8 out of 10

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kim miyeon
replace with fc
"i dictate my life. well i wish.."
replace with fc replace with fc replace with fc
full name kim miyeon
other names
◾ ardene ; an english name she used when she studied in england during her 4th grade in elementary school to middle school
◾ athena ; a nickname given to her by the university students especially those in the college of medicine. known for her beauty and brains. also she's known to reject every confession, leading to rumors of her having zero relationship experiences, athena is a goddess.
◾ kim yeon ; used by her close peers, a simple way to shorten her name
birthdate march 12, 1997
hometown incheon, south korea
ethnicity korean
nationality korean
◾ korean ; native ; born and raised in korea
◾ english ; fluent ; learned at a young age because of her parents and also lived in england for six years
face claim loona's choerry
backup loona's olivia hye
she stand 161 cm and weighs 48 kg. she has semi-pale skin that's a bit sensitive when she's under the sun for a long time. she has dark hair past her chest that has never been dyed before. she has a pretty normal body frame and curves in the right places. she has a number of ear piercings but she doesn't completely fill them with earrings when she's with her parents or in events. she always has perfectly styled hair and perfectly manicured nails. her makeup is simple and natural. she also wears prescription lenses and would only wear her glasses at home.
fashion sense
miyeon dresses like any other korean rich kid. it's all about the brands. but she gives it her own twist and style. she likes to dress more comfortable and screams her. her style is a bit street with a dash of expensiveness and class. she likes to dress in bright colors and patterned clothes but you can still see her in an all-black ensemble. accessories are her best friends. she likes to accessorize and play with different pieces like earrings, bracelets and the like. her signature accessory is a beret. it is a never a miyeon outfit if her shoes weren't well-thought of. she has a huge collection of shoes and footwear and is an avid collector of brands that she loves. though she wears heels, she's more comfortable in sneakers or boots. 
ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! - ÍÌ @fabxiety  ÍÌ - í¨ì (114) #í¨ì #fashion #style #rc A casual loose style outfit 
ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! Pinterest: jennisazo ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! #officechic â¤KOREAN FASHION â¤
Kalen Brock | Korean Street Style (í¨ì) ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶!
ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶! ë§ë¦¬ì¬â¥í¨ì í¸ë ëë¶!
character traits 
positive: confident, observant, mischievous, open-minded
neutral: emotional, perfectionist
negative: secretive, sarcastic, arrogant, artifical
"i'm ardene kim, no explanation needed."
her confidence is one of her strongest traits. she always has her head held high and doesn't let others pull her down. she has no problem voicing out her thoughts and opinions. she believes strongly in herself and she knows she always does a good job.
"i'm okay my , you're sick bozo."
she's also really observant. she likes watching people, her surroundings, everything. from the smell of the morning dew, the coldness of a winter night, how the sun shines through the trees. she can see the good in the bad and the bad in the good. because she’s observant, she can predict what other people are thinking or what they feel as of that moment by just their facial expressions and body language. this side of her shows that she's a real softie and is very caring towards everything and everyone.
"fun is where i'm at"
she is a perfect example of a life of the party. she likes to liven up the atmosphere with her presence. she's also always down for new experiences and anything that can give her a smile or laugh when reminiscing about it. she enjoys making people smile and laugh and it calms her and she doesn't know why. she is a master of communication and is a very amusing and gifted entertainer. fun and variety are guaranteed when she is around. have her as a friend, you will never be bored; with her, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties. her aura is really captivating and anyone would want to be her friend. 
"i couldn't care less really, just do you"
miyeon is a person who accepts a person as they are. she doesn't really care about what other people label them, as long as she knows what kind of person they are, she wouldn't take other people's judgment. she's willing to embrace change and and try new things. she gets bored when things are repetitive. she respects each person's difference and encourages them to be proud of themselves. she doesn't label people other than those b*stards who are worthless and all that.

*sniffs* "what?! can't i have feelings too?!"
a typical pisces trait. she is a pretty emotional and sensitive person. she is easily touched or easily hurt by things or people. she cries easily and is labeled a cry baby by some. but her emotions are genuine and real. she will most likely be the first one to cry in a sad drama or movie. she is also pretty good hiding her real emotions though, especially if she doesn't want to cause worry to people.
"that's not it, do it again."
she's someone who strives for perfection and good results. she has a strong sense of purpose especially when it comes to music. there are days that she doesn't get a second of sleep just to perfect a song. you can rely on her to do a good job at what ever task she's assigned. there's no doubt that she'll struggle at something she's not familiar of but she is a quick learner and is eager to learn and accepts new information and knowledge. she also knows how to deal with any situation and is quick to her feet. there is also a bad side to being a perfectionist and that is over criticing herself. she doesn't like failure and if she does, it takes a big toll on her. she gets pressured living up to people's expectations and fears that she won't be able to meet them.

