
kim yeyeon

faceclaim 175*175



8 out 10

you must be an angel

OTHER NAMES.   ardene ; english name ; used when she lived in london

yeye/yeonie — shortened versions of her name
oppa/ hyung — her boyish personality got her this nickname, her boyish side is her natural side, almost everyone jokingly calls her this sometimes
cereal killer — the band noticed that she would often bring cereal and milk wherever she goes and would eat
cray yeon/yeon ddorayi/ddorayi — nickname used by the diamond class, given by chan, because she often times corrupt their minds to do something a troublemaker would do
your honor — given by the diamond class as a joke, it is when they make decisions on something and they jokingly ask yeyeon the final verdict which yeyeon would in return say something that isn't related to the subject and causes laughter among them
tom — given again by the diamond class from the cartoon tom and jerry, she's tom because she mostly does the chasing

DATE OF BIRTH + AGE.   march 12 + 17
PLACE OF BIRTH.   seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY.  korean
LANGUAGE SPOKEN.   maximum is four languages and she cannot be fluent in all

korean — fluent; born into a korean family, first launguage she learned, her mother tongue, not entirely native fluent since she lived abroad most of her life
english — fluent; she lived in london for like half of her life
french — advanced; took it up as her world language back in london and she fell in love with the language and diligently learned it

pretty little girl

FACECLAIM.   shin ryujin
BACK UP FACECLAIM.   choerry (loona) ; kim lip (loona)

▸she stands 161 cm and weighs 47 kg. she has natural black hair in a long bob that stops just above her shoulders. she has several ear piercings on each ear and the words 'overcome' and 'conquer' on each of her ring fingers which her parents don't know of. she also has mild scars from skateboarding and stuff but they're getting treated to disappear completely in their hospital.
▸she always does her makeup which consists of cushion foundation with spf, eyebrows on point, a bit of coral peach eyeshadow, a subtle wing eyeline, mascara, peach blush and plum red tint but there are days where she is too lazy and goes to school without any makeup on. she always has her hair down in it's natural state but there are occasions where softly curls them.


she wears the school uniform, which she dreaded since her boarding school back in london didn't have one. she wears the uniform with her own twist. usually for spring and autumn, since it's a bit chilly, she wears a hoodie over the school blouse and the tie. she wears quarter length socks and designers sneakers plus a designer backpack. for winter, it's the same but she wears the blazer over the hoodie or jacket, and the school blouse and tie. if it's too cold, she'll bring a coat and a scarf. she sometimes wears sheer tights or thigh length socks over warm branded boots like timberlands or something. for summer, she wears the summer blouse untucked and ed over a t-shirt. she wears quarter length socks and designers sneakers, sometimes she wears slip on slippers if it's too hot for sneakers. she got trouble the first time, but the teachers let her ever since coz she's part of the diamond class. she doesn't wear her skirt too short and too long and she always has two buttons undone on her blouse. you can also always see her with a black surgical mask. and sometimes her glasses if she didn't wear her contacts.  she also wears baseball caps, beanies, chokers and her earrings plus you can always see her skateboard with her. (examples: link | link | link ; sorry they're anime but i wanted to give an example hehehehe)
yeon dresses like any other korean rich kid. it's all about the brands. but she gives it her own twist and style. she likes to dress more comfortable and screams her. her style is a bit street with a dash of expensiveness and class. she likes to dress in bright colors and patterned clothes but you can still see her in an all-black ensemble. accessories are her best friends. she likes to accessorize and play with different pieces like earrings, bracelets and the like. her signature accessory is a beret. it is a never a yeyeon outfit if her shoes weren't well-thought of. she has a huge collection of shoes and footwear and is an avid collector of brands that she loves. though she wears heels, she's more comfortable in sneakers or boots

ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! - ÍÌ @fabxiety  ÍÌ - í¨ì (114) #í¨ì #fashion #style #rc A casual loose style outfit 
ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! Pinterest: jennisazo ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! #officechic â¤KOREAN FASHION â¤
Kalen Brock | Korean Street Style (í¨ì) ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶!
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glow like no one else could

