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birthname cha hadam / 차 하담.

車夏談 ( chē xià tán ) / her korean name in chinese characters. the name she went by during the years she lived in taiwan.

HADUMB / made by yours truly aka feel- lee young buck. other variations : hadummy, hadumbo, hadumb and dumber.

CHACHACHA / just a repetitive of her family name. it was first created by the members because hadam loves to do ugly dancing and other weird movements. whenever hadam does ugly dancing, she always invite the members along ("do you wanna chachacha with me unnie?") so it kinda got stuck. chachacha refers to hadam's ugly dancing and weird movements.

AUDRIANNA 'AUDREY' CHA / her english name. the name she went by when she lived in australia.

❥ VARIOUS / she encountered people who called her damdamie, dummy, odré, audrie etc.


birthdate 12/12/2000.
birthplAce taipei, taiwan.
hometown melbourne,  australia and changwon, south gyeongsang province, south korea.
ethnicity korean.

KOREAN fluent. 100%. speaks korean with her family during the time she lived abroad. has some sort of foreign accent sometimes when speaking korean due to living abroad for quite some time. doesn't really understand slangs. she doesn't have a dialect either.
ENGLISH fluent. 100%. understands slangs in english better than korean. when speaking english, you can clearly hear her aussie accent poking through.
MANDARIN almost fluent. 85%. actually communicates mainly in mandarin and english with her family. her pronounciation is still good and preserved.


faceclaim  fromis 9's lee seoyeon.
backup loona's choi yerim.
when you first notice hadam, she seems to have this chic and full of swag vibe. her small and wide eyes twinkles with mischief, her thin lips raised into a quirky grin. her face is long and oval, with a sharp jaw that makes her look more mature and older than she actually is. her black hair cascades past her shoulders, down until it reaches her elbows. her whole appearance seems to project an image that she's a cold girl. like the snow, she has a cold beauty. hadam was born with what some people say, resting binch face. this leads to people mistaking her that she's angry 24/7. but when she's smiling, her whole demeanor changes. her eyes disappears, turning into crescents, and her smile shows her white pearls.
hadam weighs around 48 kg and stands around 164 cm. she's not too tall yet not too short either, and has quite a slim and fit figure.


hadam quite boyish. since most of her clothes are hand-me-downs from her brother or cousin, it's not a surprise that she mostly dress like a dude. one fashion of hadam is flannels. if you see a girl with flannels in the practice, there's a high chance that its probably hadam. besides flannels, hadam loves to wear turtlenecks, thick hoodies and graphic t-shirts. the girl has a thing for snapbacks and red lipstick. to be honest, garam does have a thing for girly clothes too, but she doesn't wear it as often as her usual boy-like clothes. you can see garam wearing shorts, a biker jacket, chokers, sweaters, oversized jackets, denim skirts, jumpsuits, culottes etc. she wears anything that she finds comfortable. her style is quite simple and casual. like the saying goes, simplicity at its finest.



when hadam is forced to dress more like a girl :



a tough cookie

a cross between sailor mars and sailor jupiter
a mix between jennie jisoo and lisa
similar to shin ryujin, jeon jungkook, kim sejeong

witty, eccentric, mischievious, inquisitive, levelheaded
with rough edges

withdrawn, brutally truthful, hardheaded, not bossy but unintentionally pressurizes people, apathetic, too much self-dependence
and a fragile core

when you see hadam from afar, you would immediately think that she looks like a cold city girl. boys say she looks tough, girls notice that she looks cool. her aura is alluring, mysterious and just fascinating. she's a good balance of the sun and the moon. warm, bright and bold, yet mysterious, cold and gentle. as someone who has experienced what being a leader is like, hadam is broad-minded. she's someone who values justice greatly, and will fight for you. she has a good sense of responsibility, and is quite courageous. she loves to try new things, seek challenges. she'll approach any danger without a sense of doubt and with an air of confidence. she's someone who'll work hard to win, but accepts defeat wholeheartedly. some say she's like a general, very disciplined, tough and not easily pressured at difficult situations. she's quite observant, and plans ahead. she's the type to face her problems and solve them.

the hadam you see on the outside is someone who doesn't talk much. she's reserved, shows little emotions. she's quite mystery to those who see her. like you see her often but you don't know much about her. one would immediately say she looks mean, and with her resting b face, people assume that she's rude and brusque. hadam knows what people's first impression of her are, but she doesn't do anything to change it. she not one to change herself just for people to like her. hadam seems like someone who doesn't care much, and that is true, to a certain degree. she doesn't let herself wallow up in one place for too long. she'd rather accept things and move on.

