WGM: Fan Edition 🏵💌 | Bae Chaerin ❤️️ Woozi (Lee Jihoon)


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Carat : Bae Chaerin

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BIRTHNAME : Bae Chaerin


▸ Chae Bae — a play on her name and is only used by her best friend, NCTZEN
▸ Chae — a shorter version of her name used by her friends
▸ Yeobo ("Honey") — although it's meant to be an endearment, whenever Jihoon says it, it comes out with an awkward charm. Jihoon decided to call her this to ensure that they sound more like a couple and to close some of the distance between them
▸ Penguin — Chaerin absolutely hates the heat, but she lives for the cold. Her friends made fun of her saying that the cold is her natural habitat

DATE OF BIRTH : November 22, 2000
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea


▸ Korean — (fluent) native tongue

▸ English — (proficient) Like the good student she is, she studied English quite a bit when they taught it in school

FACE CLAIM : Pony (Park Hyemin)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 153 cm &42 kg || 5'0" & 92 lbsg


▸ Chaerin is pretty much your average Korean in terms of her body. She does everything she can to maintain clear, pale skin and a slim figure. However, the only exception to her fairly average looks, is her hair. Instead of the common black and brown hair, Chaerin often likes to her long hair hair dyed various colors. Afterwards, she also likes to style her hair, usually curly it or making it wavy. She also likes to wear green contacts most of the time. She feels closer to her idols this way. She also enjoys wearing makeup and playing around with her looks. Sometimes she does the typical, coral Korean look, other times she'll feel a little bolder and go for the common smoky eye look paired with a winged eyeliner.

ex.  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5

Who are you?

 [  +  ]  charming, loyal, intelligent, responsible, playful, comforting
 [  =  ]  tolerant, open, trusting
 [ — ]  dirty-minded, obedient, passive, sarcastic, hesitant, cautious

"She acts with a charm you can't help but notice." People can't help but notice Chaerin, not just because of her colorful, vibrant hair, but because of other various things about her. Like how comfortable it is to talk to her, how her smile can light up a room, and how her soft laugh can lift your spirits. No one can deny that Chaerin is the kind of person that people can't talk their eyes off of. "Loyalty means that I'm down with you whether you're right or wrong, but I will tell you when you're wrong and help you get it right." Chaerin is one of the most loyal people you'll ever come across. She knows the pain of betrayal and refuses the be the cause of it for someone else. When Chaerin says that she'll be by your side through thick and thin, she undoubtedly will. However, her loyalty is not simply recieved. Chaerin believes that loyalty is returned and is only loyal to those who've shown her this fact. However, if you do manage to earn her loyalty, Chaerin would never think of betraying you. Even if all the odds are against you, Chaerin will be that one person who will be by your side. "Half of being smart is knowing what you are dumb about." Chaerin is intelligent, plain and simple. She knows her strengths and plays at them, but she also knows her weaknesses and does her best to fix them. She's a typical honors student and is always striving to get straight A's. "It's not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do." Responsiblity was always one of Chaerin's best traits. In this retrospect, she more of an adult compared to most of her classmates. She always owns up to her mistakes and never lies about her actions. A lot of her friends find her very reliable because of this. She is also nominated as the leader of the group most of time because of this. "They wondered why they were so miserable while she was so happy, but she never stopped playing even when they did." Chaerin doesn't see the point of being so serious all the time. She thinks that the ones who are the most serious and the most miserable. How can one's life be colorful when you fill it with monotone things? She is always up and about, running around with a smile on her face. If she sees one of her friends with a sad face, she'd be the first one making funny faces just to see her friends smile or laugh. "She's always there for you, and there is no thought more comforting." Chaerin is that one friend you can go to when you need to let something out. Be it you need to cry, or you have something that you just need to let out, Chaerin would be the first person you go to. Something about how Chaerin gives you her full undivided attention when you talk to her is really comforting, and how she doesn't make any comments when she knows you just need to let everything out as soon as possible. She sees it from your point of view, gets sad with you, angry along with you, and laughs with you. She makes it feel as though you have a comrade when you feel like no one else will be there for you.

"Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I don't respect your thoughts." Chaerin doesn't often get mad. She understands that many people see things through different sets of lens and respects that. She believes that just because someone is wrong, doesn't automatically imply that you are right. She does get annoyed, but she never really gets mad. "She let the world know everything about herself, but that tranparency won hearts that feared the unknown." Chaerin is a very open person. She tells her friends everything about herself and hides nothing. She doesn't fear the unknown but welcomes it. You're gay? Cool. Don't like pizza? Everyone has different tastebuds. You skip school? Chaerin wants to, too. She doesn't discriminate. "Trusting you is my decision. Proving to me right is your choice." Much to her dismay, Chaerin knows that she trusts easily. She thinks that everyone who laughs with her is a friend, and for her, that means that they get some of her trust. Sometimes it pays off, but most of the time, they show her how wrong she was to trust them.

"Having a dirty mind makes ordinary conversations much more interesting." Despite seeming like a clean, fun-loving girl, you can bet a million dollars that Chaerin's mind is not the cleanest. I mean, have you heard the kind of language and jokes middle-schoolers make nowadays? She used to have clean thoughts, but you can thank her friends for contaminating her mind with ual innuendos and dirty jokes. She can make a innocent sentence sound so wrong and dirty. This is one of the reasons she gets along so well with the guys in her classes. "To obey is better than to sacrifice, and I'd rather save my energy." Chaerin is so used to obeying others after her dating her ex. Her ex changed her old rowdy self into a very obedient servant who doesn't talk back. She never questions requests or orders given to her, nor does she rebel against them. She completes everything given to her without complaint. "To take a side means to make enemies when I'm just trying to live peacefully." Chaerin never really chooses sides in an arguement. She remains in a neutral position so that she can see the truth through unbiased eyes. Also, by never playing favorites, Chaerin has earned trust from countless peers and friends. Even if they don't agree with her decisions, they at least know that she is not working against them. "My sarcasm offends you? Oh I'm sorry, it's just that sarcasm is by body's natural defense against stupid." Playful? Check. Dirty-minded? Check. What else could you want in a girl? OH WAIT! Of course, it's got to be sarcasm. Chaerin may comfort you when you're feeling down, but she'll cheer you up with her sarcasm. Because who doesn't love sarcastic jokes? "She used to be confident in the light, but he left her broken in the dark and she couldn't find who she used to be." Chaerin used to be confident in everything she did, but her ex mentally abused her so she lost all the confidence she had. She is always hesitating, and she finds herself always asking for a second opinion. (Others see this as her just making sure that no one's opinions are being left out.) She is afraid of being wrong and everyone blaming her for it. "She holds everyone close but only at arm's length." Chaerin is still recovering her ex, so she has grown to keep people people close but never close enough to hold her heart. Her heart is made of glass after the breakup, and she fears that anyone who touches it will break it into even tinier pieces.


     Chaerin grew up with a normal childhood. Throughout elementary and the first year of high school, Chaerin was the popular kid who everyone in the school wanted to hang out with. She was smart, yet playful. Caring, yet sarcastic. Childish, yet responsible. She was a ball of joy and fun who everyone could relate to, but she was also the confident leader their group who had a way with words around adults. During all of this, her best friends were the [Nctzen Plotline] and Park Minhyuk. The three had met in Kindergarten, and they haven't been apart since. The two could always be found by Chaerin's sides and were her go-to people whenever she needed help or a breath of fresh air. 