positive: confident, observant, fun, open-minded, extra
neutral: emotional, boyish
negative: secretive, sarcastic, arrogant, artifical, savage
 "i'm ardene kim, no explanation needed."
her confidence is one of her strongest traits. she always has her head held high and doesn't let others pull her down. she has no problem voicing out her thoughts and opinions. she believes strongly in herself and she knows she always does a good job.
"i'm okay my , you're sick bozo."
she's also really observant. she likes watching people, her surroundings, everything. from the smell of the morning dew, the coldness of a winter night, how the sun shines through the trees. she can see the good in the bad and the bad in the good. because she’s observant, she can predict what other people are thinking or what they feel as of that moment by just their facial expressions and body language. this side of her shows that she's a real softie and is very caring towards everything and everyone.
"fun is where i'm at"
she is a perfect example of a life of the party. she likes to liven up the atmosphere with her presence. she's also always down for new experiences and anything that can give her a smile or laugh when reminiscing about it. she enjoys making people smile and laugh and it calms her and she doesn't know why. she is a master of communication and is a very amusing and gifted entertainer. fun and variety are guaranteed when she is around. have her as a friend, you will never be bored; with her, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties. her aura is really captivating and anyone would want to be her friend.
"i couldn't care less really, just do you"
miyeon is a person who accepts a person as they are. she doesn't really care about what other people label them, as long as she knows what kind of person they are, she wouldn't take other people's judgment. she's willing to embrace change and and try new things. she gets bored when things are repetitive. she respects each person's difference and encourages them to be proud of themselves. she doesn't label people other than those b*stards who are worthless and all that.
*does crab dance out of the blue*
everything she does is really extra and unpredictable. from her reactions to her imitations and all. she's like a living meme and people can't help but laugh and enjoy. but sometimes it can be cringeworthy but still funny. she does stuff out of the box and out of the norm. it's no surprise if one of her antics trends and becomes viral. she also has a weird way of explaining her thoughts and stuff. she basically doesn't care about her image, which gets her scolded. she also out of nowhere asks senseless and nonsense questions that makes you go wtf at her.

*sniffs* "what?! can't i have feelings too?!"
a typical pisces trait. she is a pretty emotional and sensitive person. she is easily touched or easily hurt by things or people. she cries easily and is labeled a cry baby by some. but her emotions are genuine and real. she will most likely be the first one to cry in a sad drama or movie. she is also pretty good hiding her real emotions though, especially if she doesn't want to cause worry to people.
"dude every cool girl is half boy"
ardene is really a boyish girl. maybe because of growing up with a dad and a twin brother. she's always down for anything and loves the thrill. bungee jumping, sky diving, you name it. she's pretty relaxed with herself and around people and doesn't mind ruining her image. she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty but well she is afraid of cockroaches and spiders. she likes skateboarding with her brother and other friends..

"everything's fine"
she is a really secretive person despite her very extra and outgoing personality. she tends to hide her troubles and worries to herself and hates when she causes trouble to people. she doesn't like showing her weak side, so she hides that side of her from everyone. she's also a pretty good liar when it comes to herself, people won't be able to tell if she's okay or not coz her tone of voice is always convincing.
"quit trying to be a smart , you're just an ."
she speaks fluent sarcasm. she gets irritated when she says something that is the furthest thing from serious, but the person she's talking to just doesn’t understand her sarcasm. when she meets someone and she instantly hates them, she has a super hard time hiding it. she kinda got the habit of ending sentences with 'just kidding' or 'it was a joke' to lighten things up when everyone got silet or something. since she's known to be mischievous and funny, people don't get when she's being sarcastic or being funny and it irritates her a lot, which draws out her sarcasm even more.
"you're good, but i'm better"
miyeon is arrogant. growing up and getting used to being labelled as perfect by people got in her head. she has that overbearing pride and thinks she knows things more than she actually does. she loves displaying her elevated opinion and will act high and mighty. she just loves to be the center of attention and hates it when someone steals her spotlight. she diminishes others to make herself feel more superior. she kinda has a superiority complex. she is also aggressive.
miyeon is very artificial. though people don't notice, she's acts the opposite of what she thinks just to maintain her reputation. if you say something that is totally bull for her, she would just smile it away making you think that she liked what you said. but hell nah. basically all her smiles are fake. all her sweet words are fake. all her actions are fake. and no one can tell that they are because she has perfected at looking natural.
"oh is that what you mean by talent? where."
she is a living example of brutal yet awesome. she speaks her mind, thoughts and opinions freely, without holding back. if she knows you're at fault, she will no doubt confront you about it. she doesn't mind you disliking her or think of her negatively. she's the person who did or said something nobody else had the guts to. she doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. her words can be really harsh to the point of making the other party cry.

