shoot for the stars.
BIRTHNAME bae ilan ( 배일안 )
MISS VICE ilan is the vice captain of her school's cheerleading team. her fellow cheermates usually calls her this whenever there's a serious matter, but got too used to calling her miss vice that they called her this nickname whenever. ilan usually brushes it off with a small smile.
ILLA, LALA, ILANIE, ILIE, LANI general nicknames. used by everyone.
THE PRETTY ONE used by most of the students in her school. its no secret that ilan is quite popular among her peers due to her looks. this nickname is some sort of code to refer ilan as, so when a student says the pretty one, then they're most definitely talking about ilan. they use it behind her back, but ilan's knows of the nickname's existence. whenever she accidentally hears it, her cheeks tinged red, a look of embarrassment and discomfort evident on her face. some male netizens/fans also refer to her as this.
MULAN ilan, despite having feminine features, is very (wo)manly. she actually has more female fans than male fans. you can hear ilan's fangirls screaming at the sight of her abs (that she got from days of cheerleading), her oppa-like fashion style, etc. mulan is also her fave disney (coincidentally). the members calls her this too. in the members view, ilan got this nickname due to her appearance being a bit similar to mulan, and also because ilan is skilled in self-defense.
THUMBELINA the name is a term of endearment from lunation's members to ilan, due to how they want a pocket-size ilan as their pet. it's also because ilan used to be a small kid when she was younger, that is until puberty hit her like a truck.
BIRTHDATE 19th of march, 1996
BIRTHPLACE changwon, gyeongsangnam-do, sk
KOREAN fuent. mother tongue. one might be surprised how slightly deep ilan's voice is. her voice is not raspy or harsh. instead, it has that deep, but soft rich tone whenever she speaks.
ENGLISH conversational. ilan's not really good in english, but lots of people have pointed out that she has excellent pronounciation, despite ilan herself not knowing what she had just said.
FACECLAIM momoland's yeonwoo
BACKUP dia's jenny
god made sure to take time when making ilan. its shown on her carefully sculpted face, her facial features delicate and graceful like a doll. her black orbs sparkle gently, her lips warm and pink. her facial expressions look relaxed most of the time, with a small hint of a smile resting on her lips. her dark hair flows past her shoulders, down to her elbows, a stark contrast to her porcelain skin. and when ilan smiles at you, her pearly white teeth graces you with its presence. standing at 166 cm and weighing 52 kg, ilan leans more to the slim side. some even dubbed her as having a dream body, due to the amount of cheer practice she goes through.
ilan is tomboy to the core #ilan_oppa. her most iconic oppa-style is when she's wearing some doc martens with a leather biker jacket (making the fangirls go crazy when they see ilan wearing that). she doesn't have any color preference, as long as the clothes are comfortable. ilan is mostly seen in button ups with the sleeves rolled up, loose shirts, jeans, cardigans, sweaters, stripes, sandals, converse etc. on fancy days, ilan is probably wearing a leather jacket, blazer, turtlenecks, tunic dress, camisole over dress, tank over shirts, etc. doesn't really like to show skin, but wears shorts once in a while. on usual days, days where ilan is feeling quite lazy, she's either in a sweater or hoodie. add in round harry potter prescription glasses when ilan is either reading or typing. both of her ears are pierced, and upper lobes as well.
pretty girl on the outside, meme enthusiast on the inside
SUGAR! considerate, patient, vehement, composed, judicious
starry-eyed, hesitant, adamant, mundane, self-conscious, pliable SPICE
ilan is what one would see as the perfect girl. kind, check. pretty, check. talents, check. she would smile back at you even when you glare back at her. she'll forgive you wholeheartedly whenever you broke something precious of hers. she's so gentle, treating you with the utmost care. her gentleness and her warm aura is able to melt those who has an icy heart. she's calm, never showing any signs of distress, always resting in a small smile. she's able to think through the most difficult situations with a clear mind, thus that is why she earned the vice captain title. she's rational and the peace maker in conflicts, able to solve problems without hurting each side. she's careful with her words, not wanting to hurt anyone with whatever she said. she's the one who pulls you in whenever you're feeling left  out, makes you feel important, makes you feel like you're worth it.
truthfully, ilan is neither a leader nor a follower. she's a loner. the ilan everyone sees is not the ilan that ilan sees. in ilan's eyes, she's awkward. and a meme lover. her large popular circle of friends, are not what she considers as her true friends. not in a harsh way. ilan never felt like the cool kids but got stuck in the cool kids because of her popularity at school. but because ilan is too nice to say so, she just keeps quiet and hangs out with her top-of-the-social-ladder crowd. ilan doesn't fit with the less popular kids either. ilan is her own league.