deep down she has quite a caring heart. she'll shower you generously with affections. she would unknowingly wait for you until past midnight while you're practicing, with the excuse that she writes lyrics better when there's someone else with her. she's not the type to be easily offended, brushing off rude remarks as jokes with her infamous carefree grin. her boyish nature comes out when she's with her close ones. she actually has a 4d personality, quite energetic and can be extra when she chooses to be.

she doesn't trust people easily, but doesn't like it when they don't trust her. she likes to do things by herself when she clearly needs help. the type to take everything into her hands, figuring and worrying about everything by herself. she's generally quite patient and is able to control her emotions. but like a ticking bomb, once she gets angry, its world war 3. probably the first member to get into a fight/conflict yet definitely the first member to apologize. she is not one to sugarcoat her words, choosing to be truthful in whatever she says. at times she doesn't realize she hurts other people's feelings unintentionally. if she does that, you need to call her out on her behaviour, otherwise she might keep doing that to you, thinking that you appreciate her gesture. in hadam's mind, she says words that are deemed sharp for your own good, so you'll toughen up.

she's like a warm ice.



little hadam was born in taiwan. her parents moved to taipei when hadam was still inside her mother's stomach due to her father's work. it's also because hadam's grandmother was all alone after the recent death of her husband, hadam's grandfather. hadam was brought to the world together with hyunguk, her twin brother. the two were born 15 minutes apart. hadam came first then hyunguk followed after. hadam's mother lost a lot of blood after giving birth to hadam and hyunguk. she went through into a week long comma due to some complications. thankfully she survived, but up until now hadam still feels guilty for making her mother experience a near death.

they say life with a twin is more better. you get to wear the same clothes, even fool everyone by pretending to be each other. well, hadam will disagree straight away. their mother and father had to live everyday coping with hadam and hyunjun's constant fights and quarrels. they had to deal with their hyperactive children and not to mention, work. but hadam's grandmother loved it. since hadam's parents work throughout the day, both hadam and hyunguk are taken care by hadam's grandmother, or zǔmǔ. she's the one who taught hadam and hyunguk mandarin and how to write hànzì, while their parents spoke to them in korean. at home, hadam communicates in a mix of mandarin and korean. at times she even combined the two languages, which can be strangely hilarious at times.

hadam loved spending time with her zǔmǔ. most of her valuable childhood lessons came from her zǔmǔ's real stories of her life. at school, hadam wasn't a social butterfly but she isn't a loner either. she's somewhere in the middle. at the beginning it was hard to her to adapt and blend in with the kids at her class since she's a foreigner, eventhough she understands and is able to communicate in mandarin. some of her classmates eventually accepted her and treat her as family. everyday after school, hadam would go and help out her zǔmǔ in her zǔmǔ's restaurant, either by washing the dishes, clean the tables or to charm the customers. sometimes she would even sing random children nursery songs, which would earn her tips from entertained customers, even a pat in the head or two from the older customers. one day hadam asked her parents to enroll her to a chinese traditional dance class, since she noticed most of the girls in her class has at least one activity to keep them preoccupied, whereas hadam and hyunjun didn't really have anything to do. she found dancing interesting and wanted to try it out, meanwhile hyunjun did not want to learn dance because "its for girls!" so he went with wushu instead. hadam was a little girl who loved to try new things so it didn't take long for her to like dancing. she also joined along her brother in wushu, since she wanted to learn how to kick his .

a few years passed. hadam grew into a lovely young girl. she became a young girl who's quite inquisitive. around this time, hadam's grandmother was often sick. it made hadam sad to see her grandmother coughing every few minutes. her eyes turned glassy whenever her grandmother would smile and brush her hair back, assuring hadam that she is alright, eventhough she clearly wasn't. months pass and her grandmother's health took a turn for the worst. she passed away a year later. hadam shut herself off from the world. she was very close to her grandmother, and her death affected her greatly. hadam's family decided to move to australia, for a better start, also due to her father's job.


hadam's family moved to australia when hadam was around 9 years old. hadam was still in a state of sadness, still not over the death of her zǔmǔ. the bright, curious little girl she used to be disappeared. her brother coped better than her, eventhough he's just as affected over their grandmother's death as she is. for a while, hadam didn't talk much, prefering to stay in her room and look at the albums full of her zǔmǔ's pictures when she was younger. her parents tried their best to cheer her up, even hyunjun became less annoying (by 1%, according to hadam). it took lots of tries to drag her outside and live again.