BACKGROUND.   born as the only daughter of a very wealthy family who owns one of the most prestigious hospital chain, golden heart medical group in south korea. all her family members are in the medical field, which is something that they expect her to be in someday. she grew up not seeing her parents most of the time because of how busy they are at the hospital, managing it as well as doing their own fair of work. she didn't like it at first but she grew used to it. despite not being able to see both of her parents, they still spoil her with gifts, even if it wasn't her birthday. she admits that she doesn't have the closest relationship with her parents and this didn't improve when they sent her to a boarding school in london, reasoning out that education abroad is far better than in korea. so she spent her life mostly in london. her parents had a an agreement with her, she can do anything she wants and buy anything she wants as long as she delivers the best results in everything at school. and so she did. though she had a tough time adjusting to the language in her first and a half year there, she quickly adjusted and quickly became one of the best in her batch. she also joined the southfields archery club since she was eight and has won a lot gold medals and trophies in competitions and was known as an archery genius. she was also well loved amongst her peers and got along with everyone. being able to do what she wants made her adventurous and curious about everything which made her a bit boyish. she hung out with different cliques and explored their hobbies, she learned to skateboard, to play video games, theatre, surfing, grafitti and more. but the one thing she fell in love with was photography. she hung out with the photography club one time and it changed her. she was mesmerized at how one single non-moving photo could tell a story. and since then she's been obsessed with photography and cameras.


when she turned sixteen, her parents sent her back to korea and enrolled her at yeong gwang private academy. a week before her first year at the school, her parents and her went out for a dinner. they went into a luxurious fine dining restaurant and went straight to a private room. she saw her grandfather, two adults and a boy about her age. in the middle of their meal, her grandfather told about the time he had a very serious heart condition that surgery was 50/50 success rate but the man they were dining with, a famous heart surgeon who is considered the best in the country, was able to do it without any complications, to which her family was deeply indebted to. as gratitude, her grandfather wanted her and their son to marry in the future. it was something he decided on after the surgeon's son was born. knowing that he would also be part of the medical field one day, and seeing as yeyeon is a girl, it seemed perfect in his eyes that if the two marry, he would inherit the hospital chains. she couldn't in and remained silent. sadly for her, he was in the same school and in the same class. the guy was smart, much to her dismay. so she told him to keep their engagement a secret. they were able to keep it quiet the whole freshman year. well everything might change during their second year right?


LIFESTYLE.   she actually lives alone in an apartment at gangnam. her parents allowed it as long as she delivers good results and a good reputation. though she lives alone, she still has a chef cook her meals (she can't cook to save a life), they come by her apartment just to cook her meals and her lunchboxes.


her usual school day routine would be waking up early, drinking a glass of cold water before taking a warm shower. she changes into her uniform and does her morning facial care and make up routine. then she fixes her school stuff and her bag before proceeding to the dining area where the chef has laid out her breakfast and her coffee. she eats in peace while scrolling through her phone to read some news. after breakfast, she takes her lunchbox, her camera and her skateboard before leaving her apartment. she's always a tad bit early so she takes her time getting to school. she usually takes pictures as she skates. when she gets to the classroom, she still had minutes to spare, so she naps until classes starts. she usually pays attention in class until english, she naps all through out that subject. after school, she goes straight to the archery club but when she has off days , she sometimes walks around the school grounds, taking pictures of the students or something, but she usually strolls around seoul, stopping by a cafe sometimes or shopping. when she arrives at her apartment, her dinner has already been prepared, she eats before returning to her room to freshen up. she does her night routine: a warm bubble bath, facial care routine and brewing some lavender tea. she does her necessary homework but that's it for her school works. she always sorts out the pictures she took that day, reminiscing the moments she captured. if she liked a photo, she would print it on photo paper and hangs it up (link). and then she sleeps.

on weekends, her schedule differs depending if there is an event that she needs to go for her parents and all that. she also sometimes visit their hospitals, to keep a good image among the employees there. she also has archery trainings during the day. but if her schedule is free in the afternoon, she usually spends it roaming around the whole of korea or sometimes she goes abroad like japan or hongkong. sometimes she also attends parties she got invited to by other rich kids, who are sometimes in college already. she also does volunteer work for orphanages, animal shelters and home for the aged. she also attends conferences and seminars regarding environmental awareness and all that. but she knew to keep her reputation so she always leaves early. if she's feeling lazy, she'll just watch movies or tv series all day long with a pint of ice cream, pizzas, fries and hotdogs.

food ; she is a huge foodie and loves to stuff herself real good
purple ; she would literally go gaga over any shade of purple, her spirit color
shoes ; she loves them and buying them and just displaying them in her room. has a big collection and treats every pair like her baby
cool places/weather ; she just likes the feeling of the cool air brushing against her skin, always has her aircon on during the summer, no heater during spring and autumn, low heater setting during winter
cereal ; she loves all kinds of cereal, every week she buys a new flavor because one cereal box can only last a week for her. always brings a container with cereal anywhere. then she buys milk at convenience stores. she can eat it in the morning, afternoon and evening
caffeine ; if not cereal, then coffee. especially iced americano and hot cafe latte.
 harry potter & marvel ; she grew up loving them when she was in london, a classmate introduced them to her and she loved them ever since
 dogs & cats ; she loves animals in general but loves dogs and cats a whole lot more
cute animal videos ; she'll be watching these videos anytime anywhere coz they so cute and they're her stress reliever
thrift shops ; she loves shopping at thrift shops, she has a thing for vintage branded clothes

