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birthname joo geulbi. 주글비.

ANGELINA JOO the name she went by when she lived in england. other variations :angie, angela, angelia, lina, angelie.
HONEYBEE a play on her name. geul sounds similar to XX (kkul) which means honey in korea. bi also sounds similar to bee. combine the two and you get honeybee. to the eyes of other people, geulbi is a sweet maknae, as sweet as honey. this nickname is like an affectionate pet name.
SWEET CHEEKS geulbi's cheeks are squishable and very stretchy. whenever a member is stressed they would go to geulbi and start pinching her cheeks to get rid of their stress. its guaranteed to work 200%.
SEAGEUL geulbi loved anything to do with the sea. when she was younger, she liked to feed the seagulls near the beach. thus this nickname appeared out of nowhere. plus, geulbi can do awesome imitations of seagulls as well.
A PLETHORA OF CUTE PET NAMES cutie, chugeul, geullie, tiny vitamin, sunshine, 101% eyesmile, tiny bean, etc.
GHOST GEUL trainees used to not know that geulbi existed due to her blending in so well with the shadows. she also leaves and enters without a sound, which is scarily funny.


 birthdate  first of december, two thousand.
 birthplAce  jeju island, jeju province, south korea.
 hometown  birmingham, england.
 ethnicity  korean.

KOREAN fluent. mother tongue. she speaks in a soft, honey-like voice, very gentle and polite.
ENGLISH fluent. grew up in england required her to speak english. she still has bits of her british accent when speaking.

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faceclaim  april's jinsol.
backup good day's jiwon. elris' karin.
the first time you see geulbi, you can't help but think how much of a doll she looks like. her skin is still soft and dewy like a baby's bottom. she still has a baby face. her features are small and delicate. small, round eyes that disappears and turns into crescents whenever she smiles. a tall thin nose with thin lips. her eyes has this sparkle in it, a childish innocent sparkle. her eyes speaks a lot for her. you can see how her eyes dulls when she's feeling tired, or how her eyes lights up in curiosity at unsolved questions. her lips hides a wide smile showing all of her teeth. her black hair tumbles past her shoulders, around her mid-back. standing around 165 cm and weighing around 48 kg, geulbi does seem like an actual living doll.
throughout her life, geulbi didn't really received praises or compliments on her looks. since she looks like any other korean kids in general, her gentle beauty gets easily overlooked. but it's there. it's subtle, but if you look closer, you find that geulbi is her very own definition of beautiful.


geulbi dresses in anything she finds comfortable. usually dresses in simple clothes. most of the time you can find her wearing sweaters, oversized cardigans, converses, a bunch of clothes you'd find at the kids section (blame her dad for forgetting her age), etc.


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all flowers will bloom
compassionate generous indefatigable thoughtful levelheaded mature wise forgiving

wise inquisitive awkward bubbly

and wither away
indecisive self-depricating timid self-dependable reserved absentminded slow-witted 

"she walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings."

"she's soft and delicate. she's someone you wouldn't dare hurt. the innocent look in her eyes, the curious glances she gave to the world in front of her, they're so full of pure genuiness. she's gentle, kind. wouldn't hesitate to help you when you need a helping hand, would gladly lend her shoulders for you to cry on. she's so full of life, the way her eyes sparkle with such vibrant joy. she always looks calm on the outside.

she's very mature for someone her age. sometimes i even doubt that she's the maknae. she acts older than her age. she's very sensible and obedient, not the type to complain when dealing with difficulties. she usually has this serious expression on her face. she's careful with her words. she treats us with such care and affection as if we were fragile human beings. that makes me soft. she's always asking if she can help with anything, cleans the dorm without waiting for me to tell her to do so. she's very grateful towards life, thankful for the things she has and hasn't. her stutters are the one thing i find most adorable of her.

once you get to know her, she's actually quite wise. she gives great advices. i don't know if she's born brilliant or she's just good with solving everyone's problems. she's very patient and tolerant too. i don't think i've ever seen her being mad at someone. i did shout at her one day due to being stressed, and she didn't cry. i felt terrible but she was the one who calmed me down instead! her hugs are so warm, like hot chocolates.

come to think about it, i don' think i've ever seen her smile widely before? i mean, she's always smiling, but its as if her soul is not there. i feel like she smiles because that's the only thing she's good at - no, the only thing she's been doing. i feel that she might be hiding something but is too afraid to let it out?