hadam was always around hyunjun back in australia. she didn't want to be left alone, unintentionally clinging to her twin. to be suddenly forced into adapting to a whole new environment while still grieving turned hadam into a more quieter, less energetic version of herself. at school, people thought she was the mute twin sister of fabian (the name hyunjun went by during the time he lived in australia).

hadam hung around hyunjun often, eventually getting to know his circle of friends. one of them is felix lee. he was a funny guy who tried to befriend hadam the best he can. the two are quite awkward at the start but eventually managed to get along. he somehow helped hadam in opening up again, to live life in the present and not in the past. when you see hadam and felix together, you'd probably immediately think that the two are together. hadam would probably plan your murder if she heard you say that. no, the two are close friends who share some skinship and punches here and there. he's probably the only male friend hadam feels comfortable to talk a lot of things with. its either that or the two are on a constant verge of tearing each other's head off.

hadam tried doing a lot of activities to distract her mind back then, so she wouldn't think much of her grandmother. she joined a lot of sports related extracurricular activites / after school clubs, such as soccer, basketball and swimming. as time passed, so did hadam. she eventually healed, and got over her grandmother's death thanks to the love her family gave her and to her friends. the ache and pain is still there, but she learned to accept it and move on.

hadam rose to become the captain of her school's girls' soccer team, leading her school to victory in competitions. she was also a gifted basketball player and swimmer. the withering flower that hadam used to be, bloomed more brighter and better than before. at home, hadam still bickers with hyunjun just as when the two are in the womb. their father comes home late at night every single day while their mother is a stay-at-home mum.


kpop was slowly spreading its influence around the world, including in australia. hadam was quick to find herself immersed in listening to kpop songs. her favourite group was and will always be big bang. she loved other groups too but she felt that big bang has its own unique colour. she liked top's raps, she found it fascinating and even tried to copy him rapping at times. hadam wanted to try auditioning to yg one day, but she was still young so she kept that dream to herself. she knew yg was a difficult company to get in to. but a girl can dream, right? hadam confided her dreams to hyunjun and her parents once when the family are eating dinner. the amount of support she received was unbelievable. her parents were happy for her, while hyunjun became her no 1 fan.

one day, without telling hadam, felix and hyunjun sent a video of her rapping and singing to yg. they knew that hadam will never send it so someone has to force her (she'll thank us later, was their smug thought). when hadam knew they did that, she freaked out. she literally almost murdered them due to her raging fury (but deep down inside she's secretly happy)(she hopes that both felix and hyunjun will understand that she's thanking them through her punches and headlocks). and to her surprise, she got accepted into yg.

favourite disney character : ralph from wreck it ralph
would rather be a villain than a hero (because its more fun in figuring out ways to destroy a city. saving the day doesn't need any figuring out)
her favourite sports besides basketball, soccer and swimming are badminton and ping pong
draws cartoons well. she usually draws mangas
likes comics, webtoons, a chilly morning, jumping into puddles, autumn season, green tea, hilarious jokes, people who trust her, afternoon showers, putting on her snapback the other way around, side hugs, spicy food
dislikes messy unorganized things, warm showers, hot tea, people who doubt her, coffee, apples, being late, forgetting where the last time she put her charger
has quite a duality. she loves watching horror movies but loves watching sappy korean dramas too, especially if its kingdom themed
did chinese traditional dance for around 4 years. she's not as good as she was back then, but her body is still flexible
was the captain of her school's girls' soccer team back in australia
self-taught herself in playing the guitar
is able to play the liu qin, a traditional chinese instrument
has this sibling thing she likes to do with hyunjun. the two put their foreheads together while rubbing each other's head (like what
rescued 3 stray kittens. their names are milk, cookies and cream. currently the kittens are being taken care by hadam's mother. hadam wants to move her kittens to her group's dorm someday
likes classical/ballad music & punk rock
her grandmother from her mother's side is actually chinese, making hadam have a teensy bit of chinese blood in her
usually eats cereals for breakfast. favourite type of cereal : rice krispies

used to have a personal souncloud called wonder odré where she shares her music & self-written songs


cha eunjoo and cha jongin. parents.

her parents are someone she would gladly go through hell for. her father does works very hard for the family. he tries his best in dividing his work time with his family time. as far as hadam can remember, whenever she spends time with her dad he would tickle her until she would unwillingly laugh at his lame dad jokes. hadam is very much like her father. strict and quite scary at times, but is actually a big old grizzly bear. her mother is her guardian angel. she's soft, gentle, someone hadam can not be, but wishes to be. hadam's mother is like her very own best friend, the only female in the house that hadam can rant to and talk about literally anything. hadam loves her parents dearly.

cha hyunjun. twin brother.

