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the video starts with slow beats and frost laying down on the pavement asking how his past love has been doing these days. he then answers his own question typically that he's 'gettin by'.  the video moves on to show frost in some kind of a neutral, post-break up state, reminiscing his past relationship.

he accepts that he's no longer together with her. deep down, he's not completely fine and gettin by with life. his answer is a mirage of his current state. he believed that they had a love different from the rest, only for it to end just the same. he continues to repeatedly asks how his lover has been doing. as for frost himself, when he thought that he's okay and things are alright, it broke down. he wanted to talk to her, but he knows he shouldn't.

frost wants to say a lot of things to her but hides his feelings with a simple i'm gettin' by. the video shows frost laying down in a basketball court, in a swimming pool diving board. his eyes are empty, drained.

frost then gets up, standing in front of a door, contemplating whether to leave this (his feelings about his past lover) all behind. he finally accepts, dragging his feet to the outside world.

near the ending of the video, frost seems lost, looking - no, rather, searching for something (the solaire members). throughout the ending of the video, one might finally realize that frost has been stranded somewhere by himself, not a soul recognizing him. a paper airplane then disturbs his sleep (the paper airplane could be symbolic or something. it was sent by frost himself to himself as a 'slap' to wake him up and move on). frost then wakes up, continues to roam around aimlessly.

the video then ends with frost, still laying in the pavement. turns out that it's all in his head, that he's dreaming (or is he?).

FULL NAME do seoli. 도서리.
ADRIEL DO 아드리엘  the name he went by when he lived overseas. originally, he wanted to choose azriel as his english name, but his sisters and started to call him angel of death, which is what azriel means. besides, seoli cannot pronounce the letter z back then, so he's somehow stuck with adriel. his friends from overseas still calls him this. s and family sometimes calls him this too.
BADGER 오소리  when pronounced, it sounds similar to his name. members like to around and call him this. coincidentally, it's also his chosen animal.
FROSTBOI 프로스트보이  it was his old precious soundcloud username, before his sisters (and later, members) found out and called him frostboi to no end. having enough, seoli changed his username in the hopes of stopping his once beloved username to be mocked at. sadly, the nickname stayed. seoli also means frost in english (but he is in no way fond to be called jack frost. 'do not compare me to that 3d animated guy.')
SIDE PROFILE PRINCE upon first glance, you can't help but feel the mysterious aura seoli emits. that is what probably drives the female population crazy. not only his good looks, but also his god-like face. especially his side profile. he gained this nickname due to the many photos on solaire's official instagram that members took of him when he's looking sideways. it's a nickname among solaire fans, more popular among the female fans.
DOUBLE LUCKY CHARMS  there are a lot of contrasting charms that seoli has. first of, he's a deep baritone rapper who can scream in a girlish dolphin high pitch scream. second, he's small but the amount of power he has is unbelievable. for example, seoli and his scrawny stature can crack open an apple in half. and lastly, he's an unfair mixture of cute and y. you either want to hug him or thirst for him. he has all the charms but double the amount. it's a nickname that fans originally made, but soon the members heard of it and called him that too.
DATE OF BIRTH december 18th, 1995.
BIRTHPLACE anyang, gyeonggi province, south korea.
HOMETOWN anyang, gyeonggi province, south korea.
KOREAN fluent. mother tongue. when he speaks his voice is deep, but soft.
ENGLISH fluent. growing up in a foreign country where english is the main language, seoli learned the language and use it to communicate daily.
MANDARIN advanced. the second most spoken language in the foreign country he used to live in. it was a difficult language to understand. he can also write hanzi. seoli writes in mandarin better than speaking it.
FACECLAIM ikon's jay.
BACK-UP pentagon's kino, bap's jongup.
it's probably quite obvious that seoli was blessed everywhere by god except his cursed height. after all, the members do secretly call him dwarf hyung / tiny hyung for a reason. standing at 166 cm, he's pretty short in terms of standard male height. he's quite lanky and thin, not the buff muscle-y type (or maybe he does have hidden muscles. #abscomingsoon). he weighs around 54 kg. as for seoli's face, one cannot argue how blessed he is in terms of face structure and proportions. he has a well defined jawline, slanted eyes that disappears whenever he smiles, a tall nose and slightly full lips. he has a beauty spot under his right eye.
he looks quite icy and mysterious when you first laid your eyes on him. his jet black hair is looks quite fluffy, and his bangs are long enough to cover his eyes (which he is fond of doing). his bangs are mostly parted 5:5 (right in the middle). he originally only had two piercings (left and right lobe) but decided to pierce his ears on the upper lobe and helix (left and right) due to solaire's mv concepts. he also has a tattoo of his sister's birth date (070812) in his left collarbone.
