Jokes about body smell

  1. I used to ask my friend about what perfume did she use? Its's a cover up question because her body damn smelly. And she said, she didn't use any even deodorant cause it's a sin to be fragrent. And I thought making everyone faints with your body smell is not a sin?
  2. I had a friend. She's the hottest girl in college. And yet, nobody want to be near her cause her body smell is damn smelly
  3. My ex roommate is liked this. My other roommate and me told her, her body is damn smelly. And she said, this is her natural smell. And I thought, yeah, so natural that I have to close my nose every time I need to study next to her

This is just a joke I take somewhere.....It only to relieve stress.....


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Nisa90 #2
Ok....I understand
Sometimes , certain unfortunate things can happen to anyone. I have known someone with this issue as well and it really stressed and hurt her alot. She became self conscious and always have to make sure that she spray perfumes and etc. I think we should always encourage each other and try to be nice . No one wants to be like that . If we are born without any defect or health problems, we should always be thankful and count on our blessings. Never joke or laugh on others for whatever disabilities, health problems or anything that they are lacking. We ourselves are not perfect either. I think a warm beautiful heart and mind will make up for their body smell . At least they don't harm or hurt others right. Body odor can be treated . It takes time and alot of self care.