? [°▥° ԅ ] ☇ 쿠결국

NAME koo gyeolguk, 쿠결국
CUCKOO this nickname serves as the reason why students in general avoid gyeolguk like the plague. maybe it's her oddities, or her peculiar way of dressing. maybe its her nonsensical way of dealing with life. either way, it's a label that is invisibly etched in gyeolguk's back. might as well be seen as a pun of her surname. another variation : kooky.
WILDERNESS EXPLORER probably one of the more humorous nickname than the rest, since it's a reference to the movie "up". created by the iota members. gyeolguk is like russell in a way, since she likes to roam around and be one with the nature. to amplify the dry humour, the iota club members like to act out russell's infamous meme line ("the wilderness must be explored! caw caw, rawr!).
ლ ROOFTOP DWELLER legend has it that there is an unidentified being in seonhwa high school's rooftop. if you're lucky, you might see a glimpse of this being at break time. it wasn't until a while later that the unidentified being turned out to be gyeolguk. the rooftop is one of the places she goes to spend her time. afterwards students avoid the rooftop in  general and kinda gave gyeolguk the ownership of the rooftop.
ლ MISCELLANEOUS bubble-head, oddball, fool, top-tier weirdo, mother nature's messenger (she always preaches about nature), cave woman (gyeolguk and technologies don't mix well), gyeol, gyeolie, gukkie etc.
BIRTHDATE july 13th, 17
BIRTHPLACE andong, sk
UALITY demiromantic, aual
PRONOUNS she, her
FACE CLAIM min karin, elris
BACKUP kim sohye, ex-ioi
when you first lay your eyes on gyeolguk, you'll notice that there's a faraway look on her wide eyes, as if she's stuck in a trance. her lips are thick and soft, most of the time slightly open. her black hair cascades past her shoulders, ending around her mid back. she is of average height and looks like every other school girl, minus make up and all the style trends, which gyeolguk never follows. she gives off a youthful vibe but with her blank expression, it makes her look like a child in a constant daydream.
at school, there's never a day that goes by without gyeolguk wearing her beloved headband. if she's not in a headband, she has her hair up in  a tidy bun with a chopstick or whatever she deems good enough to hold her bun in place. she rarely lets her hair loose. gyeolguk has poor  eyesight, leading her to occasionally wear round granny-like spectacles. there's always at least one bizarre accessory accompanying her daily school attire, which are mostly diy(s).
gyeolguk follows the school rules accordingly, making no alterations to the school's skirt length or blouse size. however, her school blazer has a few buttons missing which she replaced with buttons of various shapes and sizes, making her blazer look like something out of a thrift shop. you'll find gyeolguk wearing this blazer at all times during school, except when she's doing some after school shenanigans, where she ties her blazer around her waist or shoulders. she always wears a t-shirt under her school blouse, like the male students. to top it off, she wears black leggings under her school skirt.
outside of school, gyeolguk dresses in a comfortable manner. it's evident that she doesn't catch up with the latest trends, since most of her clothes are slightly outdated. she has no sense of style and doesn't really pay attention to colours. she's mostly seen wearing layers of clothes making her look like a warm burrito. the first layer is usually a t-shirt, second layer is a hoodie and the third layer is a jacket. she'll put on a fourth layer, which is a coat, on colder days.
gyeolguk is not too fond of long coats because she trips easily. she leans more to the boyish side. she likes to layer a t-shirt on top of a turtleneck or anything long sleeved. her fave jacket is her grandfather's mustang coat, which she grabs whenever she doesn't know what to wear. other attires she wears are jeans a size too big, turtlenecks, flannels, raglan shirts, polos, denim overalls, cotton blouses, knitted sweaters, hoodies, parkas, and fleece jackets. for shoes she's normally in her worn out converse, her grandmother's mary jane or some boots. a knitted satchel serves as the topping and for the cherry on top, a beret or a beanie takes its place on top of her head.
she's mostly seen in a simple coat, waist shirt dress or layered t-shirt, jeans, and a triangle scarf around her neck.
tl:dr ; her clothes are either hand-me-downs from her grandmother or from the kids section in a mall. gyeolguk's notable clothes that can make you recognize her from a distance : triangle scarf, her grandfather's mustang coat, knitted satchel, awkward baggy jeans, her grandmother's mary jane.