"everything's fine"
she is a really secretive person despite her very extra and outgoing personality. she tends to hide her troubles and worries to herself and hates when she causes trouble to people. she doesn't like showing her weak side, so she hides that side of her from everyone. she's also a pretty good liar when it comes to herself, people won't be able to tell if she's okay or not coz her tone of voice is always convincing.
"quit trying to be a smart , you're just an ."
she speaks fluent sarcasm. she gets irritated when she says something that is the furthest thing from serious, but the person she's talking to just doesn’t understand her sarcasm. when she meets someone and she instantly hates them, she has a super hard time hiding it. she kinda got the habit of ending sentences with 'just kidding' or 'it was a joke' to lighten things up when everyone got silet or something. since she's known to be mischievous and funny, people don't get when she's being sarcastic or being funny and it irritates her a lot, which draws out her sarcasm even more.
"you're good, but i'm better"
miyeon is arrogant. growing up and getting used to being labelled as perfect by people got in her head. she has that overbearing pride and thinks she knows things more than she actually does. she loves displaying her elevated opinion and will act high and mighty. she just loves to be the center of attention and hates it when someone steals her spotlight. she diminishes others to make herself feel more superior. she kinda has a superiority complex. she is also aggressive.
miyeon is very artificial. though people don't notice, she's acts the opposite of what she thinks just to maintain her reputation. if you say something that is totally bull for her, she would just smile it away making you think that she liked what you said. but hell nah. basically all her smiles are fake. all her sweet words are fake. all her actions are fake. and no one can tell that they are because she has perfected at being natural.
miyeon was born in incheon, south korea. both her parents are in the medical field, her dad being one of the most known neurosurgeons in korea and her mom is a respected cardiac surgeon in the field, which means that she is supposed to take a medical profession in the future. miyeon was the only child of their family therefore she had to exceed everyone's expectations. she was the perfect daughter to her parents, perfect grades, perfect personality, perfect friends, perfect reputation, perfect everything. well not until she left korea to go to england where she experienced freedom for the first time but of course discreetly as to not have her parents find out. she can finally be herself without being leashed by her parents. but that all ended when she was sent back to korea for her high school education when she got caught underage drinking with her peers one time. it was all because of bad luck. she got punished for it of course, a good amount of yelling from her dad and a slap when she talked back. her dad made her swear to him that she'll be once again their perfect daughter, a daughter with no flaws, a daughter with no problems, a daughter that they can be proud of. which miyeon obeyed without having any other choice. her underage drinking scandal was quickly shut down and didn't reach any other sources.

miyeon entered high school and was already the center of attention because of her prestige background. she started gaining popularity and in no time, was at the top of everything. once again a daughter with perfect grades, perfect conduct, perfect social circle, perfect everything. but she was sick of it all and was just hiding behind her fake smile, which people can't tell that it's fake. she mastered it without even realizing. she graduated top of her batch and was given full scholarship at yonsei university. she didn't want to attend yonsei at all especially since severance hospital, the hospital where both her parents are working, is affiliated with the university. meaning the university, especially the college of medicine, will have their eyes on her every move and will report back to her father. her first year was like the usual thing, her being at the top. it was all becoming boring for her until she met this guy from the college of music. the strap on his guitar case accidentally got caught on miyeon's bag and well she unknowingly yanked it and broke it. turns out it was like his lucky charm. miyeon was so sorry to him that she told him she'll do anything. well first of, he knew exactly who she was, she was pretty famous in different colleges as the goddess of the college of medicine. he told her to come watch his band perform, he gave her a flyer and went his way without letting miyeon talk.

