"Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is full of dreams."
- Wonder
BIRTHNAME song gyureum. 송규름.
CLOUD gyureum's name, when pronounced, sounds similar to 구름 (guleum), which means cloud. it all started from a trainee saving gyureum's number with a cloud besides her name. mostly trainees who encountered her often (and future lunation members) tends to call her this.
REUMIE its a pet nickname, like a shorter version of gyureum's name. second most used name besides her name. generally used by everyone.
VAMPIRE if you look closely, gyureum has two upper canines sticking out more prominently than the rest of her teeth. it gives her teeth a fang-like appearance. thus members started to jokingly call her a vampire.
GYUYOMI gyureum invented her own kind of gwiyomi, which includes extra buing-buings and 200% of total cuteness. a little warning, victims of her gyuyomi are left with feelings of affection towards gyureum (or total cringe and embarrassment).
GYULIMJA a combination of gyureum + shadow (그림자/geulimja). gyureum is a face easily lost in the crowds. most people do not know too much about her, much less her background. another term for gyureum is a knight in the shadows, a silent saviour for those who have been helped by her. trainees often refer to her as the shadow girl behind gyureum's back.
BIRTHDATE 1999-19-09.
BIRTHPLACE incheon, south korea.
KOREAN fluent. native tongue.
ENGLISH do not engage in english with gyureum otherwise she'd be a stuttering mess.
FACECLAIM 양혜선, elris
BACKUP 성지연, momoland
the first thing that you'll notice from gyureum is how soft her whole appearance looks like. her face is like a cross from a small, round circle and a square. there is an obvious evident of baby fat still present in her mochi-like cheeks. her eyes are wide and full of life, with a glint of mysteriousness if you look more closely to her dark pupils. one of gyureum's odd but charming feature is her two prominent canines, sticking out than the rest of her teeth, making her smile seem more sweeter and childlike. seems to rest in a tired half-smile most of the time, radiating a relaxing vibe. her long black hair is usually tidy and brushed. as for her wispy bangs, she either brushes it to the side or lets it loose, covering her forehead.
standing around 159 cm and weighing more or less 49 kg, gyureum is quite reachable for those who are looking for warm hugs.
gyureum doesn't really pay attention to her style or fashion. as long as she deems it appropriate, comfortable and tidy, its good to go. her style is mostly casual, not too girly yet not too boyish either. colours don't really matter either to gyureum. she mostly dresses in colours that are not too eyesore though, such as neutral and dark colours. what gyureum likes to do, however, is making combinations. such as wearing a sleeveless dress on top of a long-sleeved shirt, large cardigans over a skirt, etc.
can you see me eventhough i am just a shadow?
warmhearted, patient, composed, insightful, tender, lenient
withdrawn, stoic, hesitant, enigmatic, absentminded, indecisive
you don't really notice gyureum at first. she always blends with the crowd, becomes one with the shadows. to be honest, she has the bravery to draw attention to herself, but chooses not to. it's quite difficult to approach gyureum at first, as she doesn't open up easily. when you do approach her, you find that she's quite calm and carries a warm aura around her. talking to gyureum feels like having a warm chocolate drink with a blanket around your shoulders, a trainee once said. she's the friend you go to empty out your complains and problems, the silent companion that will sit besides you in the cold night. as you start opening up to her, you'll notice that she puts her full attention on you, focusing on you and you only, drawing you further in to her. when you do get too close to her, she'll slowly drift away and you find yourself back in square one. you feel like she let you in a bit only to push you further away. really, it's not gyureum being rude, it's just her being confused on how to socialize, how to connect with someone. deep down, she has a lot on her mind. whenever the opportunity comes for her to say something, she closes up last minute, too afraid to ponder on the unknown, too afraid of any outcomes she can't predict. in the end, she's stuck lingering on what ifs.
she's the type of person that looks lost but notices and hears everything. the type of person to help someone only to disappear before the person can even say thank you. she doesn't show her emotions that much, or maybe she does have emotions but chooses not to show it. either way, she's quite a mystery. her relaxed and untroubled face seems to make it look like she doesn't seem fazed by anything. even if you explode her, she'll attack back by gently holding you and calming you down, even forgiving you.