     Chaerin always had feelings for Minhyuk and finally confessed to him in the beginning of their freshman year in fear of another girl coming along and snatching Minhyuk from her. Minhyuk accepted her confession, and the two began dating. They started off fine the first few weeks. Those first few weeks were the happiest times of Chaerin's life, and [Nctzen Plotline] was so happy for the two as Chaerin had confessed everything to her. However, things quickly began going downhill as Minhyuk began complaining about Chaerin. He called her clingy and annoying. He complained that she was suffocating him with her presence, and that he needed more guy time. Though his words wounded Chaerin, she complied with his requests. He was acting completely different from how he used to be in middle school and elementary school, but Chaerin remained optimistic and tried to understand that he just needed his space. However, Minhyuk's requests began getting more and more ridiculous. "Stop touching me." "Don't talk to me in school." "Do my homework for me." "Don't talk to any of my friends." "We don't know each other at school." Chaerin did her best to comply with his requests, but the longer she stayed together with Minhyuk, the more she looked like a complete wreck. [Nctzen Plotline] stayed quiet at first and tried to be optiistic, but as she saw Chaerin's health dwindling away, she tried convincing Chaerin to breakup with Minhyuk. Chaerin waved away the idea, unable to comprehend how much Minhyuk had changed since they've known him. His requests turned into complaints and insults towards Chaerin. "You can't even do much?" "You're such a disappointment." "It'd be humiliating if I were to be seen with you." "You're feelings only amount to this much? Pathetic." "Try to lose all that weight you fatass." "Wow, you used to be smart, but now you're just a dumb ."  Insults are normally something that can be brushed off, but it's hard to brush them off when they come from a childhood friend who's been with you for as long as you can remember. Soon enough, the Chaerin who seemed the radiant happiness disappeared. In her place was a girl who looked like a complete mess. It was like you could tap her and she would fall over. Chaerin's grades dropped, and she began losing her appetite. Eventually, [Nctzen Plotline] was able to convince her that the Minhyuk they knew was gone and that he was now some jerk who took advantage of Chaerin's feelings. Chaerin broke into tears after she finally accepted the truth. [Nctzen Plotline] and a few of her other close friends went with her when she broke up with him in fear that he would attack her at the end of their sophomore year. 

     After Chaerin broke up with MInhyuk, she brought her grades back up and surrounded herself with her friends. She began to brighten up and her cheerfulness slowly began to return. However, Chaerin still felt quite empty, so she began listening to some music to help herself relax. She clicked on a random playlist and just listened to the lyrics. It was then that Woozi's song, Simple, came on. She felt like she could relate so much to the  song and broke down in tears in realization that the happiness she had with Minhyuk was so fleeting and short. Their relationship went so complex and it ruined her. Woozi's song was like a breath of fresh air in the suffocating air she created around herelf after the breakup. After listening to the his song, Chaerin felt okay again. She began returning to her old self, but her cheerfulness was no longer as bright. Instead, Chaerin was more quiet and resevered and the air around her had become quite gentle. She became easier to talk to about anything, but she never let anyone get to close to her. 

    [Nctzen Plotline] asked what had caused her change, and Chaerin told her about Woozi's song. Chaerin had officially become a Carat and her ultimate bias was, obviously, Woozi. She fell in love with everything about him. For Chaerin, he became her savior, her knight in shining armor, and her source of happiness. [Nctzen Plotline] was already a big fan of Kpop, so the two began to share their fangirl moments with each other. When Chaerin had seen the post on instagram about a WGM: Fan Edition, she immediately tweeted out to [Nctzen Plotline] to convince her to join with her. It started out as a joke that went a little something like . . .

"Hey [Nctzen Plotline] , what are the odds that I actually get to be Woozi's wife?"

"Lower than the chance of Seventeen beating EXO in rankings."

"HEY! The odds of that happening are not that low!"

*laughs*  "Just try it then. The the chances of Seventeen beating EXO are 0% my dear Chae Bae."

"Fine. But if I actually get picked, you'll have to pay for their next concert tickets!"

"Deal, cause there is no way that's happening."


â–¸ Boba
â–¸ Sweets in general
â–¸ Snow/Winter
â–¸ Ice cream (She can and will eat any amount of ice cream you put in front of her no matter the weather outside)
â–¸ White Chocolate is life
â–¸ Origami
â–¸ Skinship
â–¸ Ed Sheeran
â–¸ Ballads
â–¸ Animals, especially Malayan Tapirs (She finds them to be awkwardly adorable) and puppies



â–¸ Spicy food
â–¸ Coffee
â–¸ Heat/Summer
â–¸ Exposing clothing
â–¸ Heavy metal
â–¸ Anything bitter
â–¸ Dark Chocolate (makes her want to throw up)
â–¸ Studying
â–¸ Nosy people
â–¸ Being alone
â–¸ Being teased for her height
â–¸ People who sleep on SVT
â–¸ Cats



â–¸ Baking and cooking
â–¸ Teasing others
â–¸ Sleeping in
▸ Ice skating 
â–¸ Growing plants
â–¸ Making origami bouquets
â–¸ Listening to music



â–¸ Her leg fidgeting when she's sitting down
â–¸ Looking down whenever someone asks her to do something
â–¸ Twiddling her thumbs when she's bored
â–¸ Needs to hug a pillow of stuffed toy in order to fall asleep



