When people beg you to update and when you finally do: No comments

And I am like...

Ok... thanks for your sincerity?
Will definitely write some more *cough* ...


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The pain is real. (T.T) Like, when you update because they ‘really want to read the next chapter’, but they don’t even give you much thought on what you’ve written after that. :( Writing very short comments is one thing, but not replying when prompted is on a whole new level. Personally, I prefer long comments, but short comments are good too because they’re comments too, although it’s hard to understand them because sometimes they speak in such c o d e s-
Girl you ain't never lied!. I hate that so much & I wish the readers wouldn't do that. You try to balance AFF with your personal life which can be hard to do. So when you finally get that chapter done you expect to get at least a couple of comments but when you check there's nothing there. So you feel like 'What was the point of me rushing to do this?' which leaves you feeling disappointed & annoyed. Ugh, The struggle is real. >:-(
Sooo freaking relatable lol and it's either that or "Update soon!"
Yeah...I hate when people do that.

But yas, agree. What's equally worse is when you get someone commenting one sentence about the story. Especially something like "man your story is confusing but I love it". And when you go to ask why and where it's confusing but they don't reply xD Like did you read the story or did you read the comments? xD
I feel guilty...?
Did I ask you to update??? I don't remember ;A;
I just been b u s y