gyureum's head is often in the clouds, for she spaces out often. she's not the daydreaming and fantasizing type, but more of 3 am deep thoughts except these thougths clouds her mind at whichever time. she thinks too much, and ponders on things too long. accustomed to living in the shadows of other people, gyureum tends to follow along, not having her own stand, her own opinion. for example, if you like chocolate gyureum will say she'll like chocolate too. she trusts on other people more easily than she trusts her own self.
part i.
song gyureum. born in a cloudy day. a daughter that song hyunbin and song yuju never had on planning. but nevertheless, they welcomed the small bundle of joy in their arms. with an older sister who fell in love at gyureum, vowing to protect her precious baby sister, it seems like gyureum's life is gonna be just fine. she was afterall, born in a wealthy, loving family. or so it seems.
the thing is with siblings, sometimes they're either your best friend or your worst enemy. but to gyureum, song suji is anything but an enemy. she was gyureum's guardian, her knight in shining armour. whenever their parents are busy working, suji is there to give gyureum an abundance of love. to gyureum, suji is like her muse. whatever suji does, gyureum follows. if suji eats cereals, then gyureum must eat cereals too. if suji is wearing pink, then gyureum must wear pink too otherwise she'll cry. it was quite amusing at first. until suji told her that she should find her own interest. be your own self, not a follower, silly bean, gyureum remembered suji saying that to her.
gyureum had always been a shy kid from the beginning. no one really knew her, for she lived in her sister's shadow, the great song suji. suji had already made a name for herself ever since she was young. a talented young ballerina, who is also excellent in the art department, has perfect grades, pretty in every angle and is well loved by her friends. everyone wanted to be suji, including gyureum.
part ii.
gyureum's parents are the typical parents with high expectations. her mom is a succesful doctor while her dad is an excellent lawyer. in fact, gyureum's whole family are either lawyers, doctors, architects or businessman. they had dreams of their daughtes following their path, or at least, be a succesful businesswoman. gyureum's parents often went home late, and there are days where they don't return home due to oversea business trips. when that happens, both suji and gyureum are put in their grandmother's care.
gyureum loved her grandmother very much. she was like a dear friend to gyureum. whatever problems or feelings gyureum felt, she always vent it out to her grandma. including how useless gyureum felt compared to the diamond suji is, and how gyureum's tiny heart is slowly prickling with jealousy.
gyureum wasn't born  talented like suji. at school, gyureum was probably near the last place. she can't draw well (if stick figures do count, then she can). she failed in auditioning for the ballet academy where suji goes to. gyureum's life was bleak compared to suji.
gyureum remembered one advice that her grandmother told her until this day. that jealousy is a very dangerous seed that will grow if you keep feeding it, and that people are talented in their own ways. with her grandmother's advice in mind, gyureum found other activities to do that she found interesting. that is, music and ice skating.
part iii.
maybe gyureum wasn't as good as suji in terms of talent, yet. but that didn't stop gyureum. her parents paid for gyureum's ice skating lessons and music lessons, which encouraged gyureum to not give up. at times gyureum did felt a little jealous of suji. but she'd diminish the thought away. she didn't want her sisterhood to end due to a mere jealousy.
gyureum liked singing, dreaming to become like those idols she and suji often see together on tv. gyureum diligently tried her best in the vocal lessons she took, same goes to ice skating. but she didn't improve greatly, a contrast to suji who shined brighter everyday. it kinda made her frustrated at times, since she wasn't improving as fast as suji.
gyureum's grandmother moved in. that made things a little better. she was there as gyureum's moral support. at times, gyureum felt like her parents didn't love her as much as her older sister. maybe gyureum is just assuming. but how can she not think about who gets more love when everytime gyureum has an ice skating competition, her parents didn't show up? yet when suji has an upcoming ballet recital, both of them are there. the seats that gyureum resered specifically for her parents are almost always empty. they only show up once or twice.
it kinda breaks your heart when you realize how unimportant you are to your own parents. well, at least gyureum's grandmother regularly came to her competitions. gyureum smiled a little wider whenever she saw her grandmother sitting in the crowd, waving her arms wildly so her dearest granddaughter can see her.
part iv.