apart from seoli's height and face, his most interesting point would probably be his deep, dark brown eyes. they seem to be devoid of any emotion, at first. but if you look closely, you'll find that there's hidden glints of humour and wit, as if he knows all of your secrets and fears. seoli is the type of member you won't notice at first, but when you finally do, you ask yourself how on earth did you just found out about this gem.
seoli doesn't really care to look extra good when going somewhere ('it's an airport, for god's sake, not a runway.'). he's mostly seen dressed in hoodies, jeans, boots, graphic tees, denim jackets or shirts, etc. sometimes he likes to wear beanies and snapbacks when he feels that his hair is too messy to be handled. he doesn't mind the colour really, and would even wear pink for an entire week, as long as its comfortable. he prefers long sleeves than short sleeves because he gets cold easily. other fashion items he likes to wear are warm sweaters (that makes him look tiny and lovable), blazers, khakis, turtlenecks, converse, etc.
daring, levelheaded, sharp-witted, open-minded, impartial, tolerant
unyielding, unfeeling, difficult, pessimistic, untrusting, insouciant
do seoli. the real life version of the saying tiny but mighty. he's what others would typically categorize as the ice prince, lone wolf. a trainee even once let out a secret that when do seoli walked inside a room, silence slowly falls upon the room. he's mysterious and oddly charming. in everyone's eyes seoli looks like a scary polar bear, but in seoli's eyes he's bored and wondering why everyone looked at him as if he was about to eat them alive. seoli is easily misunderstood, since people often note that he doesn't really care about the world, about how others feel. he's the type of person to not cry in a funeral, wouldn't hug you or cry along with you when your mother passed away. instead, he'll say 'man up, your mother wouldn't like to see you like this.' that is why people find him rude, since he's not aware of feelings. he knows that his words stings, but he won't take it back. he does that so people would be stronger, so to say. he'd rather hurt them now than see them crumbling in their weak state in the future.
he doesn't really complain, and prefers to not let others see his weakness. he's headstrong and knows what he wants. lives life the way he likes. he's the type to fight for the underdogs, stands up for other people, or stands up for himself. to get to know him, you'll need to approach him slowly. honestly, he's actually a great person to talk to, and one might be surprised at how easily he'll crack jokes to ease up tension. he's not as icy and intimidating as he seems to be. sure, he's closed off and not a man of many words. though he may joke around with you, he still keeps a distance towards you by not really letting you indulge in him. he might greet you back or nod when you pass by him, but that's just his way of socializing. he's actually quite wise, a great listener and advice giver. he's probably the last person on your mind, the last person you'll go to empty your heart out. but when you do, you'll find yourself regretting why you didn't come to him sooner. he's quite composed, able to think in difficult situations. the type to not crack under pressure and able to overcome boundaries when pushed to the edge. he loves challenges, and won't back down without a fight. he'll aproach the unknown with certain steps, will not stop until he fulfilled his purpose.
he's like a father that gives out a tough love, caring for people, in a rough, unseen kind of way. he's the kind of person to say 'stop crying, you look ugly' before asking you what has been troubling you. the type to suddenly and randomly ask someone how they've been doing, fetching you a water bottle when you just finished practicing, etc. he's quite patient and won't snap back at you when you shout at him. he doesn't really hold grudges, the type to forgive and forget. he doesn't get angry easily but when he does you'll wish to never anger him again. when he's angry, he doesn't go godzilla screaming mode. instead, you'll feel the whole room drop into a thousand degrees, and you can feel ice prickling at your skin when he talks in the most soft deathly voice. he can be a bit playful, but this side of him is reserved for those who really know him well. that is why he's very appreciative for his beloved ones. his way of thanks to them is poured into the actions he does, since he is more of actions speaks louder than words kind of guy.
it's really tricky to outsmart seoli because he knows your own secret before you do. he knows when someone is lying to him, when they're trying to fool him. if he's not in the mood for nonsense he'll call you out so you'll trip on your own lies, but if he's in his prankster mood he'll follow your little game before letting you fall to the very grave you've digged. people don't understand him, since he's like a puzzle. it's difficult to get close to him but he's also one of a kind under those walls he built himself.
he doesn't trust others easily, keeps his own burdens and problems to himself. the seoli you see after you've teared each layer of his facade is someone who is scared to make connections, of disappointing people. he blames himself even for the things he did not do, says sorry too often. he overthinks, expects the worst in everything. 
truthfully he's not always like this - he wasn't always like this. he was quite rebellious in his youthful days. but the tragic of losing someone close to him woke him up, made him realize that he's not as mature and strong as he seems to think he is.
he's still trying to find his true self, coming to terms with his faults and flaws.
he's still seeking for his identity.