STATURE 164 cm & 51 kg
about us
how do u feel about a robot apocalypse & if we were all defending a shelter, what would your role be?
"oh? hm, i am not sure. it's quite alarming even thinking about it, but mother nature is way scarier. the world is going to end anyways, so if it's in the hands of a robot then so be it. and my role? i would be ecstatic to help defend the shelter or come up with a, what do you call it, tic tac? sorry, i mean tactic. my grandmother says i am good with herbs, so i would try my best to be a nurse and i am alright with being a cook too"
what's in your backpack right now & how much money do you have in your wallet?
"well, let's see. i don't have a wallet so i don't have any money. there are other things inside though! there is a sunscreen, three pebbles, my school textbooks, some notebooks, a bottle of mineral water - can't go a day without hydration, right?, pencils and papers - i made it from recycling!, a handkerchief - it's better than tissues, and - what is this? ...oh its last week's herbal cookie, an essential for headaches - it's my grandmother's, a piece of paper that says get lost idiot, i think, the spelling is unreadable. oh, i didn't throw it because that would be wasting paper. and...that is all, i guess - oh look, a dead flower!"
rate your experience with technology on a scale from 1-10
"i am not on good terms with technology, i guess...i'm still trying to learn it. i would say a 3 right now. but there is still some hope i can improve, right?"
what do you want to be when you grow up?
"honestly, that is a question i ask the universe everyday! hm, i want to be a lot of things when i grow up. i want to be an avid explorer and scientist. but i am okay with just being me when i grow up"
how do you feel about more people joining the iota club?
"i don't mind really. whatever you feel is best for iota yulyeong, then i am okay with it"
what is your favorite video game?
"hm? i don't have a favourite...but i think it's zuma. it's such a fascinating game. i like the bright colours and mazes. i find it hilarious that a frog can shoot a ball and lazer out of its mouth"
if you were a plant, what kind of plant would you be?
"oh, hm i will be a rafflesia arnoldii, or corpse lily. i find the flower interesting. despite having a dreadful odor, it's able to attract creatures of all kind! and it's rare"
quickfire question time! if you fail to answer within whatever time limit i deem appropriate, i get to hit you on the head with a flip flop, understand the rules?
"oh, alright. but yulyeong, mother nature doesn't believe in violence though..."
hot showers or cold showers?
"hm, cold showers? it gives a refreshing feeling"
mario or sonic? (alternatively: apple or samsung?)
"sonic. he's the blue hedgehog right? i like the color blue and i love animals. and apple...as in the fruit? i'll choose samsung then"
air, water, earth, or fire bender?
"an earth bender. it's fun to be one with nature! i don't know why you're looking at me as if it's a typical answer, but oh well. also, i'd love to be a water bender too!"
xiaodan, sodam, or zelda?
"but yulyeong, aren't they all the same person? i don't - ah okay. hm, xiaodan, then. it's her birth name after all, right?"
3 things you would bring to a deserted island?
"plants, food and a kit that has everything in it like mary poppins' bag. since it's deserted there are no bad creatures there, i take it?"
thank you for unintentionally sharing your deepest, darkest secrets with me! im glad i know you better than i have before!
