto. Rikuto knows how much he treasures his younger sister since he is the same with Haruto. The two both have sibling complexes and bond strongly over that. The two stand by each other and will not hesitate to support the other if either of their siblings is insulted. Fun fact, if either of their siblings are insulted, you can bet both will go ape- and beat the living hell out of the instigators (Please read Moozie and hangyeom's conversation in the comment section of this blog for an example). The two both have sibling complexes and bond strongly over that. It is difficult to know if Rikuto can be considered a friend to Ayumu since Ayumu shuts out everyone except Bakugou.
Childhood Friend / Tsukishima, Akito / 15 / playful, flirty, confident, kind, cunning
Rikuto and Akito, or Riku and Aki as they call each other, have known each other for as long as they could remember. The two grew up in the same place, and their parents are all high school friends. Akito knows more about Rikuto than even Haruto and Bakugou and is pretty sure that he cares about Rikuto more than them, too. Rikuto always looked up to Akito as kids for his confidence and cool quirk. The two used to always hang out with each other with Haruto following along behind them. However, after the incident, Akito noticed that Rikuto changed. Rikuto stopped hanging out with him in favor of practicing his quirk any chance he could. He knew how much hurting Haruto was killing him inside and tried to help him, but Rikuto shut everyone out. The two lost contact, but their parents kept in touch and thanks to that, Rikuto heard about Akito applying for UA. Rikuto always felt bad for blowing Akito off and always wanted to fix their friendship. Nowadays, Akito drops by Rikuto's class and always shows skinship with said person. However, Rikuto doesn't mind Akito getting clingy with him and actually enjoys it which Akito obviously knows.

Classmate / Yoshida, Hisashi / 16 / cheerful, friendly, funny
Rikuto and Hisashi don't necessarily hate or dislike each other. It is simply the fact that they are uncomforatable with each other. You have to understand that class clowns who are constantly surrounded by people and awkward introverts don't usually mix well. Rikuto is often seen as a serious person with no sense of humor both of which are things Hisashi dislikes. However, for Rikuto, his personality reminds him of a mix between his dad and Haruto and just a reminder that Rikuto came to UA to escape being reminded of his brother. Rikuto does find Hisashi hilarious, though and wishes he could hang out with him a little more. Hisashi doesn't really mind Rikuto, but he is extremely jealous of the fact that Rikuto is really good at cooking.
  tsukishima Akito。
   Bakugou Katsuki, another male applicant
— Wolverine / He bears an uncanny resemblance to the American movie hero, Wolverine, with his similar quirk, also his hero name
— Wolf Prince / There are a lot of princes in UA, and the girls gave Akito, because of his quirk, this nickname
— ing Furry / Akito often visits Rikuto even though they are in different classes since they are childhood friends. However, this gets on Bakugou's nerves so he calls Akito a furry, which Akito absolutely hates
— Aki / A shorter version of his name used mainly by Rikuto, hates it when others call him this
— Acchan / A childish version of his name used by his siblings (though he hates it) and Riku (when Riku says it, he gets so soft)

[ + ] charismatic, confident, kind, mature, sociable
[ = ] breezy, deceptive, proud, reserved, crafty
[ — ] superficial, mischievous, manipulative, scheming, cunning

[ + ] "The puppy who is loved by everyone . . ." Akito is the kind of person who the girls love and dream of, but also the guy who other males wish they were. The girls fawn over him, and the guys respect him. He is the kind of person who people look at as he walks by. His mere presence demands attention, and his words require respect. When people think of a leader, he is the first person who comes to mind. The teachers love him since he is much more mature compared to his classmates. They often ask him to give announcements to the class since everyone in the class listens to him. He knows them all by name, even those who are quiet wallflowers and are often forgotten. He's really a social butterfly. His classmates are various different kinds of people, but he has no problem getting along with each and every one of them. 

[ = ] " . . . is still a wild animal, but everyone misses the fact . . . " Akito is a very laid-back kind of guy, which makes him quite relatable to his classmates. It makes him chill, when in reality, Akito is just reserved. He takes his time with everything knowing that he has everything under control. He is a proud person and rushing things bruises his pride. He takes things nice and slow because of his pride in his charisma and intelligence.

