Ace, Her Boy. 24



He went from a corporate heir, to an assassin in training, to a kid living on the streets. By the time he was on the streets, he already knew how to fight. Anyone and everyone who underestimated him would end up dead. He was a crazy and showed no mercy to those he fought. He was known as the 'Undefeatable Mad Dog' throughout all the streets in South Korea. That's when he met JC. Word on the street is that the 'Undefefatable Mad Dog' became a loyal dog who carried out any and all instructions from his beloved queen.

Moozie | Dave | 87.5%

the beginning

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full name. Bae Jaemin
alias. Ace 
     - 01 | His 'name' when he was training
     - Grim Reaper | Back when he was forced into training to becoming a mindless  assassin, Jaemin was the best of the best. He never failed to kill his targets.
     - Mad Dog | True to the name, before becoming Ace, Jaemin was a crazy street fighter who had never known defeat
date of birth. 14021994
birthplace. Seoul, South Korea
day job. works as the manager for JC's cat cafe when she isn't around, but when she is around, he works as a barista
- Korean | fluents | native tongue
- English | proficient | He was forced to learn it when he was a corporate heir and an assassin in training

noticeable feature(s). His whole body is marked with scars. His back has the largest and most noticeable scars on his body. Right underneath his left collarbone, he was branded with a hot iron that had a wolf design. He has a 'V' tattoo on his inner right wrist to match JC's.

style. His casual wear is quite stylish. You would've never guessed that he used to live on the streets if you look at him now. Even his work attire is appealing. He appears to be quite classy and mature with his black dress shirts and pants. However, at night, he looks like a completely different person. He looks intimidating and cold, like he could fight at any time. He sticks out with his face covered by a mask and his eyes covered under his hoodie. Bright or light colors make him uncomfortable to almost all his clothes are black. His closet is dyed the color of night with an occasional chade of grey, white, navy, brown, etc.

Casual  –   1  |  2  |  3  
Work  –  1  |  2  |  3 
Night  –  1  |  2  |  3  
Mask & Hat  –  1  |  2
Favorite Piece of Clothing  –  1 

V [bts]

Sehun [exo]

182 cm

the base

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     AT THE BASE - Ace
     [ + ] loyal, caring, tolerant, detailed
     [ = ] awkward, straight-forward, simple
     [ – ] aloof, timid, overprotective, formal

    IN THE FIELD - Mad Dog
    [ + ] adaptable, capable, calm, resourceful
    [ = ] daring, aggressive, independent
    [ – ] cold, cruel, merciless, emotionless

expanded personality. You can think of the Jaemin in the base and the Jaemin in the field as Ace and Mad Dog. It's almost as if he is two different people. Ace is essentially an awkward cinnamon roll who is terrible at socializing, while Mad Dog is, as the name implies, a merciless, cruel killer who attacks anyone and everyone he deems an enemy. Ace will be Ace, but if you try to harm so much as a hair on any of his comrades, have a nice time getting to know Mad Dog. If you go after JC, well . . . . . let's just say that you'll figure out why he was called the 'Grim Reaper'.

[ + ] "He believes that blood makes you related, but loyalty makes you family." Ace is the most loyal of JC's boys as well as one of the oldest.  The other boys know that they can trust Ace to watch their backs in fights. He is willing to do anything and everything for his fellow gang members and would never hesistate to walk through fire for them. He is the kind of person who cross heaven and earth for the gang members if they asked without even asking why. "He said that caring made him feel human again." As one of the oldest, Ace has always felt that it was his responsiblity to take care of the younger members. He does his best to make sure that the members are always comfortable and never go hungry. The other members often say that he acts like the mom of the group with his constant fussing. "He learned that peace begins with tolerance." Before he became Ace, Mad Dog was all he was. Mad Dog was never at peace, but he knew that peace was required if he was to live comfortably with others. He was terrified at first, but JC simply advised that he become tolerant. He learned to become accepting of others' ideals, thoughts, and most of their actions. Now, the members of the V Street know him as one of the most tolerant guys of the gang. "He never missed the details, and that made him all the more endearing." Whenever the guys or JC said that they liked how something was, Ace would immediately try to fix it up for them. If  JC said cat latte art, Ace would do his best to recreate it for her. He never missed those little things which earned him the hearts of a lot of the gang members.