she's very quiet. not shy, but quiet. very driven and motivated towards her goals. even until now i don't really know much about her, besides the fact of how much of an actual angel she actually is. however, i do know that she has a strong mental. she's not as fragile as i thought she was. i haven't seen her cry yet.

ah, she is a rare specimen. i don't understand how she's able to go through life after going through various hardships. i'm thankful to get to know her better. she's actually quite bubbly and curious, a little mischievious as well. you just need to get to know her deeper. she's also real awkward when it comes to jokes. the type to lightly chuckle to snort and roll around in laughter, depends on how much she'll let herself open up to you." - a collection of people's impression and thoughts on geulbi.

even if my wings are broken, i still believe i will soar up high.

deep down geulbi has a lot of insecurities. she strongly believes that she's not worth it ; her mind keeps reminding her every day that she'll never be as good as everyone else. it takes quite some time for her to build her confidence. compliments doesn't really help her for once she believes that she can't do it, then she'll believe like that for the rest of her life. she helps everyone around her that she often forgets that she has her own problems that needs help too. yet geulbi doesn't want to burden people with her baggage. so she keeps it locked away in her heart, and in the back of her mind.

she spaces out often, blanking out for a second in the middle of a convo, blanking out while eating, and god forbid, blanking out when she's about to cross the street. she's like a lost little kitten, who tries her best to face the obstacles yet is unsure of the outcome. she's quite slow in learning, understanding. people get easily tried of her due to her slow way of thinking. behind her calm facade, she hides an unstable state. she'd deal with everything herself, and when you meet her you won't even realize she just went through hell and back.

geulbi suprisingly can control her emotions well. she's not the type to burst out every second, or the type to keep it all inside and one day explode like a nuclear bomb. instead, she would exhale deeply, and utter in a soft deathly voice, words that are quite brutal. sometimes at night, when she overthinks, she would stop what she's doing and let the tears flow silently down her cheeks. she would wipe them away and continue on as if that didn't happen. she's also afraid to lose people, and would unconsciously cling to them once she becomes attached.

even angels have flaws.


part one
"happiness blooms from within."

geulbi loved the beautiful island she calls home. each weekend she would visit the beach and soak up the sun. hand-in-hand, geulbi would race down the sand with her sister beside her, enjoying life as much as the two can.

geulbi was a very bright and energetic kid. she has an older sister whom she dearly loves. her parents are busybodies that work hard to keep a roof over their daughter's head. the joo's are actually a quite well off family with a lot of kaching$. the family lived near the sea in an elegant villa-like house.

from a young age, geulbi and her sister are taught on how to be independent and be grateful for the things around her. they didn't have a maid, only a neighbour to keep watch so the two young joo's relied on each other whenever their parents are working.

haeyoung unnie was someone young geulbi looked up to. she was smart, beautiful, and kind. basically a perfect daughter. she was quite popular in her school. the elder citizens loved her good and polite manners. geulbi wasn't envious though, she admired her sister and aspires to be like her someday.

haeyoung shines bold and brightly like the stars, while geulbi is there like the wind. geulbi gets overshadowed by haeyoung a lot. she was more on the introverted side so her voice wasn't really heard. she's actually a literal sunshine once you get to know her.

one summer, the girls' father came home with a sad news. their father's cunning business partner tricked their father into bankruptcy. having no choice, their father sold the house and his company to pay his debts.

it was on a bright sunny day that their father decided to move abroad. to birmingham, england, to be exact. he was offered a job and a stable income from his friend so he took the opportunity, not wanting to see his family struggle because of his fault. geulbi was sad to say goodbye to the sea and the beaches near her home that she loved so much - but she knows that she'll comeback, one day.

part two
"a new beginning."

birmingham was a fresh breath of air. geulbi wasn't used to not seeing waves roll in front of her eyes or sands burying her feet. it was difficult to adjust at first. geulbi was young, scared and didn't understand anything the first time she arrived in uk. the joo's had to make do with living life like a lower class family, after losing their house and most of their money. but it was okay though, geulbi didn't mind. as long as her family is around her, she feels at home. after all, home is where the heart is right?

part three
"the wind is trying to warn me."