"oh, your welcome yulyeong. and might i say, you're being a bit funny today. i am curious as to why..."
about you
koo gyeolguk. when this particular name crossed your mind, you'd think of only one word : eccentric. the strange items she wears such as a her treasured bottle necklace or a paperclip bracelet is a telltale sign that she is not quite your average school girl. the girl is always drifting around somewhere, shown from her vague demeanor or how she always seems to be in her own world. to some, she’s a lone wolf that adventures around in school. she’s a nobody who turned into a somebody, a somebody that is not viewed in a positive light. the girl’s different way of life is looked down upon in general. people are scared of the unknown, and to them, gyeolguk is the unknown.
when really, there's more to gyeolguk than just her oddities. perhaps it’s her quirky charm that is insufferable at first, but will slowly grow on you. or the dreamy sparkle in her eyes as she found something that piqued her interest. you’ll see her randomly pass by you as she chases a butterfly down the hallway. she has a knack of disappearing and appearing at random times. thus, she's quite a mystery in a way, for no one really knows about her.
digging a little deeper, you’ll find that her finest quality would be her out-of-the-box approach to life. she has quite some bizarre, spur-of-the-moment scenes such as suddenly standing still and bask in the warm sunlight seeping through the windows, hands outstretched up in the air. aside from her random bursts, her curious nature is something that can’t be ignored. there is never a day that goes by without gyeolguk asking or wondering about at least one odd thing, like how does the sun and the moon communicate with each other (“how does the sun and the moon communicate exactly? do you think the sky act as their messenger?”). her anomalous mannerism can be a little extra and too much at times, but she’s endearing that way.
gyeolguk knows that she is seen as weird by most of the students, but she doesn’t mind, holding no grudges whatsoever. she’s different from the rest, a good kind of different. she’s in her own league. she’s weirdly wonderful in a way, a vibrant color amidst the other colours. she walks the world with no weight on her shoulders, facing the unknown with much bravery. she’s like a free spirit.
gyeolguk’s warm heart is a hidden side of hers that doesn’t get to show itself often, but for those who have witnessed, you’ll find yourself in awe and can’t help but look at her in a different way. she’s actually a human being that cherishes life and everyone else’s lives dearly. she has a heart of gold, so to say. she’s the type of person to jump over a lava just to save a baby pigeon. she’s loyal to those she treasures deeply. she’ll stand by your side and won’t turn her back on you.
she’s not the type to be easily triggered, looking calm and composed as if she’s unfazed by the things around her. her equanimous disposition at times of crisis turned others to believe that she is never serious, when she actually is. gyeolguk knows when to be serious, but even so people seem to think she treats life as a joke. it’s hard enough that people questions her sanity, and it’s even harder when people don’t take her seriously. she’s actually great in finding solutions, willing to help solve problems or overcome any hardships. her brain is not as empty as everyone thinks. she’s probably the last person you’ll go to for an opinion, but her unique point of view can be refreshing at times when you need a different approach to a problem.
she has an interesting outlook in life, viewing the world in her own ways. to many she's a complete oddball, but to gyeolguk, she's just herself. her mind works in a funny way, thus she is brilliant in riddles. you’ll probably won’t go to her for advices at first, but if you choose to vent out your thoughts to her, you’ll find yourself not regretting it. she’s not the type to judge, quite open and accepting of who you are. when you’re in need of someone to lessen the burden on your shoulders, remember that she can help shed light to your problem if you’ll let her.
some say that gyeolguk doesn’t really know how to connect with people, rendering her to spend most of her time by herself. she finds solitude to be quite comforting, but cherishes a friend's company as well. she doesn't have any protests in being by herself, for she likes to go on solo adventures. no one really knows anything deep about gyeolguk. maybe it’s because no one really tried to get to know her better. others seem to think that gyeolguk is devoid of any emotions. her face is usually in its signature blank yet dreamy look, plus no one has witnessed gyeolguk expressing her feelings. it's not that gyeolguk is incapable of being human, she just doesn't know how the system of feelings work. or how emotions takes place. the girl has a rather peculiar way with words, often confusing people to no end. some say she's a blank canvas, others say she's an abstract piece of art. to those who are not used to her antics, will feel puzzled at first.
she’s what one would say, uncomfortably honest. she’s not blunt, for her words are not the type to stab your heart. instead she’s more of speaking truths in an embarrassing manner. in a way she’s blunt but in a more softer version.