hyunjun is thing #2 because hadam refuses to be at second place. whenever hyunjun would start a fight with her, hadam easily dismiss it with a simple statement ; that she's the older one (i am fifteen minutes older than you, punk!). as twins, you might think the two shares every secret with each other. that is untrue. the two respect each other's privacy and won't force the other to spill out everything they're hiding. but they're there for each other, always ready to help each other out. hyunjun is there to lend a shoulder for hadam to cry, give her a warm bro/sibling hug, maybe put her in a headlock to knock some sense into her. the two sometimes team up together to prank their friends (rip felix lee : the most used victim). once they even pretended to be each other. fun fact : despite hadam learning wushu for a short while, she can flip hyunjun upside down.

felix lee yongbok. close friend.

he's hadam's childhood friend, the dude with the deep voice. the two go way back to australia, where they both lived in the same area. he's the second male specimen that hadam can tolerate (besides hyunjun). he's also an active supporter of hadam's dreams, encouraging her to "go and tear down the audition room apart" when she was about to go audition in korea. she's also the only one who insists on calling felix by his korean name, yongbok (felix long gave up in forcing her to call him felix. he's grown used to her calling him yongbok by now. hadam's also the only human he allows to call him by his real name). other variations includes fix-it-felix (he hates this), feel- lee youngbuck (he hates this the most, why must hadam be so extra), and deep voice dude (not bad but he still hates it).

kim jennie. older sister/father figure.

jennie was more like a father figure to hadam. when hadam first entered yg, she was kinda intimidated by jennie. yet jennie was the one who greeted her first, which blew hadam's mind away. the two often practice together, hang out together, and its quite often to see the two converse in english. jennie took hadam under her wing, guiding her in rapping. she's also like an older sister figure to hadam, always making sure that hadam doesn't skip a meal, calls her and asks whether she went back home safely, etc.

park chaeyoung. fellow aussie unnie.

chaeyoung is who hadam jokingly calls mama. she's saved as fellow aussie unnie in hadam's phone. chaeyoung cares for the younger girl in a motherly way. she often helps hadam in improving her vocals. sometimes she would sing to hadam while strumming her guitar, which hadam loved. whenever chaeyoung cries, hadam is there to calm her 'mama' down. the two would sometimes talk in their aussie accent, confusing people around them.

hong 'tree' namu. main rapper.

hadam affectionately calls namu "hong tree". when hadam first came to bnm, she didn't really know anyone. there she found namu, who happens to be the same age as her. the two didn't talk much at first, exchanging greetings and hellos, a quick nod or two. namu took the initiative to approach hadam and get to know the ex yg trainee better. both being ex trainees of the big three, they relate to a lot of things. slowly, hadam found herself her very first friend who doesn't have a d-word. aka a friend from the female species. hadam is not really fond of namu when namu is not being confident of herself, for hadam knows that the girl is more than capable but needs a little push. and hadam is always ready to give her a pep talk and  push her so she'll be brave.


      ❥ KANNA / hadam at first wanted her name to be her stage name but didn't really like it since it sounds like a guy's name. after staring into space for a long time, she decided that she wanted her stage name to sound foreign / from another language. out of the blue she came up with kanna, which sounds japanese.

POSITION lead rapper.

        sings like son chaeyoung, twice.

        raps like kyla massie, pristin.

        dances like kim yewon, pristin.


TRAINEE YEARS 5 years / yg ; 4 years & bnm ; 1 year


hadam was very young at that time. she became a trainee at 11 years old. after passing the online audition, she flew to korea to do a live audition.  every summer, she would fly to korea to train. thus she went back and forth from korea-australia for 5 years.


when she first came to yg, a lot of trainees thought she was a foreigner, due to her only speaking a little bit of korean. there she met the future members of blackpink. out of the 4, hadam is more closer to jennie and chaeyoung. she usually hangs around with the four of them. she got along okay with the rest of the trainees. she was one of the younger trainees there so she felt kinda stiff and awkward when she's around the older trainees.


in yg hadam learned how to write songs and make her own raps. she was a young kwon jiyong in training, so to say. she even got the chance to take a small part in composing for yg artists. some of the older trainees there felt a bit jealous, due to the fact that they're beaten by a young girl.


one by on the trainees leave yg's dungeon. there's rumours that yg will be debuting a new girl group. hadam felt excited. she imagined that she'll soon debut, after years of waiting. when the line up / rumored trainees of yg's new girlgroup surfaced, hadam's hope slowly fades away. she was not part of it. to say she was heartbroken would be an understatement. shortly after, hadam left yg, wanting a better, clearer future ahead.