when she went to the venue, it was her first time feeling out of place, especially with her clothes and get-up. she found her place and waited for the performance to start. when she saw the guy get on stage, they made eye contact and he smiled before telling the audience that he's dedicating their first song to someone he just met, which is her. listening to their music, made her feel herself and she just enjoyed it. after their set, he gestured for her to go backstage which she did. he asked how their performance was and she sincerely told them she enjoyed it. then to her surprise, he told her that she finally smiled sincerely. he explained he sees her sometimes and when she smiled, he knew it was fake. miyeon didn't think someone would even notice and well she was glad he did. 
father ; kim goongjin ; 47 ; neurosurgeon ; 6 out of 10
their relationship is strictly professional and business-like. the number of times that he showed concern for his daughter can be counted in one hand. he's very strict when it comes to miyeon maintaining a perfect reputation as to not ruin their name. he doesn't hold back when it comes to scolding and punishing her if things don't go the way he wanted. 

mother ; jang chaeyeon ; 46 ; cardiac surgeon ; 7 out of 10
unlike her father, her mother is more sympathetic and considerate. when she's around, her dad wouldn't be able to lay a finger on her. she understands her daughter's feelings but she knew her husband is right when it comes to maintaining a good reputation, especially as competitve as the medical field. one wrong move can send their names down the gutter. she wouldn't want their hard work to go to waste. she's also strict but interprets it in a more kinder way.

personal maid ; lee haena ; 44 ; maid of the kim family ; 8 out 10
she's been miyeon's personal maid since she was a baby. she grew up with haena and treats her like family. she can tell her everything. even when she went to england, haena was with her. haena was about to be fired because of her underage drinking but she begged her dad that it wasn't haena's fault. haena was also the one who told miyeon about her parents planning on setting her up with park younggun.

friends / others:
aesthetic, bambi, and minimal image Image result for rose icons blackpink aesthetic, bambi, and minimal image
best friend ; roseanne park / chaeyoung ; law major at yonsei ; 9 out of 10
chaeyoung and miyeon met back in high school. chaeng is the only genuine person that miyeon met back then. chaeng stuck with her even during her most down times and helped her overcome them, and she does the same to her. they tell each other everything and would always be there for each other. even though they're in different colleges in yonsei, they still eat together and hang out whenever they can. like go shopping, movies and all that.
beach, california, and malibu image @kxnnyxx beach, california, and malibu image
supposedly fiance ; park younggun ; 25 ; surgeon ; 5 out of 10
the guy her parents wanted to set up her with. he graduated top of his batch in university and is currently became a hot topic at severance hospital for it. he's a rookie surgeon that her mother is particularly fond of and her dad wishes for him to be miyeon's husband in the future. they haven't officially met, they just met briefly at the hospital corridors with just a nod or bow. miyeon kind of had an idea what kind of a person he is, and she knows he's similar with her. an artificial person that gets away with anything with just his smile and looks.
music, guitar, and piano image tumblr_p7gp2i3v221x07xaoo3_250.png music, guitar, and piano image
crush / friend ; kang yuchan ; 20 ; composition major at yonsei ; 8 out of 10
the person that she met accidentally and is glad that she did. yuchan can read her like the back of his hand. when miyeon is with him, she feels like herself and she feels free. her smiles become sincere and her laughter is genuine and real. he knows how to make her smile and knows how to make her confess her troubles. they both have an attraction to each other but miyeon knows that her parents will never ever approve of yuchan and made up her mind of not making a move or if ever chan does, she'll reject him, only if her feelings don't let her. she makes sure that every move she makes won't make chan get the wrong idea.

 food ; she is a huge foodie and loves to go out food shopping
 purple ; she would literally go gaga over any shade of purple, her spirit color
 shoes ; she loves them and buying them and has a full closet dedicated to them. has a big collection and treats every pair like her baby
 cool places/weather ; she just likes the feeling of the cool air brushing against her skin
 cereal ; she loves all kinds of cereal, every week she buys a new flavor because one cereal box can only last a week for her. she can eat it for every meal of the day, but she gets scolded when she does
 caffeine ; if not cereal, then coffee. especially iced americano and hot cafe latte.
 harry potter ; she is an avid potterhead.
 dogs & cats ; she loves animals in general but loves dogs and cats a whole lot more. planning on owning a shiba inu or a russian blue cat or a beagle or a siamese or a golden retriever or a bengal or *continuous blabbling*
 cute animal videos ; she'll be watching these videos anytime anywhere coz they so cute and they're her stress reliever
 shopping ; she loves shopping it gets her mind out of things


