Are you affected?

Jonghyun just passed away yesterday. Are you affected? I'm very affected.......Shinee is the first group I ever love and Shinee the one that brought me to kpop world......and the most I like in Shinee is Jonghyun.....I'm his I'm very affected.......I still can't believe he passed away.......I can't even look at his pic......I hope he's in a better world


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I'm affected by it yes but if we don't support his music and look at him with the same affection as we did before he died how will we ever get over it? Shinee helped me when I first got into Koop and was depressed due to depression and wanted to die but they helped me away from it and I got happier.. since then I always remembered what they did to me plus a future with a family with a little kid hugging my leg while yelling mommy with a bright smile... jonghyun wanted a family and kids.. we as fans if we want to should fulfill his wish when we're old and ready enough
courcour #2
I'm affected by his passing. I was bawling my eyes out since I heard the news about Jonghyun yesterday. My first dance cover was Shinee's Ring Ding Dong and Jonghyun is my bias of Shinee. It's very hard. I can't stop crying about it. I wish I can run to him and just hug him and keep him safe. I miss Jonghyun.
LoveLovii #3
I feel you. At first i though people were just playing around, but thwn i saw all the articles and posts, i knew it was real. And it was pretty funny cause just the day before, i was watching and hearing SHINee music and videos. When it really hit was when i saw his mssg tl his sister and then I couldn't stop the tears, cause how could we have missed his cry for help? But I had to send him off, and just tell him that he do great and he deserves to finally rest I'm peace and not have to worry anymore cause, us his fans, will stand together and continue to remember this truly amazing man. And continue to spread his name and music.