gyureum met go kijung when she entered middle school. a boy who's prettier than a girl with a voice that can take you to heaven. oddly enough, they become friends. kijung was quite popular among the female species at school, so it's a wonder why he would befriend gyureum, a shadow. gyureum became used to it, having no one notice her. she didn't have many friends at school, except kijung. gyureum wasn't bullied, no. she just doesn't have the best social life, having used to being her sister's shadow.
by now gyureum can see clearly that her parents favoured suji over herself. the hope gyureum had for her parents of them loving her just as much as suji slowly fades away. back then, whenever gyureum is about to compete in an ice skating competition, she would always have her parents in her mind  as a motivation. she dedicated all her winnings to her parents. but that too, changed. gyureum felt that her parents no longer deserve to receive the best of gyureum. from then on, gyureum dedicates her winning to herself, and people who value her as worthy.
by this time gyureum was no longer that failure her parents seem to think she is. with gyureum's passion and dedication in trying her best at her ice skating and vocal lessons, gyureum improved. she was no longer last place, but came in first. it's a shame her parents didn't know this, didn't know how much of a gem gyureum is.
it was kijung who first suggested gyureum to audition. he too, had a beautiful singing voice, but he was never interested in the idol career, singing just for fun. but gyureum had always dreamed of singing on stage one day, to resonate the crowd with her voice. with kijung's help, gyureum finally auditioned. among the entertainments she auditioned at, woollim was the one that accepted gyureum.
part v.
the last year of middle school was probably a bad year for gyureum. first of all, her dearest companion passed away. it torn gyureum's heart when she had to say goodbye to her grandmother forever. at home, the song family is slowly crumbling. suji, the golden apple of her parents' eye, started to have small arguments with her parents. the arguments slowly escalate into shoutings. gyureum didn't hear much, for she preferred to shut herself in her room when that happens. all she heard was something about suji not wanting to be a doctor or a lawyer, and how her parents disapprove of her being a professional ballerina.
truthfully, gyureum's parents enrolled gyureum and her sister to whatever activity they choose because they wanted their daughters to have some achievements in their life (for boasting rights, maybe, gyureum thought one day). since suji was more 'competent' they focused their eyes on suji. gyureum's parents see ballet and other activities as a temporary interest until they can steer their daughters to law school or medical school. that is why, when suji suddenly took a permanent interest in ballet, their parents perfect plan that they have been rehearsing for years finally shattered, leaving them to be furious.
gyureum felt suji slowly avoiding her. the perfect suji who'd always come home punctually turned into a girl who came back home late at night, with no explanation. it's like the golden girl slipped from her throne and had fallen. on some days suji would argue to her parents about gyureum, to gyureum's surprise. suji defended gyureum in front of her parents, hating how her parents neglected gyureum.
at times suji would randomly have long night conversations with gyureum. she'd always say to gyureum, never become like me, small bean, which was odd.
part vi.
the biggest fight suji had with her parents occured when gyureum entered high school. she was marked as a disgraceful daughter by their parents, having committed a sin that could potentially ruin their parents' reputation. suji got knocked up.
their parents were set on kicking out suji but, gyureum could tell they still loved her very much and did not want to let her go. suji stayed for a while at home, not going anywhere. it was suffocating for her waiting for her parents' final decision whether they'll kick her out in the end or not, so suji made her own choice. she left suddenly, moving abroad to united states to live with her aunt, where she can continue to pursue a ballet career, and raise her child there peacefully.
gyureum felt betrayed somehow, that suji left her just like that. when suji left, her parents are 'slapped awake'. they realize the grave mistake they had just made. it seemed highly likely that suji won't be going back to korea, after the severely damaged relationship she had with her parents. with the ex-golden daughter out of the picture, naturally gyureum's parents turned to her. it was awkward at first, neithe side wanting to talk, but having no courage to do so.
gyureum's parents no longer set high expectations for her. they were extra cautious around gyureum, scared she might follow sister's footsteps and leave their parents forever. no matter how terrible gyureum's parents are, they're still parents who did not want their children to leave their sides.
part vii.
the awkward atmosphere went on like that for a while. as the months passed by, the two sides come into a mutual understanding. gyureum's parents didn't oppose of her being a trainee anymore. it was okay. life was finally alright again, for gyureum. what's done is done, and gyureum knows that things can't go back like they way it used to be before.
as the years passed by, the song family's relationship slowly mended. it still has a long way to go, but it's a start.