[ — ] " . . . that he's actually a wolf in sheep's clothing." Akito is no saint. Ha ha, he's further from being a saint than even Bakugou for crying out loud. Akito is really just a wolf in sheep's clothing with his mischievous personality. He puts on the façade of being everyone's ideal while he quietly manipulates everyone and his class for his own amusement. He's quite the fake in all honesty, but he is just that smart. He knows how people react and uses that to his advantage. He knows what makes people tick and finds their reactions quite amusing.  

— Skinship with Rikuto
— Peaches
— Climbing trees
— His quirk
— Rikuto
— Running
— Sweets
— When Rikuto brushes his tail or wolf ears
— Spicy food
— When others try to manipulate him
— When people try to touch his tail and wolf ears
— Screaming girls
— People who try to act like they're close to him
— Bugs/Insects
— Chocolate
— Annoying Bakugou
— Skinship with Rikuto
— Manipulating people
— Rejecting girls' confessions to him
— Hanging out with Rikuto in Rikuto's class
— Asking Rikuto to cook for him
— Baking for Rikuto
— His wolf ears popping out when he gets flustered
— Getting jealous of people Rikuto hangs out with
— Growls when he gets angry or possessive
— Has the same birthday as Rikuto
— Is extremely jealous of Bakugou
— Has absolutely no tolerance for spice
— Has two older sisters (Akane 19 y/o. & Ayaka 18 y/o.)
— Has a younger twin sister (Akira 15 y/o.)
— Has younger triplet brothers (Kenji [oldest], Kentaro, Kenzou [youngest] 8 y/o.)
— Can't stand bugs
— Thinks he looks getter than Bakugou
— Is the class president of class 1-B
— Joins Rikuto's afterschool work outs to keep in shape
— Has a toned body that's a more muscular than Rikuto's
— Wolf Mimicry | Naturally, Akito has a furry tail and fluffy wolf ears on top of his head (like in his picture). However, he is able to control and hide his ears and tail. All five of his senses are greatly enhanced and his ability to jump and run become like that of a wolf. His fingers become sharp and claw-like and he is able to see in the dark. 

"Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack." 
  soul(mate) searching。
FIRST MEETING  Rikuto and Akito have known each other for as long as they can remember. Their parents are all high school friends, and the four were really close. Their parents bought houses close to each other, and their mom's actually gave birth on the same day, different times. Rikuto was born in the morning, while Akito was born in the evening. Their moms were also placed in the same room, too. 
     However, the first memory they have of each other is one of love at first sight. Rikuto remembers Akito in his wolf form looking so cool and like a hero. His eyes were sharp, and his speed was awe-inspiring. While Akito remembers Rikuto being surrounded by flowers in the front yard where there was only dirt. To Akito, Rikuto looked like an angel with the soft look in his eyes as he looked at the flowers with a gentle smile on his face.

RELATIONSHIP  Akito never fails to drop by Rikuto's classroom every single day. It's actually gotten to the point where when Akito comes, whoever answers the door will say, "Rikuto-san, your husband is here!" Rikuto never minds and actually looks forwards to Akito's frequent visits. (Rikuto apologized about shutting him out of his life when they were younger as soon as he saw Akito again, so the two are completely comfortable with each other again.) Whenever Akito drops by, the two either stay in the classroom or they go somewhere quiet just to hang out and talk about the little things in life. Akito knows about Rikuto's personality and insecurity best, so he does a great job helping Rikuto stay sane. On the other hand, Rikuto knows about Akito's two-faced personality best, often saying, "I really hate that part of you." while Akito shrugs it off. The two are always real with each other and can never lie since the other can easily tell when one of them lies. Everyone in class 1-A is used to Akito's flirty ways with Rikuto and recognize the fact the Rikuto only smiles so easily when he's with Akito. If that's not a dead giveaway, flowers will never fail to instantly spring up around Rikuto whenever Akito stops by. This often leads to heavy teasing from Bakugou and Chidori who know about Rikuto's crush on Akito. For class 1-B, everyone is used to Akito being kind to everyone, but he doesn't let anyone get close to him. He only does skinship with Rikuto. Everyone recognizes them as a couple, but the two have never actually confessed to each other yet even though they clearly like each other.