 tomatoes ; she hates them just no. she can't eat them nor smell them, or else she might puke
 hot places/weather ; she loves the outdoors but the heat she can't love
 bugs ; she's okay with caterpillars, butterflies and worms, just not spiders, cockroaches and ants
 garlic ; it tastes bitter for her. doesn't add it in her samgyeopsal wrap
 horror stuff ; don't take her to watch horror movies coz she'll mostly likely waste the ticket money by hiding her face behind her popcorn all through out the movie
 rules ; she's a girl who doesn't like to feel restricted but she knows she needs to follow them
 rudeness ; this is a definite no no for her. she's a girl who respects everyone and shows kindness to whoever, be rude to her and well just be ready to run and escape, though she's rude at times lol
 being woken up in the morning ; even when she woke up by herself, she will be grumpy in the morning. so please, don't ever prank her when she's asleep, cuz even mother of purple won't know what will happen to the world when she gets woken up. she needs atleast 10 minutes of alone time after she wakes up to rid her grumpiness. within that time frame, do not, i repeat do not get under her skin.

hair ; she runs her fingers through her hair automatically. also she twirls a strand of her hair when she's thinking
 joints ; she cracks her joints when she's stressed or nervous, she can crack her neck, back, knuckles, wrists and ankles.
 eye contact ; she stares at people's eyes when they are talking or when they're talking to her. never averts her eye sight, some people gets caught of guard to see her stare so intensely
  her lips ; she does this when she's angry or pissed off, with the occasionally biting of the lips as well
  face ; do i need to say more?
 smiling ; it's kinda automatic for her to smile at anytime anywhere and in any occasion

 movies and tv series ; she can finish a series in one seating or can finish a number of movies in one seating
 food tripping ; she goes on a food eating marathon when she's stressed
 shoe shopping ; loves this be it online or the real deal. it's like her stress reliever other than music and cute animal videos.
 reading ; she mostly reads about self-improvement books and medical books, likes to read with music on in her room, or in a cafe or in a quiet place
 sea stuff ; whenever she's at the beach or near the sea, she looks for shells, glass and trinkets that she'll add to her collection. it started in high school when her class visited a beach and she found a really beautiful shell
 photography and videography ; she likes to take photos and videos of everything. she has three cameras, one film camera (leica m7) and a a mirrorless camera (canon eos m100) and a polaroid camera. she has a passion for this and if it weren't for her parents, she would have pursued this path
 shopping ; one of her stress relievers. nowadays, she enjoys thrift shopping for vintage pieces.

 certified shikshin ; doesn't look like it but she can eat a lot.
 instrument ; since young she was trained to play the piano and as well as the violin.
 disney ; she knows every word in every disney songs, would suddenly sing out of nowere
 ideal type ; physically she likes someone who's tall and has eyes that can make her heart skip a bit when they look at her. she also likes someone has a soft smile and someone she can talk to without discomfort
 tickle tickle tickle ; she is very ticklish especially on her waist part.
 blood type ; she's blood type ab positive
 education ; she attended school in england for a while before finishing high school in seoul. she's currently in her third year in university at yonsei university college of medicine.
tolerance ; though she was exposed to drinking at a young age, she has pretty low alcohol tolerance and can get drunk pretty quick.
 cry baby ; she easily cries at sad stories, movies or videos. especially watching her favorite shows. she cries at anime episodes too even when there's no sad scene, it's because her feels are over flowing
 merchandises ; she has harry potter and marvel merchandises in her side of the room, and her shelves are full of them, walls are full of posters too
 collection ;other than her shoes, harry potter and sea stuff collection, she likes to collect vinyl records and berets. she recently also started collecting polaroid pictures of "caught in the moment" moments.
 phone ; her phone is a lilac purple samsung galaxy s9+ 
how do you generally feel about him?
miyeon thinks for a second before answering. "well nana is a really important person in my life. i've known him since he was in diapers. though we had an awkward phase when i returned from england, but that quickly went away hahaha." miyeon pauses for a bit before continuing. "he's dear to my heart and is like family. though there's like a three year , he's like the oppa in our relationship. he's very dependable and i trust him a lot."
why fake date him, of all people?
miyeon smiles awkwardly. "well nana just came at the right time at the right moment i guess?" miyeon half-heartedly laughed. "plus my parents already know and like him so, there won't be any complaints regarding me dating him. i just really wanted to get away from the supposedly engagement with a guy i don't even know."
do you see yourself mind having a real relationship with him after all this?
miyeon pursed her lips together before biting the bottom half. "nana is like family. i don't think i'll be able to see him as a man figure. he's like a brother that i never had.. but i will honestly say that there are times that i get caught off-guard with how much he matured and how is totally different from the baby jaemin." miyeon chose her words carefully, not making it seem as if she acknowledged jaemin as a man.
replace with li
"don't treat me like a kid."
love interest na jaemin
backup felix lee
jaemin as a very caring personality. he cares deeply for the people he's really close with and can go to any extent for them. he's very dependable and kind and would often do volunteer works. he is very humble especially when it comes to his achievements and is very poised. he's a perfect defintion of a gentleman. he's also pretty mature for his age and people would mistake him as someone older than his actual age. he's also calm at times of crisis. a known leo trait, he's pretty stubborn too. he stands firm on his beliefs and decisions. one other negative trait is that he tends to think about others first than himself.
love story
they were meant to be friends since way before they were born, both of their parents were close friends and colleagues. they were also both destined to be in the medical field. both being an only child of their family, jaemin used to come over to her house to play back when they were kids. back then, miyeon was like the big sister. when it was decided that miyeon is to study in england, jaemin and her cried a lot on the day of her departure. they were both practically sobbing. when miyeon was in england, they actually rarely talk. and when miyeon came back to korea, it was pretty awkward between them. especially because miyeon has hit puberty and jaemin was in the process. but the awkwardness went away in time and they were back to how they were before. they caught up with the six years of separation in two years. 