01) gyureum tends to like ballads and k-indie more. some of her fave artists slash role models are bbolbangan 4, hyukoh, baek yerin, zion-t, akmu etc. her permanent playlists (gyureum never gets tired of this song) zion-t's yanghwa brdg, baek yerin across the universe, bbolbangan 4 galaxy, crucial star's fall ft kim nayoung and dean's half moon ft gaeko
02) for western artists, gyureum loves powerhouse vocals like adele, beyonce, whitney houston, celine dion, pixie lott etc
03) she can play the piano, flute, guitar
04) she did ice skating for 7 years before quitting due to wanting to focus more on music. she still sometimes practices her ice skating or takes a lesson whenever lunation has no schedules
05) in variety shows, gyureum would probably keep quiet and speaks when she's being spoken to. and would probably stay behind and not join her members dancing, unless all of lunation gets up to dance. she's the type to support in the back and clap or laugh along
06) really loves to dance / cover boy groups. like yoojung of weki meki
07) addicted to pancakes, ice tea, sandwiches, cereals, the colour black, the sound of light rain, vanilla ice cream, sour food, bubblegum, socks, vintage / antique things, doing crosswords / puzzles, watching the clouds/sky, stargazing etc
08) not very fond of spicy food, chocolate, vegetables, melon, waking up late in the morning (gyureum is a punctual early bird), cancelled plans, people who sees people from the outside and not the inside, the times when she has stage frights, failing to reach high notes etc
09) writes her songs in a book she brings everywhere
10) suffered a shoulder, wrist and knee injury when she was still doing ice skating
11) she's good in dancing hip-hop and contemporary, though not to a huge extent
12) actually wears glasses all the time but switched to contact lenses due to the coordi unnies telling her that it's more efficient. her left eye is -0.5 while her right eye is -0.25
13) very scared of butterflies. one time it landed on her face when she was sleeping in the grass with kijung and she just freaked out
14) likes horror movies. she's not at all scared watching it. maybe just a few jumps and a tiny shout here and there
15) has a habit to tie her hair into a bun wherever she is, keeps a hair tie in her wrist all the time. really doesn't like sweating
16) lots of trainees commented that gyureum texts plainly. never uses emojis or symbols, but always uses full stop
17) her side hobbies include colouring (gyureum, doesn't like drawing because it reminds her how untalented she is in art compared to suji), doing yoga, making music, reading/making poetry, sleeping
18) is a grandma in technology. doesn't get how to use a filter, to flip the camera, play games, etc
19) the type of person to enter in and out of a room without a sound
gyureum's grandmother is gyureum's very own guardian angel. she was the one who shaped gyureum up, who believed in gyureum and her potentials, who sees her as a flower that will bloom vibrantly. yongyi raised gyureum up since her parents weren't around most of the time. if gyureum's grandmother wasn't there to raise her up, gyureum might've turned out to be a more harsher, gloomy and stressed child. it was thanks to her grandmother that gyureum still had a shed of humanity left for her parents, if not gyureum would've dared to ruin her parents' reputation.
she was the shadow behind gyureum's shadow, always hovering above gyureum to make sure she's okay. whenever gyureum felt wounded by her parents' actions or words, a simple smile or hug from her grandmother healed her heart. she was gyureum's everything.
older sister.
gyureum sometimes looked at suji with dislike hidden in her eyes. sometimes it seems unfair that one person gets everything yet the other gets none. gyureum had an itch to shout at her suji, to push her away, to steal her clothes or vandalize her stuff. but she never did, because suji is so nice to her. again, that is unfair. why does the person gyureum used to dislike most be so nice to her? young gyureum used to love suji very much. she was like the tree to gyureum's koala. the two of them were so close when they were still young, innocent kids. growing up, gyureum started to dislike her sister. but she kept it all to herself. she couldn't bring herself to hate suji. no matter what.
instead, gyureum puts a distance between the two. its unnoticeable, but it's there. suji was oblivious, and still approached gyureum like the way she used to when the two of them were kids. in gyureum's eyes, her relationship with suji is rocky, yet strong and won't break. whenever suji takes gyureum out for a treat, gyureum's heart melts. yet when suji wins an award or doesn't talk to gyureum, gyureum's heart breaks. it's pull and push in gyureum's view. tbh, all of this is in gyureum's mind. in suji's eyes, there's nothing wrong.
