epik academy :: kim wooyeon is joining imrud (#c69)


soul girl gif

BIRTHNAME : kim wooyeon (김우연)
..... ..... ..... ..... aka yamamoto atsuko ("山本 温子")

yeon 연 a "cuter" version of her name that a large number of people tend to use; particularly utilized by people in imrud and paired with a hug and / or a squeeze of hand / shoulder

kisshoten 吉祥天 japanese goddess of beauty and happiness; she did a project on the seven lucky gods for a g.e. and her classmates thought it suited her; used as a codename for her 

DATE OF BIRTH : 27 december 1997
BIRTHPLACE : mie, japan
ETHNICITY : japanese-korean
NATIONALITY : japanese-korean
COURSE : music major (second year of uni)

japanese fluent could double as a walking dictionary for all alphabets, spellings, etc even with her disability; will correct people only if comfortable with them but in a way that sounds more like she is reminding than correcting their grammar

korean fluent has a slight accent when speaking but barely noticeable unless very close; accent gets worse the more flustered she becomes though it's a rare sight to see for most

braille fluent picked it up as quickly as she could once she found out her vision was failing, understandably; has to special-order (text)books because audiobooks are soporific

mandarin basics learning for fun; actually good at the tones


transparent light-pink flowerthe student card

FACE CLAIM : lee jieun (iu)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : minatozaki sana (twice)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 152 cm & 52 kg (5 ft& 115 lbs) 

"everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." confucius
long, dark hair parted to the side that curls just slightly on its own and beckons touch. soft, almost rounded features that reminds of a maternal figure, warm and kind. milky, chocolate eyes that meet yours without hesitation and make you forget about her disability. a short stature and lean figure that seems delicate, but with warmth and strength that says "trust me" (and you do). a single pair of ear piercings that add a touch of teenage rebellion. a birthmark on the curve of her collarbone that looks like a small heart. a gentle smile that reveals a single dimple, only on the left side.

"beauty has so many forms, and i think the most beautiful thing is confidence and loving yourself." kiesza
comfort over fashion any day. soft and smooth textures paired with elegant, gold jewelry. closet partitioned in two: one closet (the larger part) of all matching clothes, any combination of top and bottom articles acceptable if not pleasing for human interaction, neatly organized and folded so she could traverse it all on her own; the other half composed of jackets and the occasional flannel - partially appropriated from her half-brother but mostly "borrowed" from a certain male who  centers himself in her scent, giving her the opportunity to familiarize herself with his own. 


digging deeper


+ calm + patient + humble + self-sufficient +
= organized = observant = quiet = mannered =
- indecisive - obvious - passive - underdramatic -

hufflepuff isfj: the defender lawful good

yona (akatsuki no yona)
shimizu kiyoko (haikyuu)
kujou mikoto (last game)
morgiana (magi: the last labyrinth)
sengoku mei (mizutama honey boy)

"keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." helen keller
always with her head on straight, wooyeon can be counted to be the voice of reason in any and all circumstances, the one to react and adapt with enviable ease. she is willing to wait as long as it takes for whatever situation / action she requires with laser focus. for all of her achievements and skills, she remains modest and affable, never believing herself greater. her "most noticeable trait" is her independence; she doesn't need anyone's assistance in her life - not out of arrogance but out of consistent practice and hard work and quiet confidence in what she knows she can do. 

"personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures." f. scott fitzgerald
being neat oft seems more a positive trait but when it is born from necessity, to know where exactly everything is or else bye-bye object as with wooyeon, it can be an area of weakness in front of some. nothing escapes her eye (her power, really) and though it helps her know / understand, it can be unnerving just how much she can learn. silence is her default and preferred setting. awkward silences are more than expected. also, something either amusing or exasperating is her politeness, her tendency to treat everyone with respect even if the other refuses to do the same.

"for me, there is no such thing as a negative experience." a.p.j. abdul kalam
never one to throw her two cents into a discussion, wooyeon finds it difficult to voice her opinion on a topic, a source of exasperation for many, especially since it's quite obvious what she thinks - the way she speaks or acts or gestures; she's terrible at telling lies and knows it. in contrast, something subtle that few notice is the way that she allows things to happen around her, the way she never seems to desire anything more than now. most frustrating is the way in which she downplays everything that occurs - the way she detaches herself from pain and refuses to ask for help.

