ㅤN O U V E A Uㅤ D É P A R Tㅤ:ㅤCHARACTER NAMEㅤwelcocme。

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full name : here
nicknames : here + explaination
birthday : just month and day
birthplace : anywhere
hometown : also anywhere
ethnicity : if you read the cheatsheet, asian please! preferably korean~
nationality : as above~
height: here
weight: here
languages: not actually needed but why the heck not lmao
faceclaim : anyone
backup : anyone
appearance : here
style : here
section for family, friends, rivals, enemies and others. delete this after.
name : relationship explaination. also add in their age please and like the relation, occupation or an image. be creative!
traits :  personality traits~ go for at least 5 positive, neutral and negative please~
personality :  be creative to how you explain her personality! bullet points are loved! maybe try explaining her personality like i did with the boys in their profile? or add in a mix between bullet points and paragraphs so that i can understand your character better!!
background :  yes, angst all you want! obviously seeing if you read the boys profile and how sad i made their background. lmao but remember to tie in the background with her personality! an example would be jisung: i had him have a backstory that was completely incapable of him to have such an outgoing personality, yet, he does have one. because after all, he is a good person despite his parents.
character name's story. here you will write down what you'd like me to write as your character's story arch. you can explain it like the love interest section: like the begining of the applyfic, then the middle then the end. or you can explain it like this; begining of applyfic to when her arch starts and when it ends. this is just her story.

arrival: when did she arrive at the boarding house? why did she arrive at the boarding house? and what was her first impressions of it?
plotline :  there are no plotlines, but just write down what you would call your character's story arch.

school/university : delete the one the isn't neccessary~ also it is reccomended for you to chose one of the schools i've written down >.< please and thank you!
subjects/major :  oh, you know, her chosen courses or her major in university and all that jazz. she doesn't have to attend school, and she could be ahigh school dropout or whatever you please~~ be creative!
room: if she has between one of the first tenants then she is able to live in her own room, there are only two rooms left! if not, then you can decide whether you'd like to be in a bunk room or a triple bunk room. also, in this section, describe what your bed looks like and what your side of the room looks like. a person's living state says a lot about them *wink wink* *nudge nudge* 
trivia :  is there anything else i need to know about her story arch or her schooling? tell me here!
likes : here
dislikes : here
hobbies : here
fears : here
pet peeves : here
habits : here
other : here
love interest : here
backup :  here
personality :  yes, you can mend them a bit, but not too much. i wrote everyone's semi-personality on their profile so that it makes everything flow and easier for everyone, so keep that in mind~
background :  if you can copy and paste the one i have written about your love interest in the profile section. you can mend them, but not too much or else it will not flow with the story or any other applicants', thank you~
history : do the two of you have any history with one another before the story?  i won't really write about it, since it's before the story, but it would be good to have like a mention of it or an understanding of "them" in generl.
love story : explain from begining, middle to end in detail lmao love stories are also pretty big in this applyfic, so yeah be creative!
relationship status :  of the begining, middle and end.
trivia : anything cute??
ending : want me to surprise you or nah??
comment : anything else to say?
suggestion : go some advice for me??
scene requests : go all out buddy
password : did you read the cheatsheet?


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it's my first time doing this but i really hope you like my star :-)

Here you goo :)) Hope you like her. :)
