A temporary goodbye...

I don't know if anyone will read this.

I don't even know why I'm writing this but "you" deserve to know this at least.

I'm leaving.

No, not forever.

I'll be back (hopefully.)

But I can't stay for now.

Those who are close to me on this site know that I've been experiencing writers block for a while now. It honestly pains me to be on this site, to see all of my un-completed stories and not being able to do anything about it. I want to write. I want to. But I can't. I just can't. It frustrates me beyond words. Writing has always been the one thing I'm really good at. Writing equaled "me". It defined me. It is (was) me. But without it, who am I really?

Who am I?

I'm nothing.

Without it, I'm nothing.


But that's just part of it. I'm currently doing my Masters and I have a lot of projects. A lot. Like 2 to 3 projects per week to work on. It's tiring honestly. And naturally "writing" is a huge part of these projects but it's not the same, you know. It actually put a stop to my "creative juices" as they say. It made me cranky, impatient and made me developp a tiny, very tiny, dislike towards writing and that was the last thing I needed or wanted to happen.

Now, I've been having a lot of dark thoughts lately.

For those of you who don't know, I'm a recovering bulimic. I used to eat minimal very mininal quantities of food and vomit them afterwards. I used to workout 3 hours a day. But my behavior worsened when I started having binging sprees. Anyway, all in all it wasn't such a great time in my life. 

What encouraged this behavior? I used to be bullied in school for being a bit on the heavy side. I used to be called names I don't want to disclose here, mocked and well avoided like the plague. My mother used to criticize the way I looked so yeah all that made me hate myself even more and pushed me to make "unwise" decisions.

I also tried to kill myself three times.

Again, not my most proud of moments.

I can't say I'm a hundred percent better now.

A part of me has grown numb. Somedays I walk in traffic not caring (and sometimes even wishing) I'd be run over. I know how stupid that is. But at those times, I don't really care. I don't really think. I just shut down. And then I realize how stupid I was and how valuable life is. But that's only after. 

Those who know me will now see how much of a hypocrite I really am. I give advice but I don't really follow them. I help others but neglect myself. But I try. I'm trying to be better. I'm trying. Some days I succeed. Other days I don't. But yeah.

I've been having the urge to purge for a while now but I haven't been acting on it.

I've been having an existancial crisis but most people have had or are going through one so it doesn't really matter. 

I've been having "bad" days lately instead of "good" ones.

And I'm afraid.

Afraid of the future.

Afraid of myself.

Anyway this is not for you to feel sorry for me. 

I'm okay.

I'll get through it like I always do.

I just need some time away to gather my thoughts.

I'll be fine.

I might even come back (fully) in a few weeks or even next week, who knows?

I am not deactivating my account because I want my stories to still be available for people to read.

I will check out my messages every once and a while and will reply to those who message me and will still listen, help and give them advice if they need it. That is something I won't ever stop doing so don't worry guys I won't be leaving you not entirely anyway.


I suppose that's it.


And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry if I hurt someone by accident. Or if I wasn't there for someone who needed me to be there for them.

I am sorry. 

I suppose I was too caught up in my "" to notice.

So sorry.

And I hope you understand.

And if you don't, that's okay. I understand.

This is not a goodbye but a "see you later" (hopefully a very soon see you later.)

So yeah, thank you for reading this silly blog post of mine and well, see you later I guess.


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I want to hug you and tell you that it'll be alright ! I'm not as good as you to use words (especially in english haha) but really if you need someone to talk you can come to me ^^ I know I haven't been on aff as frequently as before so I couldn't read your post .. or I read it too late .. I'm sorry ! But I understand you in many point! I know that it will not change anything to tell you that I understand but ... anyway ^^. Take your time to choose your path! You don't own us anything! Just pass by here and there to tell us that you are okay ^^
Sweety, it's okay to just take a break. Don't stress yourself about writing. As you said, it's in you. And I know the words will come back to you when you're ready. You haven't lost them! I'm sad that you're hurting and I hope you will feel better. Please turn to your close friends and let them help you when you're feeling depressed. I know we don't know each other too well, but I'm hoping you can feel my sincerity. Whenever I watch you on your channel, you make me smile, so I hope you can make yourself smile as well. Please don't hurt yourself, you're precious! <3
Don’t ever think you are not entitled to tend to your own problems, or that they are second rate just because others are experiencing it too. Everyone has problems. If they don’t, they’re not living. Overcoming problems is part of the human growth cycle.

Now here is why it is sobimportant for you to take care of yourself first before u can help others. I always used to think that it’s alright to help others while neglecting myself, but I was wrong. Because yoi cannot truly help others if u dont know how to help yourself. You cannot fully love and care for another if u cant fully love and care for yourself. The way u love urself should become the benchmark on how you treat others. So what if you become a bit “selfish”? So what if u need time for urself? So what if you are more important in ur life for once? The only ppl who will criticize u are those whose opinions dont matter. And yes, it can be ur own famoly members too, cause frankly, family members can be toxic too. U need to discern which voices to listen to, and which ones to mute out.

I hope all gets better for you and thay u’ll come back soon. It’s natural to hate writing a little when it’s been stressing urself out, and no one is condemning u for it but urself. Take a small break, for however long u need, and try again when u’re ready. It’s okay for u to think of urself for once. :)
Behind your smiles and waves of laughter on youtube, I never thought you grew up being bullied and your mom specifically criticizing your looks. I never understood parents who do that when we're basically copies of their appearances and DNA. Take a break. Writing can and will always wait for you :D And I know it's easier said than done but I really hope you make the best out of getting your Masters. Make a lot of good and happy memories, be proud of yourself despite your flaws and disorder, and just be happy. We'll be waiting for your return~ or I'll see you on Line xD
Feel free to IM me on Line. I've been in that position. You're fine, don't worry <3
see you, and don't apologize. you've been through a lot.
*offers see you later hugs*
we'll miss you