☾ Orb Of Night / the intrigued ----- kim yeran


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birthname kim yeran (english name: ardene)
birthdate march 12, 2000
birthplace seoul, south korea
hometown boston massachusetts
ethnicity korean
species human

faceclaim lee suji
backup shin ryujin
height & weight 161 cm & 49 kg



🎹 ran/rani/yeye ; shortened versions of her name
🎹 oppa/ hyung : her boyish personality got her this nickname, her boyish side is her natural side, almost everyone jokingly calls her this sometimes
🎹 cereal killer : the band noticed that she would often bring cereal and milk wherever she goes and would eat
🎹 princess ; chan is the only one that calls her this, uses it when he's teasing


kim yeran

tumblr_p5qcp4KcLR1x5kjlxo4_250.gif tumblr_p5qcp4KcLR1x5kjlxo8_250.gif tumblr_p5qcp4KcLR1x5kjlxo6_250.gif

🎹 positive: confident, observant, mischievous, open-minded, extra
🎹 neutral: boyish, emotional, perfectionist
🎹 negative: secretive, sarcastic, arrogant, vulgar, savage

🎹 "i'm ardene kim, no explanation needed."
her confidence is one of her strongest traits. she always has her head held high and doesn't let others pull her down. she has no problem voicing out her thoughts and opinions. she believes strongly in herself and she knows she can do a good job.
🎹 "i'm okay my , you're sick bozo."
she's also really observant. she likes watching people, her surroundings, everything. from the smell of the morning dew, the coldness of a winter night, how the sun shines through the trees. she can see the good in the bad and the bad in the good. because she’s observant, she can predict what other people are thinking or what they feel as of that moment by just their facial expressions and body language. this side of her shows that she's a real softie and is very caring towards everything and everyone.
🎹 "fun is where i'm at"
she is a perfect example of a mischief maker. she likes to cause trouble and prank people in a playful way, all with good intentions of course. she likes to liven up the atmosphere with her humorous stories and jokes and sometimes lame ones as well. she'll laugh at her lames ones which makes the whole room laugh with her. she's also always down for new experiences and anything that can give her a smile or laugh when reminiscing about it. she enjoys making people smile and laugh and it calms her and she doesn't know why. she is a master of communication and is a very amusing and gifted entertainer. fun and variety are guaranteed when she is around. have her as a friend, you will never be bored; with her, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties.
🎹 "i couldn't care less really, just do you"
ardene is a person who accepts a person as they are. she doesn't really care about what other people label them, as long as she knows what kind of person they are, she wouldn't take other people's judgment. she's willing to embrace change and and try new things. she gets bored when things are repetitive. she respects each person's difference and encourages them to be proud of themselves. she doesn't label people other than those b*stards who are worthless and all that.
🎹 *does crab dance out of the blue*
everything she does is really extra and unpredictable. from her reactions to her imitations and all. she's like a living meme and people can't help but laugh and enjoy. but sometimes it can be cringeworthy but still funny. she does stuff out of the box and out of the norm. it's no surprise if one of her antics trends and becomes viral. she also has a weird way of explaining her thoughts and stuff. she basically doesn't care about her image, which gets her scolded. she also out of nowhere asks senseless and nonsense questions that makes you go wtf at her.

🎹 "dude every cool girl is half boy"
ardene is really a boyish girl. maybe because of growing up with a dad and a twin brother. she's always down for anything and loves the thrill. bungee jumping, sky diving, you name it. she's pretty relaxed with herself and around people and doesn't mind ruining her image. she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty but well she is afraid of cockroaches and spiders. she likes skateboarding with her brother and other friends.
🎹 *sniffs* "what?! can't i have feelings too?!"
a typical pisces trait. she is a pretty emotional and sensitive person. she is easily touched or easily hurt by things or people. she cries easily and is labeled a cry baby by some. but her emotions are genuine and real. she will most likely be the first one to cry in a sad drama or movie. she is also pretty good hiding her real emotions though, especially if she doesn't want to cause worry to people.
🎹 "that's not it, do it again."
she's someone who strives for perfection and good results. she has a strong sense of purpose especially when it comes to music. there are days that she doesn't get a second of sleep just to perfect a song. you can rely on her to do a good job at what ever task she's assigned. there's no doubt that she'll struggle at something she's not familiar of but she is a quick learner and is eager to learn and accepts new information and knowledge. she also knows how to deal with any situation and is quick to her feet. there is also a bad side to being a perfectionist and that is over criticizing herself. she doesn't like failure and if she does, it takes a big toll on her. she gets pressured living up to people's expectations and fears that she won't be able to meet them.

