50 random facts about me

I have 30 minutes before I need to help back to class, so I decided to steal this from Kelly (Bubblezzzz). If you want to do it, please do~


1.  Although I have a year left of university, I am a horrible student. I barely graduated High School. I hate studying, still do. I graduated HS with a 1.5 GPA. I'm surprised I even went to college, but I have a year left so no backing out now LOL.


2. I'm sure I've said it before, but around 2020-21; I am heading over to South Africa for 18 months for more schooling (sorta) and hope to eventually land a permenant job out there working with a game reserve. /Excited af for that.


3. I am really introverted. I try not to make friends, for the sheer fact that eventually they will screw me over. Sure that is not a good reason, but I keep my friends circle very limited. I don't trust people easily. I've gone a year without talking to my best friend. Its just how I am.


4. I want to get quite a bit of work done on my face/body. I always seem to find flaws with myself that I need to correct.


5. I've already talked about this as well, but I still suffer with social anxiety- so perhaps that also plays into my lack of trusting people/


6. I REAAAAALLY want to travel the globe. Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, Europe.


7. I can handle spicy food REALLY well. I think the spicier, the better. I have to eat something spicy at least once a day.


8. Because of my spice addiction, the spice created a stomach ulcer which I havent treated yet xDD


9. Beeeecause, I really hate hospitals. I hate needles and the smell of it just icks me out.


10. I've said before. I dont want to get married nor do I want kids. I have so much plans I want to do that I dont want to be tied down to anyone or anything.


11. This one may get me some heat or dirty looks from people, but I am not a family person. My family and I don't get along. I feel like they are really toxic in my life. 


12. I am very clumsy. Since Tuesday to today, I've had a few injuries. I've broke two of my nails up to the nail bed, I hit my forearm on the doorknob which gave me a hella big bruise, and I hit the towel rack yesterday on my wrist, which I have another bruse from that.


13. I rarely get acne, but when I do- its in the most obvious spot EVER. Like, my current one, IN BETWEEN MY BROWS.


14. I tend to break my phone a lot. I have two crators in my phone currently, so I am trying extra careful not to get any water near it.


15. I call my car grandma because she is really old and is slowly falling apart. Im broke af, so who needs a door handle? xD


16. My love for Kpop is slowly dying.


17. I have a bad habit of eating an entire bag of chips in one sitting. Cheetos, takis, bbq. I can have it down in 20 mins if I am watching a show.


18. If I wasn't going into an animal focused career, I would want to work with people in the red light district/ traffickers.


19. Honestly, 24/7 I feel numb. I really dont have feelings of sympathy or empathy.


20. I really hate pancakes and tator tots.


21. My current favorite Youtuber is WTHMILLE ♥


22. I fall asleep in the bathub, everytime. It's just something about the hot water and relaxation that puts me out.


23. I've also been known to take a 2 hr bath, but 97% of the time is me just being asleep and not washing.


24. Please do not ask me to hold your baby once you've given birth. I hate holding newborns.


25. I am planning on covering majority of my body in tattoos.


26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVpwqp74mzE     This video makes me laugh uncontrollably everytime.


27. I'm such an avid sailor moon fan. I love anime.


28. I'm not much of a meat eater and eventually I'll become vegan.


29.  I love J-rock and just regular metal and rock.


30. I have 8 ear peircings and I want more.


31. I have tiny hands. I can fit into xs gloves.


32. My eyesight is so bad, even with glasses on, I've mistaken a plastic bag as a bunny and a fire hydrant as a small child.


33. I havent celebrated my birthday since I was 17. I'll be 24 in two months.


34. I hate tea and coffee


35. Im not religious, granted I've been to more Buddhist temples in my life than church because I had a lot of Vietnamese friends.


36. I can semi-kinda speak Viet. I learned for my friends mom, whom Im no longer friends with so I stopped learning but I still occassionally drop Vietnamese words on people if I know they are Viet.


37. For my viet subbies, I really hate the word Nguoi. I at pronouncing the Ng sound.


38. I love horror movies! LOVE LOVE LOVE~


39. I am an ally of the LBGTQ+ community, but it breaks my heart that I havent been to Pride ;;


40. Im running out of things to write.


41. I choose cats over dogs.


42. I LOVE Mexican candy. Im in love with anything Tamarind flavor.


43. I can finish a drama with two days because I have no life.


44. I've watched over 70 dramas, now Im bored of them LOL


45. My favorite color is a dark purple and a lilac color.


46. I am currently debating if I should leave to class or just skip it.


47. I really hate body hair on guys. If I do date someone, I prefer no hair. No chest hair, minimal pit hair. Hair in general grosses me out.


48. I think Yoshi Sudarso is one y dude.


49. Korean food is my absolute favorite. I love the pickled flavors and not to mention the spice. I prefer it over anything.


50. I cannot stand biggot/racist/homophobic/islamphobic/ignorant people. I will put you in your place. 






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