the relationship between kina and her unnies & oppas (◡‿◡✿)

✧・゚choi okyeon✧・゚
french unnie <3
the tenant kina's most close to. okyeon unnie is someone kina greatly admires. in the beginning their relationship are mostly polite greetings and nods acknowledging each other's presence. as the story progress, kina found herself slowly opening up to okyeon, and like how cherry blossom trees bloom, so does their friendship. kina enjoys watching anime together with okyeon. kina's very supportive of okyeon's arts and photographies, sometimes asking okyeon to join her in her morning jog to the park so okyeon can draw in peace while kina runs around in the park. kina knows she's smol and seen as unthreatening, but she won't hesitate to karate-chop anyone that hurts okyeon. since kina is practically unsociable hermit at uni, she really cherishes her friendship with okyeon, who she considers her closest and first real friend. when okyeon has some free time, kina would ask okyeon to teach her a teeny bit of french.
"bomb chew, unnie!"
"i think you mean bonjour, kina"
"you're really talented, unnie. i wish you can draw me one day - ah i mean, if you're not busy...i'm sorry i just really love your artistic skills so much"
✧・゚yeo iseul✧・゚
iseulie unnie ツ
yeo iseul is probably the second person kina is most closest to, in her eyes. actually kina was a bit intimidated and scared by iseul but she always found herself staring at iseul and her eccentric hair, which kina thought made her look like a real life anime. the two sometimes watch anime together, and suprisingly iseul gets the little japanese tidbits kina often says every now and then. kina worries for the amount of alcohol in iseul's blood, sometimes gently reminding iseul to take it easy. kina would gladly run to the convenience store to buy pads for iseul or do anything that can liven iseul's spirit when she has her time of the month. most of kina's little knowledge of english are from courtesy of hearing iseul singing in the shower.
interactions :
"jesus, take the wheel..."
"jesus can drive, unnie?!"
" he is so daddy material,"
"but he doesn't look like a father to me, unnie..."
"tadaa! i made you fried rice unnie, in a shape of a panda, but it kinda failed. anyways, i hope you like it unnie! you were crying earlier and i wanted to do something so uh, i hope this is okay?"
✧・゚KIM WON✧・゚
my vegetable-loving umma
ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ
kim won is someone kina was intimidated at first, because a blazing fire doesn't really mix well with soft earth. they don't really talk a lot but kina appreciates the effort won tries in making kina eat her veggies (which she'll finally be able to, in the future, thanks to won)(but for now she and veggies are on a war with each other). kina tries to talk to won about other things than anime, but it kinda is a bit awkward. nonetheless, kina enjoys won's personality despite thinking its a bit too much at times. she's still kinda scared of him a bit, especially when he tells her to eat her veggies. she thinks won's vlogs are cool, and would sometimes secretly watch it. she appreciates won's nagging because it reminded her of what a mom would do, which she never has the chance to feel what it's like (to have a mom).
interactions :
"eat your veggies, kina!"
"but we're on a war with each other, umma...t^t"
"try this. it's ramen with veggies which i guarantee tastes great, cause i made it myself"
"i'd love to...but that would be an insult to all ramens in the world..." *proceeds to eat said ramen nonetheless with a brave face* *ends up being patted in the back due to the amount of times she coughed*
"i agree that won umma is more handsome than kim woobin! kim woobin is tall, scary, and looks like a big meanie. while won umma is tiny and looks like a cutie. but don't tell him i said that!"
seungryong senpai (●´ω`●)
kina's first impression of seungryong is that he looked like a real life anime prince slash senpai (not in a romantic way,,,).  the two shares quite a big , but kina tries to talk to seungryong since to her a big does not matter, for you can make friends with all ages! *inserts the 'believe' cat poster motivation*.  kina is grateful to seungryong for being able to put up and even take a bit of interest in kina's babbling and anime-related things, despite kina knowing she can be a bit too much sometimes. the two get along okay, they don't talk often since most of their convos tend to be a bit awkward. sometimes kina would go to the cafe seungryong works at to study or do her assignments there and she would wait for seungryong to finish his shift so they can go home together (since seungryong is afraid he might lose kina or kina might get abducted and he'll get blamed so he's taking precautions).
