Do you have a favourite number?

I don't have OCD, but I do have some weird habits pertaining to numbers. For example, when I change the volume of my car radio, it has to be in multiplications of 5 😅. I just feel 'uncomfortable' if it isn't hahaha. Is that too weird?

And I love the numbers 3, 5 and 7. Why? Because I have 3 elder sisters (i do have an elder brother but I have 3 consecutive elder sisters). And in every phase of my life, I've always made close friends in groups of 3's.

I like the number 5 because I have 4 other siblings so there's 5 of us and I'm the 5th child 🤗

Lastly, I love the number 7 since there's 7 of us in my nuclear family which is really significant for me because I've always found it difficult to be close to my extended family. I just can't relate to them so I only consider my nuclear family as my true family.


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silvereternity #2
Countless ones, actually. Most of them being uneven and or prime numbers (17 and 21 are favorites among many others). No specific reason for any of those though, I couldn't pin it on my siblings or anything else.
I even have favorite dates, where the combination of numbers just has a certain aesthetic to it. 21/06 just feels very different than 21/07, for some reason, though that might be due to astronomical connotations. That's how I remember birthdays too - I usually learn to find some pattern in my friend's birthdays and I rarely (practically never) forget them again.
My fave number is 2 and I have no idea why. It just is. 2 is perfect.
7 and 8
I like number 7 and 11 :)