Hey guys! It's about the future plan of me being an author here.

Dear Friends,

Hi, Ariel speaking!

And this is probably my first legit personal blog here (probably and the last).

Yes, I am making an important and official announcement here – about my future writing plan and an upcoming end of my days as a fanfiction writer.

2017 was a really rocky year for all of us, and I have personally gone through tons of changes these few years. Both good and bad, I would say, just like everyone.

2014, August 8. It is the date where I published my very first fanfiction here.

Man, didn’t realize it has been that long. And I started all because of my passion for sharing ideas and feelings with people in the form of words. It has been a great experience for me, as all I have been received is nothing but love and encouragement. I myself have grown a lot as a writer as well.

I know I am not the “best” Wenrene author or any sort, and I am forever grateful to each and every one of you who enjoy(ed) any of my stories.

There were days when I updated almost every day (ha, good o’ days). But as you know, I have been in a constant hiatus ever since I was about to graduate from university. Even though I am technically back to school as a postgraduate, there is barely time for me to write.

Well, I think I have talked about this on Twitter for several times – I have a plan for my stories and how it is going to “end” as a whole. For I want my stories to have a beautiful ending all at once, rather than withering away or being brought to a sudden halt.

To be more concise, I would complete all of my unfinished series on hand, as well as publish 2 more stories as a “grand closure” – namely, The Ungodly Moments Volume I and II. I have them all drafted already and I think you all would like it.

And then, it would be an official ending to my fanfiction-author days.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that I am leaving forever or I won’t be writing anymore. I might write again after that, but I bet it would be very rare. Like, how I just decided to write the one-shot “The Sound of Your Heartbeat” purely out of impulse. So instead of leaving my beloved readers hanging, I figure I should make such gesture to notify people.

It might seem like I am making a big fuss out of this but I think it’s better for me to put that out there than not to say anything at all.

Around new year I was reading comments in my older stories and the memories just…… Ugh, I wish I could go back to those days where I had all the time in the world to write what I wanted to write…….

Anyway, by being a Wenrene author, I have met so many lovely people and fellow ReVeluvs. I have learned to stand proud of my own style of writing and I have aspired to bring enjoyment to my readers more than anything else. And it was one of the best things ever happened to me.

So, this is not something to be sad about or anything negative.

Meanwhile, I am very active on Twitter so it’s an effective way to reach me if you want to.

With that being said, I will be updating and finishing "Two Stones From the Same Blue Sea" in this week. Stay tuned!

Lastly, I shall thank you all once more for being the fabulous person as you are. Be kind, be more, and may the love be with you!







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DAscolli #1
When people deserves something is because they're worth it.
So, even though i'm always a silent reader i want to tell you that you are an amazing writer... you bring tears, fear and happiness everytime I read something of you... So thank you so much for your awesome stories, be always focus in whatever you want and never forget to be happy...
When I have time i'm going to re-read all your fanfics and left a comment, is a promise.
Take care of yourself.
I'll miss your endless projects dearly, and will always cherish every single chapter you've posted here. Thanks for being the best, Ariel.

Hope we can stay in touch.

i wish you all the best ariel :DDD
so sad to hear this TT
i really enjoyed your fics like "She is the man she is the wan""You should have chosen me" and "Neverwhere"--each gave me different tastes.
"Blindsided" wow it's the best wenrene fic i've ever read. i'm currently reading Do you wanna build a Lego house. your stories are really unique. i hope you change your mind. but well, you've got your reasons so i wish you all the best & good luck Ariel :)
It to hear this, and yet I can totally understand--all the best for the future, and I wish you only success.

(that said you are my all time third favourite wenrene author on this site, and your fics were one of the first of RV that I read. Your stories, aside from fantastic plot and writing, also uniquely meshed lyric/literature with prose, and imbued it with a kind of beauty that I have, so far, failed to find elsewhere on this site.)

All the best!
--from a longtime fan