Hello all,

Would anyone pay karma points for pre-designed posters of which you can still add on your own story title and request minor adjustments? I was just wondering if anyone was interested. I know some people have a hard time getting started with stores and I thought possibly these pre-designed posters could inspire anyone? If you all want I could make like 3 different examples first, maybe?

Please let me know your thoughts down below!


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Thank you all for replying!!!
I don't charge karma, but I find that people end up taking pre-designed posters. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time though! I think it's easier to get posters taken if it involves a popular pairing. Starting a store takes a bit of time, especially because people usually ask for some sort of example of what you can do. I think doing pre-designed posters is really helpful to start getting noticed for you designs, but I don't know if people would pay karma for them (mainly because I don't know anything about karma-related requests and what people are willing to pay for).
tbh it's hard with getting people to use posters that are pre-made?
I used to run a gallery where it was under a claim/adoption policy where I made a bunch of posters and gave them random titles, and people could "claim" them by asking me to get it and I would edit it to their wish, but only like... four people claimed during the few months that it was open and 3/4 gave the poster back to me after I edited it because "they didn't have use for it anymore", which was VERY annoying. Reasons why I shut down the gallery and transformed it to a portfolio.

but if you want to do it, go ahead! It'll be kinda fun in the beginning, but for me, it just got super irritating when people handed the posters back. :/