tomatoes ; she hates them just no. she can't eat them nor smell them, or else she might puke
hot places/weather ; she loves the outdoors but the heat she can't love
bugs ; she's okay with caterpillars, butterflies and worms, just not spiders, cockroaches and ants
garlic ; it tastes bitter for her. doesn't add it in her samgyeopsal wrap
wasting food ; she would rather finish everything on the table even though her stomach's gonna burst than waste food
horror stuff ; don't take her to watch horror movies coz she'll mostly likely waste the ticket money by hiding her face behind her popcorn all through out the movie
rules ; she's a girl who doesn't like to feel restricted because she likes to be creative and to be herself all the time
excuses ; she hates them. if you clearly done something wrong, man up and face the consequences
rudeness ; this is a definite no no for her. she's a girl who respects everyone and shows kindness to whoever, be rude to her and well just be ready to run and escape, though she's rude at times lol
being woken up in the morning ; even when she woke up by herself, she will be grumpy in the morning. so please, don't ever prank her when she's asleep, cuz even mother of purple won't know what will happen to the world when she gets woken up. she needs atleast 10 minutes of alone time after she wakes up to rid her grumpiness. within that time frame, do not, i repeat do not get under her skin.

movies and tv series ; she can finish a series in one seating or can finish a number of movies in one seating
skater girl ; she skateboards in a nearby skate park. she uses her skateboard as a means of transportation before
 food tripping ; she loves to just stuff herself good
traveling/road trips ; she sometimes have the impulsive urge to just leave the country or city
 shoe shopping ; loves this be it online or the real deal. it's like her stress reliever other than music and cute animal videos. mostly shops vans, puma, adidas, dr. martens, timberland, converse
reading ; yes, you read that right. ardene reads, especially while listening to music. she mostly reads about photography and medical books (<-- coz she has to really)
sea stuff ; whenever she's at the beach or near the sea, she looks for shells, glass and trinkets that she'll add to her collection. her collection started back in london
photography and videography ; she likes to take photos and videos of everything. she has three cameras, one film camera (leica m7), a mirrorless camera (canon eos m100) and a dslr camera (canon eos 500d, first camera from her dad, pretty old but still working)
thrift shopping ; she likes to go to different thrift shops and well just look through the clothes and leave the place with a lot of bags, she's into finding vintage branded clothes
archery ; she does archery training a lot, or sometimes for fun

joints ; she cracks her joints when she's stressed or nervous, she can crack her neck, back, knuckles, wrists and ankles.
hair ; she runs her fingers through her hair automatically. also she twirls a strand of her hair when she's thinking
eye contact ; she stares at people's eyes when they are talking or when they're talking to her. never averts her eye sight, some people gets caught of guard to see her stare so intensely
her lips ; automatic when her lips are dry and she also does this when she's angry or pissed off, with the occasionally biting of the lips as well
face ; resting face despite her playful personality
retorting back ; basically it's a habit of hers to talk back, regardless of who it is she's talking back to. it would be either a roasting comeback, sarcastic one or just plain rude..
skinships ; she's a pretty touchy person and it's in her nature to lean on someone's shoulder or linking arms with someone.
 food delivery ; she tends to over-order food when her personal chef couldn't cook for her due to a week off or personal issues

other facts
family business ; her family owns the golden heart medical group and has a number of hospitals across the country, she is expected to be part of the medical field one day, this is their family estate located at jung-gu (but she doesn't stay there anymore)
spicy food ; she's weak at eating spicy food but would finish the whole meal still
"i'm hungry" ; a sentence she always says like every two minutes
 certified shikshin ; she can eat a lot in one seating
alter ego ; she has a serious case of mood swings, she can be pranking and laughing one moment then she'll be cranky and quiet the next
instrument ; she knows how to play the piano and violin
disney ; she knows every word in every disney songs, would suddenly sing out of nowere
 ideal type ; physically she likes someone who's tall and has eyes that can make her heart skip a bit when they look at her. she also likes someone has a soft smile and someone she can talk to without discomfort
 tickle tickle tickle ; she is very ticklish especially on her waist part.
blood type ; she's blood type ab positive
education ; she attended acs cobham international school in london
athlete ; she's part of the south korean youth team since she was 15 and has won medals. she won gold at the 2017 world archery youth championships which makes her qualified for the 2018 summer youth olympics. she's expected to win gold. she plans to retire once she's over the age limit for the youth olympics, reasoning out that she doesn't plan on being a full time athlete. she's good at sports, whatever they may be but hates track & field and running
nicknames ; she likes giving unusual nicknames to people, she nicknamed all of the diamond class as their rank numbers, example for haera "yo six!"
cry baby ; she easily cries at sad stories, movies or videos. especially watching her favorite shows. she cries at anime episodes too even when there's no sad scene, it's because her feels are over flowing
merchandises ; she has harry potter and marvel merchandises in her side of the room, and her shelves are full of them, walls are full of posters too
collection ; she has a harry potter and marvel collection, mugs, shirts, merch,books and comics, she also collects harry potter and marvel funko pops, she also likes to collect crystals and divination stuff
formalities ; she at being formal and is awkward during formal events like tea parties and such
phone ; her phone is a lilac purple samsung galaxy s9+
volunteer ; she's part of a number of volunteer programs, mostly for animal shelters and environmental improvement

