Florida School Shooting

To all people who have stumbled across this, please stay for just two minutes to read this and spread this, please.

Once again, a school shooting has occured: this time in Florida. And like, every single time, it repluses me, disgusts me, and makes me sad. Why? Because school shootings have become a normal part of our life: to the point where guns are still not regulated.

In 2018, 18 school shootings have occured and every single time it occured, students died and were injured. That's 45 days into the new year and already so many deaths! I want you to take a moment to imagine the agony and pain these families have experienced. Now, schools have become not a safe environment, but a place where fear and terror is dominating the classrooms. Instead of worrying about what clothes to wear or whether the test was hard or not, we worry about people who can shoot one bullet and not only kill lifes, but tear apart a family and friends.

And this leads to two issues: gun control and mental health.

Even if gun control saves one live, it is needed. One law, one act, one regulation is enough to start a chain of reforms to give people hope and reduce fear. There's a saying that guns don't kill people, but people, and although I agree, no one will have the capability to kill and injure so much in such a short span of time.

Once, I thought after Sandy Hooks, when 28 children aged SIX to SEVEN died, our government and people will realize the people. But, nope. That is not true. It's still the same. So, as a result, we are currently greiving the lifes of 17 students who would've had a chance of being alive.

And, the other issue, mental health. I don't think parents, the government, realize just how much teenagers are suffering in this society. They think we can overcome it easily, but this is not true. With the amount of exposure and stress we recieve, more teenagers have become depressed and lost. And, when these feelings bottle up and have no where else to go, extreme ways are taken to let go of that burden, to once again gain power over yourself. 

So, if you have any problems, any issues, any worry, speak to your family, your friend, ME, your teacher, anyone. Keeping it silent won't help anyone. Let it out. Express yourself.

I am writing this on Asianfanfics to help spread this. I want the world to change. I want the government to their job and help their people, their country for a better future where guns are regulated and mental health issues are held just as significant as regular health problems. So, if you read this and feel any shred of pain, share this. Contact your state governers and express your opinion. If you are able to vote, vote for governers who support your idea and opinion. Start a change, instead of sitting behind a screen and sending thoughts and prayers.

Please, for students, families, and schools, please make a better future for society.


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This is so sad and tragic. I agree with you about stricter law is a must for gun control. I felt sad and sorry to all the victims and their families. No matter what , its wrong to hurt / harm others in anyway , what more to take other people's life . Hopefully, the authority start to take this issue seriously and do something about it. Thank you for spreading awareness