contrary to what everyone thinks, gyeolguk is not completely nuts. though her head is in the clouds, her feet are both planted firmly on the ground. she has a fine balance between spaciness and groundedness. she may be in her own dream land most of the time, but her mind still works.
she’s unusually witty. she points out or says things in a rather innocent way, but it can come off as weirdly clever. she’s unknowingly humorous. she can be funny and serious, yet be completely unaware of it. thus when everyone laughs at her, she’s probably the only one looking puzzled.
words that sums her up : a whimsical witty fool
 she's the type of person to be down for anything. ice cream at 3 am? why not. go camping at midnight? not the first time she'd done it
 she's like that silent, understanding friend once you get over her wacky qualities
 she's extra but doesn't know that she's extra. what she thinks is normal to the eyes, is probably regarded differently with everyone else
 she's quite likely to believe in six impossible things before breakfast
the type of person who will make you sit through a 20 slide presentation about the importance of friendship after hearing you insulting your friend
 she rarely gets angry, like her limit is a big frown on her face and a "i hope mother nature will not let your body rot peacefully to the ground.". but push her past her limits, and you'll get a steely-voiced gyeolguk that makes the temperatures drop
 doesn't really do well with jokes. always late to the punch line and would question a joke thoroughly until she understands why it's funny. plus, if you try and joke with her she'll probably question you back. exhibit a :
"hey gyeol, what did the cow say to the chicken?"
"i do not know. i did not think a cow would be able to speak chickenese...do they do now?"
exhibit b :
"if i was the only girl in the world, would you date me?"
"i couldn't, because i wouldn't exist if you're the only girl in the world, now would i?"
tl;dr she’s weird, loyal and kind, a little hard to get to know to because the girl is helpless when it comes to being a normal functioning human. a good balance of oblivious and observant, idealistic and realistic. unusually witty, funny and serious without her knowing that she’s like that. she’s odd in capital letters. she’s not afraid of being herself, of showing her true colours. she has no shame for being the way she is. off in her own world most of the time, yet she hasn’t completely lost her mind. you’ll probably laugh at her and think she’s bonkers when she runs straight into a trap, but you’ll be surprised that she comes out alive and unscathed (she’s the type of person in a video game that everyone thinks will die first but actually miraculously survived). her entire existence is probably the eighth wonder of the world.
ASSOCIATED WITH #forgiving #unflappable #nonjudgemental #placid #absurd #unwordly #thick-skinned #open-minded #inquisitive
gyeolguk had always loved nature and its blessings from a young age. she lived a bit far from the city, where you'll  be mostly greeted with natural sceneries and fresh air wherever you go. she lived with her grandparents and her beloved father. her mother passed away shortly after giving birth to her, leaving her to grow up with only one parental figure. her father struggled in balancing his work and being both a mother and a father to gyeolguk. he worked in goyang, leaving early and arriving at home late. her grandparents were both owners of a ramen restaurant and a shop that sells antique vintage things. gyeolguk didn't come from a well-off family, but she never felt starved nor felt like her family was lacking of something.
her childhood was probably one of her best cherished memories. she loved going on little adventures with her grandfather, who's an avid traveller. most of them are going on mountain hikes or go sightseeing. her grandfather sometimes took little gyeolguk around in his job as a tour guide. her grandparents helped gyeolguk's father in raising her up whenever he became too overloaded with work.
gyeolguk had been the way she is from the start. her fascination with the world and free spirit nature was something that  got her into trouble all the time when she was younger. she would come home after a long day of exploring a hidden area, a victorious grin on her grass-covered face. her grandmother often said that gyeolguk reminded her of gyeolguk's mother and grandfather. she didn't have a lot of experience in making friends, since not all kids thought that playing in the mud is as cool as playing with dolls or soccer. it was okay though, since gyeolguk liked doing little treks by herself.
her grandfather passed away a few years later. it was a miserable period for her, since she lost not only her hiking buddy, but also her guardian angel. but she moved on, knowing that her grandfather wouldn't like to see his little adventurer in a hollow mood everyday. gyeolguk moved to gayong with her grandmother and father when she was around ten years old. her father working hours increased and he didn't want to spend less time with his daughter, so he decided that they should move to gayong. plus, he wanted gyeolguk to have a better education and life.
