이수현 IS A LOSER 🕹️(#9abaf9 & #ccc2fb)

basic info
full name. lee soohyun (이수현).
ID. ione (aka "i 1" or "i won"). 
age + date of birth. 21 + 010197.
birthplace. suwon, korea.
ethnicity. korean.
spoken languages. 
korean (fluent) native language; can double as a walking dictionary in it and will not hesitate to correct anyone and everyone; makes people wonder why she isn't linguistic major
english (semi-fluent) taking it as language ge and for future job prospects; best at understanding; has an accent when talking
japanese (basics) self-taught back when she had a manga phase back in middle school; only remembers how to read

faceclaim. kim jennie (blackpink).
back up faceclaim. lee hi (soloist).
standing at 152 cm (aka barely 5 ft) with a healthy weight of 52 kg, soohyun is the kind of girl that's easy to overlook - literally. with a single pair of ear piercings, a strong poker face, and the posture your mom told you to have (but you don't), meet the adult you long to be except, you know, on the shorter side. 
although she has no problem pulling off formal suits and the like when she has to, she prefers comfortable clothes when not on the job or when resting at home. she has a preference for large sweatshirts (stolen from a particular someone) and leggings. (she admittedly looks childish at these times but sh.)
university attending. seoul national university.
major + year of study. biochemical engineering + 4.
side jobs. library assistant at snu two - three times a week.

growing up, soohyun was a pretty normal girl who mostly stuck to herself. people knew of her for skipping a grade, but she was most well-known for having a "hot brother" who obviously adored his younger sister as she did for him. her parents amicably divorced when she was in middle school. 
positive traits. calm, patient, competent, brilliant, protective
neutral traits. honest, organized, curious, constant, sarcastic
negative traits. slothful, quiet, inexpressive, naive, passive
aka ravenclaw, intj: the architect, neutral good. 
inspirations shimizu kiyoko (haikyuu), kujou mikoto (last game), roromiya karuta (inu x boku ss). 

you look at soohyun, and you think the epitome of 'beauty, grace, and punch you in the face.' she is the stereotypically brilliant, beautiful, and greatly competent woman who doesn't need a man. you aren't sure if you can approach her, let alone impress her. this girl, everyone agrees, is going to high places.
you learn that soohyun is as human as you. she has her faults - her naivety the most surprising one. she speaks without thinking and with either complete honesty or sarcasm; it's hard to tell which hurts more. she allows the world to move her, mostly deadlines as you find that she procrastinates. hard.
you've watched soohyun grow. you know about the way she's meticulous but can't find anything if it's not in its place; about her curiosity but the trouble that comes with it; her difficulty to change but steadiness; her sarcasm and its hurt or hilarious aftereffects. she is, you think, always your younger sister. 
tl;dr / roommates
the enviable procrastinator who does better in school than anyone who doesn't study should be allowed to. alternatively, the friend who gives you the 'i told you so' look pretty often but had went along with the  whole thing because she's not-so-secretly fond of you though it might take time to realize.
likes rain, books, studio ghibli, constellations, league of legends
dislikes cursing, people who don't understand no, neon colors 
hobbies reading, stargazing, watching movies, playing games
habits tilts head when confused, bites lip when focused, tucks hair behind ear all the time, blinkds rapidly when embarrassed
miscellaneous ambidextrous, keeps a detailed bullet journal, allergic to coconut, has a preference for vanilla or lavendar 
lol-related actually . like legitimately. does everything that everyone tells her not to. no one can figure out if she's just that bad at video games (but she's usually ok at them at least) or if she's messing with them, but they find out, no. she just . she's adc / marksmen and mains kindred or xayah.
twitch channel...? her housemates joked that she should get a twitch channel titled "what not to do when playing league." no one is sure who but someone made it for her and sometimes she uploads her craziest mistakes. she's surprisingly popular because her hilariously sarcastic but deadpan comments.  
housemate-wise soohyun doesn't actively offer it but if someone comes to her with questions, she needs an hour with the class's textbook / notes / slides and can answer it all. (she's a genius even if she's a procrastinator.) despite her attitude with her housemates though, she loves them all fiercely. 
screen name
nickname. soul.
comments. let me just say that  it was hard coming up with an idea and then when i had an idea, i kept on having to modify it because people had similar characters. life is difficult. hopefully, you don't find her to be too overlapping and enjoy soohyun anyways. have fun writing the story and good luck!
scene requests. 
soohyun's sarcasm.
soohyun at league.
soohyun's jealousy and denial of it.
soohyun stealing daehyun's sweatshirts.
daehyun being very obvious and soohyun missing it entirely.
interview, as done by kyungri
"what do you think you can bring to the team? aside from your share of the internet bill. what role do you play - in the game, or outside the game if you want to get artsy, fluff it like a resume, i'm trying to be serious here, imagine i'm tesla or something, who do you main?" 
she looks to kyungri, one eyebrow raised in a 'are you dumb?' way that only those used to parsing her sparse expressions can decipher. "i'm your marksmen," soohyun answers eventually, recognizing that kyungri isn't going away. "i also act as your guardians and ensure that the police don't cart your butts to jail every time we're on a losing streak." (which is, the household muses, a pretty decent deal considering how someone called the police because they thought they were being murdered with the blue streak they swore.) the girl adds, "in the game, i usually utilize xayah and kindred. outside of the game, i wield textbooks and help you all pass your classes; yes, kyungri, even advanced ones that i don't take." 