time passed by. geulbi grew into a beautiful young girl. she was full of curiosity, asking endless things to her parents, to which they would chuckle before answering.  she goes by the name angelina now. to her defence, her parents chose the name for her. 'i went through two miscarriages before i finally had you, my angel' was her mother's reply when geulbi asked why she get such a cringeworthy name.

natalia, or haeyoung unnie, grew up to become more prettier. just as how she shone back in jeju, she shone just as bright in england. she was top of her class again, had a large circle of friends, and even gained secret admirers. meanwhile geulbi was quite shy and reserved when meeting someone new. by now geulbi realized how different she actually is from haeyoung. geulbi wasn't that smart, and she at sports. she found herself being constantly compared to her sister by her fellow classmates, or her sister's friends. it didn't hurt at first, since everyone has their own colour. but soon she found herself believing those words too.

geulbi never really told haeyoung that she gets teased often for being last place at her class. she wanted to deal with things herself without her oh-so-perfect sister's help. when haeyoung found out, she knocked some sense into geulbi before pulling her into a hug. 'always tell me when you need help alright, angelie? i am here for you', are the words haeyoung would say to geulbi everytime she hides something away from her very own unnie. the teasing ceased a bit the next day.

by now  the joo's financial state are stable. they know they couldn't be as wealthy as before, but that's alright, they're content with their life.

haeyoung wanted to try dance classes one day, and geulbi followed suit. she wanted to be able to do everything her sister is able to do. when haeyoung wanted to try enrolling in to a singing academy, geulbi copied her. was it a jealous motive? not really, geulbi just wanted to be exactly like her sister.

its hard to be honest, when you're the untalented sibling. how does it feel to look at your dusty cupboard full of cobwebs while seeing your sister's awards shining in her tidy cupboard? not very good. even with haeyoung's constant advices and cheer ups, geulbi still felt like trash compared to haeyoung whose a diamond. no matter how much her parents keep reminding her how they love her and is proud of her for the way she is, geulbi felt even more useless. sometimes geulbi even imagined what's it like if haeyoung wasn't her sister. would she be the talented one now or would she still continue to be useless?

haeyoung improved her singing and dancing way further than geulbi. she was interested in becoming a kpop idol, having recently grown to like kpop. at a young age haeyoung had been interested in music too. geulbi still can remember how beautiful haeyoung's voice is like when she sang to a toddler-aged geulbi.

never did it crossed geulbi's mind that one day she wouldn't be able to hear haeyoung's sweet voice again.

part four
"hang on, there's a rough sea ahead."

geulbi was angry at the world. at how perfect her sister is until she got accepted into sm entertainment while geulbi herself was rejected. but most of all, she was angry at herself. at how untalented she is. the two sisters who rarely fight, had their first world war three. geulbi gave her sister the silent treatment. she knew it was wrong of her to do so, she knew that her sister got in fair and square, due to her passion in singing and dancing. yet the small seed that is watered everyday by people talking behind her back and seeing her sister's success in her eyes every single time turn the seed into a blooming plant of jealousy. for a while the two didn't speak to each other - no, correction, haeyoung tried to speak to geulbi but got shot down every time. even their parents don't know how to handle the two.

eventually the two reconciled, but geulbi could still feel hurt. she felt betrayed, somehow. deep, deep down she was happy for haeyoung but she's unable to say the words out loud.

to be honest, geulbi is overshadowed by haeyoung. of course, geulbi and haeyoung each have their own unique colour, but since people view haeyoung as the better sibling, this puts geulbi in the loser position. she didn't even have a chance to show her talents because she got slammed down by haeyoung's powerful ones. geulbi may not be academically smart, and yeah haeyoung might be better than geulbi, but geulbi's hardwork and won't-easily-give-up nature motivated her to sing and dance better. she learned how to play the piano by herself, taught herself how to make her own songs, etc.

fast forward to one or two years later. haeyoung became an official sm trainee, going back and forth between korea and birmingham every summer to practice. meanwhile geulbi long quitted her dance and vocal lessons, choosing to just practice herself. after all, it is her sister's dream to be an idol, not hers.

it was raining quite hard that day. haeyoung had just came back home from korea. the two sisters went out to spend some time with each other. growing up, the two still had a tight bond but you couldn't deny the growing distance between them. haeyoung was set on becoming an idol, focusing her time to practice and improve. geulbi and her parents supported her, cheering for her from the sidelines.