how it started:
when miyeon got home from university, haena, her personal maid, dragged her to her bedroom. haena explained how she overheard her parents talking about setting her up with this park younggun and having her meet him officially soon. miyeon knew that when her dad has made up his mind, no one can change it. plus she has feelings for chan. just then, jaemin knocked and walked in her bedroom. something clicked in her head when they made eye contact. she practically threw herself onto jaemin, asking him that she has a very important request from him.
"let's pretend we're in a relationship."
"pretend to be my boyfriend."
"nana!!" miyeon was clinging on to his clothes with an exasperated look on her face while looking up at him.
"okay okay. explain it to me." so she dragged nana to her bed and made him sit, haena left the two to talk. miyeon explained everything and waited for his reaction.
"i get the story but.. why me?"
"coz my parents already like you! and it'll be easier to explain that we're dating. they know how close we are, i could just explain that we kept it a secret since you're still in high school." jaemin stared at her and she stared back.
"you know i can never say no to you right?" miyeon smiled big and practically tackled jaemin.
"you're the best nana!" jaemin hugged her back and smiled.
"i know."

the plot twist:
when miyeon was summoned by her parents one night, she knew that they were going to mention park younggun and how they want her to have him as her future husband. and well they did. she kept quiet for a while before telling her parents that she has no plans of even meeting the person. when asked the reason, she told them that she was already in a relationship with jaemin and that they kept it a secret because he was still in high school. she waited for her parents, mostly her father, to oppose of this but they just looked at each other. her mother explained that they initially planned for them to be engaged but didn't push through with it because they always thought they treated each other like siblings and didn't want to ruin it. much to her surprise, it all went according to her plan when her parents, even her father, approved of their relationship. 