my favourite people


▸ father — kim jaehwan (46) / ceo of golden heart hospital chain and licensed physician / workaholic, stoic / 6 out of 10
they rarely see each other but when they do, he usually tells yeyeon how she should bring pride to their family and stuff. when they see each other at the main hospital branch, he would be slightly kind to her to show that he is a good father in front of their employees but other than that, he doesn't really mind her. honestly, he wanted a son so yeah.. he was still bitter about having a daughter but deep down inside he loves yeyeon but has too much pride to admit it.


▸ mother — jang eunhye (45) / licensed psychiatrist at golden heart hospital main branch / workaholic, understanding / 7 out of 10
though they don't see each other a lot because of her mom's busy schedule, her mom makes sure to check up on her daughter especially after she decided she wanted to live alone. her mom always feels sorry that she couldn't spend time with yeyeon so she thinks that spoiling her with anything can make up for it. yeyeon is closer to her mom because she sees and appreciates the effort her mom gives.


▸ classmate & friend — yu haera (17) / student / you already know hehehe ^^ / 8 out of 10
yeyeon at first thought she wouldn't get along with heara, seeing as she is the perfect epitome of young ladies in their school but surprisingly she does. especially since haera accepts and even rides with yeyeon's pranks and jokes and is one of the people in their class that would join her in a heartbeat. she even sees a potential troublemaker inside haera and would jokingly call her as her heir. haera is the only person that can invite yeyeon out for tea without receiving a grunt as a response (they all know yeyeon doesn't like them, since she practically drinks it every single day back in london, she grew sick of it lol).


▸ classmate & friend — lee jeno (17) / student / you already know too hehehe / 8 out of 10
let's just say that the only reason this two talked in the first place was because of jaemin. since jaemin and yeyeon are childhood friends and jeno and jaemin are close friends, it was natural that they became friends. yeyeon thought that jeno would be hard to approach the first time coz he had a pretty scary poker face but when haera talked it him about maybe something funny, his eye smile caught her off guard which made her think "ok that was like a 360 degree change lol" jeno appreciates the fact that yeyeon is one of the life of their class, it is never a day without yeyeon's jokes or pranks and he's thankful that she makes every school day an eventful one.

the diamond class

SUBJECTS.   1 when they're good at it, and 3 is the average since average is high enough (social studies has history)
+ KOREAN - (3) ; scores 80-85
+ ETHICS - (2) ; scores 85-86
+ SOCIAL STUDIES - (1) ; scores 96-98

+ MATHEMATICS - (3) ; scores 83-85
+ SCIENCE - (1) ; scores 95-98

+ TECHNOLOGY AND HOME ECONOMICS - (3) scores 81-83 (but when it comes to cooking, she )

+ PHYSICAL EDUCATION - (1) ; scores 95-100
+ MUSIC - (1) ; scores 90-93

+ FINE ARTS - (1) ; scores 90-93

+ ENGLISH - (1) ; scores 97-100

CLUBS.   archery club (captain)


STUDY HABITS.   she doesn't really study, coz she's naturally smart. she's too lazy to open her notes and books since she's always tired from archery training so she pays attention in class and relies on her stock knowledge and some very light readings which works for her. her peers say that if she was seriously into studying and into her grades, she'll have no problem getting ranked first.

my heart beats for you

image should be 95*95

kang yuchan

na jaemin

image should be 95*95

na jaemin

kang yuchan


chan ; shortened version of his name
chanshine ; coz he's a bundle of sunshine and laughter
beagle ; pretty much because he acts like one
jerry ; he's the jerry to yeyeon's tom, he mostly does the provoking and running away