interactions :
*kina goes to the hello kitty cafe*
*sees seungryong working there*
*smiles but doesn't acknowledge him to save him from future embarrassments*
*sees a few girls secretly take pictures of him or chat him up or take a selfie with him*
kina to herself : "oh wow senpai is famous..."
✧・゚go yoonhui✧・゚
yoonhuwui unnie-ssi☾
yoonhui is probably the other female tenant beside boss kim that kina is afraid of. their personalities are on polar opposites. kina treads carefully around yoonhui because,,,she's weak and doesn't want to be the next object to be pranked at. their relationship is a bit tentative. kina would still greet yoonhui good morning, hello, good night etc. overtime, kina gradually starts to realize that yoonhui is not as bad as she seems to be, and since they're the two youngest, they kinda relate with each other and thus become friends in the end, in kina's view.
interactions :
*yoonhui walks into the room*
kina : sweats
✧・゚lee siwoo✧・゚
wootokki sunbaenim
kina is afraid of siwoo tbh. it's not that he's not nice but his strong personality kinda squishes kina flat. she also tries not to be hurt or offended by siwoo's remarks. kina doesn't dare to babble nonsense in front of siwoo, instead she acts v v polite and very formal with siwoo, calling him sunbaenim instead of oppa. kina smiles to him and politely greets him, because she doesn't want to be a rude junior. sometimes siwoo and kina go grocery shopping and that's the only time kina wouldn't dare to buy a truckload of ramen. thanks to siwoo, kina can live a little healthier.
interactions :
siwoo : *does nothing*
kina : a nervous mess
✧・゚heo seontaek✧・゚
master chef(☞゚∀゚)☞
the first time kina saw seontaek her mind literally went,,, oh wow sasuke in real life. seontaek has that bad boy vibe and it kinda give kina the chills just by looking at him because woah. the two get along fine, albeit not always chatting each other up because their personalities are quite different from each other's. sometimes kina would just see seontaek cooking because her mind goes, yay gordon ramsay slay me with those cooking skills!!. kina improves her cooking skills by learning from seontaek and becoming his mni assistant chef. sometimes seontaek would make kina a more healthier ramen or anything that can substitute as ramen because,,,this kid can literally die of ramen overdose one day.
interactions :
*sees seontaek cooking*
kina : (on the inside) wow gordon ramsay in action!! you go, master chef! *heart eyes*
"soo..what we will be making today, master?"
"did you just call me master?"
"sir, yes sir!"
"oh-kaaay!" *kina proceeds to roll her sleeves up*
✧・゚cheol sarang✧・゚
愛 sunbaenim
sarang is what kina sees as top 10 scariest anime. no kidding, she almost turned to jelly whenever hearing sarang talk because,,,he's s scary. sarang is not a bad person, kina knows it, but she gets intimidated and reduced into a tense puddle of goo around sarang. she tried to not feel scared of sarang because that's not nice of her to do so and she doesn't want to hurt sarang's feelings (he didn't do anything but kina would sometimes subtly avoid him). later on kina got over her initial fear and would try to talk to sarang, though she gets a teeny bit sad whenever he doesn't reply. sarang reminds kina of her father too sometimes, and would internally cry whenever she sees sarang because she misses her dad. whenever sarang smiles or approves of what kina's doing once in a blue moon, kina feels that she accomplished something, like the proud-happy feeling every kid felt whenever they made their parents proud.
interactions :
*sarang enters the kitchen*
kina : *immediately stops making ramen, feeling like she has been caught doing something illegal*
kina : was about to go upstairs with a bowl of steaming delicious ramen
kina : turns around and sees sarang appearing out of nowhere
kina : almost splashed her ramen to herself due to the surprise
*kina goes upstairs and hands in sarang's cup of coffee*
kina : "uuhh...i saw your coffee was done and um since you were upstairs you probably didn't hear it...uh no i mean you probably did b-but i uh was passing by so i might as well give it to you..uh..yeah..i'm sorry"
sarang : "mmhhm...thanks."
kina : *an absolute mess on the inside*
also kina : *cries of happiness because she felt that she finally did something right in her entire life*

shout out to Hana / overmorrow for helping me with tweaking the layout! thanks Hana, i owe you my whole life T^T


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