🎹 "everything's fine"
she is a really secretive person despite her very extra and outgoing personality. she tends to hide her troubles and worries to herself and hates when she causes trouble to people. she doesn't like showing her weak side, so she hides that side of her from everyone. she's also a pretty good liar when it comes to herself, people won't be able to tell if she's okay or not coz her tone of voice is always convincing.
🎹 "quit trying to be a smart , you're just an ."
she speaks fluent sarcasm. she gets irritated when she says something that is the furthest thing from serious, but the person she's talking to just doesn’t understand her sarcasm. when she meets someone and she instantly hates them, she has a super hard time hiding it. she kinda got the habit of ending sentences with 'just kidding' or 'it was a joke' to lighten things up when everyone got silet or something. since she's known to be mischievous and funny, people don't get when she's being sarcastic or being funny and it irritates her a lot, which draws out her sarcasm even more.
🎹 "you're good, but i'm better"
ardene is arrogant. growing up and getting used to being labelled as perfect by people got in her head. she has that overbearing pride and thinks she knows things more than she actually does. she loves displaying her elevated opinion and will act high and mighty. she just loves to be the center of attention and hates it when someone steals her spotlight. she diminishes others to make herself feel more superior. she kinda has a superiority complex. she is also aggressive.
🎹 "well this, that,  every piece of ."
ardene is pretty vulgar and swears a lot. rather than bottling up her anger, she releases it through swearing. she swears when she's angry, she swears when she's surprised, she swears even when she's just explaining something. though her swearing means no harm most of the time, it turns people off a lot especially those who are not used to hearing such words and she comes of a uneducated and rude, though she's really not rude, sometimes.
🎹  "oh is that what you mean by talent? where."
she is a living example of brutal yet awesome. she speaks her mind, thoughts and opinions freely, without holding back. if she knows you're at fault, she will no doubt confront you about it. she doesn't mind you disliking her or think of her negatively. she's the person who did or said something nobody else had the guts to. she doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. her words can be really harsh to the point of making the other party cry.

yeran was born in seoul, south korea, an only child. she spent her childhood in seoul until she was seven years old. her family moved to boston where her father was offered a job to teach architecture in boston university. she grew up to be a bit boyish since her neighbors' children are boys. she used to go to the park with them and build mudpies or climb trees. she was pretty daring and adventurous as a child. her mother was a stay-at home mom, a housewife. her mom, who loved to play the piano, taught her how. she learned to love to play the piano and was earnest and sincere on learning everything about it. her mother was supposed to be a professional pianist but didn't push through because she enjoyed taking care of her daughter more and wanted to see her grow everyday. when yeran found out about that, she told herself that she'll be the best pianist that would be heard by the whole universe, for the sake of her mom's unfulfilled dream. since then she joined many concours, recitals and competitions and would bag awards. she took extra care of her hands, even having a day and night care and relax routine. but she still was her adventurous self. she loved going outdoors. something she got from her dad, who would take her camping or swimming at the beach and just appreciating nature. 

she started high school, and well, it was a roller coaster. she experienced her first love, her first kiss, her first heartbreak, her first house party. she quickly became one the popular kids because of her daring and fun personality. but unlike the typical stereotype for the popular kids, she gets along with everyone. she interacts with every clique, every student, everyone. she also was one hell of a troublemaker, always being sent to the principal's office but can always get away with anything because hey, she's one of the top teenage pianists in their area and is expected to become a professional sooner or later. she was basically one of the pride of their high school. what does her parents think about her behavior, you ask? they didn't like it at first, but despite of her very wild behavior, she still delivers good grades, one of the best in her year and also improves her piano skills every single day. they let it pass, especially since she's their only princess right? 

when it was nearing the end of junior year, her father told her that they would be relocating back to seoul because her was personally requested by the department head of architecture at korea university to be a full professor. she didn't like the idea, especially since she has already made a name in the world of music in boston and slowly the whole of usa. but when her dad makes a choice, it's final. like it or not, they flew to seoul a week after junior year ended. when they arrived in seoul, nostalgia hit her. they moved to a new house but it was the same neighborhood. she was actually starting to enjoy her first few days of stay there until her school uniform arrived and well havoc arrived. (she didn't like the idea of school uniforms). her first day of school arrived, she woke up grumpy and pissed, mostly because there was a school uniform. then she felt someone's eyes watching her and when she turned to the direction she felt it, someone oddly familiar yet unfamiliar came to her view. then his group of friends came to her view and it hit her. they seemed like those kids she played with one time at the park before she left for boston. and all seemed to click he approached her and telling her how different she was back when they were kids. but unlike back then, she felt something off about him, about them. they seemed the same, but at the same time different.