geulbi didn't really know what truly happened, since it happened so quickly. all she know was that she was about to cross the street to buy something when her umbrella flew away from her hands. she remembered a car honking and her sister screaming her name before blacking out.

part five
"someone new."

the clouds cried on the funeral that day. geulbi felt that the sky was punishing her. she felt numb, as if she didn't know what to feel. many people came to pay their respect to haeyoung, who was a girl loved by many. she didn't really care about the whispers. all she cared about was that her sister, her only sister, was gone. the guilty feeling was eating geulbi's heart away, her regrets tearing her inside out. geulbi shut herself off from the world.

geulbi spent most of her time hanging out in what used to be her shared room with haeyoung. after a while she didn't cry as much, her eyes are way too puffy to handle her tsunami of tears again. she'd spend her days singing to herself, writing songs to cheer herself up. at school, geulbi was more or less like a robot. she lived each day without a spark of life. she didn't believe her parents words saying that she wasn't the one at fault - she knew she completely was.

her sister had so much potential. she was even about to make it to the smrookies page. yet she's gone now. times like this made hadam feel like she's supposed to be the one up in heaven, her sister didn't deserve this. geulbi does. she was...unworthy of living.

geulbi didn't know how long she lived life like a soulless human, alive but dead on the inside. she still get nightmares about her sister, leaving her to wake up sweating in the middle of the night with a heart beating so fast. at worst, she might woke up screaming.

one day, geulbi's parents brought home a young teenage boy. well, almost adult. she remembered him, owen, or jung jaewon, as her cousin from her father's side. 'starting from now, he'll be part of our family' was what her dad said to her. geulbi soon learned that he experienced the same thing as her, except his parents were the ones who passed away.

maybe it was heaven's way of sending a guardian angel to look after geulbi in the form of jaewon. maybe it's fate's way of replacing geulbi's loved one with something just as good.

part six
"hello sea, i am finally back home."

it took a while for jaewon and geulbi to bond. the two had a very awkward relationship in the beginning. he was cold and quite rude to geulbi at times, but she learned to cope with his attitude. slowy the two build a sibling bond. jaewon is quite different from haeyoung, yet his lowkey caring side and protectiveness reminded geulbi a lot of haeyoung.

the two relate somehow, both still grieving in the process of healing. since jaewon was more sensible and mature than geulbi, he made sure to check in on her so she won't do anything stupid.

jaewon can never replace haeyoung, but he somehow filled the holes in geulbi's heart. the lonely feeling she didn't know she felt the entire time slowly subsided. moving on is doesn't mean forgetting, it means accepting the truth and live in the present.

geulbi and her family decided to go to a vacation to korea. when geulbi walked around the city with jaewon, she got casted by starship entertainment. her first thought was, this is probably unnie pranking me all the way from the heavens right now.

her family encouraged her to go audition. geulbi wanted to, but seeing how she's living her sister's dream held her back. it felt wrong to audition, as this dream isn't hers. it took a lot of persuading (and endless tickles from jaewon) for geulbi to finally try to audition.

during the time geulbi was still grieving haeyoung's death, she sung to herself a lot, since haeyoung wasn't there to sing to her anymore. truthfully geulbi wanted to become a singer too, to be able to stand beside her sister and both get equally acknowledged for their talents. her dream of becoming a singer wasn't due to seeing kpop groups perform, but due to her sister, who made her feel better everytime she sang. geulbi wanted to do that to other people, to make them feel what she felt everytime haeyoung sang to her ; bliss and warmth.

so geulbi finally auditioned at starship, and was accepted.

part seven
"after the storm, comes the rainbow."

sometimes geulbi thinks the heavens are having fun toying her around. build her hopes high up, before crashing it all down again.

not long after geulbi became a trainee in starship, her mother became pregnant with her third child. fifth to be exact, the second and third didn't make it due to geulbii's mother miscarrying. just like haeyoung, geulbi went back and forth from korea-england to train in the summer holidays. life was starting to get okay at that point.

her mother gave birth to kijung, geulbi's little brother. fate has other plans that day, for it decided that geulbi's mother should go and accompany haeyoung up there. throughout being pregnant with kijung, geulbi's mother didn't have any complications. geulbi didn't understand why she'd suddenly experienced hemorrhage.

it was a difficult time for geulbi. she just started to let go of haeyoug, only to find herself back in the same position. it affected during her time being a trainee under starship (see trainee life section).

but like the saying goes, after the comes the rainbows. and that is where geulbi is right now. she's living okay as the only female in the house alongside her cousin jaewon, her dad, and her little brother kijung. yeah, fate loves to play tricks on you, and it's even nasty when the heavens get involvved. but one day when you look back, you won't believe how far you've gone through. the journey is not over, for geulbi is just starting to bloom.