+ KOREAN - (1) ; scores 94-100
+ ETHICS - (1) ; scores 90-94
+ SOCIAL STUDIES - (3) ; scores 81-84

+ MATHEMATICS - (1) ; scores 94-97
+ SCIENCE - (1) ; scores 96-100


+ MUSIC - (2) ; scores 85-90

+ FINE ARTS - (2) ; scores 85-87

+ ENGLISH - (1) ; scores 94-98



CLUBS.   soccer club



▸ chan is a huge ball of sunshine. he's always smiling and laughing and it is contagious. he's the definition of a beagle. he's always active, moving and is pretty unpredictable and weird. people don't usually think that he's smart as he is because of his personality. he likes to tell jokes and goof around. he's friendly and doesn't have a hard time to befriend others, and people don't take long to come to like him. he's also hardworking and doesn't like worrying others, so he tends to keep his burdens to himself. he has a kind heart and doesn't think twice before helping someone. he also has good leadership skills and knows when to step up. he has good talking skills so he's most likely to be the first one to speak up about an issue or something. when he's angry, he gets quiet and it is pretty evident on his face. but he doesn't let it affect his work. he tends to overwork himself without holding himself back and is pretty stubborn about it. he takes pride in everything he does and is pretty hard on himself when he isn't satisfied with the results. he has a habit of putting others first before himself too so whenever there needs to be a decision whether he protects his image or something or yeyeon's. he would choose to protect yeyeon without any second thoughts. he's the type that also takes care of people behind the scenes despite having a loud personality.


▸ they first met during the merged dinner of their families that also announced their engagement. they were sitting across from each other and when her grandfather broke the news of their engagement, they stared at each other in shock. after the dinner, they all went back to the kim's estate where the adults left the two in the upstairs living room. it was really awkward between them and neither of them wanted to break the silence. yeyeon was able to break the silence first.
"which high school are you gonna attend?" chan turned to her.
"yeong gwang private academy." yeyeon blinked a couple of times before sighing deeply.
"i don't want to be offensive or anything, but can this engagement be just between us?"
"perfectly fine with me, i don't want drama and gossips so.."
"good. so when we see each other at school, we'll pretend it's our first meeting." chan nodded, and then silence enveloped them until chan's parents fetched him. 

▸ they met at school and to their surprise, are in the same class. the top class at that. they're in the class where the twelve students with the highest marks on the entrance exam are. chan knew some of the kids there, a normal thing amongst rich families, they know each other from parties, gatherings and etc. she thought of approaching the other students first but chan approached her first, which she didn't expect. he introduced himself to her as if it was their first meeting. yeyeon looked at him sarcastically but masked it with a smile before introducing herself back. their whole first year consisted of both of them teasing and bullying each other, for fun of course. having the similar personality, they're known as the diamond class' tom and jerry for the exchange of teasing and stuff. 

▸ there was one time when yeyeon noticed that chan looked so stress and was masking it with his smiles during one of their hospital's gatherings. she waited until she could approach him and asked him if he wanted to get some fresh air away from the continuous talks about internal organs and stuff. once they are away from the adults, yeyeon frankly asked him.
"so what's with you?"
"what about me?""
"you look stressed out."
"nah." yeyeon looked at him with an "i'm not buying that excuse" expression. chan sighed and rolled his eyes.
"how come you can read people so people. it's annoying."
"thanks. so...?"
"well, my parents are eating my head coz i placed 4th. they keep on pestering me about it."
"dude, 4th is really high. but i feel ya. parents and their expectations are such a pain in the ." they continued their conversations and it turned into a deep one, exchanging worries and troubles. they didn't realize how time was passing by until yeyeon's phone rang, her mom calling her that the party was ending. they both bid their farewells. when they got home, they both thought how they could talk freely which other, which they didn't realize when they were conversing. it was like they could talk to each other about anything without being judged.

▸ when yeyeon's birthday was approaching, chan asked her if she and her parents would like go out of the country or something. yeyeon laughed at his question and told him that they stopped celebrating her birthday together when she was five. they would just buy her gifts. though yeyeon laughed, chan saw a hint of loneliness in her eyes. so without thinking he asked her if she wanted to celebrate her birthday with him. yeyeon looked at him with a confused and weirded out look and asked if he was okay. 
"wanna go snowboarding?" he ignored her remark at him and suggested that. yeyeon smiled when she heard snowboarding so she agreed. on her birthday, they had a lot of fun, the first every birthday that yeyeon was genuinely laughing and smiling. what's fun for her was because chan couldn't snowboard so he often falls down on his bum. so she spent her birthday laughing at him, and chan scolding her not to. in the end, she taught him how, he learned to, but still ends on his bum. when yeyeon got back to her apartment, she washed up and was ready to go to bed when her doorbell rang. she opened the door and saw a deliveryman with a box that had holes on it. it was for her, she signed the waiver and let the deliveryman put it inside. when he was gone, she approached the box, unsure if she should open it. she then heard a whimper from the box and decided to open it. when she opened the lid, she was greeted by a beagle puppy. she squeeled in joy and cradled the pup, she cuddled with it a bit before she looked back inside the box to see a letter. she adjusted the puppy on one arm and reached for the letter. she opened it and it had one phrase written on it.
"so you won't feel lonely anymore."
it had no name but she knew it was from chan. she smiled and returned her attention towards the pup and named him marvel.