School life // 12 //  though being new and all and having no idea how korean teenagers are, she still kept being herself and it worked well for her. she made friends and like her years in boston, became quite popular with her daring and fun personality. she still was the same troublemaker that she is and thankfully unlike in the usa, they don't immediately send you to the principal's office, which was a huge plus for her. everyone thought the opposite when they first saw her, she looked sweet and fragile, but hell no. she was loud, savage and boyish. to her peers surprise in the future, she will get one of the highest grades in their year, being part of the top 5 during their midterms and finals. they thought she was all pranks, laughs and troubles, a carefree spirit. though she still has a hard time with the korean language, it didn't stop her from getting high grades. she didn't join any clubs, being in her last year of high school. instead she would always play the piano in the music room during mornings and lunch breaks. 

school friends and peers

aesthetic, brown, and decor image tumblr_p84n2b0IXJ1wayxevo2_r1_250.jpg aesthetic, brown, and decor image

🎹 chinsun // peers // 17 // student, head of loona
chinsun was one of the kids she played with one time during her childhood. chinsun didn't remember her until one of the members of their pack told her who she was. chinsun didn't pay attention to yeran, finding her not that interesting. though they exchanged a conversation about that time at the park. they aren't close now, but we'll wait and see once yeran founds out about them.

aesthetic, picnic, and white image Image result for ukiss jun icons aesthetic, picnic, and white image

 🎹 lee junyoung // close friends // 17 // student
junyoung was one of yeran's first friends in school. they got along very well, especially having similar jokester personalities. they often hang out together, along with other close buds. they're pretty close to the point that their peers would tease them and some even assumed they were dating. but they would never, for them it'll be like dating the girl and guy version of themselves. 

🎹 hair ; she runs her fingers through her hair automatically. also she twirls a strand of her hair when she's thinking
🎹  joints ; she cracks her joints when she's stressed or nervous, she can crack her neck, back, knuckles, wrists and ankles.
🎹 eye contact ; she stares at people's eyes when they are talking or when they're talking to her. never averts her eye sight, some people gets caught of guard to see her stare so intensely
🎹 her lips ; she does this when she's angry or pissed off, with the occasionally biting of the lips as well
🎹 face ; resting face despite her playful personality
🎹 nibbling while cooking ; it's basically her 'tasting' her or anyone's cooking
🎹 retorting back ; basically it's a habit of hers to talk back, regardless of who it is she's 🎹 skinships ; she's a pretty touchy person and it's in her nature to lean on someone's shoulder or linking arms with someone.
🎹 horoscopes ; it's a habit for her to read her horoscope for the day every morning, she doesn't miss even one day

🎹 food ; she is a huge foodie and loves to stuff herself real good
🎹 purple ; she would literally go gaga over any shade of purple, her spirit color
🎹 shoes ; she loves them and buying them and just displaying them in her room. has a big collection and treats every pair like her baby
🎹 cool places/weather ; she just likes the feeling of the cool air brushing against her skin
🎹 cereal ; she loves all kinds of cereal, every week she buys a new flavor because one cereal box can only last a week for her. always brings a container with cereal anywhere. then she buys milk at convenience stores. she can eat it in the morning, afternoon and evening
🎹 caffeine ; if not cereal, then coffee. especially iced americano and hot cafe latte.
🎹 divination ; tarot reading, astrology, crystal reading and the like. she's pretty into those kind of stuff and finds them really interesting.
🎹  harry potter ; she is an avid potterhead. also one of the reasons she's into divination in the first place lol
🎹 dogs & cats ; she loves animals in general but loves dogs and cats a whole lot more. planning on owning a shiba inu or a russian blue cat or a beagle or a siamese or a golden retriever or a bengal or *continuous blabbling*
🎹  cute animal videos ; she'll be watching these videos anytime anywhere coz they so cute and they're her stress reliever
🎹 thrift shops ; she loves shopping at thrift shops, she has a thing for vintage clothes