CONCLUSION  Somewhere in the middle of the story, Rikuto was out with his friends, but some villians came out of nowhere and started to attack the people around them. Being the heroes-in-training, Rikuto and his friends obviously did their best to protect their citizens. However, the villians were too strong, and Rikuto's friends ended up being knocked unconscious. Chidori was nearby, so she came running. When she saw the scene, she instantly began to worry about Rikuto having a panic attack, so she quickly tried to make her way to Rikuto's side. However, when Rikuto saw her, he began to panic because all that was going through his mind was to protect her and keep her safe for Todoroki. The villians followed Rikuto's line of sight and when they saw Chidori, they instantly turned their attacks towards her and held her at gunpoint. Chidori could've used her quirk, but she was too concerned about Rikuto to think about it because Rikuto looked terrifyingly pale. It looked like he was about to stop breathing at any moment. She tried to yell things to help him, but it was like he couldn't hear her. The villians demanded that Rikuto join them and in return, they'll let Chidori go safely. With a shaky nod, Rikuto agreed and left with the villians. The villians saw Rikuto as an easy with his strong insecurities but precise control over his quirk. The villians wanted to use his insecurity as a way to control him, and it worked. They brainwashed him in a way that used his insecuritiy as a way to control him.
     Chidori ran back to the school and explained what had happened. She also felt the need to explain everything to Akito, who couldn't believe what he had just heard. After hearing the news, Akito changed. He trained like Rikuto. From the way he woke up early in the morning to the way he practiced his quirk every moment he could. He was so upset with himself the entire time since he knew about Rikuto's insecurities and how much they controlled him. He regretted him being there for him, not clearing up his insecurities, and not realizing how easy of a target he had made himself with his insecurities. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense because in all honesty, if anyone had to choose who was the best with their quirk, everyone would think of Rikuto. Rikuto had such amazing control over his quirk, but his insecurities held him back. Akito hated himself for not realizing this fact sooner becuase now Rikuto was gone.
     Rikuto's first outing as a villian was during an attack on UA. He was like a puppet while the villians were the puppeteers He did whatever they asked of him. However, during the attack, one of the students to confront him was Akito and Akito was furious. Not with Rikuto but himself. Akito hated the fact that he hadn't been able to help completely heal Rikuto. Akito yelled all these things, and it made Rikuto falter. Akito used the opportunity to attack Rikuto so that he would properly listen, but Rikuto attacked back, injurying Akito in the process. However, that didn't stop Akito. Akito yelled about how much he loved him and how much he wished he would accept himself while being attacked by Rikuto's plants. He yelled about all his frustrations during the time Rikuto was gone. By the end of him yelling, the plants had stopped attacking, and all you could hear was Rikuto crying about how sorry he was for hurting everyone. Akito brought Rikuto back to his room where they ended up really talking it out. Needless to say, there were a lot of tears and a lot of regrets said during that time. However, the two officially became a couple after the attack with both of them changing for the better. Everyone in their classes were really concerned about Rikuto and did their best to help them recover.
  last call。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS Uh, sorry for making you read so much text. I kind of wanted to make a character who was really just misunderstood for a lot of things. Like he looks cold, but is actually a gentleman. I ended up changing Rikuto a lot so if you get confused, don't hesitate to tell me! *insert awkward laughs* If you don't/can't use the ending for Rikuto and Akito's relationship, I completely understand. I just wanted Rikuto's insecurities win over him which causes him to be usedby the villians of the story as a villian before Akito brings him back. I kind of got carried away with the likes, dislikes, etc, but hopefully you get some sort of idea from them! If I need to fix something, I will asap! <3

— Rikuto succumbing to his insecurities
— Akito bring him back from the dark side
— Akito backhugging Rikuto and growling to #markhisterritory
— Haruto visiting and Rikuto acting like an older brother
— Rikuto cooking for everyone as a thanks for helping him and everyone being surprised about it
— Rikuto playing matchmaker
— Rikuto working out with Midoriya
— Rikuto taking pictures of everyone with his polaroid camera while they're out
PASSWORD  *Me during Finals Week knowing I failed all my tests*
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i SAW MY BOY AYUMU IN HERE AND I JUST- CRY (also same nezu gifs!!).
Oooooh I this boiiii! I see mah little nervous wreck of there! Kannon and Riku would really get along and after reading his background, they actually can relate on a level not most can!
Woah! You included everyone so far in the Relationship section. That's really cool! I see mah boi Hisashi being jealous of how Riku can cook hahahahahahah