[ = ] "He was good with a lot of things, but words weren't one of them." Unfortunately, Ace never really got the chance to properly socialize as a kid. As an heir, he had to act like an adult and always be formal. As an assassin, he was only supposed to be quiet and follow orders. As a kid on hostile streets, he had to always be on the alert and threaten others just so that he would be left alone. So when he became a part of V Street, he didn't know how to have a normal conversation with others. Ace is socially awkward which his fellow members understand and find hilarious. "He always thought honesty was better than sugar-coated bull." Ace never holds back when it comes to his thoughts. He says what's on his mind and is always there to call you out on your bull. Most of the time, the other guys appeciate it since makes life ten times easier. However, there are times where Ace calls them out on their lies which leads to endless teasing the the exposed member's part. "He is simple and fine with that." Ace has already lived quite the hectic life, so it's the simple things in life that make him happy. He is easy to please and easy to understand. He is simply simple, and with all the complex personalities in the gang world, the members of V Street welcome it.

[ – ] "He is somewhat aloof, but it is for your sake not his." Ace is aloof for many reasons. He struggles to socialize, makes everything awkward, and has almost as may enemies as JC. He's never had a place he could call home or people he wanted to protect. . All he wants to do is protect his family. "He has a reason to be shy for he has hurt too many." Ace has never felt the need to protect something. He's always been on his own and all he's ever done is hurt/kill others. He wants to show the others that he cares but doesn't know how to do that. "He is an overprotective, jealous, selfish human all because he loves you." As stated previously, Ace has an awkward way of showing his love. He is terrible at expressing his feelings, so he tries to show it through his actions. He does all he can to protect his family since they are the first thing he has ever felt a need to protect. He carefully watches whenever one of the boys cooks in fear that they'll burn themselves, and when the guys go out to have some fun, he makes sure that one of the older boys goes with them to supervise the younger. "He is always formal but that is simply because he knows no other way to act." The boys often laugh and poke fun at him for this, while JC finds it cute in an awkward kind of way. However, JC is always telling him to relax, but Ace doesn't know how. He's been treated like a soldier before he ended up on the streets, so now it is an old habit that is difficult to break. He refers to everyone with '-sshi' at the end of their names, and the way he moves is stiff. 

[ + ] "He knew that it is not the strongest that survive, nor the smartest. It is those that are most adaptable to change." Nothing ever goes as planned, so Mad Dog is very open to change. Staying the same can mean the difference between life and death when you're an assassin or a winning or losing when you're a fighter. Mad Dog takes in everything and plans accordingly. "He was capable of anything that came his way." Mad Dog really can do anything. JC and the boys never have to worry about him since he is the best at taking care of himself. You need him to fight? He was an undefeated street fighter. Need someone dead? He's a former assassin. Need someone who is good at talking with rich folk? He was originally a corporate heir. You need translator? He speaks English. You need someone to talk to?  . . . . . well, maybe not anything that came his way. "He had a way of reacting without a reaction." Even though his nickname when he fights is Mad Dog, he is not 'mad' in the sense that he is hot-headed. In fact, Mad Dog is quite calm. He doesn't rush his actions or dives right into a fight. He remains relaxed and in a loose stance. He never panics and instead seeks solutions with whatever information he currently has. He observes his opponents and makes a plan from there. "He learned that a resourceful person will always make opportunity fit his need." As expected of a kid on the streets, he never had much, but he always did what he could with what he had. It was something he learned in order to survive as an assassin. He is skilled at tinkering and is quite creative with his unconventional usage of everyday objects.

[ = ] "He lives his life as if it's a daring adventure." Mad Dog is a risk taker. He loves taking risks and never afraid to put himself out there. He really enjoys living life on the edge and lives for thrills. He isn't afraid of the danger and is willing to do the most obscure things. "He refused to live his life on the defensive." The fearsome Mad Dog, true to his name, is extremely aggressive in fights. He is never the kind to just take the hits; he is the one in control. He is always on the offensive. However, he won't throw punches without thinking. "He could never figure out why people leaned on others; they have two feet for a reason." Mad Dog is a lone wolf when it comes to fighting. He prefers to do things solo. He's been on his own for so long, and the only person he could rely on was himself. After living like that for the majority of his life, he finds it difficult to all of a sudden start relyinging on someone. He does everything by himself and never bothers anyone for help much to JC and the other guys' dismay.