with suji, gyureum is conflicted whether to save her or push her off a cliff. gyureum will defiinitely save her sister in the end from a cliff, so to say, but it's not a lie that gyureum did thought of pushing her off a cliff. when gyureum matured more, she realized that what she did was childish. gyureum changed a bit, meaning that she no longer avoids suji. when suji was 20 years old and left the song family, gyureum felt a mix of betray and happy. betrayed, because how could suji leave gyureum in the hands of a tiger, while she pursue her dreams. happy, because she's thankful that suji is now in a safe place where she can raise her daughter, heeki, up. both suji and gyureum are trying to start their sisterhood again, like a fresh start from the beginning.
gyureum has no feeling whatsoever for them. maybe an inch of forgiveness and love, but that's about it. she's done with her parents. the  damage they have done to her cannot be undone nor erased. their relationship is broken beyond repair, but there's still hope. its's not too late for forgiveness.
currently gyureum and her parents are in awkward relationship. her parents finally realized their mistake, and is trying to fix it any way they can. it's a slow start, and it's gonna be a long time until the song family can reconcile.
best boy friend.
might as well be gyureum's best girl friend for how pretty he looks like and how much he loves to gossip. kijung and gyureum are the real life version of a true boy x girl friendship. neither of them had ever fallen for each other, probably not ever. kijung was gyureum's flashlight in times of darkness. he was like a pillar to her, the roots to her swaying tree. he was her companion at school, and one of the rare male species that found suji not attractive. its thanks to kijung's weird antics and embarrassing jokes that gyureum can look on the brighter side of life. he was the one who accompanied gyureum's grandmother to gyureum's ice skating competitions, or the one who takes gyureum's grandmother's place when she can't come. he literally doubles as a mom and dad figure to gyureum. he's the one who encourages gyureum to never give up, the one who stayed when others left her side. she owes kijung so much, and treasures him, ready to protect him from any hate he got from haters.
the two often hang out together. they like to lay in the grass together while sharing earphones, cover songs together, talk about their dreams and fears. to the two of them, holding hands is not romantic, but a sign of comfort and 'i'm here for you's. usually kijung is the one who initiates skinship, while the latter usually avoids (before giving in, in the end). whenever lunation has no schedules, she'll definitely hang out and catch up with kijung.
oh my girl member, girl friend.
yewon was different to kijung. she was more softer, so to say. it was a thrilling and new experience for gyureum to finally have a girl as a friend, since gyureum only had kijung in her school years. yewon was the one who approached gyureum, despite being an introvert herself. the two usually have small quiet talks that can escalate to bubbly laughters escaping from their lips. sometimes the two would jokingly have aegyo battles, and teach each other some aegyo tips. most of the time, its gyureum helping yewon improve her dance and singing skills. when yewon debuted ahead of her, gyureum felt a teeny bit betrayed, but most of all she was disappointed and heartbroken. she knew that yewon deserved it, but can't help imagine what it's like to stand next to yewon on stage. gyureum got over it quickly, since she was already used to failing. besides, yewon deserved it and it wasn't her fault gyureum didn't make it.
the two goes on dates sometimes whenever their groups are on break. sometimes they'd have a picnic together, or a barbeque date, sushi date, karaoke date etc.
lunation member.
the two coexist in a rather respective manner. gyureum tries her best not to tip yuri off, or do anything that might make yuri see her in a bad light. it was more of a professional business-like relationship at first, just two girls in the same group who knows nothing about each other besides basic information. yuri would greet gyureum and gyureum would nod back in acknowledgement. fans pointed out that the two were awkward around each other, and gyureum couldn't help but agree at times. truthfully, gyureum fears yuri just a bit, as she is someone who is so sure of herself that small hesitant gyureum feels intimidated and squished by big mighty yuri. though gyureum feels a bit unsettled of yuri's nature that likes to poke reactions out of people for her own entertainment and the ability to be able to get away with what she wants, she is still someone that gyureum deeply appreciates. without yuri's protective barrier, gyureum would have drowned in the sea of hate comments thrown at her. gyureum is submissive, and often times she finds herself as a victim of yuri's stimulating games. it was a bit ironic at first, since gyureum can totally see whenever yuri is trying to get her to do what she wants, but gyureum lets her anyway. after a while, the two got closer and establish a more closer and genuine relationship, where gyureum can finally have the courage when to tell yuri to stop, and yuri to understand that the tiny harmless quiet gyureum unnie is not someone to be messed with. some time later, their friendly relationship turned into something even closer. a bit like nayeon and tzuyu's relationship, except tzuyu is gyureum, who physically and playfully rejects yuri's love but secretly yearns more for it, and yuri is nayeon, or a girl who dotes on one of her fave unnies a lot.
