𝘔𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘙𝘈𝘛𝘚 / 𝘪 𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘰𝘯.

* hover over each picture for additional information
(click on pictures for a closer look) ... enjoy.

NAME choi sooyeon
BIRTHDAY 16 april
AGE 18
soogyver / a reference to macgyver and her ability to "macgyver the heck out of stuff" to make traps, get out of situations, etc. / by the mallrats


FACECLAIM kim jennie (blackpink)
BACKUP lee hi (solo)

left wingfcright wing
그때부터 어쩌면 maybe 내 존재 자체가 없어졌지 - "그림자"
(from then, maybe my existence itself disappeared)

strategies, plans, assignments / the woman with a plan. knows how best to go about their goal, even it if takes a large number of steps or a long time. knows who to send, when, why. thinks ahead about everything. has back-plans upon back-up plans for all situations. predicts when someone would disobey orders and works with it. takes into account emotional actions. not always persuasive but knows who should take care of that instead. 

inventory, rationing, traps / has a strict count of everything they own. knows how best to distribute to make it last. can tell immediately when something is missing. oft has a good idea of who took it and why. good eye. fights not directly but by setting traps. good at sneaking in order to do so. can and will use anything and everything around her to accomplish her goal. occasionally called "soogyver" by mallrats because of this. 

rationality, temporary leadership, sacrifice / is the first to put her foot down if some mission is stupid or rash. the soundboard for everyone making a large decision. a listener with an honest and objective perspective. dislikes the spotlight, but unafraid to take charge when things go fubar. the one willing to put her life on the line again and again if no one else can or will. does not believe in sacrificing others; only she is expendable.

not a soldier but a competent strategist who isn't afraid to take charge nor play devil's advocate. has a self-sacrificing streak that the others hate. patient and thorough. the scariest kind of enemy and t
he most trustworthy kind of ally. 

put your hair up in a bun, drink some coffee and handle it.2i must become a lion hearted girl ready for a fight
너 없는 난 아무것도 아냐 - 비스트
(i am nothing without you)

pos + composed, patient, competent
neu | objective, honest, observant
neg - quiet, willful, inexpressive
  ravenclaw / intj: the architect / neutral good

the mallrats are deep in discussion, a run-in with the shenanigans that has cut their supplies by half, and what to do in reaction. they forget her presence initially, discuss and argue in voices that increase in volume. she listens initially but separates two of the loudest members, standing between them before it comes to threatened blows. she whistles sharply, and everyone stops to listen because they've long since learned it is best when they do especially when she shows her emotions. 

she outlines what to do, when, how, and who. someone questions her, points out its potential flaws and demands to know who made her queen. she waits, face deadpan as they rant. when the other finishes, she explains thoroughly and with a firm voice that promises results. she logically speaks and compromises until everyone agrees. eventually, when her plan comes to fruition - all turning out as she suspected - she simply nods. they know she cares but, they mutter, it'd be nice to see it.

always with her head on straight, sooyeon can be counted on as the voice of reason at all times. she is willing to wait, whether it be for someone to compose themselves, for the perfect shot, or for someone to turn around and finally see her way. paired with her composure, it's not hard to see why many turn to her, knowing her reliability.

sooyeon is oft likened to a splash of cold water - refreshing, chilling, or some mixture of both. she has no qualms about telling the truth even if it may hurt and speaks from an unbiased perspective that lends sound credibility to her words. it does not help (nor hurt) that she never misses a single detail, including every nuance in her deductions. 

awkward silences are things to get used to since sooyeon never bothers breaking them. she is also surprisingly stubborn once she makes a decision and willing to stick to her word even if everyone else stands against her. it doesn't help that it's difficult to read her expressions, making her seem both enigmatic and cold especially to strangers. 

a girl who, in another world, might succeed as a politician or strategist or poker champion. one with a lofty goal and the sheer ability to make it reality. someone who doesn't mind fading into the background or doing the dirty work if it is for the better (and within her abilities). she knows what to do, when, why, and how. the hardest part of every journey, for her, is to find allies who don't mind not knowing and are willing to trust.

all the memories come back, but he never doestomorrow is another day. / yes. / of course it is. / but tomorrow i'll still miss you (beau taplin // tomorrow)
네가 불길이라도 난 뛰어들게 - "shadow" 
(even if you're a path of fire i'll jump into you)

born to a professional chess player and restaurant chef, sooyeon was an amalgamation of their take-charge and strategic natures alongside a love of reading, planning, and learning. she was an unusual child, many could tell, with intelligent eyes and a desire to learn that pushed her to always move forward rather than remaining stagnant in her knowledge. it was no surprise then that she was often at the top of her class and skipped a grade in high school. a genius, they said.

when she was nine, she gained a baby brother who, despite his spoiled nature, loved his older sister best just as she loved him. he was much louder and brighter - kinder. he was emotional, curious and a crybaby but he was also the "second man of the house" and tried to protect his sister even if she was older and a foot and a half taller. some kids say they want to marry their parents growing up but for this boy, he wanted to marry his big sister with her soft heart tucked under silence.

