& 최수연 is opening shop! (#ffd)

sitting in the corner is a girl who semi-blends in with the background, like a flower growing on a windowsill - admired when visible but unmissed when not. she floats about, taking care of things with an enviable, graceful ease. she seems out of reach, like a pleasant floating dream, as she quietly moves about. she laughs at something her co-worker said and it seems like she is real after all. drawing closer, the dream focuses to reality. she speaks honestly - like the crash of an ocean wave: solid without care of what lays before it or what it leaves behind; refreshing in the right circumstances; startlingly cold and tough otherwise. 
brisk early mornings
drizzle to thunderstorm
crisp turn of a book page 
confident steps made in heels
final puzzle piece slid into place
sweet honey + sharp tang of lemon
playing a single strong, smooth note
playlist songs:
piano duets
movie scores
violin / cello songs
legal namechoi sooyeon
soo / soosoo / yeon / yeonnie
essentially any variation on her name; mostly "for funsies" and 'cause it's cuter; used by anyone but only answers to it if she considers you a close enough friend
is the only a reason why the tea house runs as smoothly as it does + a reference to her birthday; used by her boss / cousin and her co-workers when she fixes stuff
age & bday20 & 10 / 04
pronounsshe / her
faceslee hi (soloist) & kim jennie (blackpink)
wears whatever is comfortable over fashionable. solid colors or simple patterns for clothes. gets cold easily so layers as her best friend. usually accessory-less. a pen pulling her hair into a bun because who says "fashion" can't be practical. no make-up. can dress up and wear heels but only if she's out to impress; has the grace to never trip in either but doesn't need anyone's approval so it's rare to see. wears her work uniform properly.
traitscompetent, quiet, blunt
navy father who traveled around and brought his family with him. childhood spent all around korea and two years in japan. skipping a grade (or two). finally settling in seoul mid-high school when her dad retired. her mom is an elementary teacher.
pride in her father for serving his country. good and fun memories from traveling all around the world. rolling her eyes but telling her older cousin yeonseok all about it when asked. acting like the oldest one when the entire family got together. 
she's in her last year of seoul national university, majoring in business and minoring in literature. lives in the same block as her cousin / boss / underling. during her free time, works, reads, studies, or takes walks around the neighborhood.
is panual.
is ambidextrous.
carries around honey-lemon candy.
used to take violin lessons in middle school.
when she's happy, tends to hum along to songs.
is probably the only reason why yeonseok can even attempt to "stick it to the man." 
one day wants to open up a library-cafe where you can read and study and enjoy food / drinks.
hey! have to do annual employee evals; it'll only take a few minutes. you ready?she gives him a "seriously?" look (to which he shrugs), sighs, closes the book she'd been reading, and nods.
okay, angel, how long have you been working for gwak tea house again?"ever since you opened," she reminds, tucking loose strands of her hair behind her ear, "and then some." there is an implied "more than you" which he stoutly ignores.
thanks for refreshing my memory! what made you want to work for me initially?he winces when she throws him a look that throws him back to the weeks before opening the shop when he had had no workers and had to beg-request for her assistance. she had, as a business undergraduate, given him the most piercing expression of "how idiotic and unprepared can you be?" she'd ever given him in all their years of family reunions. (but she'd said yes!)
right. that was, uh. anyways! your official title is...?"chief supervisor," she enunciates, hands folded demurely on top of the book in her lap. (maybe a promotion to manager, he muses. she def worked hard enough for it and could do all other jobs no problem.)
oh, right! how do you feel about working here?she pauses and tilts her head. he tenses, bracing himself for her undisguised honesty. "actually," she muses, "i enjoy it." he brightens, relaxing, then sighs, thinking it just like her when she adds, "it's good practice for when i run my own shop in the future."
well, while i still have you, i can use you. what's your favorite dish or drink we serve again?"i enjoy our honey lemon tea," she replies, giving him a look that suggests he should learn at least some of their most common orders. "when i am hungry and not working or reading, i enjoy pot stickers."
alright. do you have any suggestions or comments about working here?"increase the brightness," she states immediately. "advertise better. stop staring at blizzard snow across the street. you're scaring our customers." (he sticks his tongue out to which she replies with a "you're so childish" look.)
okay, not as bad as i was expecting, which is good. but more importantly... what do you honestly think of the cafe across the street?she narrows his eyes at him. "your rivalry is ridiculous," is all she comments though he's more than acquainted with the knowledge that she thinks that they "aren't similar enough to steal clientele" and that, if anything, they should "collaborate in order to promote peace and maximum profit" and blah blah blah. he's long since started tuning her out, which is why her comments are shorter but just as biting. 
alright, alright. geez. i'll be sure to keep that in mind. and look at that! we're all done.she nods once, firmly, and returns to her book.
cousin // gwak yeonseok
jokingly referred to as her "underling" by the other workers, especially since she's acts more like the boss. since he's the owner, she goes along with his wishes but she'll put her foot down if he's being too stupid. internally cries when she takes away his coffee but too scared of her to sneak and get more behind her back.
acts like a child whenever sooyeon doesn't participate in this rivalry. pouts, whines, throws mini tantrums. once tried to scold her for it. never did again. no longer sends sooyeon to blizzard snow with specialty drinks; is high-key worried that sungsook will steal his cousin away somehow. hides behind her when sungsook comes. 
both a source of comfort and frustration because he has an aura suited for the cafe (and is so sweet; how can she stay mad?) but is super clumsy and breaks things including the atmosphere. at the same time, sort of a bird of a feather in their silence (minus his dropping plates thing). does not see him in a romantic light.
girl power // dam sungsook
because sooyeon doesn't care about the rivalry, just enjoys the free food, particularly the macarons. once sent sungsook a polite business e-mail that basically said sorry about yeonseok and that if it was too much of a bother, she'd make him stop. got a reply that said it was fine and had a coupon for a box of macarons.
powerful, competent female relationships personified. although they aren't best friends, are friends still and torture yeonseok half because he deserves and the other half for fun. send each other / convince workers to send each other their favorite drinks and foods. could probably take over the world together if they chose so.
excited for the story! hope you enjoy sooyeon (if she makes the cut). made her less love-focused so you can do what you'd like with her if she does fall in love. :)


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