🎹 tomatoes ; she hates them just no. she can't eat them nor smell them, or else she might puke
🎹 hot places/weather ; she loves the outdoors but the heat she can't love
🎹 bugs ; she's okay with caterpillars, butterflies and worms, just not spiders, cockroaches and ants
🎹  garlic ; it tastes bitter for her. doesn't add it in her samgyeopsal wrap
🎹  wasting food ; she would rather finish everything on the table even though her stomach's gonna burst than waste food
🎹 horror stuff ; don't take her to watch horror movies coz she'll mostly likely waste the ticket money by hiding her face behind her popcorn all through out the movie
🎹 rules ; she's a girl who doesn't like to feel restricted because she likes to be creative and to be herself all the time
🎹 excuses ; she hates them. if you clearly done something wrong, man up and face the consequences
🎹  rudeness ; this is a definite no no for her. she's a girl who respects everyone and shows kindness to whoever, be rude to her and well just be ready to run and escape, though she's rude at times lol
🎹 being woken up in the morning ; even when she woke up by herself, she will be grumpy in the morning. so please, don't ever prank her when she's asleep, cuz even mother of purple won't know what will happen to the world when she gets woken up. she needs atleast 10 minutes of alone time after she wakes up to rid her grumpiness. within that time frame, do not, i repeat do not get under her skin.

🎹 movies and tv series ; she can finish a series in one seating or can finish a number of movies in one seating
🎹 skater girl ; she skateboards in a nearby skate park. she uses her skateboard as a means of transportation sometimes
🎹 food tripping ; she loves to just stuff herself good
🎹  piano ; she likes to practice or just play for fun
🎹  shoe shopping ; loves this be it online or the real deal. it's like her stress reliever other than music and cute animal videos. mostly shops vans, puma, adidas, dr. martens, timberland, converse
🎹  reading ; yes, you read that right. ardene reads, especially while listening to music. she mostly reads about tarot reading, astrology and divination
tarot reading ; it's like a stress reliever for her other than the piano and walking outside
🎹 thrift shopping ; she likes to go to different thrift shops and well just look through the clothes and leave the place with a lot of bags

🎹 spicy food ; she's weak at eating spicy food but would finish the whole meal still
🎹 "i'm hungry" ; a sentence she always says like every two minutes
🎹  certified shikshin ; whenever the camera catches her, she's always eating or is packing food. food is life
🎹 alter ego ; she has a serious case of mood swings, she can be pranking and laughing one moment then she'll be cranky and quiet the next
🎹 disney ; she knows every word in every disney songs, would suddenly sing out of nowere
🎹  ideal type ; physically she likes someone who's tall and has eyes that can make her heart skip a bit when they look at her. she also likes someone has a soft smile and someone she can talk to without discomfort
🎹 tickle tickle tickle ; she is very ticklish especially on her waist part.
🎹 blood type ; she's blood type ab positive
🎹 athlete ; she's actually pretty sporty but is pretty lazy to do so
🎹 nicknames ; she likes giving unusual nicknames to people
🎹 cry baby ; she easily cries at sad stories, movies or videos. especially watching her favorite shows. she cries at anime episodes too even when there's no sad scene, it's because her feels are over flowing
🎹  merchandises ; she has harry potter and marvel merchandises in her side of the room, and her shelves are full of them, walls are full of posters too
🎹 collection ; she has a harry potter collection, mugs, shirts, merch, you name it, she loves harry potter and the fans know it, she also took the hobby of collecting music albums and vinyl records from her dad, she also collects harry potter and marvel funko pops, she also likes to collect crystals and divination stuff
🎹 tarot reading ; she knows how to read tarot, she self taught herself after becoming interested in it back in boston. her readings are pretty accurate and does really come true sometimes.
🎹 formalities ; she at being formal and is awkward during formal events like tea parties and such
🎹 phone ; her phone is a lilac purple samsung galaxy s9+

"it's us against them..."

(if plotline 4 skip section)



Special abilities here

name // relation // age // occupation // rank // relationship 
name // relation // age // occupation // rank // relationship 

LIFE minimum 1 paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada.