"why did you pick your major? please refrain from using this time to call me a ." 

soohyun, in deadpan, questions, "call the idiot an idiot? now who would do that? i picked my major because it was easy." (in the background, there's a choked "easy?! do you know-")

"what was the last thing that you lost? get all metaphysical or something, i eat that up." 

"literally, someone borrowed my handkerchief and hasn't returned it," she answers, shrugging. (said handkerchief, they all know, is on the cabinet, two feet away from where it's supposed to be.) "metaphysically?" she sighs. "apparently my common sense if i'm living with you all and not regretting it."

"what do you think our biggest obstacle is in our plan? i mean, apart from us being awful, how do you think we can improve?" 

"besides quitting this plan now or replacing our entire team?" soohyun questions, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "uncertain. i don't have experience in improving given my currently abysmal level. i only do semi-decently as is with daehyun's support. perhaps ask daehyun how he improved?" 

"how much class are you willing to blow off in order to make us millions?" 

"i already don't go to class except for test and quiz days," soohyun reminds. "the better question would be if you should. my grades don't suffer from missing class. how are yours?"

"finally - what would you answer to claims that you were the one that drank my beer and ate my leftovers last saturday? this is crucial." 

soohyun sighs for the umpteenth time. she holds up a finger. "one. i hate beer; vodka girl, remember?" another finger. "two. it's been a week." another. "three. you ate them the night after while you were drunk again. now let me read in peace." 

lover's lane

name. jung daehyun (bap).
back-up. author's choice. 
age. 20.

occupation. seoul national university (architectural engineering + 2)

personality. a quiet person who tends towards showing rather than saying. has a hard time expressing himself and is sometimes likened to a robot. the flower boy of their group. cute until he opens his mouth and (metaphorical) knives fly out. rarely has a kind word but has many for his love interest. 
+ reliable, independent, kind, adaptable, loyal
= quiet, observant, competitive, private, pure
- awkward, stoic, clumsy, petty, negative


starting relationship. 
the two join the club at around the same time. they aren't particularly close or anything initially, but they discover they share one of their major engineering classes together and pair up. studying together and spending a lot of time with one another, especially with the club, they fall together naturally. 
they aren't overtly romantic but just tend to be together, often seen together more than not. despite living in another place, it isn't a surprise to soohyun or her housemates when daehyun spends nights over in their home. (eventually but early in the year, he moves in with his roommate because cheaper rent.) 
daehyun is pretty obvious about his feelings to soohyun who remains oblivious to it all - including her own feelings. her housemates laugh because she is a genius who is essentially doing a biology, chemistry, and engineering major combined into one but doesn't even realize she likes this boy. sheesh. 
soohyun makes a lot of excuses about her actions as "best opposite-gender friends" and doesn't seem to understand no matter what. daehyun, on the other hand, essentially stakes his claim against other males and fends off confessions with the honest "i have someone i like" lines. it's very entertaining. 
they cuddle "platonically" while watching movies. 
soohyun secretly enjoys daehyun calling her "noona." 
daehyun has fought off girls with crushes on soohyun before.
the sweatshirt stealing began when one of his sweatshirts ended up in her laundry by accident; he never got it back. 
daehyun hates getting up in the mornings and often has a "face of death" (in which whoever runs into him will die) but soohyun always has a cup of coffee waiting for him now.
for a good month, their housemates thought their "study sessions" (when soohyun went to daehyun's place) were when they were getting together; they were just studying. literally. 
someone (coughkyungri) got them drunk eventually. soohyun, as it turned out, just got super sleepy and force-cuddled / latched onto the people closest to her. daehyun didn't seem to get drunk but couldn't remember anything at all the next day. 
soohyun thinks daehyun is touchy-feely because he is with her - he even gives her forehad kisses - but she seems to not realize that he is that way only with her. he lets people eyeing soohyun see his affection with a dangerous warning glare.
whenever he's stressed and they hug, daehyun has this thing where he puts his cheek on her hair, breathes deeply, and relaxes. it's adorable to see daehyun so comfortable with her and a girl-crush moment to see her hold him up so reliably. 
their housemates like to tease them, but mostly daehyun because soohyun is too oblivious. one way that the girls like to is pointing out new things about soohyun and watching him blush about it later. (Ex: soohyun got a new perfume - the girls tell him - later, she gives him a hug and bam, red face because ohmygoshshesmellslikevanillanow.)
progression. author's choice

relationships (hover)
lee jonghyun (cnblue)yoo youngjae (bap)kim sohee (elris)xayah rakan
...i'm judging you so hard right now.
kim jennie


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