
After 4 whole days of attending catch-up classes, after taking another exam to get qualified in my target university, after waiting for hours in various lines just to comply to all the requirements, and after almost getting sick (almost missing the enrollment and a chance for a slot), I finally got in my target university TT_TT I want to thank everyone who has been supporting my stories (even though, it's been a while since I posted an update). Thank you for subscribing and most especially, thank you for the upvotes and the very much appreciated comments.


I'm trying to work on the updates so bear with me just a little more. I have just been very busy and school starts next month I'M SO HYPED AND ANXIOUS Xx.

And thank you, you, for dropping by and reading this <3



"'cuz there's a big,
big world out there."


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Yo! Congratulations!!! Let's go celebrate!!
Congratulations :) A step closer to your dream. Study well and go make yourself proud ^^