Questionnaire thingy

Stolen from gay piña dad and hyung who idk stole it from who 


Hair colour: black tho with bits of brown (it's a beautiful gradient aye) 
Eye colour: brown, black, idk
Skin colour: yellow? That's how other people call it lmao I think it's more of a honey colour than anything 
Most favourable facial feature: um...eyelashes and lips maybe cause according to my mom they're hella long and apparently my lips are naturally red whelp. But I like my eyes the best haha
Most disliked facial feature: there's a beauty spot on my face. Damn you 

Name: Suhyo (real name is hella traditional so no thank you) 
Age: I'm an emotional teenager
Nationality: Chinese blep
Country of origin: China 
Favourite colour: purple and aqua and turquoise basically every shade of gradient of blue and purple and green lmao oh and black also 
Favourite animal: wolves. Horses. Uh....
Fandom: mainly starlight, but also baby and choice (there are many others but this is the most important ones) 

20 Random Questions
Summer or Winter? Winter cause summer is just a huge humid mess over here 
Do you have a special talent? Nah
Do you think you are a strong person? Not really lmao 
What are your phobias? Uh...heights. Being alone in a really dark place? This sort of changes though. Oh and most probably I'm claustrophobic 
When do you feel most calm? When I'm alone haha. Or like when arguments break out idk how I'm more calm than the others. Oh, and when I sleep. 
What inspires you? Everything can tbh but like, scenery of nature, vintage like antiques, prompts, music etc
What do you dislike about yourself? There's a lot lmao I'll be rattling off a list. Mostly me being an most of the time offline tho
What are your top three favourite colours? Aqua, purple, gray 
What are your hobbies? Writing, dancing, binge-watching anime, listening to music, reading, holing myself up in the house, sleeping, singing, distancing myself from the world, procrastinating and maybe playing music (and talking to my favourite peeps and spending time with them is just the most amazing ever) 
What is your favourite subject? History, Chinese history, english literature 
What are three of your current favourite songs? Idk???? Rn is probably and July by heize and dean, mic drop, and synchrogazer by a Japanese artist called nana mizuki (check her out pls - ) 
What is your favourite day of the week? Wednesday and maybe Friday 
How would you describe your current mood? Hyper and ty and tired and annoyed and just ed up in general 
What are your future goals? Having more sleep (Aight serious: passing my college entrance exams, maybe going to 1Million idk there are a lot) 
What artists do you like? Many but like Lay, VIXX, BAP, A.C.E, Dean, Heize, Tablo, B-Jyun, Nana Mizuki, Zico are the few I can rattle off rn 
Which artists do you dislike? Idk tbh 
What is your favourite month? November bc it's dreary and dark all the time plus it's my school's speech day which is basically my favourite day of the whole semester. Or august since we're off school 
Do you believe in love? Yes and no. I mean, if we're talking about the cliche and falling-in-love at first sight and destiny then no. But like, if it's just 'love' then yeah 
What is a saying/quote that you live by? Uh. "How about no" and maybe " these people I hate school" (for now at least) 
Last beverage: water 
Last text message: sending a text asking for help regarding my chemistry hw 
Last song you listened to: was choosing a song for Japanese singing contest so like...pray by nana mizuki 
Last time you cried: Too busy to cry tbh
Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before? Idk never dated anyone 
Ever been cheated on? Not yet (hopefully never)
Ever kissed someone and regretted it? Not yet
Ever lost someone special? Well a lot of special someones actually 
Ever been depressed? No (note the sarcasm here pls) 

This year have you…
Made a new friend? YES A ING LOT shoutout to the people who stuck with me through 2017 ily all <3
Met someone that changed you? Definitely 
Do you want to change your name? Nah 
What can’t you wait for? holidays 
What were you doing at midnight last night? HOmEwOrK?????? 
When was the last time you saw your mother? Maybe twenty mins ago idk 
What is the webpage you visit the most? AFF and god bless google
What is your relationship status? Single 
What do you worry over the most? if it's not school then it's something I've done 
First surgery? Not yet
First piercing? Not yet 
First sport you joined? tennis lmao 
Do you want kids? No (not now at least RESPONSIBILITIEZ) 
Do you want to get married? If I find the right person then maybe
What career do you want? Honestly? Idk

Ideal type
Gender? Both is fine ehhhh
Older or younger? at least mentally mature pls (tbh I prefer older) 
Shorter or taller? taller 
Romantic or spontaneous? both? I'm a random person so I prefer different things at different times. Tbh spontaneous would be really fun
Nationality? southeast asian (aka around where I live) would be nice but I'm generally open to any
Lips or eyes? Lips
Appearance or personality? personality but appearance is a nice bonus ~piña


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