"the darkest nights produce the brightest stars."
do seoli was born in a cold winter morning, in the early hours of dawn. he was supposed to be the third child, if his mother didn't previously had miscarriages. his mother almost died giving birth to him. she was in her early 30s when she had him. both of his parents are hardworking people. seoli's family's finance wasn't really stable, but they managed to get by fine. when seoli was 3 years old, his family moved to singapore in hopes for a better future and new promising changes.
seoli is actually a very hyperactive kid. he was constantly running around, playing in the mud, climbing trees. he'd always come home with his face caked in mud, a toothy grin and a new discovery he made while 'taking an adventure'' in the park near his flat. he was considered a smart kid by his parents, since he learned the english language more faster than his parents did when living in singapore. at school, he was the jokester slash prankster in his class, yet also number 1 in terms of academics. he was well liked by his classmates due to his funny nature, and doted on by the teachers due to his good manners (despite getting into trouble multiple times making him a pain to deal with).
his mother gave birth to seoli's younger sister, jooeun, 4 years after seoli's birth. the arrival of jooeun soon filled a space in seoli's heart. she became his playmate, and the two literally fight everyday. besides that, seoli developed an early interest in music. his parents didn't have enough money to enroll him to have lessons, so they bought him a used piano and violin. originally the violin was for jooeun, but she wasn't really interested in music so seoli gladly took the violin for himself. he learned how to play it by himself, mostly from books or online. despte that, seoli was thrilled in learning music. he knew that he came from a family that didn't sneeze in gold tissues. he never complained, and was content with what he has.
after 10 years of living in singapore, seoli and his family moved back to korea. singapore was becoming an expensive country to live in. his family's financial state was also more stable than before so his parents decided it was time to go back.
going back to korea kind of confused seoli at first. after years of living in a foreign country, to be back at his hometown made him feel estranged in his very own country. but seoli was quick to adapt, and soon he settled in korea comfortably. a year after moving back to korea, seoli's mother gave birth to kyungjin, who was 12 years younger than him. his mother was in her mid 40s at that time, and seoli almost lost her when she gave birth to kyungjin, his youngest sister.
seoli became a more rebellious boy in his teen years. he was high in his hormones at that time, a young boy trying to explore the world and his worth. usually, his father was the one who controlled him, made sure he would come home early and not wander off somewhere. at home, seoli didn't really live up to his role as the protective older brother. instead, he was more engrossed in his music, not spending quality time with jooeun and kyungjin. seoli still played the piano and violin, but he has set his eyes in a newfound interest - rapping. he had always wanted to participate in those underground rapping communities but his parents forbid him. not because they wanted to stop his passion but because he was still young at that time. still, he joined the hip-hop scene, often sneaking out and made excuses to his parents so he can follow his passion.
when his father passed away, seoli was no longer on a leash. this turned him to be more daring. he often skipped classes and prefer to go somewhere and write lyrics, or go over one of his friends from the hiphop scene's studio and stay there instead. he got into a fight often at school. he got into fights with people who bullied other people. usually, seoli wouuld steer clear if he witnessed a student getting beat up by another student at school, but something snapped in him this time and he chose to fight for those who cannot fight back. he often comes home in bruises, making his mother (who was well in her 50s) more worried.
seoli tried his luck to try and audition in several companies behind his mother's back. he wanted to rap on stage, to feel the thrill of letting people sink in his own lyrics. the heavens seemed to heard him, for he was accepted by bighit. seoli knew he cannot burden his mother for extra money so he told her the truth instead : that he's now officially a trainee under bighit and will work so he can pay for his own training lessons. to his surprise, his mother allowed him, only if he behaved himself and look after his sisters more often.
seoli felt guilty deep down, not being able to spend a lot of time with his sisters. he just, distanced and busied himself away from the two. reconnecting with jooeun and kyungjin helped in toning down his rebellious nature. jooeun was long upset with her brother's behaviour so she shut him out, but little kyungjin was ecstatic to have someone play with her. all was okay, for now. seoli worked two part-time jobs while balancing his trainee life and school life. he managed to still stay on top, as a promise to his mother that he will continue school no matter what. in bighit, seoli learned how to compose and make his own songs. he'd often asks his mother or his sisters' opinion on his works, to which they would react positively. kyungjin was probably seoli's number one fan, often begging him to sing or to rap for her until she falls asleep. "you're going to see me on tv one day, jinnie. just wait." "hehe, okay! promise?" "i promise."
it was quite a windy day that day. seoli was taking his sisters out to the park. jooeun left them for a while to go to a public toilet, reminding seoli to keep an eye on kyungjin since she loves to roam around. after playing with kyungjin for a while seoli went sit down, taking out his notebook and try to write lyrics. the mood was nice that day, and seoli became engrossed in writing lyrics. it wasn't long until he realized that kyungjin was nowhere to be found. panicked, he stood up and searched for her. he heard a familiar scream followed by a car honking. to his horror, he saw kyungjin laying down on the pavement,  a crowd of people surrounding her. the last thing he remembered clearly was jooeun's scream.