"twice and thrice over, as they say, good is it to repeat and review what is good." plato
sweeter than honey and softer than clouds, wooyeon is gentle smiles and soft edges - an authority figure who rarely utilizes her authority and instead is likened to more of a nurturing, almost maternal figure. she's competent and has overcome what life has put on her path but is so easy to take advantage of, a person who should carefully pick who is around her but doesn't, allowing one and all to draw near if they choose. it is no wonder people are highly protective of her and are selective in who is "allowed" to actually talk to her, some utilizing more threatening force than others.

"the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." jimmy johnson
only allows assistance from a person that she trusts fully
needs everything in its proper place to find it due to her disability
always knows more than anyone thinks she does / should because of her power
can tell if silences are awkward for the other party but has trouble breaking the silence
has difficulty choosing between things, especially if it is something that involves more than herself
has enough authority / respect / wisdom to stop almost all of the shenanigans yet oft allows it to happen
never seems to fight for anything for herself; which means if she ever does choose to fight, it means that much to her
     ...to be added 


a nap in the warm sun

dandelion seeds floating in the wind

a brook trickling through a field of flowers

pastel colors that accents other colors as the center
a rainbow secretly peeking through a sprinkler's spray

a simple melody filling the silence of a lazy afternoon at home
a summer night with flower petals floating onto a full-moon-lit pond


"whenever i think of the past, it brings back so many memories." steven wright
wooyeon was born with vision that was already fading. able to pronounce "glaucoma" before "momma," she grew up with her unmarried mother and quickly learned to take care of herself and to sacrifice as her mother was busy paying off hospital bills. she told herself there would be time later - when she got a job and let her mother finally rest - but when mother passed away suddenly - from overwork (karoshi) - she realized that there was not going to be "later" for her family. mid-funeral, she learned that her father wasn't out of the picture; he asked her to live with him. 

"we are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future." george bernard shaw
wooyeon arrived in korea one summer day, bitter and wary. she simply couldn't find it in her to forgive her father who abandoned her mother pregnant (a business-trip, drunken one-night stand) or care for her stepmother who preferred ignoring her presence in favor of her own son - wooyeon's half brother. she couldn't find it in her to love seokwoo either, the reminder that her mother had been overworked and alone while her father - the jerk - had a family and was happy. but during that summer, with seokwoo's persistence, she learned that maybe his life wasn't perfect either.

"when you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future." bernard meltzer
wooyeon began her third year of middle school (seokwoo his first year) just as she was warming up to her brother. (it was there she was assigned a seat beside a certain student who she more than befriended but that's a story for below.) she learned seokwoo was lonely - an absent father and a mother who only cared about appearances - and as they grew closer, her class not only saw her slowly love her younger brother but also witnessed how she softened, her heart melting for this cold boy who, despite appearances, made this girl smile and laugh and break out of her shell. 

"life is one grand, sweet song. so start the music." ronald reagan
wooyeon, in high school, had to think about uni and majors, and put bluntly, she had no idea about her future. she was walking down the halls when she heard someone playing a violin. there was only one thing she'd requested of her mother - carefully and answered enthusiastically for: piano lessons; she'd started in kindergarten, and she'd kept up with it all the way until her move to korea. following the sound, she met and befriended yongsun who took to the near-blind girl with enthusiasm and without pity. their friendship burst with music and led her to join imrud as vp.



soft textures
subtle, nice scents
being read to, especially fantasy stories 
different sensations (sunshine, rain, nip of cold in the air, etc)


loud, sudden noises
being called babe / baby
terrible smells, particularly of cigarettes
underestimation because of her (near) lack of sight


loss of another sense
someone close to her dying


hums when happy
tilts head when confused
tucks hair behind ear all the time
chews on bottom lip when focusing
reaches her hand out in greeting to people she's close to (to hold hands)


making songs
practicing instruments
being with loved ones in some capacity


allergic to coconut
prefers drinking teas
constantly loses track of time
listens to a wide variety of music but favors osts
has surprisingly good writing for not being able to see it
when given the chance, always tries new things at least once
can identify people by holding their hands or listening to their voice
plays piano (lessons), violin (from yongsun), and is learning cello (classes)
prefers "yamamoto atsuko" in remembrance of her mother; used by yuta mostly
learns songs by listening to and copying tracks because, well, reading music is near impossible
     ...to be added 


want to be friends?