▸ in the middle of their second year, her grandfather arranged another family dinner with chan's family. and again in the middle of their meal, he told them about holding a party where chan's and yeyeon's engagement will be announced. chan and yeyeon once again exchanged bewildered looks and couldn't say anything. they could each hear the other's sign in their heads. on the night of the party, most of their schoolmates were there and all of the diamond class as well. when their engagement was announced, all the students of yeong gwang started murmuring amonst themselves which irritated yeyeon a lot. she glared at them to keep their mouth shut. chan nudged her and whispered to keep her cool for her image. when they went off the stage, chan whispered to her again.
"wanna disappear?" yeyeon looked up at him confused. he put a hand on his pocket and took out his car keys and smiled at her. yeyeon looked back towards the party and saw a number of eyes staring at them.
"hell yeah i do." they sneaked out of the party and left the venue in chan's car. once in the car, yeyeon removed her heels. 
"hey stop by somewhere where there's slippers." they stopped by a store and chan waited for yeyeon to go buy her slippers but she wasn't moving. she noticed him looking at her and eyed him.
"what are you waiting for? go buy me slippers." she ushered him.
"go buy it yourself." yeyeon pointed at her barefeet which made chan sigh.
"lock the car." 
"roger." yeyeon saluted and chan got off the car to buy her slippers. when he got back, he flopped the plastic bag onto her lap. yeyeon pulled out the slippers and turned to chan.
"what the fck."
"language." chan laughed. yeyeon pulled out slippers that looked like fish.
"your fault for making me buy for you." yeyeon starting hitting chan with the slippers while he laughed at her. once she calmed down, chan asked her.
"where to next?" he turned to her and saw her wearing the slippers with a grumpy expression. he smiled lightly but quickly erased it when she turned to him.
"busan. i want seafood." so off they went for a two hour drive to busan. they went to jagalchi market. when they started walking, chan laughed all of a sudden.
"what?" she looked up at him. he pointed towards her feet while stiffling his laugh. she suddenly remembered her slippers and started hitting chan. after that, they chose to eat at the oase seafood buffet. after eating, they went to the beach. they walked barefeet. since it was already night time, it was a bit chilly. chan noticed yeyeon's dress and took of his blazer. he shoved it to her while they were walking.
"wow, didn't think you had manners"
"just take it." yeyeon took it wordlessly and placed it over her shoulders. they stopped walking a few minutes after and stared at the sea.
"so our engaged life officially starts." yeyeon stated, then both of them sighed at the same time.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   engaged; friends; classmates; tom and jerry relationship


▸ they are always seen bickering and teasing each other, like the typical tom and jerry relationship. they also like to prank each other and it always ends up with yeyeon chasing chan. they're part of the same circle of friends and they're always the two that are loud. though they have that kind of relationship, chan tends to take care of yeyeon without her realizing it. they both tend to back each other up without realizing too. it kinda became second nature to them. in their relationship, chan is like the older one though yeyeon was born months earlier than him (chan was born on december 31). chan would often take her out, doing things she hasn't experienced. when it's just the two of them, they have more deep conversations and exchange of advices. they talk about things they couldn't share with others. chan also started driving her to school after their engagement was announced, he would also drop her off for archery training and would fetch her as well. he's like yeyeon's personal driver. he would also sometimes drop by her place to check up on marvel.


▸ them both realizing that they have romantic feelings for the other. and then they become for their engagement, resulting to them marrying in the future.




nana ; because his  surname is na


OCCUPATION.   2nd year student at yeong gwang private academy (he's ranked 13th) he is in the soccer club


▸ jaemin as a very caring personality. he cares deeply for the people he's really close with and can go to any extent for them. he's very dependable and kind and would often do volunteer works. he is very humble especially when it comes to his achievements and is very poised. he's a perfect defintion of a gentleman. he's also pretty mature for his age and people would mistake him as someone older than his actual age. he's also calm at times of crisis. a known leo trait, he's pretty stubborn too. he stands firm on his beliefs and decisions. he's also the type that shows how he feels. so he's seen as someone very flirtatious. but he all that comes out of his mouth is the truth. he's a pretty honest person, sometimes too honest that can come of as rude to some.