1. prefers to have people saying they're proud of her rather than receiving compliments
2. is left handed
3. likes to do origami whenever she's bored
4. pinches the bridge of her nose whenever  she's about to sneeze powerfully
5. self taught herself in playing the piano
6. moved from jeju island to uk at the age of 6
7. likes the winter season, snow, evening skies, painting, writing songs, being acknowledged, bread, english breakfast, vanilla, reading novels, croissants, bananas, mismatched socks, sleeping in the floor, doing crosswords, yogurts etc
8. dislikes being compared to, not being good enough, chocolates (especially cadbury), being treated as if she could break easily, almonds, strawberries, diets, exercising, pizza etc
9. whenever she's nervous she taps something repeatedly
10.  wants to try and learn how to surf
11.  loves k-indie music
12.  she doesn'r snores, instead she drools
13.  her phone wallpaper is a picture of her with the testoterones of the house aka her dad, jaewon and kijung
14.  her phone lockscreen is a selfie of her, haeyoung and her mother. she gets courage and motivation everytime she sees their face


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joo 'natalia' haeyoung. older sister.
"sometimes, i feel like i am one with the sky. so if you ever feel lonely, look up. i'll always watch over you, angelie."

haeyoung was the epitome of perfect. looks, triple check. intelligence, check. athletic, check. friendly and has a large circle of friends, check. talents, double check. she was quite a popular girl at school. she was the opposite of geulbi, she was loud, sociable, brave, charismatic, everything geulbi is not. the younger version of herself aspires to become like her sister someday. the grown up version of her, wants to be exactly like her sister so she can be accepted and acknowledged, just like haeyoung.

despite their three years , the two are literally joined at the hip. they balance each other out. geulbi would tame haeyoung while haeyoung would push geulbi. she was the most kindest and caring sister geulbi could've asked for. she was the one who made geulbi felt that she's worth it. she made geulbi feel loved. the two rarely get into fights, and if they did, would race each other to apologize first.

jealousy was something geulbi wouldn't dare let it consume her. yet she was affected by the words of people around her. she was already overshadowed by haeyoung, she did not need people pointing her out for that. geulbi felt that she did okay, eventhough she's not as talented as haeyoung. yet those words, they have such power even if people meant it as a joke.

haeyoung knows that geulbi was affected by her friends' jokes, her own classmates teasing, etc. she tried her best in stopping it. she felt that it was her fault for not taking care of geulbi well, to the point she didn't know her sister was being teased because she was dumb.

losing haeyoung was something geulbi will regret her entire life. she would've debuted already, shining on stage. she missed haeyoung everyday. she missed going stargazing with her, she missed her warm bear hugs, but most of all, she missed listening to haeyoung's voice.

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joo yeonchae. mother.
"my angel geullie. don't ever doubt your worth, alright?"

sometimes geulbi wants to write out in bold capital leters to her mother that she was no angel, she was someone with lost of flaws. but her mother would  launch into storytelling mode, telling her how she (geulbi) was a miracle child after the doctor announced that she wouldn't be able to carry child.

to lose your own mom hurts more than having your heart ripped in half. it's as if a tree lost its roots. without roots, a tree won't be able to stand up. that is what geulbi felt like. it scares geulbi that even the simplest of things can suddenly go wrong at times.

yeonchae was like a carbon copy of haeyoung. she was even more stricter than yonggum. she was supportive, full of love. she's like a female warrior. she was supportive of her daughters' dreams, encouraging them to aim higher. she loved her children dearly, giving fair love to the two. she knew of geullbi's situation and helped her in learning to accept herself and becoming confident in herslf. she was amazing. geulbi missed her mother a lot.

