A long wait

Hi, I know it’s been a while but so far things are coming along. My uncle is waiting to hear news about the heart transplant list and hopefully we find out soon. It’s been very tiring for me and my mom, that are lives have been put on hold to take care of my uncle. I’m slowly doing things I love but the stress adds up each day. The hardest part is staying strong. From diets, appointments every week, my activities, working, church, learning to drive, etc., I haven’t really been able to do much of relaxing unless I take a nap. At one point my health got bad but now I’m doing better. I’m going to try reading again but it might not be like I use too. I hope everyone has a good year and cherish everyday you have with your loved ones because you never know when it will end.


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I've been in your shoes as well. It's difficult to stay strong when there are so many elements coming together to give you stress.
It's good that you and your mom are taking care of your uncle. I'm sure he appreciates it a lot. What matters is that the family continues to show love with one another. I wish I could have shown more love and compassion towards my mom before she passed. Let's live without regrets, yeah?