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half-brother : kim seokwoo (third year of epik high; daimons member) subtle, stubborn, stoic // 10점 만점의 10점 

sweeter than people realize, seokwoo (aka rowoon) is an icy exterior hiding a putty interior. to strangers, he is the untouchable, cold city boy; to wooyeon, he's her adorable little brother. despite his lack of expression, she easily interprets his moods and is quick to tease yet always reassure the taller. in turn, he's protective over her but also respects her independence, stepping in only when asked or his patience can no longer hold. their relation constantly surprises people but to them, it's natural and unsurprising, especially over the years of being together.

kuchiki byakuya (bleach)
morinozuka takashi (ohshc)
kuroko tetsuya (kuroko no basuke)

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best friend : kim yongsun (third year of epik uni; imrud leader) cheerful, loud, impulsive / 10점 만점의 10점 

sunlight against wooyeon's moonlight, yongsun is just as friendly and kind, just more...in your face. it's no wonder that they get along, both light in the core. people are amused to see yongsun fly by, dragging wooyeon around the school. though yongsun is full of wild ideas, and wooyeon seems to merely be along for the ride, wooyeon will act as yongsun's breaks when going too far. they trust each other fully and somehow always know where the other is, even if not together. they love playing duets and purposefully take classes together. 

houshakuji renge (ohshc)
matsumoto rangiku (bleach)
hatsume mei (boku no hero academia)

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friends : other imrud members (epik academy students) various / various

close but not as close as, say wooyeon and yongsun or her and a certain nct member, there's no doubt that they care for each other. wooyeon, as passive as she is, seems to find everything that they do amusing or endearing somehow. on the other hand, when she offers a suggestion or shoots down an idea, the club members listen, knowing that she only does so when absolutely necessary. considered the voice of reason in a sea of imrud enthusiasm, it's no surprise other clubs wish she use her authority more often and usually negotiate with her. 


the mutation

POWER : wave perception

CLUB : imrud


wave perception a power that suits her more than anyone would understand, her perception allows her to see even without seeing. nothing escapes her eyes (figuratively) because she perceives it all. through her various perceptions, she doesn't miss someone hiding behind the corner, a hand coming towards her, the shift of weight from nervousness. it doesn't seem like much, but with her observation, she is able to turn details and information into knowledge and insights; it's to the point that some students joke that she perceives brain waves and can read their thoughts with it.

echolocation the most common wavelength that she chooses to perceive, sound is useful because it is fast and not as likely to cause an information overload as other waves. (she can get more information from all the waves at once, but it tends to give her too much information to sort through to use on a daily basis.) she doesn't need anyone to guide her around because of it, but if she trusts them, she's willing to take their hand. it can be slightly distorted by other sounds, especially if loud or sudden, but she's used to sifting through all the information and parsing what's relevant.

control she has a firm grasp on her power (because she tends to rely on it), and can choose to turn it "on" or "off" and which wavelengths she wants to see. one thing that she does to "save processing power" is turn her power on in short bursts so that she can both practice her control and lessen the amount of information her mind has to sift through. the waves that she utilizes the most are sound waves (sound), uv rays (vision), and infrared rays (heat), but she has the ability to perceive and categorize others (gamma rays, radio waves, etc) though to a less accurate (practiced) degree.


no enhancements she has no enhancements as far as anyone could tell, including nothing to fix her actual vision, which is hard to say if that's a blessing or not. therefore, technically, it's possible to incapacitate her by playing sounds that are too loud to discern anything past and isolating her other senses or simply by overloading her wave perception until she can no longer use it. her blindness is also a weak point, especially in a physical fight and particularly without her power. (with her power, she's practically a highly observant, functional human being who has a lot of allies.) 

downsides information overload is a very possible thing, which can lead to terrible headaches and, if pushed far enough, passing out. she can also actually overload her power until it's forced to shut down to recuperate. (usually around 24 hours in which she uses a cane like an actual blind person, which, yes, she can use more than sufficiently enough.) certain wavelengths are easier to perceive and process than others, but she does have the ability to at least tell them apart. anything more depends on her practice with it aka how common it is so that she can practice with it.

limits a lot of her abilities depends on the type of wavelength and its properties (aka reflection, refraction, diffusion). for example, uv rays are more difficult than sound waves. with sound, she focuses on the hertz of the sound that is being reflected (usually her voice or the voice of someone she is very familiar with) and builds a mental model of the room straightforwardly; for uv, waves don't reflect as evenly on surfaces and may even be absorbed, which creates a "blind spot" in her vision. also, most of the commonplace wavelengths remain inside a room, limiting her perception. 


invisibility because of her ability, invisibility has no effect on her; she is able to "see" them anyways. 


