Maybe a comeback? or not?

Hello! It's me. Nothing new. I may or may not update the fics that i've left behind. No one knows, but I am writing new stuffs recently. I may upload it here or just going to make another account and link it here. I still don't know, because it is from another fandom so idk what to do yet. Hope you can understand me. I am still struggling living. It's hard. But just have to deal with it. You can talk to me here or in my twitter accts.


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Hi!!! Long time no see! How are you? I hope you do update them someday, I miss your Chansoo fanfics! And yes upload your new stuff here, I'll still read it because you're such a great writer! And it's okay if it's from another fandom, I don't really mind if you're not EXOL anymore or something because I know most EXOL's are army's now but that's ok ..still sad but oh well I can't do nothing to change and no one can really.. but you do what you enjoy best, yeah? :)
And I hope your life gets better and you don't have to struggle anymore someday. Stay strong! Fighting! :)
Hi! Just stumbled upon your blog. Good luck with your choice! Having your own writing "comeback" can be difficult. Haha! I also recently 'came back' with a new fic for a different fandom. But at this age, I really don't give a crap if it's another fandom :)) What's done is done and I just hope people like it.

I hope you figure out what you want to do :) It'll be great! Keep on living!! It's a struggle but let's fight!