ilan sees herself as a boring, empty girl with nothing but a pretty face. no one at school knows anything deep about ilan either, about how much she loves memes or stand up comedies, or that she still watches spongebob. they know her as the pretty ilan, and that's about it. leaving ilan feeling lonely, even when she's in a crowd. ilan never truly felt like she belonged somewhere.
deep down ilan is a girl with a colourful imagination and bad dad jokes. she's bright and full of life, a side of her that you never see before, a side that ilan doesn't even show to her friends. she's a reliable friend, always ready to help you. she shines better when she's being herself, instead of hiding behind a facade. ilan unlocks her other side to people she truly cherishes. if you're one of those lucky people she treasures, you'll be surprised how passionate and hardworking ilan can be. you'll find yourself being cuddled with ilan's care and attention, and how sensitive she can be at times.
silan can be too much of a daydreamer sometimes, often spacing out. sometimes her affection towards people can be a bit suffocating, for ilan puts others before herself. she's a pushover and it's quite easy to fool her too. she's gullible about the world. probably that one friend you'll worry whether she got home safely or not. despite the amount of praises she received from numerous people, ilan never felt like she's enough. she's not confident in her own skin. where everyone wants to be ilan, ilan wants to be like everyone else.
ilan is lost, and in need of someone to see her as who she truly is. someone to hold her hand and walk beside her in the dark.
bae ilan was born in a happy family that consists of her mom and dad. they lived in a tiny home and went through life fine, living each day the best they can. ilan is her parents' sweetheart, their whole world. young ilan was more radiant than the sun. there's never a day that passes by without ilan's melodious laughter, laughing at her dad's silly faces or her mom's witty jokes. she was like a gift to her parents, for every time ilan's mom and dad came back home late with their backs aching and sweat decorating their forehead, seeing their beloved ilan peacefully sleeping in the sofa while waiting for them immediately cured their tired hearts.
ilan was actually quite sociable, highly seeked out as a friend by other kids her age. she did well at school, always placing in top five. she was an acitve kid, participating in sports and other activities that little boys might do. most of ilan's friends are boys, since ilan found happiness in climbing trees and playing soccer rather than playing tea with dolls and playing dress-ups. her parents are amused by their daughters' antics, their eyes glimmering with endearment at the sight of their daughter coming home with dirty clothes and a wide grin after her playtime with boys.
a few years later, ilan's twin brother and sister was born, bae bokjoo and bae bongguk. their mother passed away so she can give life to the tiny new additions. ilan didn't blame her siblings, and was more ecstatic to be a big sister. bokjoo and bongguk are ilan's whole heart. she feels responsible as the oldest sister to look out and acts as a semi-motherly figure to her siblings, for they can never feel what's it like to have a mom. their dad worked harder, coming home late than usual. his face is always drained of energy but he'd always manage a smile to assure his kids that he's alright. ilan greatly admires her dad. she knows he's suffering on the inside, yet he moves on even when his heart is still bleeding.
ilan finds solace when she's with her siblings, for she is in her most raw and true version of herself near them. ilan helped her dad in raising bokjoo and bongguk up. sometimes ilan finds it hard to do her homework while the twins scream for her attention. but life's life, and ilan juggled the difficulties the best she can.
their dad fell sick a few years later. at first it was nothing more than flus. but the flus got more worser. the coughs got more violent. night time were quite heartbreaking for ilan, hearing her dad cough and going through it all alone. their dad finally joined their mom peacefully one day. ilan was around 10 years old when she became an orphan, while her siblings were 4 years old.
their aunt and uncle took them in, raising ilan and her siblings like their own. their aunt and uncle were by ilan's side, giving her and her siblings love and affecion they almost lost due to the absence of their parents. growing up, ilan never lost her childlike innocence. whereas other kids grew up more quickly, ilan still finds comfort inside her tiny bubble. in a world where society forces you to be someone else, it's hard to not lose your identity. ilan felt the shift in her social environment while in her teen years, a phase that confused her.