▸ they were childhood friends, their families' are business partners. jaemin's family owns a medical device company, best in their country. they used to play together as kids until yeyeon moved to london. they kept in touch but slowly their communication stopped. they met again when yeyeon moved back to seoul. jaemin visited their estate and when they saw each other, well let's say they were surprised to see how different the other looked, in a good way of course. so there was an attraction between them. when school started, they were in different classes but since jaemin was close to jeno, he would hang out at their building a lot and of course obvious flirtings between them. their peers would often tease them but those stopped when chan's and yeyeon's engagement was announced to the public. jaemin turned sour, coz from what he knew, he was supposed to be the one engaged to yeyeon because of their families' business partnership.                                                                    

RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   childhood friends; jaemin has an obvious crush on her, flirtationship but yeyeon has no feelings for him but has a certain attraction towards him


▸ they're pretty close, they talk to each other a lot and of course they flirt with each other. jaemin is the perfect gentleman around yeyeon, he would open the door for her, sometimes offering to carry her stuff. after yeyeon and chan's engagement was announced, jaemin still treated yeyeon the same but stopped with the flirtings. but he still made it obvious that he likes her. he started giving the cold shoulder to chan though.


▸ jaemin confessed but yeyeon rejected him but they stayed as friends

there is no good in goodbye

COMMENTS.   i might have gone too far with them scene suggestions hehehe sorry bout that ^^;

chan dropped by yeyeon's place and well he saw a lot of delivery food. he has nothing against them but too much seems unhealthy for him so he dragged yeyeon to the grocery and when they got back, he cooked for her since she has zero cooking skills. he was really good at cooking and yeyeon enjoyed what he made which made him smile at her without her seeing.
chan watches yeyeon's archery training for the first time and became mesmerized by her, it was like a first time for him to see someone who's always loud and wild as yeyeon become quiet and focused. he couldn't help but stare at her.
yeyeon was made captain for the archery club by their coach due to favoritism, because of these some of the club members have hard feelings. she came to the locker room to find her equipment broken, she confonted the members but noone admitted. she walked out of the place and she bumped into chan who saw her equipment. he asked what happened but she stayed quiet with a pissed off expression before shoving him off and walking away. in the end she found out who did it, and suspended them from practicing coz she's a btch hahahaha
after school, jaemin and yeyeon flirting with each other unintentionally, coz it kinda became a habit for them, and chan getting annoyed by it (this was after the engagement announcement). chan grabbed yeyeon's things and bag and walked away resulting to yeyeon catching up to him and leaving jaemin
chan and yeyeon's loud bickerings and tom and jerry moments
▸chan surprise visits yeyeon's place before finals and forces her to study with him, he tutored her with math and she tutored him with social studies
▸chan cooking at yeyeon's place and scolds her whenever she sneaks in and eats his cooking when he's not looking
▸one of yeyeon's pranks got out of hand which resulted in her being reprimanded by the principal and being called by her dad. chan drove her to the main hospital branch and insisted to come with her. when they got to her dad's office,he slapped yeyeon without a word and without considering that chan was there. he said a few harsh words before leaving his office for work. yeyeon stood still the whole time and chan reading the atmosphere reached for her wrist and started to pull her lightly out of the building to his car. he made yeyeon go inside the car, before he went in, he bought a cold canned coffee from a vending machine and gave it to yeyeon when he got in his car. she took it placed it on her stinging cheek without a word
▸the diamond class renting an amusement park for a day. when they are about to ride the roller coaster, she noticed chan looking a bit pale and started teasing him that he was afraid (he has a fear of heights) but he told her he wasn't (lies lol hahahaha). they sat together and when the coaster dropped from the peak, chan grabbed hold of yeyeon's hand with his eyes closed and pursed lips while yeyeon was laughing at him.
▸moments where chan took care of yeyeon like taking of his blazer and putting it over her lap and stuff

▸ a time where chan accompanies yeyeon to a college party where she was invited and well gets protective of her when university students started approaching her


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hey jelly! cute name
first up, i screamed when i saw ryujin!
gurl thats my bae
her basics and appearance are good to go
her most important info are also good
they are also well elaborated
i saw no problems and oMg unb and nct
i didn't expect that oMG
but for yuchan's ranks and subjects
they don't match a bit?
his subject grades are for the 2nd place
i envisioned the 4th placer having one 3's and two 2's
also can you add in jaemin's club bc he is a student?
so i can fit him well!

there was a minor correction, nothing major
i liked everything! thank you so much for applying!