things were okay for a while, until her father got a promotion and a chance to work abroad. he wanted to take gyeolguk and her grandmother with him and move out of korea for a fresh start, but knowing that his job is barely enough to sustain two more people to feed for a few months, he bid a temporary goodbye to his daughter and mother-in-law, packed his bags and moved overseas, promising to come back home as often as he can.
if gyeolguk is not hovering around in the iota club, watching the others do their own activities or randomly doing weird things, she's probably out in the wild, hunting for trolls herbs, throwing small pebbles to a river, soaking up some vitamin d while sprawled out on the grass, sitting in tree trunks and watch the sunset, etc. she'll be doing her usual daily adventures, with a few of the iota club members tagging along if they feel like it.
she's not part of any clubs in seonhwa high so she mostly spends time after school exploring around whenever she feels like she's not in the mood to go outside or if there are no club meetings. the place she would frequent the most is the rooftop, where she would sit down and bask in the aftermoon sun. sometimes some of the members would suddenly crash her sanctuary and force-drag her to go and play some games or learn coding in the club room, to which she doesn't mind.
other than the iota club and mini adventures, she helps her grandmother in her ramen shop whenever she has free time after school, despite knowing her grandmother detest a school girl working in a restaurant that already has workers. yet the old ladies, ancient grandpas and loyal customers loved having her around, finding her presence endearing.
at home she'll do her school work, study etc. sometimes she'll visit her grandmother's antique vintage shop and spend her time looking around while lost in thought. she does odd jobs during the weekends, which are basically helping her neighbours such as watering the flowers, lawn, helping old people cross the street or do their groceries etc. she gets extra pocket money and sometimes free food from doing these jobs.
 the iota members often mention how her hair smells like a mix of dried flowers and exotic herbs
 when she was younger she used to get sunburnt easily due to hanging out under the sun too much. this caused her to take a more extra care for her skin such as bringing sun screen everywhere and wearing clothes that doesn't expose a lot of skin
 one of her beloved 'bizarre' items that she wears daily is a bottle neckalce (the one that has a corkscrew as if its made for potions and such). she usually puts today's fortune cookie's message inside the bottle, grocery list or a daily reminder
 other bizarre items she wears are a stone pendant, a seashell bracelet, a bracelet made from paperclips etc
 she makes friends and animals better with old people than people her age. due to this she kind of picked up old people habits like enjoy playing board games, reading newspaper etc
 once, one of her classmates thought that she came from a family of shamans
 despite looking like she has nothing at all in that head of hers, she actually does well in school. her grades never dropped and were quite steady
 unlike usually whenever someone brings free food, the iota squad dreads whenever it's time for gyeolguk to bring snacks. she always brings weird things like herbal cookies and vegetable juice, which she claims are healthy for them
 she's been trying to cook ever since her grandmother noticed that she always brings home the same amount of herbal cookies she brought to school
 she tilts her head to the side when she's asking a question or wondering about things in her head. it's a funny habit of hers that lead the iota members to call her bobblehead
 the poor girl has no clue about the 21st century, slangs and technology. she doesn't understand slang, and often communicates in a formal manner (which is why elders love her so much because she's polite and she speaks in a language they understand)
 the first game she probably ever played was street fighter (courtesy of yulyeong). due to that, she found an interest in games that is quite violent. other games she'll gradually grew to like are tekken, grand theft auto, call of duty, street fighter, mafia games, racing games, first person guns and shooting games etc
 though she's slow to understand some things, she's a quick learner once she gets the hang of something
 she's great in life hacks. growing up, she learned how to save money and time by learning a few life hacks from her grandparents. one of them is using a rubber band wrapped around the top of a mineral water bottle to open it more easily