[ – ] "His cold heart is a defense mechanism so that he doesn't feel anything." It is difficult to beat someone else to a pulp or murder them when you allow your emotions to surface. Mad Dog no longer fights with a crazed smile. Instead, he becomes a cold-hearted killer who won't hesitate to deal the final blow. "He was cruel because he chose to be and no one tried to stop him." Mad Dog is truly a cruel person. He is one of the few people in V Street who tortures others for information. The other guys struggle being so cruel, so Mad Dog does it for them. He endured cruel treatment himself so he has no problems reenacting his past treatment. He has no problems inflicting incredible amounts of pain on others. To him, it is as normal as breathing. "He was never taught how to show mercy." Mercy is not in Mad Dog's vocabulary. Why would mindless assassins need to understand the concepts of mercy? What use is it? Mad Dog is ruthless and beats his opponents black and blue without any remorse. "He was just a shell, something hollow and empty on the inside." Mad Dog is calm, cold, and cruel, but maybe that was because he was simply empty on the inside. He doesn't particularly like fighting and killing others, it was just something he was good at. When he fights, he looks at his opponents as if they are bugs underneath his feet. He doesn't celebrate his wins or look pleased when he is done beating the living crap out of someone. His facial expressions are constantly blank which an occasional, lifeless smirk. He feels nothing which is why he is capable of continuing even if it looks like he's beat.

background. Bae Jaemin, a name he has long forgotten, meant that he was the heir to the Bae Corporation. He was the result of a political marriage meaning that his mother and father only married for the sake of business. There was no love between them nor was there any love between him and his parents. It's almost laughable how robotic his family functioned. He was brought up by the maids and butlers. His parents never bothered with him and left him in the hands of strangers. He had long since accepted the fact that he would never recieve his parents' love, so he never bothered to call for them. Teachers would come to his house and he would exercise under the guidance of personal trainers in his house's workout room. His father would occasionally have dinner with him, but it would always end in Jaemin getting hit for not being good enough. HIs mother would occasionally drop by his room, but that would always end in Jaemin being blamed by his mother for her unhappy and depressing life while she, too, would him.  Soon enough, Jaemin had gotten a pretty good handle over his situation. He knew what to do and what not to do if he wanted to live as peacefully as possible. He never complained and would quietly take his parents' beatings, He followed directions without question and was efficient in everything he did. However, when Jaemin turned 11, his parents proceeded to become more and more violent as the days passed by. They went from using their hands, to throwing glass, to threatening him using fire and knives. Jaemin knew that if he wanted to live, he would have to run away. So that's exactly what he did.

However, Jaemin had never left his house before. He knew nothing of the world outside his house. He wandered around the neighborhood aimlessly and as expected, was approached by an adult. He offered to take him to a school that had dorms where he could live. Jaemin quickly agreed and entered the man's car where he was knocked unconscious. When Jaemin woke up, he was tied up in a room full of children in his same situation. One by one, a man in black would drag a kid through the only door in the room. He eventually got to Jaemin and dragged him into another room where another adult brought out a hot iron and branded Jaemin with a wolf design. He passed out from the burning pain. He was later forcefully woken up in a room full of the same children as before, but this time, there were much more of them and everyone, including himself, was now wearing rags. They were then hypnotized to lose their memories, and afterwards, the adults from before came back and whipped everyone into shape. They never referred to any of them as names, they were called using numbers. The kids were treated like slaves and soldiers. They were given training for their bodies and forced to learn lessons so that they could work like normal people if they ever needed to work undercover. The training and work was absolutely brutal and the amount was insane. Fortunately, Jaemin was smart and understood the situation he was in. It was simliar to his situation at home but more intense. The next three years, Jaemin acted like how he did at home, and he was able to survive the trainings. He was forced to shut off any and all emotions like the kids around him, They had to if they wanted to survive. In the end, out of the hundred of kids that started out with him, only around 20 or so survived. They were were killed or died from the exhaustion. Jaemin was not only a part of the survivng group, but he was one of the best. He was exactly the kind of cruel, mindless killer the organization wanted, and they never hesistated to use him and they pleased. He killed the rich that had insulted the organization, the poor that annoyed the organization, the polititcians that looked down on the organization, and anyone else the orgnization wanted dead. He even earned the name, "Grim Reaper", and became the organization's pride. Slicing through the flesh was as easy as cutting through tofu for him. He grew accustomed to it quickly and never paid attention to the blood. However, like always, Jaemin's peace never lasted.

