(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis Mini-Post #4... I think - w/Fun Small Writer's Challenge w/Writer's Tip and 2 Examples + humor xp - No... Not yoyo humor :)

Writer's Tip below [!] Me-Share :)


[!] Me-Share:

GOOD morning - Glorious Morning.

Whoa - good mood much?


I got to sleep on a "not" blow up matress (even though mine is awesome - with a self inflate and deflate motor) but nothing beats a real bed. I woke up to absolute quiet-

  - and I'm watching a movie (a new one) by myself - in absolute quiet-

  - Oh, what's the movie?

Jumanji (the new one ;)

And it's already good. I've been cackling like a maniac - the jokes are tortally (auto correct - I'm just going with it - tortally instead of totally - just let it happen ;p ) up to date and sarcastic.

Some of the jokes so far: 

OMG, says a preppy chick who became the Jack Black Avatar: I've become a life sized garden knomb... Nomb? I don't know how to spell that.. and have no internet... And have to go outside to get it... *Refuses - just let it happen :D .

Other person, not happy having been in to game: I'm missing the top two half of my body.

Also: I love seeing up to date phones in movie, all Technology really - explanations, graphics.. uh (I'm a technological geek.  [!] My nickname when I took Computer Repair - Gidget ;)-

  - And this leads us to the thing (The Thing that this Blog is for - The Writer's Tip- )

Before I go there though, I just want to say...

...the Thing (The thing) joke actually literally happened on the movie like a second after I typed mine (up to date humor - whaaaat?  Loving it.)

It went:. The thing. Yes, the thing, moving on... No, the joke - were not moving on... Except we actually are...

And speaking of Moving On, if you read Yesterday's Post, which had an awesome fun Writer's Tip, I shared a Kaisoo Fic with you... That also is called Moving On (how strange?).

No, its a little angsty, but romantic and fantasy like while being realistic and adorable. Always read Tags, especially with my stories, and Summary (for your comfort level) [Link]-

Read: Moving On...

Next - The thing - The important thing (just... let it happen?)

*Scrollz Down


*** Writer's Tip:

Let's focus on technology for world building and character development.

First Tip: Less is More.



When I write, if a character is in to technology, only then do I focus on it.

A) Gidget the black keyboard, used a Q-Tip damp with alcohol to remove the dust, keeping a watchful eye, so that none of it escaped in to the creases.  "I still like how it feels when I type on it," she said. "But it's not my keyboard. I'm being paid to clean it up." Narrow eyed, she said, "And I'll do that if it's... the last thing I ever do."


B) This character uses technology, but doesn't have a passion for it (so we give technology a nod, and move on):

Jane typed a message to her assistant. The boop, signaling her response gave her a satisfactory feeling.  She looked at her steaming cup of Chai Tea and thought, "In less than six hours, I'll be home, and that promotion is mine."


  - did you feel her passion for her job, her future success, upgrade in her company?

Her job is her passion, and she's worked hard.

We're now cheering for her success?

And the phone thing, forgotten.

We're focused on her sense of satisfaction, that feeling.

I hope these examples help you build your worlds and better develop your characters( give them convincing depth.)


The characters on this movie just figured out how to use their Avatar strengths. Awesome action.  I have a movie to watch.

Imagine being a girl, and becoming a guy Avatar... And then having to pee...  


Think about it-

-Until Tomorrow-
~ Demitria_Teague ;p


Get Yesterday's Writer's Tip

Read my Kaisoo Fic (don't forget to read Tags, for your comfort level)


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Ooh I like the less is more tip