 during her time in iota, she learned how to play various games ranging from building things games to stimulator games. a brief history of games she played : the sims, rollercoaster tycoon, minecraft, halo, fortnite, overwatch, final fantasy, the legend of zelda, league of legends, dota, fifa, etc
 her og favourite games are still the traditional ones, with sudoku and chess being her number 1s. others are snakes and ladders, jenga etc. she doesn't mind playing games that are violent, but she likes games such as zuma, candy crush saga, insaniquarium, feeding frenzy, plants vs zombies, and diner dash better (games that are kid-friendly)
 she likes to doodle her jeans with a pen that doesn't wash off easily. her jeans doesn't last very long due to her adventurous trips either. which is why she usually where hand-me-downs from her grandmother that consists of jeans that are super strong (in her grandmother's words). due to that gyeolguk is rarely seen wearing skinny jeans
 other things she likes to randomly do are popping her cheeks with her finger (the one where your finger makes a pop sound against your cheek), standing / sitting still and stretching her hands out whenever there's sunlight, folding plastic waste and candy wrappers for recycling, etc
her role in the iota club would probably be the one who keeps the place clean and the one who collects and throws away the trash
in the beginning, when she first joined the iota club, the members still felt weird about having her presence in the club. they used a code name to refer to her, one of them is raven (since raven in greek mythology is synonymous to bad luck. to them, she's kinda like unlucky charms). later on the iota members upgraded the nickname with some sort of code words for fun ("the raven has arrived with weed!" " ...what" "it means she is here and her face is covered with grass, again!"). the nickname doesn't really exist anymore but it's not forgotten
 her favourite snack is watermelon. the way she eats it is by cutting it in half and proceeding to eat it the fruit with her spoon, as if the watermelon is like a bowl of cereal. she doesn't really like it if her fruits are cut up to certain sizes for her
 she can sleep anywhere as long as she brings something to lay her head on
 after school, she usually goes somewhere to doze off. she loves to sleep in the grass with the afternoon sun gloriously burning blessing her with its sunlight. if you can't find her in a field you'll probably see her sleeping against a tree trunk or up in a tree branch with her jacket securing her from falling
"-oh, look!" *points at a fly and other things passing by*
"hm?" x 10000
"my, oh my. you really should not be doing that"
"please, shut down." "...did you mean shut up?" "no, shut up means you stop talking. i want you to stop everything, like a computer shutting down."
"i hope mother nature will forgive your sin"
  (gyeolguk expressing distaste / insulting someone) "you are being a very unpleasant excrement right now."
"please don't say mother nature is calling everytime you feel the need to urinate. that sentence alone ruined my entire childhood"
"what do you have against mother nature to commit such a crime like this? the turtles will cry at the amount of plastic you throw today!"
"this...is a game? such a fascinating thing"
"i don't really understand why he's crying because of that game. yesterday, i asked him if there's anything else i need to bring to play that game. he says none. so why did he bring his feelings to that game?"
"well, i am baffled."
"ah, i wonder why..."
"not to worry, i am not going crazy. well, at least i think i am"
"the secret to living a long life is...always live in fear that mother nature will be out to get you one day"
"oh oh listen! that's the beautiful sound of a cow emptying its contents out through its anu-"
"i am truly sorry for the loss of your guinea pig, i truly am. but don't worry, the soil is taking a good care of your pet!"
"let's go hiking! and maybe have a...duel, is it? a duel!"
"do you like it? i made it myself!" *referring to a new bizarre item that she's wearing*
"ehe...do you want some? it's a herbal cookie. the grandmas that hang around in the ramen shop love it"
"do you perhaps want to get, um, what is the word? round creamy substance? oh wait, i got it! i mean ice cream. sorry, i rarely eat those i forgot what's it called"
"you shouldn't be feeling sad on a fine day like this. i understand that you take victory seriously, but you should accept defeat when it's time. so, why don't we go outside? i am sure a little sunshine will cheer you up!"
