Moving On (not from AFF don't worry) I had my last day of high school yesterday, and the graduation ceremony is coming up. It feels so weird...applying for jobs and signing up for college's so weird. There's a lot on my mind, but not necessarily in a bad way. It's so weird wondering what the future holds. I've always been painfully shy and a generally nervous person (although that's due to an anxiety disorder) and I wonder how I'll make new friends at college. I wonder when I'll get my own apartment, and if I'll, maybe, meet a girl who likes me in the way I like her. 

But those things are kind of far off. For now, I'll spend time that I'm not working or studying or taking care of my animals writing things for you guys, and getting some requests out (requests that were asked of me months ago). 

OH! And if any of you are curious, I'm planning on going into parasitology (study of parasites), but I'm not 100% sold on that. I know at the very least I hope to get a Bachelor's degree in Biology. I also know that any job that involves me helping animals and working with weird organisms will probably make me happy, least I know what I want, kind of. 

Anyway, this has been your author rambling about the future (and trying not to think about student loan debt and taxes and other rough stuff that comes with growing up). I'll try to update again soon!


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Stay strong! You’ll do it great!
oh wow, school doesn't end for me until June 22nd(AHHHHHH!!!)

anyway best wishes!!! parasiteology sounds interesting lol I remember I would use to watch documentaries on certain parasites
Congratulations! Wishing you all the best! ^_^