after leaving yg, hadam searched for other entertainments to audition at. she didn't want to give up her dreams yet. felix was in jyp at that time, and he suggested hadam to audition there. unfortunately, hadam did not pass. other entertainments she auditioned at are pledis, jellyfish and starship. they all rejected her. one last try, she auditioned at bnm. her  grandmother must've been watching her for she was accepted.


hadam finally moved back to korea nearing the end of her training year in bnm. her family moved with her shortly after. hadam's father didn't permanently stay in korea due to his work so he had to go back to australia. hadam's parents still wanted her to continue her education, so hadam went to school. being in korea didn't really shock hadam for she adapted more easily this time. from then on life was a constant juggle between school and practice.


in bnm, hadam was known as the ex big three trainee among the trainees. it's evident on the yg swag that surrounds her. there she met hong tree, or namu. even when hadam left yg, her passion for rapping never disappeared. if possible, she was even more driven to work harder than before. and that effort, finally paid off. it's time to see hadam blooms on stage.



  • helped in composing a small part in gdragon's black and without you & lee hi's special under the alias teahouse




the article above shows a blurry picture of hadam, who was sitting in the back with jennie, rose, lisa and jisoo while watching other trainees dance. other pictures includes her various predebut selfies with jennie and rose. she was originally considered to be part of the lineup but was deemed 'too young' and not yet ready so she did not make it. the article wasn't really confirmed so fans made their own assumptions that indeed hadam was supposed to be part of the lineup.

[ +342, -127 ] am i the only one glad that she did not make it? i can't really see her slaying blackpink's concepts tbh ㅋㅋㅋ

[ +128, -65 ] i'm glad she's in a better place now



a picture shows a page in big bang's album which shows the lyrics of each song and its composers. one of them is teahouse. longtime big bang fans assume that teahouse is just a random composer. when fans found out hadam's old soundcloud where she uploads her self composed songs, they whip out their fbi skills and somehow linked her to the unknown composer whose name mysteriously comes out in big bang and lee hi's album. in the back page where big bang members get to say their thank yous, top wrote  thank you to a person named damdamie, stating that she worked hard. fans also found a small part of gdragon and lee hi's song similar to hadam's music style. hadam finally confirmed that she is teahouse, ending the confirmation with a joke that she made up the name teahouse due to her love for teas and her surename, cha, which means tea in korean.

[ +489, -144 ] yg must be a fortune teller in disguise. how can they find someone so young out there with a talent like that

[ +373, -98 ] to think that she was 12-13 years old when she helped in composing. yg is indeed crazy

replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

birth name include characters if necessary.
OCCUPATION what does your boo do? if they're an idol, include their position in their group.


unless they were mentioned in the cookie points for love interests, please be very detailed with this.


first meeting, interactions, current status, all are here.

the ending 

you can leave it up to me!


their ship name? their favourite song? do the other girls know about them? anything!!

comments yuuh i present to you sugar and spice ahaa. there's so many good plotlines i just wanna apply to each and every single one of em *cue heart eyes*. you and your fics, you seriously know how to captivate my heart :") anyways congrats on your test results!! im happy your results came out good ~ ^^ anyways i just wanna apologize for the amount of word vomit asdfghjkl you must be already used by now on how i cannot summarize / make things simple T^T i hope you enjoy kanna ehee
RENAISSANCE it means like rebirth or reawakening so as a group full of young humans, their music is refreshing, like a new change from the usual kpop songs you hear.
WILDFLOWER amidst the sea of roses, they're the wildflowers. young and wild, they're different. wildflowers are flowers growing freely without human interruption. it mirrors the girls, for they are young free spirits growing up and making their own path (by making their own music), carving their own road to success.

- blackpink visiting hadam and her members!! they can take the girls out to eat or give them a pep talk or two uwu
- fix it felix meets wreck it audrey ahaha xD aka two long lost aussie buddies unite. i imagine felix going to visit hadam in the practice room and he sits very close to hadam and everyone's like?? *cue wolf whistles* while felix and hadam are confused as heck. tbh the two shares skinship that sitting close is something they view normal,,,well apparently its not for the members xD
- hyunjun visiting the girls and he wanted to pay his revenge to hadam by pretending to be her (or her boyfriend) and,,,all hell breaks loose when hadam finds out
- conflicts and soft bonding moments ;;; i swear im soft for anything soft
- jennie and chaeyoung taking out their daughter aka hadam to eat out and hang out, chill, catch up with each other
- hadam collabing with her mama and papa aka jennie and rosie



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ahhshhh what a cutie