the funeral was a blur to him. he didn't remember much, yet the memories are clearly etched in his mind. his mother forgave him more faster than jooeun did. she despised him after kyungjin's death, blaming him non-stop. seoli didn't blame her, he hated himself too. he knows the guilt will last a lifetime. he closed himself off, preferring to spend time in his room. at school, he changed. he was no longer the rebellious kid. instead, he rarely talked. he focused more at school, earning back his perfect grades. he left big hit not long after. at home, jooeun didn't even want to see his face. his mother was probably his only friend and company. seoli continued to work part time jobs. he entered college around that time.
seoli still continued to write music, but he was still aching for kyungjin. it affected him in a way. everytime he thought about her, he'd never not cry. his mother worried greatly for him, since she knows that beneath his i'm fines, he still trying to heal. after graduating college, seoli wanted to work in a company to provide for his family. seoli's mother knew that his passion didn't lay there. "why don't you go be a trainee again, darling? or at least, be a producer. i love each and every one of your works. they're amazing and deserve to be heard." "mom, i am old. what company will accept me? besides, you know i can't work well right now. not after kyungjin passed away." "give it a try, darling. i know kyungjin would be ecstatic to see you on tv."
to his surprise, seoli was asked to audition in bbc. jooeun and his mother actually schemed behind him, taking matters into their own hands. jooeun sent a video of seoli rapping unknowingly, with the help of his friends, to numerous companies. out of all the companies, bbc seemed interested in taking him in as their trainee. they know seoli won't try to audition so they put him into a situation where he can't back away. they know seoli's passion still lies in music. seoli never got to say it until now, but he's thankful for jooeun and his mother for their actions. if they didn't, he would have never be where he is now.
i. seoli is actually an excellent aegyo king, and would do it shamelessly in tv shows when asked. of course, s pay the price of being embarrassed to death
ii. he's a manly man who cries whenn watching disney movies (since kyungjin and him used to watch disney movies together all the time)
iii. he is fond of watching kingdom-themed dramas (like rooftop prince, scarlet heart ryeo, etc) (and he cries while watching them too)
iv. despite not having formed abs or a visibly toned body, he has immense strength. can crack open an apple in half, and rarely lost in a game of thumb wars and anything that needs strength
v. he can scream in a high pitch, girlish, dolphin like scream. (exhibit a)
vi. he's the type of person to steer clear when asked about ideal types, saying he has none. but when pressed or forced to answer, he'd say "i like a girl who cares a lot for people, especially her family. someone who i can trust and lean on. i don't really have any physical appearance preferences. all girls are beautiful just the way they are."
vii. he wears round pirate-like earrings (similar to jungkook) all the time. it was given to him by kyungjin on his 18th birthday. she thought that he was in a legal age to get earrings (tbh jooeun was the one who influenced her to buy earrings for seoli). other items that kyungjin gave to him are a teddy bear (which he always put in his bed and brings everywhere), a disney princess sticker (which he put on the back of his phone case with no shame), and a stick figure drawing of their family (which he keeps in his wallet)
viii. when asked to rank s from the most handsome to the ugliest, he would put himself last and put all 11 of s as number one
ix. tbh seoli is actually a sloth. he's very lazy at times, when he's not in the mood to make songs
x. his soundcloud userame used to be frostboi, before he changed it to drlslfrost (drl is short for adriel, sl is short for seoli)
xi. placed number one in his school in terms of academics for three years straight in middle school. in highschool he dropped to 2-5th place before being back to number one in the last year
xii. seoli usualy make his own songs that talks about life in general, struggles he went through, social problems, a roller coaster of emotions throughout the years, etc. he also made songs about his family. one of them is for him mother. he released a song for her (j-hope's mama)
xiii. members often point out how seoli has an odd charm and weird but unknowingly hilarious words/sense of humour. his sense of humour is similar to min yoongi (exhibit b c)
xiv.  tbh seoli would never smoke because his father died of lung cancer caused by smoking. but during the time he was still grieving deeply for kyungjin, he sometimes smoked. it went on for a few weeks before jooeun found out and snapped him to reality. after that he never smoked again
xv. likes comics, playing video games, bts, twice (*coughsminacoughs*), tea, cold showers, ice cream, board games (sudoku, snakes and ladders, etc), resting, being lazy, witty people, people who are honest with him, strawberries, candies (he has a sweet tooth), disney
xvi. on kyungjin's death anniversary, he'd always visit her while bringing daisies because they're her favourite flowers. on her birthdays, he'd still visit while bringing a teddy bear (for her present) and proceeds to blow out her candles on her birthday cake (that he brought) for her. every year he does this
xvii. dislikes going to the gym, diets, drinking, smoking, coffee, apples, sweet things, bubblegum, people who betray his trust, being called short, cold weather, sour food, anything kiwi related, bread, sweaters too big for him to wear (it makes him look cute)
xviii. seoli actually has a nice singing voice. the reason for that is because he used to sing kyungjin to sleep back then (or rap, sometimes lel)
xix. seoli was first interested in rapping at a young age of 13. he joined the underground hiphop community at a tender age of 14, and joined bighit when he was 15
xx. when seoli was still a trainee, jooeun, who was a big fan of twice, literally forced seoli to learn twice's choreographies and teach her. he falls into the once life, and fangirls with jooeun about twice
xxi. talents he can boast when appearing in shows (like weekly idol) : solving a rubik''s cube under 30 seconds and being zipped up inside a suticase (like wekimeki's yoojung) back
xxii. back then, he had severe nightmares of kyungjin, on how it was his fault that he didn't save her. he used to scream a lot when it happened, but over the years seoli didn't really scream and instead, restlessly turning in his sleep. it's not always nightmares about kyungjin, it's also dream and memories. he usually wakes up sweating if its a nightmare. on worse scenarios, he ended up shouting when asleep
father. 01-01-1963.