at school, ilan slowly grew more popular due to her looks. she wasn't a social butterfly nor a silent person, she's more of in the middle. school was an okay place for ilan. her studies went well and she gained some friends. but home is the place ilan loves best. around this time, ilan started to show some interest in the music world. she was more or less affected by her friends, who'd often blast kpop casually at class. interestingly, ilan was interested in rapping. back then, there aren't many female rappers in girlgroups, which had ilan wondering. maybe i can try to become one?, ilan thought to herself one day. she kept this thought to herself, knowing that her friends will laugh at her and her family will probaby disagree.
turns out, ilan's family supported her, which surprised ilan. no one had ever really see ilan as a rapper, not ever. they always thought ilan was too pretty, too gentle, too delicate to be a rapper. her family was her only shield, blocking the doubts ilan had about herself and her dreams. when ilan got scouted by jellyfish, she took this chance to try and become a rapper there (through training), to see whether it suits her or not. 
anyone can dream, afterall. no matter how ridicilous or crazy the dream becomes.
01. whenever she's feeling tired, she massages her whole body
02. dislikes lemons, the smell of mint, running, bread, romance novels, people who only see her as a pretty face, yoga etc
03. has a thing for kids. they make ilan soft 
04. the vice captain of her school's cheerleading team. was also the vice president of her school's student body council
05. did taekwondo for a couple of years when she was younger. can definitely kick azz ( fun fact #1 ; she can literally flip a guy upside down ). might even become an emergency security guard for lunation
06. likes mangos, strawberries, disney cartoons, sushi, sports (except running), reading fantasy novels, spicy food, morning walks, morning rain, people who appreciates her lame sense of humour, girl groups (especially red velvet!!), spongebob the loml, webtoons 
07. lowkey a sports gal. enjoys playing basketball and going 1v1 in soccer with anyone
08. sleeps with a night lamp ( fun fact #2 ; her night lamp is a spongebob led lamp )
09. she really idolizes big bang's top. his way of rapping is really interesting and unique which inspires ilan to try harder in rapping
10. she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but is willing to run across the world for tiramisu
11. all time favourite show : spongebob. honestly ilan is soft for spongebob
12. played games like grand theft auto, military combat games, basically video games that contains graphic images and are not suitable for a kid to play back then. she played it secretly behind her uncle's back, before her uncle found out. after getting busted, her uncle keeps watch of ilan whenever she games ( even joining along sometimes when ilan is playing grand theft auto :"D )
13. she never did and will probably never have plastic surgery #the_double_eyelids_are_a_natural_blessing
14. can impersonate squidward, gary, mushu from mulan, etc (cartoons)
15. favourite games are wii, cooking mama and tekken. she plays it back when she was younger
16. eventhough ilan is of legal age, she has never tried drinking before
17. her favourite all time songs are big bang's loser, big bang's sober and g-eazy's sad boy
18. she can play the guitar and drums. the guitar she learned by herself, as for the drums, she enrolled in drum lessons when she was younger
19. was quite popular at school and among the male trainees
20. has never and will probably never date
21. ilan actually has the lowest and most lame sense of humour. just about anything can make her laugh. she likes all kinds of memes really, but her absolute fave ones are vine compilations, tiktok compilations and memes that are very relatable (the memes that starts with "when you..." or "that moment when..."). ilan actually secretly likes making her own memes too, but she makes it using the photos of her members that they took themselves in her phone (ilan is too respectful and nice to take a picture without her member's permission nor knowledge). she likes to zoom in on photobomb faces, zoom in on blurry pictures, etc. honestly, lunation members find ilan's humour taste to be bad. like her funny level is that of a sixth grader. ilan saw someone's underwear poking out? catch her trying to stifle her laughter. ilan seeing someone who woke up with drool on their faces? you bet ilan will be turning her head the other way around so she won't suddenly cackle at the sight. she actually doesn't get dirty jokes (#protectilansquad) but you can bet on your grandmother's socks that she would be choking for air on corny dad jokes. which suprises a lot of people actually, including her members, since ilan is basically a blank-faced beauty. so when she starts to vibrate of laughter, people would look at her weirdly first, then they get confused, before joining in and laughing together with her.
aunt and uncle.
no one can ever replace a child's parent, no matter what. that is true. but that doesn't mean you can't let anyone else enter. ilan encountered a similar problem. but she was young at that time, a child in need of a parents' guidance. thus she wholeheartedly accepted her aunt and uncle's love. they nurtured her, picked up her falling pieces, wiped her tears away for her. they made sure ilan and her siblings did not feel like they're unloved.