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joo yonggum. father.
"why did the chicken cross the road?"

geulbi relates to her father in a spiritual level. the two are both awkward and lame when it comes to jokes, and usually starts conversations by asking about the weather. he acts tough but he's actually just a big old grizzly bear.

geulbi admires how her dad won't stop working hard. he was tricked into bankruptcy, worked until the night, yet is able to keep his sheet together better than geulbi. the two have both lost their loved ones. yonggum lost a wife and a daughter. yet he moved on fine. at one point geulbi wanted to shout at him why was he able to forget haeyoung and mum that easily.

turns out, he cries every time he drinks, or whenever geulbi is asleep. but as the father, he sets up good examples. despite not verbally saying it often,he loves his kids very much. geulbi was thankful to have her dad by her side during the rough times. he was just as supporitve as geulbi's mother, even planned to move back to south korea so geulbi could have a new fresh start again.

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jung 'owen' jaewon. cousin.
"my fashion evaluation : 8.5 out of 10. lookin' good, little gorilla princess!"

he's literally the male version of elsa, in the beginning. jaewon was an only child so opening up to a kid five years younger than him was hard. he's different from haeyoung, he was more cold and sassier. it took quite some time for the two to get close. now they're quite close and geulbi enjoys teasing jaewon.

jaewon was protective, mature, and lowkey caring to geulbi. geulbi treated him as if he's her own brother. the two gets into fights sometimes, but would apologize to each other afterwards. jaewon was the one who would pick up geulbi in the night after she finished practicing back in the trainee days.

nevertheless geulbi is very thankful to jaewon. especially the time where she spent too long staring down from up a bridge, even considering to jump. if it wasn't for jaewon who pulled her back, who knows what might've become of geulbi.

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joo kijung. younger brother.
"haha! did i make you laugh?"

geulbi didn't hold any grudges towards kijung. she knew her mum passed away not because of him. even if she was alive, geulbi knew she'll give up her life just to see kijung live.

kijung reminded geulbi of her younger self a lot. he was more on the shy side, but can be hyperactive and full on sugar on the other side. he's very endearing, geulbi dotes on him a lot. the two would sometimes bicker, and not talk to each other whenever they're being childishly angry at one another. after all, the two are just a year apart. she loved him dearly, and promised her mother to take care of him well.

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hong namu. main rapper of bnm's new girlgroup.
"did you just call me namu namu joahae?"

geulbi didn''t really get to know the trainees in bnm. she kept her manners and greeted  some of the trainees, but that's about it.

when she saw namu, for a second she reminded geulbi of haeyoung. geulbi didn't know namu, other than the girl being a talented a rapper and having a very unique name. geulbi had always been curious as to why namu's parents named her namu. she found it fascinating.

namu took the initiative to approach the girl first. at first glance, geulbi thought namu looked a bit cold but was surprised to find out how warm she actually is. it took a while for geulbi to open herself up to namu. she was glad the older girl apprached her that day. if not, she would've rot away as a friendless ghost trainee.


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STAGE NAME angelie
pronounced angel-lee. it's her sister's special nickname for geulbi. in honour of her, geulbi decided to use it as her stage name. it makes her feel that she's not alone, that her sister is watching her proudly from above.

POSITION lead vocalist.

sings like elris' hyeseong.

has a very soft versatile voice, yet can be powerful at times too. some people say that her voice is like a honey nightingale. can reach high notes, eventhough it's not as explosive as the main vocal's.

dances like twice's dahyun.

average, blends in the background. is generally able to keep up with the beat.


TRAINEE YEARS two years. one year in starship, one year in bnm.


going back and forth between birmingham and korea wasn't easy. sure it may seems fun, you get to go abroad each year but it isn't that much fun when you had to go through it alone. it's even more harder when you had to juggle between school and training.


her mother's passing affected geulbi a lot. she was making small but significant progress, but after her mother left her side,  she went back to square one. she went through the same phase when haeyoung was taken away from her side. she got shouted at a lot in starship due to suddenly lacking progress and blanking out multiple times. geulbi left starship after a year, wanting to take a small break for a while before auditioning again.


during her break, she kept questioning herself whether what she was doing is correct or not. she really wanted to be a singer, but her doubts and fear of never being good enough clouds her mind so often. she missed her mother and sister dearly, crying herself to sleep every night.


family is the best remedy when you're going through a tough time. her dad, jaewon and kijung helped her to stand back up again. 'your mother and your sister wouldn't like seeing you like this', they'd say.