11 years old seoli went out to the front porch, spotting his father who is currently in a relaxed position, a lit cigarette in his mouth. seoli watched as his dad coughed a few times, before billowing white smoke out from his mouth. seoli approached him, a displeased expression on his face. seoli's father turned around, shocked, before a friendly smile lit his face up. "son, what are you doing here? it's dangerou-" "dad, can you please stop doing that? for mom?" "i'm sorry son. it's difficult to quit now." "i don't want to lose you." "you won't. trust your old man, hm?"
for as long as seoli can remember, his father is a hardworking man. always coming home late, trying his best to provide for his family. he's a superhero in seoli's eyes. he's a man that doesn't say much, just like seoli, but always has golden words to say to seoli that serves as his life lessons. he's a wise and kind man, a man that always shows how happy he is when he's with his children, a man who hid his mentally and physically exhausted frame behind jokes and smiles. to hyunbin, his family is his own medicine. he'll do anything as long as his family is happy, even if it means he'll spend less time with his children.  he's perfect in seoli's eyes. but if there's one thing seoli doesn't like about him, is his bad habit. which led to his death when seoli is a teenager. without his father beside him to guide him, seoli lost his way in the years of him growing up. he was seoli's best friend, the only other male in the do household. seoli still remembered the promise he made to his father, and that is to be happy and take care of his mother and sisters.
mother. 04-11-1964.
seoli yawned while opening the door. he just returned from his friend's studio, helping him produce his own song. strangely, when he entered the house, all the lights were off. without warning, suddenly the lights are on. seoli nearly screamed for his life when his mother's face appeared out of nowhere, a sloppy homemade birthday cake in her hands. "happy birthday, my one and only handsome but short son!" "mom i am an adult, there's no need to kiss me! and i can't believe you just dissed me." his mother chuckled. "you're an exact copy of your dwarf-sized mom, seoli-ya! come on now, give your mom a kiss ~" "mom, seriously?!...ugh, fine whatever."
seoli's mother is a very lively woman, a woman full of expressions and reactions. she had seoli in a late age, leading her to almost die when she gave birth to seoli. if you're wondering where seoli got his odd sense of humour from, it's from his mother. soeun is a woman who never gives up, a headstrong woman with warm smiles and mischievious eyes. she's seoli's number one supporter, the one who cheered for him the loudest whenever seoli won a competition, the one who's tears are enough to sink the titanic whenever seoli placed number one in school. when hyunbin died, soeun didn't have enough time to grieve for she buried herself in countless jobs to support her family. if there's one thing seoli admires from his mother, it's her ability to accept and move on, staying strong for her children. deep down seoli knows his mother misses his father very much, evident on late nights where soeun's muffled cries filled the silent night. but in the morning, she'd always have a big smile on her face, her eyes no longer red. she understands seoli, her only son, who's a growing teenager so she lets him go and do whatever he wants, as long as he comes back home and behave himself. she forgave him and never once blamed him for kyungjin's death. until now, seoli owes a lot to his mother, who's now nearing her mid 50s. he felt sorry that she had to work twice as hard, becoming the mother and father figure simultaneously. he felt bad for causing a lot of trouble to his mother, knowing that she can't fully control him when he's in his youthful days. seoli loves his mother very much, and would do anything in the world just to see her happy and not disappoint her.
sister. 10-12-1999.