Brief Pack Description  minimum 1 paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada. (ONLY FOR THE PERIL)

Brief FAMILY HISTORY  minimum 1 paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui. Aliquam quis odio lorem. Suspendisse tempor fermentum elit, id laoreet diam. Quisque finibus nec ipsum vel malesuada. (ONLY FOR THE CYNIC)

here (if apart of OEC, state which side your odd eye is) 
here (anything else) 


"It's like a fairytale"


kang yuchan

backup na jaemin
birthdate december 31, 2000


pack oec

MOON PHASE blue moon

Special abilities 
🎹 enhanced senses ; his hearing, smelling, eyesight and strength are far more superior than the average person
🎹 olfactory memory ; he can remember anything, any place and any one with their smell. he can also remember a memory with just a smell.
🎹 lie detection ; he can sense someone lying through smelling the chemicals released by the body 
🎹 stealth ; he can move from one place to another without being detected. he can erase is presence through very careful and quiet movements

occupation tracker in training

personality  chan is a huge ball of sunshine. he's always smiling and laughing and it is contagious. he's the definition of a beagle (lol he's a werewold hahaha). he's always active, moving and is pretty unpredictable and weird. he likes to tell jokes and goof around. he's friendly and doesn't have a hard time to befriend others, and people don't take long to come to like him. he's also hardworking and doesn't like worrying others, so he tends to keep his burdens to himself. he has a kind heart and doesn't think twice before helping someone. he also has good leadership skills and knows when to step up. he has good talking skills so he's most likely to be the first one to speak up about an issue or something. when he's angry, he gets quiet and it is pretty evident on his face. but he doesn't let it affect his work. he tends to overwork himself without holding himself back and is pretty stubborn about it. but he is loyal to his friends, family and pack and to those who promises to protect. he wouldn't think twice about sacrificing himself for them.

love story  
phase one
their first encounter was during their first day of school. yeran arrived grumpy especially because of the school uniform. when she entered the gates of the school, she immediately felt eyes watching her. she turned to the direction she felt the eyes and saw chan. they made eye contact, neither planning to break it until chinsun nudged chan. yeran saw him exchange a few words with the girl before she saw him walking towards her. as he stopped in front of her, she shifted her head up to look at him.
"yeran-ah annyeong." chan smiled as he greeted her. yeran's eye widened at his greeting.
"how'd the hell do you know my name?" chan
's smile grew bigger and he pointed towards her name tag.
"it's written on your name tag." yeran moved her vision to her name tag before looking back towards chan. before she could mutter a comeback, chan beat her to it. "we played once back when we were kids." yeran closed and studied chan's features. then it hit her. once again, before she could say something, chinsun called chan.
"see you around." as he said that, he patted her head before returning to his circle of friends. yeran's eyes kept following him. something was off about him, about them and she can't pinpoint what it was.

phase two
oddly enough, there is always a way for them to bump roads. her first friend, junyoung, was close friends with chan. her first lunch was with them and well it was okay-ish. jun dragged her to their favorite lunch spot. there she saw chan, already hogging down his food. coincidentally, jun made her sit next to him. she ignored him and started conversing with the other kids. but she knew he was staring at her. her streak of ignoring him ended when he, out of nowhere, touched her cheek. she turned to him and saw a rice grain in between his fingers. he smirked at her before eating it and returning back to his food. yeran tried to keep her composure and returned back to talking with her peers. since then, they would eat lunch together, yeran trying her very best not to interact with chan. after a while, she started spending her time at the music room and playing the piano after she eats her lunch. unknowingly to her, chan also started listening to her play.

phase three
yeran was standing at the bus stop, backpack on her back, phone on one hand while the other is tapping on her thigh with her earphones on, listening to piano pieces. she was waiting for the bus to get her home. since their house is a bit far from school, which is also near the mountains. being preoccupied with reading the music sheet on her phone and humming together with the piano, she failed to notice the swerving motorbike that's coming towards her. she noticed it a bit too late and was about to collide with the bike until she felt a strong grip on her wrist and pulled her away from the collision. she watched as the biker regained control and rode away before she turned to the owner of the hand. she saw chan with a panicked expression on his face. she started to feel the pain on her wrist from his grip as the adrenaline from the earlier incident vanished. she hissed and pushed chan away, making him let go of his grip. she observed her wrist and saw an evident red mark.
"this will fcking bruise tomorrow." she murmered angrily to herself. "don't you know how delicate a pianist's wrists are?" she glared at him, clearly pissed.
"don't you know how to thank someone when they saved you?" she just glared even more before turning her back on him. she felt his eyes staring at her but she ignored it. until a thought popped up. 'when the hell did he arrive at the bus stop? do we even take the same bus?' she got curious if they did, especially since they practically arrive at school at the same time, weirdly enough, and she never saw him riding the bus she took or even at the path to school. her thoughts were erased when the bus arrived. she boarded it quickly but before she got to her seat, she turned around. chan was just watching her with no intention of riding the bus. as the door closed, they remained eye contact until they couldn't. something was really off about him.