during the outbreak, her parents were initially flippant but upon realizing the severity of the situation, sent sooyeon and her brother to seoul to temporarily live with their older cousin who was an adult but still younger so, hopefully, unaffected. it was during a weekend home to pick up more stuff - her brother left with her cousin - that sooyeon discovered her parents turned. she killed them while escaping, apologizing and crying but telling herself her brother needed her. 

getting to seoul was no easy task when everything had gone from bad to worst, but she made it. only to discover her cousin hadn't been unaffected. he had killed her brother. had anyone seen her, they would have been surprised to see her reaction, to see her expression contort with anger, heartbreak, regret. they would have understood in that moment that her love was soft and unnoticeable but just as devoted as any other. and their hearts would break, like her cousin's head against the wall.

a suicide wish, they mutter with pity and dramatic irony. the mallrats, having come across her near the mall - where she'd finally collapsed after wandering for days in a numb state, alive by sheer luck - take her in and nurse her back to health, wondering if this stranger will survive the night. she does slowly and when she initially awakens, they whisper amongst themselves about what to do when she doesn't seem to be...present. they care for her still but wonder where to draw the line.

only one person, ironically a person with the name of her brother, continues to have hope, persuading others to let her stay and caring for her when others forget. he talks to her and gives without expecting anything in return. one day, after a bad mission, she responds - calls him an idiot and lets tears run down her cheeks. it takes time but she stands, integrates into the mallrats, and does her best to care for this boy who has the same name as her lost brother and a heart just as big.

most women want a man who's already successful. / a strong woman will be part of his struggle, survive it, succeed together, and build an empire.2caught between a strong mind, and a fragile heart.
어둠 속에 흐느껴 네 이름 부르고 - beast
(i cry in the darkness as i call out your name)

puzzles since they exercise her mind 
reading, especially realistic stories since they now live in something out of a fantasy novel
sweet foods because they remind her of before when life was simpler and less deadly, plus the taste
stars and constellations that she can see now that light pollution is less and at least that's one thing better about all of their circumstances
peaceful times with the rest of the mallrats where they, despite what's going on, play around and laugh and reclaim a bit of the innocence that they've lost in having to mature to survive

coffee gives her headaches
jerks on top of all of this, seriously?
dangerous situations & fights for obvious reasons 
cold since almost got hypothermia when collapsed before mallrats saved her but refuses to complain
people treating lives as disposable resources because they who are alive and filled with hope - deserve to live more than her who is a failure

a very light sleeper
played her champion-chess father and won
can and will run on less than four hours of sleep
steals clothes from other mallrats, specifically one particular male but no one dares confront her
takes time every night to silently pray for her brother's soul and apologize for not saving him and murdering their family; as time passes, her topic changes to her day and what she's thinking 

"i'll do it."
"you're an absolute idiot."
"if you must, i will help you."
"you're the only one who can do it and survive."

... more to be added ... 

(this spot shall be saved for later when the mallrats has been established, but write anything if someone related to you is a part of another tribe etc.)

LOVE INTEREST fellow applicant
AGE 16

she doesn't know how or why they take her in - how he convinced them to keep her while she was simply deadweight. what she does know is that he bore her soul to her each day and cared for her when there was nothing she could give in return. she sees how he cares, however openly, and continues to fight even in this world of darkness and despair. she recognizes he is not her brother's replacement though she had hoped initially. instead, she sees their differences and cares for him all the same.

when she stood up again, it was not for the failure and murderer that she was but for this little light that she had found, that she hoped she could shield with her own darkness and absorb the ugliness of the world around them so that he'd stay alight. she wants his happiness more than her own life and won't let her desires stand against him. she is torn between staying away and drawing near. she settles for the middle. but her heart.

her heart beats again; he makes her want to live.

for all of her objectivity, she doesn't trust her view of his view on her. she knows what she wants and hopes (fears) that she doesn't let that paint her view on their interactions. she loves him. not strictly platonically and not simply romantically either. she treats him particularly (though he somehow hasn't noticed and no one dares bring up to about either) but does everything in that quiet hard-to-fully-discern manner of hers. 

COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS excited about this story. lovely application. hope you enjoy sooyeon and all the pain yet competence and hard-to-recognize love that she brings to the table, especially with her love interest who is up to your choice. (have fun with that.) i hope you enjoy using her and good luck and much inspiration while writing! have fun!
sooyeon taking charge competently
angst about her family and her role in their deaths 
sooyeon stealing love interest's clothes, someone thinking about confronting her, and deciding they want to live
sooyeon talking to her brother and pausing when she realizes that when she's with her love interest, she wants to live and crying
mallrats warming up to her and trusting her and one day, she realizes that they actually care and just excuses herself before crying quietly in a room

PASSWORD "shadow" beast


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