so their so-called "relationship" started then. but like what she explained to her parents, they still kept it on a minimal level since jaemin is still in high school. jaemin became her in all of severance hospital's events and gatherings unlike before where they both went with their parents. jaemin would also surprise visit her in her university. but there is one time that he witnessed miyeon with chan and how different she was with him and it irritated him. he approached them and miyeon accidentally bumped into him while she was playing with chan. she turned around and saw him. jaemin saw the surprise in her face. she regained her composure.
"jaemin-ah, didn't see you there." she called him by his name and not the nickname she uses all the time. this made him irritated even more and turned his eyes towards chan. miyeon's eyes followed jaemin's and she sighed inwardly.
"this is chan, a friend from the college of music." she gestured towards chan.
"chan-ah, this is jaemin, a-"
"her boyfriend." jaemin cut her off, knowing that she'll label him as a close friend that is like a little brother. miyeon turned to him in alarm. he turned towards her with an unreadable expression. miyeon kept the eye contact for a second before turning to chan, who was also looking at her with an unreadable expression. she sighed inwardly.
"chan-ah, we actually need to go now. see you soon?" she smiled faintly. chan nodded, smiling half-heartedly
"yeah, see you." she waved at him before grabbing jaemin's sleeve and dragging him away. when they were alone, she stood in front of him staring directly into his eyes.
"what?" miyeon frowned with his tone and squeezed both sides of his cheek.
"ugh! why'd you do that!? ugh, this kid." jaemin stayed quiet before removing her hands from his cheeks by her wrist, without letting go, he told her:
"don't treat me like a kid." while staring deeply into her eyes. what miyeon didn't know is that she was his first love and surprisingly she still is.
even before fake dating, they are already comfortable with skinships like the lying of the head on the shoulders, arms over the shoulders, fixing the other's hair, feeding each other and the like. they would give each other back massages and even drying their hair. whenever the other has a project, one of them would stay over and help the other. miyeon would even ask for piggy-rides when they're both out of their houses, hanging out at places. jaemin would carry her bag and her stuff for her and would open the doors for her. since he's still considered a minor, miyeon is the one driving them to places. but he occasionally suggests they just go to a place by commute which made their time more fun (since miyeon has no experience in those, unlike jaemin who travels to school by commute). jaemin knows every quirk she has and everything that she likes and vice versa so it isn't hard for them to pretend to be dating. so they practically act like a couple already in people's eyes even before they announced their "relationship". the only upgrade is that they started holding each other's hands in public. especially when they know her father's men are around. there would be impromptu grabbing and even   of the hands and maybe the occasional whisperings and giggles. their eye contacts and smiling towards each other doubled. also jaemin started resting his arms around her waist, something he didn't do before. and if needed, kissed on the cheeks. plus of course couple stuff and having each other as the wallpaper of their phone. but one thing they never do is kisses on the lips.
◾ miyeon is jaemin's first love and is still is
◾jaemin realized that miyeon has feelings for chan
◾both their parents are ecstatic when they broke the news of their "relationship"
◾they would still stay over the other's house during projects
◾all of their parents' collegues and acquaintances are for their relationship
◾ when jaemin and her were seen in the yonsei campus, rumors started
◾miyeon would drive jaemin to school sometimes, or jaemin would commute with miyeon, dropping her off first
◾ whenever miyeon stays over at jaemin's house, she would borrow his hoodies and won't return them, she would wear them at home, and when jaemin sees this, he'll try so hard not to smile
◾ they both like to go shoe shopping, one thing they have in common
◾ jaemin also accompanies her when she's shopping, miyeon would sometimes buy and choose clothes for him
◾ they also like to go around korea, yes korea, not just seoul, and hunt for good food
◾ she told jaemin he could buy their couple rings and he chose a design that's totally her style, she was really excited when he showed it to her. (link)
◾ they usually celebrate their birthdays together, they go on trips or the amusement part and even out of the country.
◾ jaemin's the only one that can handle miyeon's impulsiveness and her grumpy morning self
◾ she likes watching jaemin cook and likes it when he gestures for her to try them
◾ haena is the only person that knows about their secret
◾ jaemin is very protective of miyeon, when he saw younggun approach miyeon, he immediately walked towards them and wrapped an arm around her waist
◾ he knows that miyeon is only doing what she does to please her parents, he knows that he smiles are fake, but he also knows that her smiles are genuine around him, he trusts her a lot
◾ he accompanies miyeon whenever she would go around taking photos of stuff and moments
◾ miyeon has  a lot of polaroids of the two of them or of jaemin, especially candid ones, in her collection.
◾ not to exaggerate, but jaemin would do anything for miyeon
◾ miyeon likes watching jaemin reading or studying, she particularly likes the way he's expression is soft when he's concentrating
◾ miyeon gets to try stuff she hasn't done before with jaemin like commuting or cooking

relationship status childhood and best friends
final words hi there! had fun filling up this app hahahaha might have gotten a bit carried away.. some of what i wrote were inspired from the great seducer coz a saw gayoung and dohwan's pictures hahahaha
scene reqs
◾ love triangle scene between jaemin,miyeon and chan
◾ miyeon showcasing her sarcasm prowess with the other girls
◾ miyeon straight out rejecting younggun's advances towards her in a public event, with everyone there by interlocking hers and jaemin's hands
◾  things get complicated when jaemin finally tells her how he feels, and more complicated when chan confesses as well
◾ miyeon in a slump with her studies and she gets seriously stressed and pressured, jaemin told her to let it all out and she did, she cried on his shoulders in frustration
◾ a moment where miyeon finds jaemin attractive or y and she mentally slaps herself, reminding herself that jaemin is a baby and a minor
◾  maybe a university scandal that miyeon is dating a high school student and dumb rumors started how she's pregnant that's why they started dating and what not

password i'd do anything to put a smile on your face (two mvs coz i can't choose TT.TT)
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