her dad decided that the whole family will move back to south korea, seoul to be exact, for a fresh beginning. geulbi tried auditioning again, this time with her own self-composed song dedicated to her two angels in heaven. out of all the entertainments geulbi auditioned at, she got accepted in bnm.


back then geulbi didn't really interact with anyone in starship. she didn't speak much korean so the trainees there had a difficult time communicating with her. most of them thought that geulbi is a foreigner. she was going through rough times so she kept to herself while being polite to the rest of the trainees there.


in bnm, geulbi tried to open herself up more for a change. albeit slowly, geulbi found herself adapting with more ease than her previous time in starship. she continued her education in korea, living life like any other trainee. things are looking better, for now.





bnm released a video featuring angelie who's covering iu's song, ending scene. many fans were surprised that she can actually sing, and even hit the high notes.


[ +345, -123 ] kids like her makes me rethink my life decisions, what am i doing with my life, why am i so useless. i hope you shine in the big stage one day, kid. fighting!

[ +182, -91 ] that's nothing. i don't really see what the hype is all about.



it shows a fansign video where geulbi is staring into space often. some fans say she's just tired, while some say that she didn't look genuine when signing the albums. her eyes look faraway and she seems to not be able to focus. it was her sister's birthday, so geulbi had a lot on her mind. she was actually sad because she had to cancel her plan to visit the cemetery later. bnm released a statement that geulbi was feeling unwell, and was planning to visit a family of hers that has passed away.

[ +456, -197 ] this is why you shouldn't debut kids. they're minds are still immature. i know some idols who went through a more difficult time yet is still able to smile and act professional. bnm, please rethink your decision of debuting this kid

[ +288, -98 ] she's still a kid TT why are you all hating on a kid who just lost someone close to her?

replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

"geulbi, remember this. you are not allowed to date until you are fifty. you're still the apple of my eye and will forever be my teeny weeny piggy who loves to watch peppa pig. any boy who stares at you with a fifty meter range will be tossed to outer space by me, your super awesome dad. got that?" - a totally lame dad.

"my little gorilla princess, the only boys you need in your life are your dad, kijungie, and me, the most god-looking out of all men out there. i agree with your dad to not let anyone with something down their middle to come near you. any guy that so much breath around you will be eliminated. i taught you how to evaluate someone's fashion right? if a good -looking guy comes up to you and turns out his fashion is ultra horrible, look away and don't bother with him." - parrotwon gowenrilla, a rare parrot x gorilla hybrid who likes to give everyone a "owen's fashion evaluation".


moral of the threats above : joo geulbi is sentenced to be single until she's fifty.


comments helllo hello this is very late please bury me alive,,, im sorry if the background section doesn't make sense (this is what happens when i watch too many thai commericals). i made this running on no sleep so if theres lots of mistakes, you're welcome to fly me off to the moon and leave me there to freeze. anyways, i hope you like mi angel!! i was torn in choosing which plotline she suits best,,,i keep goingback and forth between lead dance& vocal and lead vocal,,,i cant help it all the plotlines are so <33 the whole point of me writing her background section was to show that people have flaws and not everything is what it seems to be. geulbi is basically a smol child who has lost her touch with the world. shes in the process of healing, moving on,,and finding her identity and having faith with herself. she's quite unstable at times but she'll develop into a better character with your writing. also its quite a contrast how her name has angel in it yet shes far from an angel. a fallen angel picking up her broken pieces and tries to fly would probably be a better description.

YOUNG SPIRIT or jej (jeolm-eun jeongsin) because they're young and full of high spirits
MERVEILLE which means wonder in french. they're like new and since they're young, they're full of wonder.

- geulbi having one of her nightmares again and woke up screaming and the members all rushed to her thinking that there was a thief
- confession session (uwu it rhymed) where geulbi straightforwardly admitted that she killed her own sister (well not actually kill,,but yeah in a sense)
- it would be hilarious to see jaewon giving the members an 'owen fashion evaluation'  xD
- geulbi breaking down and got caught by the members and they like,,,circled around her and she had no choice but open up and tells them about her past
- tba my brain and wifi is err0r



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i just realised i think i never gave you a proper review???? and i'm sO SORRY for that but i hope you know i loved both your apps so much and good job on them <33