ilan treasures her aunt and uncle very much. they're the ones that has always been beside her all this time. her aunt and uncle may not be able to take her parents place, nor does ilan love her aunt and uncle the way she loves her parents. yet her love is just as strong for hwareum and jungmin. after all, they're the ones who raised her with all their blood, sweat and tears.
twins, beloved siblings.
two tiny blessings that can turn into devilish nightmares everytime they prank ilan. the young girl helped her aunt and uncle in raising the twins up. ilan is quite protective of bokjoo and bongguk. they're like a last gift from her mom and dad. ilan and her siblings share a fluffy love-hate relationship. on some days the twins would tirelessly wait for ilan to come back home from practicing, and on some days the twins would draw on ilan's music works. if there's one thing certain though, is that bokjoo and bongguk are ilan's number one fan, her tiny hype team.
friend, gugudan member.
sejeong and ilan were quite inseparable back in their trainee days. sejeong had always admired ilan's passion (and body) while ilan loved sejeong's vocal colour, leaving a trail of goosebumps in ilan's skin whenever sejeong sings to her. ilan was not much of a skinship person, but she let herself drown in fluffiness over sejeong's hugs and warm hands. the two are each other's pillars, ready to lend a shoulder to cry on whenever one of them is in a hardship.
in ilan's eyes, sejeong is someone she wanted to be. she's the better, more braver and interesting version of ilan. in sejeong's eyes, ilan's passion inspired sejeong to get through life better. plus, if sejeong was a guy, she'd say ilan as her ideal type, and vice versa.
lunation member.
yuri, or what ilan likes to call her yuyu baby (in her mind, secretly). the two have very contrasting personality from one another, so at the beginning they have this awkward but comfortable silence that follows the two around. sometimes ilan finds yuri to be a bit too upfront, and thought her words stings sometimes, ilan tries to not let it show. yuri, despite being a fierce little lion, was still her beloved yuyu baby that ilan wants to shield away from the horrors of the world. she reminds her so much of her siblings back home, that is why whenever ilan looks at yuri, there's always a look of deep adoration in her eyes. after a period of friendly and fluffy unnie-dongsaeng relationship, it grew into a relationship full of hugs and forehead kisses. it's not a secret that ilan babies yuri a lot, despite the latter protesting it at times.
lunation member.
mira was someone ilan longs to be. talented, beautiful (in ilan's eyes, mira was close to how she wanted to look like if she were given a chance to be reborn) and a personality that was interesting in ilan's eyes. mira's cyinicism and scorn didn't really affect ilan, as she knows mira is generally a good person at heart, just easily misunderstood at times. ilan wants to slowly break down mira's fortress, but she respects mira and tries her best to make mira comfortable around her presence. in a way, the two's relationship are up to mira and ilan lets mira control the pace in terms of the process of the two of them getting to know each other. though mira seems the more mature and adult-like out of the two, ilan still refers mira as one of her babies, despite the two having an of only a year.
STAGE NAME bia (비아)
acronym of her name, bae ilan
LINE rap, vocal
PERSONA burning ice
whenever ilan is on stage, she (wants to) makes you feel like you're on fire and you're frozen at the same time
vocal_kim jennie. x
dance_kim yewon. x
rap_jang yeeun. x
TRAINEE YEARS 4 years. 12'-15' jellyfish. 16'-17' bighit.
ilan bravely auditioned with g-dragon's that xx, bringing her guitar along with her in the audition. jellyfish accepted her because of her vocal potential tbh, and her looks. in jellyfish the trainees didn't really see her as a threat (beauty wise, yes). instead they see her as a pretty face with no talents. in jellyfish, ilan actually had more vocal lessons, and was originally trained to be a vocalist. her rapping didn't improve far, quite a contrast to her vocal skills.
sejeong was one of ilan's close friend in jellyfish. she's probably ilan's first real friend. the two often practice together, share their hopes and dreams, their fears and secrets. when other people opposed ilan's idea of becoming a rapper, sejeong fully supported ilan.
when produce 101 is confirmed to be in the making, ilan was excited. jellyfish will be sending their trainees to compete there, meaning a chance to debut. both ilan and sejeong were sure that the two of them will be chosen as jellyfish's representatives. in the end, sejeong was chosen. ilan stayed behind.
hurt was an understatement. yet ilan smiled and assured sejeong that you deserve it! when sejeong cried of guilt. even ilan had tears in her own eyes, but she wiped them away and vowed to not give up. ilan left jellyfish a while later, looking for entertainment that will actually allow her rapping skills to flourish. and that is where she made her mind to audition at bighit, the home of ilan's fave all time group, glam.
ilan bloomed brighter than ever in bighit. she learned how to compose her own songs there, write her own raps, produce her own work. training went by okay. it was a struggle sometimes, to balance school and trainee life, and on top of that the tight competition between trainees. sometimes ilan comes home very late at night, feeling sorry at the sight of her siblings who fell asleep while waiting for her to go back home. ilan's hardworrk was finally paid off when she made it to lunation.
hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard, right?