lunation member.
mira was someone gyureum was initially intimidated of. she was so full of talent, something that gyurem doesn't have. she was pretty too, something akin to perfectness and her flaws are nonexistent. at least, to gyureum's eyes that is. what drawn gyureum in to mira was her subtle motherly figure. mira reminded gyureum so much of suji, and it makes gyureum's compelled approach awkward as she doesn't know how to act around mira without, at the very least, remembering her rocky relationship with suji. but she longed craved for mira's motherly affections, as she grew up not receiving it. honestly, gyureum just wants to approach mira and talk to her about life. or anything, really. she doesn't know who else to turn to when she has problems, besides lunation's leader. and since mira gives off that vibe where she assures you that everything's going to be fine, even when it's not, gyureum sees her as someone she hopes to confide in all her fears, worries and hopes one day. there's a subtle barrier between the two, due to clashing personalities, but with time, maybe both can become a steady presence in each other's life. maybe even beyond that, their relationship blossoming and blooming from a mere friendly unnie-dongsaeng one to that of a lovable sisterhood bond. gyureum may not be the one mira comes looking for when she's in need of advices, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to her rants or stories, or just a companion in general, but gyureum would not hesitate to do so if she were asked. gyureum's there, she's always been there. all mira has to do is seek for her.
derived from lullaby. kijung once commented that her voice is like a lullaby. it's like a distinctive trait of her vocal, since her versatile yet powerful voice is quite unique, able to calm anyone down.
LINE vocal, followed by dance
PERSONA lunation's enigma
VOCAL : 남다원, wjsn
DANCE : 김미현, omg
woollim 2013-2014, wm 2014-2015, bighit 2016-2017.
gyureum's love for music started when she was quite young.  first it was because she loved the happy feeling she gets whenever she saw her fave idols on tv, performing on stage. gyureum knows they're performing for the public, but their dedication in performing made gyureum feel like they performed just for her. second was because music made her feel good, like a mini escape from reality. no one really saw gyureum's potential or hear her enchanting honey voice, until kijung and her grandmother urged her to try and audition.
when woollim accepted her, gyureum felt ecstatic. she couldn't believe how her mediocre voice singing along to iu's peach got her in to woollim. woollim helped gyureum in improving her singing and dancing. due to previous vocal lessons and ice skating lessons, gyureum improved more easily. even when her parents find out that she's a trainee, it didn't stop her. in fact, it made her train more diligently, to prove to her parents that she can make it far without them.
in woollim, gyureum felt comfortable there. the trainees are friendly enough. she even made some friends. here is where she shined, no restraints from her parents. gyureum tried to write lyrics at times, composing her own songs. everything went okay. when woollim announced that they're going to make a girl group, gyureum felt confident that she would make it. but fate says otherwise. lovelyz debuted in 2014, without gyureum.
gyureum left the company a while after lovelyz debuted. it was quite a dificult year for gyureum, with her grandmother no longer beside her and her home life slowly tearing itself to shreds. plus, the disappointment gyureum felt when she did not make it to lovelyz hasn't subsided yet. it made gyureum lost interest in the music and idol world for a while, but it didn't break her spirit. after much needed, endless moral support from kijung (her only real pillar back then, besides her grandmother) and suji, gyureum tried auditioning again in jellyfish, starship, cube and wm. thankfully, she passed cube and wm's auditions by singing pixie lott's cry me out. gyureum chose wm in the end.
wm was more or less the same as woollim. the only difference is that gyureum found a friend in the name of choi yewon, or later known as arin. yewon was gyureum's very first girl friend. whenever gyureum is with yewon, she felt as if she's staring at a mirror image of suji. yewon was pretty and talented, a whole package. it kinda made gyureum feel self-conscious at times, but yewon was a good person. her kindness also reminds gyureum of suji, making gyureum miss suji suddenly whenever she stares or talks with yewon.