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yulyeong is the closest thing gyeolguk considers a true friend. she's the one who introduced her to the iota club and the wonderful world of gaming. every single thing she learned about games is from the one and only, yulyeong. it's quite weird to see the two of them actually getting along with each other, since they're both on separate ends in terms of personality. yulyeong is the first human to treat gyeolguk like an actual human, and also the only one who would eat her cursed herbal cookies. in the iota club yulyeong is the person gyeolguk is most closest to. whenever yulyeong is around gyeolguk is probably hovering somewhere around her. though gyeolguk is unsure what yulyeong thinks of her, and whether she sees her as a friend or not, she doesn't really mind.
they first met when gyeolguk scared the living daylights of yulyeong by appearing out of nowhere and telling her to stop moving because a butterfly was passing by. the second time they met was when gyeolguk's grandmother congratulated yulyeong for being a valedictorian (in middle school) while gyeolguk commented on her speech. turns out they go to the same high school, and after various random fated meetings with each other (some honorable incidents : gyeolguk told her to stop again, gyeolguk giving yulyeong back some of her papers that were blown by the wind along with a flower so her papers would smell nice, and that time where gyeolguk casually rised from the grass after a nice nap and causing yulyeong to faint because in her peripheral vision gyeolguk looked like a troll with all the grass sticking to her head) yulyeong decided to invite her to join the iota club.
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└───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────────┘
probably the second person gyeolguk is closest to in the club. the two don't talk much, mainly because of the language barrier, but they have a sort of comfortable silence around them whenever they sit next to each other. gyeolguk often invites xiaodan to go explore the school together or sit in the rooftop and just spend time beside each other not speaking or doing anything. xiaodan was kind of wary of gyeolguk at first, but the two eventually got closer at times passed by.
gyeolguk's beloved grandmother. she raised gyeolguk up for most part of her life. her grandmother was the one who hyped her up and loves her just the way she is. gyeolguk can be anything she wants whenever she's around her grandmother. she was the type of grandmother that is fun-loving whose youthful spirit is a contrast to her age. she can be stern at times, but she never made gyeolguk cry. gyeolguk always makes sure that her grandmother is doing okay. she worries for her and fusses about her in a manner that only her grandmother can see through. gyeolguk's grandmother does her fair share of worrying too. she tends to worry whenever gyeolguk goes on her mini adventures eventhough she knows that gyeolguk will eventually return home. gyeolguk may not be good with words, but she truly loves her grandmother.
FINAL WORDS oh lord this app is messy just like my life. i feel like gyeolguk is a chara that has a lot of contrasting traits?? like she's a total fool but has her intellectual moments,,, but i hope you'll enjoy her!! i had a lot of fun making her up aha :"D gyeolguk is not like,,,a super lone wolf or has a huge reputation at school or is shunned by the entire student population...there are other students who are unbothered by her...gyeolguk is just being her gyeolguk self...im sorry i dont know how to word this. fun fact : i see gyeolguk as a person who'll make it out alive inside a video game due to her stupidity aka simple thinking / ways of solving problems and utter obliviousness to dangerous situations. she's kinda inspired by luna lovegood from harry potter, alice from alice in wonderland, zhang yixing, the film johnny english reborn and barbara from i kill giants. i hope you can excuse the ugli aesthetics of this app T^T anyways thank u for making scintilla ness senpai all my ♡ for u!! <3
ps : i always write this long in every app i make so im sorry for giving you a headache + eye-ache
 gyeolguk duelling or gaming against one of iota's gamers and beating that person...idk
 instead of going to her house for some snacks, they go to hang out in her grandma's ramen restaurant to eat (because it's free for my tiny explorer's friends! - gyeolguk's grandmother)
 gyeolguk actually learning how to make friends and...maybe gain a friend or two?
 the iota members joining in on her solo adventures ahaha xD
tba i will think moreee!!
loona yyxy's frozen, loona 1/3's you and me together, hyukoh's come and goes, offonoff's gold ft dean, passion pit's carried away, shawn mendes' lost in japan, honne's day 1, uhm tba my brain is fried
AYIEV & 4/10


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