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LOVE INTEREST : nakamoto yuta


+ disciplined + faithful + capable +
= silent = intense = overprotective =
- frigid - curt - petty -

"as we let our own light shine..."
yuta is best described as an ideal brought to life. if not for his other traits, people mutter, he would be like a prince or politician or someone important - a strong sense of loyalty to his loved ones, brilliant when he applies himself, and with the determination and willpower to get through anything but also with the aptitude to know when to give up. 

"...we unconsciously give other people..."
his best or worst traits depending on who is speaking, he rarely speaks, even if awkward for everyone else. his intensity, however, prevents people from forgetting about him; it can be...much to feel his gaze and the following zing spark down your spine. his protective tendencies are just on the side of too much, especially since his retribution is heavy. 

"...permission to do the same." marianne williamson
ice, they say, should have been his power with the glacial air about him - powerful but an aura and words that put you beneath him, especially with his reputation. the ones that know him better bemoan his lack of expression and, even moreso, his ability to hold onto grudges longer than any should. it's a miracle, people say, he didn't melt in the summer.

ice stage


"yesterday is not ours to recover..."
yuta is in his third year of middle school when he meets wooyeon, his new seatmate. they are not friends, but he comes across her one day in a hidden corner of the library. from then on, she confides in him about her family and her growing hopes, japanese whispered between turns of pages. "you give me hope," she admits, when he asks why she does.

"...but tomorrow is ours..."
by the end of middle school, people know that they are inseparable and rumors spread about why wooyeon would hang out with him of all people. "best friends," she declares when someone asks her with clear contempt about it, small hand strong in his. he looks at her, a rare fire in her eyes, and thinks that she gives him hope too - maybe, more than.

"...to win or lose." lyndon b johnson
it has been five years since then and they have only grown closer. they can oft be found together, yuta a step behind wooyeon and somehow disinterested in everything except for her. no one attempts to separate them but occasionally, a rumor pops up again, speculating. still, they whisper, they make a cute couple - once they acknowledge it, of course.

extra: i wrote a small chapter about their love story. you can find it here.

ENDING : author's choice


"it's never crowded along the extra mile." wayne dyer

enjoys soccer
enjoys books with unique plotlines
has a "large number" of ear piercings (says wooyeon)
biochem major focused on how mutations affect the body
     ...to be added 


welcome to epik academy

hello, welcome to the school how do you feel about transferring being here?: 

"good morning," wooyeon greets, a soft smile lighting her features, "and i'm always pleased to be here at epik."

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power? : 

"my power is wave perception," she introduces simply. "as the name implies, i can perceive wavelengths of all sorts - ultraviolet, radio, gamma, sound, etc. using them, i have the ability to perceive my surroundings quite well." she lifts a hand, gesturing to her eyes with an amused smile. "it suits me quite well, wouldn't you see?"

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do? : 

"well, i'm not a combatant," she admits, smiling wryly, "so direct combat is inadvised." she bites her bottom lip as the gears turn in her head. "i believe it would be best to gather those that are still uncaptured or whose powers are unknown and cooperate. cyberkinesis would be the best choice for recon - to hack the academy's security cameras and find floor plans, at least. meanwhile, someone with mind control should lure a single enemy and extract information. otherwise, i'm fairly confident in a majority of the students' combat skills and loyalty." 

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school? : 

"it's an interesting existence," she allows, shrugging. "i do not think it should be as important as it is, but it is."

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like?  : 

"imrud is my favorite," she states, winking jokingly. "nct and daimons are also a favorite for obvious reasons. as for one i am not fond of..." she trails off, fingers tapping on her arm in thought. "i suppose...i hear things, because of my power...and vasilias...makes me nervous sometimes. i can't say why, in case it is not true." she shrugs. 


koreangal5 : soul : turn in

COMMENTS : hurray! finished off the application! it was a long time coming. thanks for waiting! oh man, some of the apps that came in, meantime, are so nice. i was low-key worried someone would apply to the wave perception plotline and negate all of my hard work. anyways, it's done and here and i hope you enjoy wooyeon. she kind of didn't come off the way i wanted in the interview? (towards the end i was kind of just focusing on finishing? ignore the inconsistencies please.) feel free to change her. i also hope you enjoyed the little piece i did with yuta, because i was just inspired by their relationship so heavily. let me know what you think about wooyeon, and have fun writing! (ps i didn't know what uwu was - except that it was a face - so i just went off context clues and tried. i hope it was right?)


wooyeon in yuta's jackets

yuta reading aloud to wooyeon

wooyeon as a competent, independent woman

yuta and wooyeon casually "sharing" their phone

wooyeon as someone listened to, if only she would actually use it

   ...to be added 

PASSWORD : daimon 



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