When Jaemin was 18, the organization was attacked and destroyed. Jaemin was lucky to escape with his life, but he had nowhere to go. With no memories of his life before the organization, he ended up on the streets. He didn't remember his manners and due to his training nature, was very aggressive and daring. He would end up in fights and would easily beat other gangs' best fighters. He quickly became known on the streets as the "Undeafeatable Mad Dog" for his aggressive and cruel nature. He would often leave his opponents either dead or being in so much pain that they wanted to die. He learned to make a living in underground street fights and used that money to buy food for himself. 

Fast forward 2 years later, and the mere sight of Jaemin sends gang members running. He has never been defeated in a fight, and it's no surprise. Like usual, Jaemin aimlessly wandered the streets and dark alleys he had grown used to. Also like usual, some gang member saw him and challenged him to a fight. Since he had nothing else to do, Jaemin nonchalantly beat his . He quickly stood up and turned around as soon as he felt someone was behind him. To his surprise, it belonged to a female much shorter than him. She laughed softly as she clapped.

"And to think he said that he'd steal your crown so confidently!" she mused.

Jaemin dusted his hands, "A lot of them tell me that nowadays. Are you any different?"

The girl mockingly gasped. "How rude! To put me on the same level as those idiots! If it were me, I'd much rather work with you than against you. " She smirked with a glint of mischief in her eyes that didn't match her looks, "I'm forming a group, and I could use a guy like you. What do you say, want to join?"

Being the independent guy he is, he was going to quickly reget her offer, but the words got caught up in his throat when he looked her in the eyes. They were confident, and she held herself with such a high regard. Jaemin was an excellent judge of character, so when he looked at her, she knew he was serious. He thought to himself, 'if it's her, it seems as if anything is possible. I want to see what's possible with her leading the way.'

And so Jaemin laughed, a short laugh but completely uncharacteristic and foreign to even himself. "Why not?"

The girl smiled, "So what's your name?"

This time it was Jaemin's turn to smile, another thing that was uncharacteristic of himself. "I don't know, give me one."

She thought about it for a moment. "I have a feeling you'll be my ace one day, so that'll be your name, Ace."

"Ace, huh? I like it."

"Great, I'm JC." 

After that, Jaemin became Ace. True to his name, he became the group's ace with his ability to do anything and everything perfectly. He followed JC everywhere and helped her recruit the other boys until she was finally satisfied. In return for his devotion, JC taught Ace to be human. The one once known as 'Mad Dog' was no longer mad. He calmed down a lot after being with JC.  She gave him people to protect, and he did so with all his developing heart. If JC was V Street's queen, Ace was the Queen's attendant. He led the group if JC ever need to do something by herself. He was the only one she trusted with everything, so he was the only one who knew JC was going to leave. He tried to convince her that he would take care of it himself, but she refused saying that it had to be her. So he gave up and agreed to keep her posted about the group. When JC left, Ace took care of her cafe and made sure to secretly check up on the guys so that he could keep JC updated. When she finally came back, Ace welcomed her back as if she only went out on an errand run.


making coffee
Being with the Boys and jc
romance movies
fluffy blankets


any threats to v street
his branding
anything JC dislikes
summer / warm weather
sour food
horror films
being away from the boys or JC


hates cats but is willing to put up with them for jc
is afraid of ghosts
is often hit on while he works
doesn't know how to respond to flirting
is terrible at history
Has very nice handwriting
is still undefeated when it comes to fights
the boys don't know about his past
hates bright colors
wears black because he doesn't think any other color looks good on him
Threats to V STreet trigger his 'Mad Dog' personality to come out
has an extremely low spice tolerance
has insomnia
his favorite piece of clothing is his favorite since it was the first piece of clothing JC gave him
struggles to sleep longer than 5 hours
Is orginally left-handed, but is now ambidextrous
is afraid that the boys might come to fear him one day
wants the gang to own a dog
JC brought in a hypnotist to bring back his memories and it worked
thinks his wolf branding is cruel since wolves normally run wild and free while the branding was a shackle meant to strip him of his freedom

the bond

 Image result for no one hurts my family and livesImage result for no one hurts my family and lives 

Th Boys & JC. They mean the world to him. They are everything he needs and wants in life. He considers them family and is willing to do anything to protect them.

Lee Minhyuk. The gang leader of one of the biggest gangs in all of South Korea who lost in a fight to Jaemin. After losing once, he treats Ace like a friend. He is one of the few people who doesn't piss Ace off and is very influential on the streets.