seoli ruffled his hair, frustrated. his mother left him to the task of looking after jooeun since his mother went to his aunt's place for the weekend. to be honest, seoli doesn't mind looking after jooeun. what he minds, however, is the awkward atmosphere between the two. his mother told him that he should seize the chance to try and apologize to jooeun wholeheartedly (like he has been doing for the past years since kyungjin died but to no avail). he also knows that jooeun would refuse to be 'babysit' by seoli. he clears his throat. "jooeun?" "hm?" "do you want to go watch a movie with m-" "i'm busy." "oh, uh that's..that's okay! we can watch another tim-" "but i'm free today, i guess." "wait, what? wait, no! i mean, really? okay, let me get ready." "be quick, bro." "huh? oh yeah, sure."
back then, the two had an inseparable bond. they're each other's best friend and enemy. always trying to one-up each other at everything yet teams up whenever they prank their parents. she was more interested in arts than music. she's a very tomboy kind of girl, who's icy-ness mirrors seoli yet she has the most warmest and captivating smile. in the first year since kyungjin passed away, jooeun had been very hostile to seoli. tbh, her being mean to seoli is a way for her to let out her anger and disappointment in seoli on how he favoured his own dreams over his family. he shut off everyone, and young jooeun felt offended.  before kyungjin was born, seoli was slowly growing more distant to jooeun. jooeun had her own problems at school, and back then whenever she had problems or needed opinions on her art she'd always go to seoli. but since he's 'busy', she had no one to go to, since no one understands her better than seoli. when kyungjin arrived, jooeun took full responsibility of kyungjin. she's the one who practically raised kyungjin up whenever their mother is too busy to properly take care of kyungjin. that is why, when jooeun lost kyungjin due to seoli's mistake, she felt enraged and upset. truthfully, jooeun had long forgiven him, but she never forget what he has done. the two currently have a rocky relationship, but that doesn't mean it can't mend in the future. this time, seoli wants to properly live up to his role as the older brother, the older sibling, and look after jooeun.
youngest sister. 14-05-2007.
it was in the middle of the night when seoli felt a tiny presence wiggling its way to his side. he turned around, coming face to face with kyungjin who's currently rubbing her eyes, forming an adorable pout. "sowi oppa. i can't sleep..." she started. seoli smiled, engulfing kyungjin in his warm embrace. kyungjin comfortably nestled up to him, her features relaxing. "is this your way of trying to trick me to sing you a bedtime song?" kyungjin giggled. "hehe, please sing me to sleep oppa. i promise i will buy you ice cream!" "you big baby. okay, but promise me you'll sleep after this, jinnie?" "ye, oppa. i want to dream about candyland again!" "we'll go there together, jinnie. now, go to sleep."
kyungjin is seoli's personal teddy bear. she was a little girl who's brighter than the sun. she was so kind, so warm, so full of life and laughter. she was seoli's number one fan, always ordering him around to sing to her or rap so she can follow him and copy his 'swag'. her mischievous nature is a parallel of a younger seoli. she always bother seoli, begging him to let her sit in his shoulders ("jinnie, do you want oppa to be more shorter?"), dragging him away from his room to get ice cream, etc. she always made seoli's heart feel light and warm. until now, seoli can never forgive himself for what had happened to kyungjin. he knows kyungjin wouldn't like to see him like this, neither does his father nor family, so he tries his best to fulfill his dream, thus fulfilling his promise to kyungjin that she'll be able to see him on tv one day.
leader of bts. 12-09-1994. 
seoli watched as namjoon inspected his latest work. "good job, seo! the lyrics are very expressive, yet comprehensible. it's beautifully pieced together with an articulate depth in the chorus. the beat is slow and coherent, i like that. when do you want to start recording?" seoli smiled amusingly as namjoon talks away. he always find namjoon's philosophical way of speaking entertaining yet inspiring. he felt like he gained a few brain cells whenever he talked to namjoon. seoli cleared his throat. "thank you, hyung. we can start now, if you'd like."
namjoon was one of seoli's mentors, so to say. he helped seoli improve his rapping in so many ways, helped him learn how to compose, write and produce his own songs, and often asked him to record a duet song with him. seoli knew and have talked before with the rest of bts members, but he was more closer to namjoon. during trainee years, when seoli was still in bighit, the two often went out to eat together, working on songs together, basically went through several hardships side by side. when the final lineup for bts was revealed, seoli was proud for the boys. seoli never held any grudges over bts, knowing that they deserve it (debuting, awards, etc). they worked hard for where they are right now, after all. whenever bts has a less busy schedule, namjoon and seoli would go out together to eat and catch up on life.
solaire member. 23-07-1997.
seoli's eyes snapped open. he sat up and rubbed his eyes, sighing. he looked at the clock besides his bed. 2:41 am. he internally groaned. he had another nightmare of kyungjin again, evident in the tsunami of sweat on his forehead. in a few hours, he has to get up and get on with practice. seoli settled back into laying in his bed. he turned around and almost jumped a mile away. there lay, peacefully asleep and glowing like an innocent angel, yunseong. seoli calmed down, and gently prodded yunseong. "dude, yunseongie, can you...not." no reaction. he tickled, tapped, even pinched some parts of yunseong's body yet the younger boy still stays asleep. seoli ruffled his hair groaning. "man, okay, whatever. my bed is your bed. take everything i have and leave me with nothing, huh? i can't believe you take up such a big space. your fault for being tall. sheesh. i really don't get why young people are so tall these days." seoli muttered to himself. he noticed the blanket around yunseong falling. he carefully fixed the blanket back to its place, before settling back to sleep.
