my experience as a senior applying to colleges

I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here are going to be seniors next year, which means application season and then the stress of decisions. As a senior who just went through this whole process, I want to give yall some words of wisdom lmao


The Harsh Reality of Senior Year:

1. Who said senior year was easy because oh gosh it was anything but easy. You have to juggle classes (keeping up grades), essays, and sleep all at once, which let me say, is one of the hardest task ever. Stress, anxiety, depression: you will experience these things:')) It is inevitable, especially if you care about colleges;;;-;;-;-;-;;;

2. You will get hit with so many rejections, and the worst part is when you have this tiny hope left that there would be a miracle. But you have to know these miracles only happen to a very small percentage of people (like 0.1). Getting rejections after rejections is the reality. Your self-esteem will plummet.

3. Colleges are random. Like I'm sure you've heard this 10 million times, but after going through this whole process, I know for sure that colleges are SO random. My friend got rejected from University of Texas at Austin, but got into Princeton. Many people got rejected from UC schools, but ended up at Harvard or UPenn.

4. Sometimes (which is about 90% of the high school students applying to college), all your hard work will feel useless. All your money and effort put into clubs, classes, and sat/act classes will feel like a big fat waste. 


The Positive Reality of Senior Year:

1. Friends! This is when friends bond and support each other through these difficult times. This will also probably be the last time you get to hang out with your friends everyday, so make sure you cherish this period:')

2. Colleges are random. Yes, this is sad, but also good at the same time. You getting rejections doesn't mean you're not capable. If you applied to a T20 or T10 schools, that probably means you're just as qualified as the rest of the candidates, but there is one factor that differentiates you from another person. And you will never know. But, don't treat rejections as the measure of your ability or talent.

3. You will feel like your efforts are wasted, but know that wherever you go, your talent will be put into use. I strongly believe in that.  

4. Rejections hurt, but at the same time, is not the end of the world. Be sad, but please don't degrade yourself or your future. You deserve so much more than what an admission offer says after reading your application for 15 mins. They don't know your struggles and efforts; only you know! (Also, don't forget about safeties!!)


Ya, college season is hard lmao. I got 9 rejections, 3 waitlists, and 2 acceptances. I also didn't get into my dream schools. And everything listed in "The Harsh Reality of Senior Year) is what I'm feeling right now, but I know I will do great at my future univeristy (I already committed heheh) and I know that I will eventually get over my rejections. It's gonna hurt a lot; hell, you might be like everything. But, know that all of this will get better!!


And if u have ANY questions, ask me! I will answer to the best of my abilities:))) Good luck to future seniors! I'm officially signing out of college season hehe (byebye toxic decisions)



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CONGRATS ON COMMITTING TO A UNI!!! i remember how stressful senior year was to me so i totally empathize and agree with ur pros and cons list... and even tho i was lucky enough to get into my dream school, i rlly heard a lot about the "once admissions ppl see a bunch of qualified applicants, they kind of sort into random piles to decide who gets in or not" too, it's a real thing!! + admissions get harder and harder every year :( really glad to hear you've kept such a positive mindset and i know you'll b awesome at your future university too!!