â–¸ Doesn't actually hate Minhyuk despite how he treated her, she justs misses the old him
â–¸ Can play the violin and still does play, she's been taking lessons since she was a child
â–¸ Wants to be a veteranarian
â–¸ Allergic to watermelon
â–¸ Is actually the smartest student in her grade
â–¸ Can't sing for the her life
â–¸ Isn't afraid of bugs or reptiles but is afraid of lizards because they can cut their tails off
â–¸ Cannot stand cats
▸ Owns a male bichon frise named Snowball aka Snowy
â–¸ Hates how weak she feels when she feels like she can't disobey anyone
â–¸ Misses being together with [Nctzen Plotline] and Minhyuk
â–¸ Has an extremely weak spice tolerance

This is my Family


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▸ Best Friend — [Nctzen Plotline] (17-18) / Student / personality traits / closeness


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▸ Ex-Boyfriend and Former Best Friend — Park Minhyuk (18) / Student / bipolar, mean, rude, cruel, and manipulative / Minhyuk was actually used to be a sweet, caring guy. He was a gentleman in every sense and never failed to protect Chaerin and [Nctzen Plotline] when they were in trouble. He was always their support, and the three could never be separated in the past. However, he began to act differently when they began high school. He began hanging out with the popular kids and began putting distance between himself and Chaerin and [Nctzen Plotline]. He became rude and manipulative. He took advantage of Chaerin's feelings and their history together and practically brought her to ruins.

WGM Interveiw

Have you ever watched WGM before? If you have, which couple do you think you and your husband would or could be like? : 

â–¸ "Of course! I mean, who hasn't, right?" she says with a huge grin, "But good question. I feel like if we were to be similar to any couple, it would probably be the 33 couple. You know, the Jota-sshi and Jingyeong-sshi couple. Jingyeong-sshi was always teasing Jota-sshi, and I always thought that that's what I would act like if I were in a relationship."

Why should we pick you for WGM: Fan edition? : 

â–¸ She smirks and flips her hair with sass, "My fellow Koreans are always so quiet, shy, and go for that all-natural look. Where else are you going to find a Korean girl who'd be as bold with their looks as me?"

How are you different from the other wives (plotlines) on the show? : 

â–¸ "Even though I look like this, I can also bake cute desserts and cook traditional Korean food. I guess I can say that I have a gap moe?"

Describe your dream wedding. : 

â–¸ I went with pictures (colors are rose quartz and serenity):


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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpMHSazaWFOup-5mjdgB8uSYO9SkET52yNhBRhruILKx_OuLVSYg  dbf9cde249bb2cbe15df519806a735b9.jpg  


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HUSBAND NAME : Lee Jihoon (Woozi)
BACK UP HUSBAND NAME : Hong Jisoo (Joshua)


▸ Jihoon, or Woozi as he is more commonly known as, has a reputation for extremely hardworking but serious. He is in charge of composing almost all of SVT's songs and makes sure that the group is working hard. However, every carat knows that he is a bit shy and stiff, as well as the fact that he has never had a girlfriend. When it became known that Jihoon was the one chosen for WGM, many carats began worrying about whether or not Jihoon would be very awkward around his wife. However, what they don't know is that Jihoon may be awkward, but he is willing to do all that cheesy lover stuff so that his partner can be happy. He does his best to make sure that they are comfortable and let them know that they are loved and appreciated. He also get protective of those close to him. And while it's very hard to hear him say, "I love you," he makes sure to show it through all his actions.

ENDING :  Do you want to actually get together after the show? Yes.

Moozie : Dave

LAST WORDS : Hi! Sorry if my app is a little long, but I hope you like her! Please ignore any spelling/grammar mistakes!


▸ Chaerin making a dirty joke to a Jihoon and Jihoon almost choking on his drink because of it
â–¸ Chaerin baking a dessert for Jihoon
â–¸ Jihoon acting bold and teases Chaerin
â–¸ Chaerin makes another dirty joke in front of all of the couples and everyone who gets it laughs
â–¸ Jihoon protecting Chaerin from Minhyuk
â–¸ Chaerin fangirling when she meets the other SVT members
â–¸ Jihoon getting jealous of s because of all the attention Chaerin gives them
â–¸ Chaerin and [Nctzen Plotline] bragging about their husbands to each other

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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