yunseong and seoli weren't really close at first, though the older boy had always see yunseong as a very talented guy, especially his dancing that makes seoli a bit jealous. seoli deep down knows that yunseong keeps his own burdens to himself, which seoli relates to. their friendship slowly progressed along the way. seoli would often help yunseong in making his own songs and in turn yunseong helps seoli to make his dancing better.
it's not because seoli means frost in english (well, that's the second reason) but the main reason is because kyungjin used to idolize jack frost a lot. he wants to continue to be jinnie's jack frost, another way of saying he wants to continue to be someone she looks up to and admires a lot. jinnie also jokingly suggested his stage name to be 'vosh' (her childish way of saying frost).
GREETING "do re mi fa so la si do, seoli! hello, i am solaire's warm ice, frost."
ANIMAL badger. backup : orca.
COLOUR light gray : #d3d3d3. backup : lavender #e6e6fa.
LINE rap (followed closely by vocal).
FIRST SONG one's gettin' by. backup : sik-k's earphone.
SECOND SONG gray's just do it (ft one of solaire's rap line member). backup : gray's summer night (remix) (ft a loona member. i suggest chuu because her voice fits well <3).
VOCAL TWIN bap's jongup 
DANCE TWIN nct's yuta
TRAINEE YEARS 5 years. (3 years at bighit 2010-2013, 2 years at bbc 2017-2019).
to be honest, the other reason that made seoli wanted to become an idol rapper was to be succesful and earn lots of money one day so he can help his mother, who replacd his father's place as the family's main income. in bighit, seoli learned how to compose. he met namjoon here and other future members of bts. he brushed up his rapping skills and made several songs while in bighit. seoli was originally considered to be part of bang pd's project's (bts) lineup, along with other rappers such as kidoh, i11evn, supreme boi, iron etc. he's close with the original lineup of bts and later on, future bts members. he was part of the dnh crew along with namjoon and other rappers. seoli didn't have any problems in making friends, since they're all nice. when seoli was a trainee under bighit, he struggled in balancing his school life and training life. he also worked while being a trainee to pay for his training. he was alright with it, since he was happiest when he made songs.
one by one the members of bts' original lineup left, leaving seoli and other members of bts as the last lineup of bang pd's project. seoli didn't lose hope, and dared to believe that he'll  become a bts member. when kyungjin's accident happened, seoli's growing development in bighit went downhill. he had trouble composing songs, often staring out into space and getting scolded by his dance mentor. looking back, seoli realized that was probably the reason bighit didn't debut him, due to his unstable self back then. the bts members went and debut, leaving seoli behind.
seoli left bighitshortly after bts debut. before he left, he helped in making some of bts' songs. he didn't see a future for himself in the idol career anymore. to be honest, his mother is more upset than he is, since she knows that music had always been seoli's pasion and she'll support him until the end of the world. the gap period between 2013 until 2017 was filled in with seoli's university life and part-time jobs to pay for his uni's tuitition. seoli matured over the years, however he's still not over the grieving stage. he didn't want his mother to work anymore since she was already old so he became the family's main support in terms of finance. during his spare time, he still made songs and raps, practice dancing, rapping, singing etc. he was more active in his soundcloud where he shared his self-composed songs.
his mother and sister who saw all this, felt sorry to see seoli dodging his own dream. when seoli graduated uni and was looking for stable jobs, his mother suggested him to go back to being a trainee. seoli hesitated at first, but then refused (despite his heart agreeing). he was old and didn't want an unclear future where he can't support his family. jooeun helped her mother in a plan to get seoli back to being a trainee and making music. she recorded and sent videos of him rapping to numerous companies. among the companies, only bbc accepted him. the shock seoli went through when he was told by bbc to audition was funny, in jooeun's eyes. his family literally pushed him and threatened to kick him out so he can continue his long-abandoned but not forgotten dream.
bbc saw potential in seoli's singing. he was already good in rapping, but here in bbc they made him improve his singing and dancing. seoli was quite rusty at first. most of the trainees there are quite young. he never felt like such a grandpa before in his life. seoli made friends faster than he did with the younger ones. instead, he's more of a caring hyung to the younger ones, since they remind him of a younger jooeun and kyungjin. in bbc, seoli was able to expand his talents in all three areas of singing, dancing and rapping. in singing, if forced, he can let out a high note (although not as strong as the main vocal), and in dancing he can generally keep up and follow the dance style. his area of focus is still on rapping though, but he took an interest in singing. his dancing has a chance to improve better, but seoli wasn't really interested in dancing (i'm old, he'd say as an excuse). thus, when the solaire project and the lineup was announced, seoli was happy beyond words. finally, his years of training and sacrifices he endured paid off. he will not stop though, and continue to try his best and improve. i did it, jinnie. your oppa can now shine brightly. please watch over oppa. oppa promise to jinne that he will make jinnie proud.