02. One of the kids who survived the assassin training. She was the best right after Jaemin. She also managed to survive destruction of the organization and began to work under another organization. The two saw each others as equals in the organization and work well together. They occasionally meet up in a secluded area to keep each other updated.


the boys

position. JC's right-hand man (co-leader)
back-up position. hitman

skillset. He is a skilled assassin, undefeated street fighter, and a beloved barista. The rich fear him, the fighters on the streets can't beat him, and the customers love him. He has influence everywhere and is capable of having anything done.
weapon of choice. Ace is capable of wielding any kind of weapon, but he prefers to dual-wield daggers while carrying around a gun in case his target is at a distance.

his general feelings towards JC. He has always felt nothing but respect, companionship, and devotion towards JC. She taught him how to be human, and for that, he vowed to follow her for life and is willing to give up his life for her at any given moment.
his general feelings towards The Boys. He regards them as his family and is commited to protect them with his life. He loves every single one of them dearly and is afraid to lose them.
his guilt. He feels as though he's come too far and done too much to ever feel guilty about it now. He does, however, feel guilty about obeying some orders as an assassin that he knows JC would have never approved of.
his goal. He doesn't really care about making V Street the best gang, however if that's what makes his family happy, he'll do his best to accomplish it. He simply wants to keep the members of V Street happy and healthy.
his gains. 1. learned how to be human 2. something to protect (family) 3. a place to belong


the bye

comment(s). I may have made him too complicated by constantly changing up his name. If you ever get confused, just message me and I'll immediately fix it. Anyways, I really enjoyed making him, and I hope you like him!

P.S. I found this song and thought it really suited Ace and JC so imma just drop it here. x
     – One of the boys seeing Ace become Mad Dog for the first time
     – Ace getting hit on by the customers and JC comes by to save him
     – Ace making coffee for JC and the boys
     – the boys tricking Ace into watching a horror movie with them
     – the boys and JC making fun of Ace for being scared of ghosts
    – JC exposing the fact that Ace can't handle spice by putting a ghost pepper in his meal
     – One of the boys asking him about his branding and scars 
password. It was the end of another day at work, and as Ace was wiping the glasses dry, he heard the door's bell jingle. "I'm sorry, but we're already closed. You'll have to come back tomorrow . . ." his voice trailed off as he looked up and saw the person who saved him so many years ago. She looked around and smiled, "Thanks for taking care of the place while I was gone. Anything interesting come up?" Ace looked back down and continued wiping the glasses, a soft smile on his face. "Well, Marshmallow (one of the cat's) has gained a little more weight than before. I can see him struggling to climb up some days." "Is that so? I guess he'll have to go on a diet then," she mused. The two carried on with small talk as Ace finished his work. His queen was finally back, and soon, so would his family. He couldn't wait to see everyone together again. 




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Hello, Dave! His basics are amazing. Firstly, I love that he works at JC’s cat cafe. She will definitely love that, and she’ll probably dote on him because of it. I can also already tell he’s close to JC, and that he’ll be one of her favorites. His favorite piece of clothing had me rolling! I love him already, and now I know for certain that JC will love Ace.
I am in love with his personality. “He is simply simple.” That’s actually pretty refreshing that he doesn’t even want to be as complex as some of the other members. I can see the other members poking fun and telling him to be more comfortable but enjoying his presence nonetheless. I’m actually pretty excited to write out Ace’s jealousy because it will be interesting if some of the other boys branch out among other people during their time apart. His resourcefulness will always come in handy later in the story, and JC will probably really admire that about him. Really quick, I love when people use smiley, mood-maker face claims like Taehyung for serious characters like Ace. It’s amazing, honestly.
A boy who comes from money! I love it, and I asked for it, and you delivered it beautifully. Ace! You cannot just get into grown up people’s cars, honey. Though at this point, it’s Jaemin, and he obviously didn’t know better being so sheltered. “Jaemin nonchalantly beat his .” This had me rolling. Have I mentioned I actually love Ace? Another plot I asked for and you delivered! Ace would definitely be the one that JC would trust with her secret, especially since she has him managing her cafe as well. Also his background serves as a great explanation for his personality and how he would be such a great right hand to JC and indeed an ace to V Street.
Oh, he’s precious. He doesn’t even like cats, but he’s putting up with them for JC? That’s adorable.
No, the name changes weren’t hard to understand at all because of how well you wrote his background. Pffft, he can definitely be hit on by a customer because it will be awkward and hilarious and so much fun to write out! I also love how nonchalant he is when JC returns because he’s known that she’s been gone the entire time. I think it’s safe to say I absolutely love Ace, and he’s definitely accepted! Thank you so much for applying!