gyureum's hard work is not enough, it seems, for she failed again in debuting. yewon debuted ahead of her in oh my girl. it felt like woollim all over again. heartbroken, gyureum left wm. it seems like fate decides to strike again by crushing gyureum's dream.
by then her sister had left home, and having no one else, gyureum was scared to audition again. she didn't want to fail in debuting for the third time. she spend most of her time by practicing making songs. kijung was there to cheer gyureum up. it took a lot of convincing and nonstop pep talks with kijung until gyureum was brave enough to audition. thankfully she was accepted to big hit.
having accustomed to training, gyureum adapted more easily. she can now balance school and training life, despite finding it difficult at times. since big hit was the home of bts and bts was getting more popular, the competition to debut among trainees were getting tougher. back then, if gyureum won't debut for the third time, she'll completely step out of the idol world. but now, she won't give up. she'd rather chase her chance of debut until the end of the world than going to law, business or medical school. her parents didn't force their dreams on her either so gyureum took this as a mental support.
gyureum let her passion more further in bighit. she can reach higher  notes, dance better, able to completely write, compose and produce her own songs. and as the cherry on top, she got in to lunation. life was finally being nice again to gyureum.
- had a soundcloud under the name 'cloudwave' where she posts her own self-composed songs, along with covers and duets with kijung
after debuting in lunation, gyureum got invited to sing in king of masked singer. none of the panelists are able to guess correctly. and when gyureum revealed her identity, the audience and panelists were like,,,nugu?? but they are once again blown away when gyureum continued singing. her name became the third most searched in naver after her performance.
LOVE LIFE : loading...song gyureum is too in love with music.
COMMENTS gyureum's background is inspired after i had a talk with my friend, who has a family like gyureum (the family relatives all graduated from top univerisities,,,). also gyureum's parents kinda neglected her because they were too focused on suji,, who's like the golden daughter so they loaded all of their expectations on suji. gyureum's own parents didn't think gyureum will make it far,,,they kinda lost hope for gyureum because whatever gyureum does, she mostly fails. and aaahh the background section is sooo k-drama i wannacry. so yeaa,,,this is by far the longest app i have ever done?? i hope you like gyureum ehe ouo
- gyureum collabing / duet pls (with any artist, bts or not)
- making gyureum lose her temper (since she's like a sad smol bean, when she loses temper, the temperature in the room drops to minus, and the members are like getting the chills,,,)
- suji visiting gyureum with her daughter uwu
- have gyureum's parents finally showing some support?
- lunation tv pls
- since there's army bomb,,,maybe lunation bomb too?? but not bomb maybe lunation eclipse or something
- lunation in a daycare where they take care of kids #softstan
- gyu having a vidcall with suji and heeki pls T^T
uuhhh, is it okay if i use the same password from my first app? i think i lost all my brain cells while typing this app ;;;
i see bts as the sun, the center of the universe. while lunation is the moon. the moon rotates around something, not enough to shine on their own. so the only time they shine is in the lunar/solar eclipse. and when its eclipse time, bts kinda not exist?? because its lunation's arc. so like the two are separate entities until one day (like exo) the two sides meet each other.


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hey there love!! thank you for taking your time and making two great apps!

there's literally nothing wrong with her basics! i find her name pretty unique so i like it a lot! also hyeseung ( heart eyes ) i love elrisa and momoland a lot so heart eyes at your fc choices.
i'm going to be honest with you, i read your app on my phone and at that time i wasn't doing the review so if this seems short it's because of that! anyways, her personality, background and relationships are all good! no mistakes or things that need to be explained. i used to have a male best friend so i love that gyureum has one too!
her trainee life is all good! once again i have to say i love the way you write, besides, dawon as a singing twin? sing me tf up. she's so talented but she is rarely able to showcase her talent, in my opinion. long story short, there's nothing wrong here, everything is great!
i love everything about gyureum! besides, the color scheme you used made me love this app even more, green is one of my favorite colors and i love how it looks with brown tones!
it's completely fine if you use the same password as your other app, just please copy and paste it onto this one!

( your stars: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ; accepted but please copy&paste the password!)
extra notes!!