emotional robot.

years ago, my literature professor called me into his room for a personal discussion. the first thing he asked when i took the seat opposite him was "are you a robot?" and i was so taken aback that i remembered just staring at the pen he was twirling for a full minute. 

he didnt push for my reply and in fact, he let the awkward minute passed in silence as he kept twirling his pen, never looking away once. eventually i managed a curt "no" which led to one of the most memorable conversation that i have ever had. each time when things get kinda rough for me, i head to a silent corner and i try to recall that poignant moment.

on that "historical" day, immediately after my single-worded response, he gently waved my printed assignment in my face, tore it in half and told me "if you dont have a heart, dont write. you are wasting your time and mine."

we ended up having a two-hour long conversation, and we concluded in mutual agreement  that i still had a heart but was too afraid to explore it, he was being overly dramatic about tearing apart my assignment but he wanted to make a visual impact and lastly, that no matter how i think i hate it, he thinks i will be writing for a long time - doesn't matter if professionally or leisurely.

"every single thing you write, fiction or non-fiction, must have a part of you in it. if you cannot feel it, well you can still write it but your readers will never get it. the shell will be colourful, made of steel and hard to break but it is hollow and empty. just like robots. you get me?" ~ professor a.sb.

thank you, sir. your quirky robot has emotions after all.


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it was very kind from him to tell you that. i think professors should be like that, should inspire and become a memory.
thank you so much for sharing this story with us, my L-ady!! your literature professor truly is something else and he is right, i think you will be writing for a long time too. there truly are pieces of us within every piece of writing whether explicitly or in between the lines and i rlly have to thank a high school english teacher of mine who showed me to not be afraid to express myself through my writing. reading this was incredible and i'm so stoked to see that you're writing a collab fic!! i'm definitely going to support!! like i've said before, the atmosphere of yr writing is always beautiful and i can easily tell if you wrote it because i feel a part of you L-urking behind every word. as you already know, i'm trying to get back into the grind of writing but i'm currently finding it difficult to express myself through words...i want to express myself but i can't find the words. hopefully they will return to me soon but for now, i will push through. thank u, my L-ady, this blog post is truly a gem.
I love the last paragraph whatever your professor told you in this is true. And to be honest I love your writing as I can somehow feel what emotions you wanna convey :)