to all who care about me ^^

i dont know who read my blog post about my relatioinship but im here for an update  = = obviously not for the attention, this blog is also to serve as a warning because im worried about my friends who care for me TT

to those who "bashed" on his wall, (ima go really should've put it in private LOL) please stop...i already got a complaint from his "friend" = = he said that i should stop them...

thank you all so much for your concern and i know everyone's worried about me but really, im really, really, REALLY fine now....

i still hate him. i still like him.
but he doesnt like me so there isnt anything i can do about it....

if it was meant to work out, it wouldve...obviously it wasnt supposed to work out...


im not going to dwell on him anymore...i may not be the perfect girlfriend material but i live by my own morals only and my morals alone.


so please you guys, PLEASE stop >< i dont want you guys to get guys are the most important people to me...people im not willing to lose ever. please....



xxxx love you guys so much and thank you for looking out for me ><



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wow people bashed on his wall?? O.O ROFLOLOLOLOLOL<br />
I wouldve done that but that requires me looking up his profile and yeah i that wouldve taked FOEVER!!! lol<br />
and besides unnie you dont need him uh uh<br />
you have a perfect Fishy right here for you LOL -opens arms-<br />
LOL haha
Gahaha I'm not one of them, I promise!! I haven't even been on his profile again after you two broke up.<br />
And I was gonna go and do that, but I didn't coz I know it would be too much. So I just let go. <br />
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Gah I love you too dongsaeng! >_<
angelica-swagirl #3
whoaaa....i dont know who the guy is but actually i would do the same thing like the others but stop if you said so :)<br />
you are important too you know everyone is just concerned get better okie :))<br />
-glomps on you- SARANGHAE Eonni
wow O.O i don't even know who the guy is and i honestly don't care as long as u're fine, that's what matters to me but bashing him.. i know ur friends care about u but i find it childish even though i understand why they did that but still...<br />
<br />
anyway tc of urself since im busy like hell so i might not answer u.. and i have so many messages to answer LOL so i think i'll take a break from answering my messages and just focus on my studies but don't forget that i'm here if u want to talk ok? u know the fastest way to reach me ;) *BIG HUGS* ♥♥