- appeared in vixx's error as the robot girl
it started from a nameless fan blog about ilan and eunwoo staring in a lotte water park cf. within a week ilan became the talk of astro's fans, especially the female ones. unlike the usual oppa-is-mine mindset, fans actually shipped ilan and eunwoo together, even hinting for the two to date. after the cf, ilan and eunwoo became good friends, but not more than that. after the cf, the two meet again in a magazine photoshoot for 1st look and polham. the ship sink as time passed by, fans knowing that there's nothing going on betwen the two. but even if the two does date, there is a small chance of world war 3 (since both fans from lunation and astro supported the two).
love life_ : error love life cannot be found, the young girl is way too oblivious about love.
COMMENTS any last words?omg im so sorry the personality section is like a thesis paper T^T. if you're still confused on what ilan is actually like,,,i basically took the perfect popular girl concept as a shell and take a smol awkward bean with an infinite love of memes as the inside. in the personality section i tried to tear down layer by layer to let you finally see ilan, the ilan with many flaws and fears. alsi im really sorry if the background and personality section have a lot of mistakes,,,i kinda rushed the app bcs my time is running out and i need to study ;_; but anyways i hope you enjoy ilan!! 
- i see ilan as the next heejin, meaning that she'll probably have a bunch cf offers thrown her way so it would be cool to see ilan in a cf uwu. i sugget for ilan to be in a game cf, and fast food (spicy chicken wings) cf :"D
- it would be mindblowing to have a loona x lunation interaction
- lunation x bts collab - maybe in songs or cfs
- gay!lunation, soft!lunation moments uwu
- ilan meeting bts for the first time and getting confused on who is who (mistakes jin for jungkook, etc) and her members are like are you kidding me ilan? right in front of our sunbaes?
- genderbender lunation as a special chapter! aka lunation in dude ver
- ilan being a guest star in the return of superman and basically being a wife/mother material
i'm real bad at theories because i lack the brain cells to do so and i know nothing of bts theories but here it goes : i see bts as the sun, the center of the universe. while lunation is the moon. the moon rotates around something, not enough to shine on their own. so the only time they shine is in the lunar/solar eclipse. and when its eclipse time, bts kinda not exist?? because its lunation's arc. so like the two are separate entities until one day (like exo) the two sides meet each other.


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hello there! and thank you for applying, the color for this app is so soft jdfjsddhsk i love it.
her basics are all good! there's nothing wrong or something that needs to be fixed. you used my momoland bias and my second dia bias jdjfsks yeonwoo is so pretty istg.

truth to be told, i see a bit of myself in ilan so i think i can do a good job with her. i like her personality and readng it was, surprisingly, no problem. i love the way you wrote her background! i don't know if you already knew this but usually when reading apps i have to re-read both the personality and the backgorund because i've a short concentration span but so far it hasn't happened with your app!
her realtionships are all good! the only thing is that you wrote 'aunt and uncle' in bokjoo and bongguk section kfjhdskf but it's okay it's not a big deal, just letting you know! ( i love her relationship with hyeyeon, let me have that cute motherly figure for my girl )

her trainee years, talent twins, everything is good! i didn't mention this before but i love her relationship with sejeong! my gay otp. ( just kidding ) your rap twin is my queen jang yeeun !!! oh my god i'm so in love with her okay. there's really nothing for me to say here because everything is good!

your scene request are so good! genderbender lunation is a good concept that i definetely approve of. also, i've been an army for a little more than two years and i still mistak jin and jungkook in a few pics ( it's scary ). dfjhfksdj you're the first person i don't have to say 'you forgot the other part of the password' so kudos for that! and don't worry, i also lack brain cells and your password is actually really good!

lastly, i know i said this a lot but i really like how you wrote this app. i enjoyed reading everything and remember to take good care! don't push yourself to finish another app if you don't have enough time for that. i'm a student so i understand that grades are important!

( your stars: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ; accepted!)
hey love! i'll get your review done as soon as i can!