phase four
yeran likes to stroll around her neighborhood after studying to relax her mind. she particularly likes strolling by the mountains. she went for her usual walk but that day was different. she saw a familiar person walking towards the top of the mountain and she realized it was chan. curious as to why he was there, she followed him quietly and discreetly. not knowing that chan has already caught her scent and knew she was following him. he stopped walking, so she quickly hid behind a tree, peaking through to still him. and then she saw him phased into a wolf. chan, in his wolf form, sprinted away so fast, she couldn't see. she looked around, still hiding behind the tree until she heard a soft growl behind her. she slowly turned towards it and she immediately flinched, backing away. she stayed frozen on the spot, her back resting on the tree, her breathing faster, sweat started to form on her forehead. she looked at the wolf in front of her, bigger than the average. she stared at its eyes, she was clearly scared as hell. it started walking towards her until its snout was an inch away from her face. they stayed like that for a good few minutes, and yeran's breathing started to return to normal. seeing as it has no motive of hurting her, she couragously started to reach her hand towards his muzzle, but before she could touch him, he sprinted away. she turned to the direction he went and felt that he wanted her to follow him. so she did, when she reunited with him, chan was in his human form. she stopped a good distance away from him.
"scared?" he asked, staring at her eyes.
"was. now? no." she breathed deeply. "you're a werewolf." chan laughed at her remark, before sitting on a rock.
"obviously." yeran walked closer towards him. "you don't seem that shaken up." she stopped on her tracks, finding words to say.
"i knew something was off, but.."
"you never thought of me being a werewolf." his eyes twinkled in amusement. 
"aren't you supposed to, you know, keep it a secret?"
"yeah." he replied roughly, then he walked towards her, stopping right in front of her.
"why then?" she asked, pertaining to what he did and showed her. chan smiled as he reached for a strand of her hair.
"just because." she stared at his eyes. he saw confusion, surprise, fear and relief in her eyes. "do know that you can't tell anyone about this princess." 

🎹 chan's odd eye is on his right eye
🎹 yeran can't remember this, but the reason chan calls her princess is because when they played once during their childhood, they did a roleplay and chan was the prince and she was the princess
🎹 once again, she doesn't remember this, but chan made a promise back then which he still lives by to this day. he made a promise that he'll protect her until his death. that is why he always watches over her. you can say that yeran was his first love and still is, despite only meeting once before
🎹 he was captivated with her smile when they were kids
🎹 he returned to the park the day after they played together to see yeran again, but she didn't come
🎹 his family are all born during the blue moon. they make sure that all of their family members are born on the same moon. kinda like a bloodline tradition thingy. they're all hunters and trackers
🎹 he has two brothers yuseok and yujoon, both hunters, yuseok as a crush on chinsun
🎹 he likes photography, when yeran found out about him, he started to take pictures of her, much to her dislike, and all turns out really well
🎹 he listens to her play in the mornings and lunch breaks openly, sometimes sitting beside her
🎹 he knows there will be consequences to what he did and he's ready to receive them
🎹 he is very overprotective of yeran
🎹 he gets jealous of junyoung whenever he sees the two laughing and smiling together, would do anything to stop it

no deaths to the main characters have been set but if your character was to have that fate later on, would you be okay with that? 

yep, totally okay with it! especially since chan swore to protect yeran till his death, it'd be very dramatic if he couldn't. but i don't wanna seem sadistic so... it's up to you hahahahaa!!

"this is the end isn't it?"

last words yoooo i had fun creating scenarios and such for this app! i think you might see that i got inspiration from twilight series, i'm sorry xD i was really excited for this app and i was ecstatic when you updated. coz a loona inspired werewolf au, who could ever go wrong with that right?

scene request 
🎹 yeran having her korean piano recital debut, chan, chinsun and the others attend
🎹 chan getting jealous over jun and yeran
🎹 maybe a member of the oec pack was the reason yeran injured her hands and chan got angry and things got nasty
🎹 i would actually like a very awkward chinsun x yeran interaction, maybe yeran cracking a joke and chinsun didn't find it funny so there was a very awkward silence between them orrrrr maybe chinsun not really liking the fact that yeran knows about them
🎹 drama is loved



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