- was part of an underground hiphop crew
- (used to be) part of daenamhyup
- helped in composing bts' no more dream and we are bulletproof pt. 2
- composed, wrote and produced a few songs while still being a bighit trainee. his works :
ii. you can't do that (daenamhyup)
iii. tipsy (ft namjoon)
iv. we are b.p.b (ft namjoon, iron)
when seoli was first revealed to the public, fans digged up informations with their fbi skills and found out that he used to be a bighit trainee. they only know that, until they found a few pictures of namjoon, iron, supreme boi etc along with seoli. army also matched seoli (identity/voice) with songs that were made way back before bts debut (like they discovered namjoon was featured in seoli's song and vice versa, seoli was part of the dnh crew etc). seoli later on confirmed that he was a bighit trainee in an interview, but he left out the lineup part and 'failed to debut' with bts since he didn't want to drag bts into this. he instead talked about his first impressions of each of bts members and how they were very warm and kind to him.
[ +6,712, -1,876 ] no offence but i think he doesn't suit bts concepts
[ +4,876, -989 ] omg imagine if seoli became a bts member, jimin would no longer be the shortest ㅋㅋㅋ
an anonymous post online claimed that he was a "victim" of seoli and he was used as a punching bag by seoli. the anonymous person continued to reveal that seoli liked to get into fights when he was in school, likes beating up people and skip classes. fans were shocked, but a majority of them later defended seoli since people can change and he wasn't the same person as he was before. the article was part true, since the anonymous person left out the fact that he got into a fight with seoli because he used to bully other kids at school, and seoli was simply standing up for them. also despite seoli being quite reckless in his youth, he took full responsibility and apologized + paid for the injury he caused at other people (either they hit him back or he pays for the hospital fee). bbc released an official statement and a video of seoli apologizing formally (like how twice's tzuyu did with the flag scandal).
[ +1,289, -457 ] i believe our seoli has changed now ~ don't let the past define who you are, uri ice prince! fighting ~
[ +765, -321 ] this is why idols like him disgust me. they think that with just a video everything will be alright? this is total bullsh*t. i bet he didn't even pay for that poor kid's hospital treatment
asdgjlsk i can't believe i am done. aahhh this is such a mouthful but i hope you enjoyed seoli ehee...basically if you're still confused about him, here's the general outline : a rebellious kid slowly growing up and getting his rebeliousness toned down, still not over his past, kinda lost touch with the world?? but with character building he can be more *~feeling~* and even gain back his mischievousness and forgive himself ^^ anyways woohoo im hyped for solaire asjhhksjd
- jooeun finally accepted seoli back in her life (as in to say, stopped being hostile to him) and seoli's just so touched he cried and jooeun proceeded to poke fun out of him crying
- seoli coming back with a bday cake and the members all zero-in on the delicious cake and seoli's like here you all 11 of you can share it and when asked where he got the bday cake from seoli replied,,,it's my sister's bday *me : cue ugly tears*
- seoli meeting the loona members for the first time and he's awkward but then the loona members remind him of his sisters and he goes into soft mode uwu
- solaire and twice having their comeback on the same day and seoli just casually fanboying on the inside xD
- solaire covering girlgroup songs in their concert (see ikon covering gfriend)
- seoli had a really bad nightmare about kyungjin and he woke up,,,shouting,,since he never had it this bad before (it happens rarely now ever since he grew up) and the members rush to him and he'll probably lie at first and say that he saw a rat


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hello, ayiev!!
i love one and i love the whole dream excerpt you've come up with the song too!!
his personality and background sections are all good~
personally i really like frost's personality but that's probably bc i love that whole "tiny but mighty" concept when it comes to characters HAHA
((you weren't kidding about the whole essay-writing thing though omg,, not that i'm complaining bc i love the way you write like wow))
the amount of angst in frost's background actually had me so emo i'm crying,,, but i love it too bc angst is my life,,
the whole aesthetic of the app fits the sombre mood so well no wonder everything hit me so hard wEEPS
i immediately thought of jack frost when i saw his stage name so once i saw the explanation i went bINGO
i wholeheartedly love the concept of him being kyungjin's jack frost i just love how everything moulds together ;;

i'm so sorry this is so short and that i couldn't review this earlier ;;
nevertheless, both your app and frost are all good to go!!
thanks for applying and all the best ♡