Important: Mental Health

I wish conservative countries were open minded towards mental illness. Espiecally those with high and harsh expectations for its citizens. 

I wish they’d understand that having mental illness doesn’t mean “you don’t have faith in your religion.”

That someone shouldn’t have mental illness because “they’ve got a lot of money.”

It doesn’t work like that.

Mental illness literally happens to everyone regardless of your status. Regardless of whatever you identify as/with. 

We hear the word “crazy.” used in a joking manner but how do we know it’s not effecting people that suffer with mental illness that they’re too scared to open up about?

How long are we gonna stop using the ideology that depression is just a phase that will eventually go away?

When will we stop seeing anxiety and stress as a quirky personality trait that is often romanticized?

For how long are we going to use SPD, BP and schizophrenia as villainous characters in tvs and movies? 

Why is suicide an acceptable answer when there are so many ways a person can improve their mental health?

Aren’t we tired of normalizing the untreatable mental illness image that we follow daily?

I am mentioning this because an idol whom I dearly cherish committed suicide four days ago. He was vocal about his depression, he gave his friends and families a 10 day warning but they brushed it off as “work stress.” Or a “rainy day.” His own therapist blamed him for his mental illness. As if anyone could actually bring that on themselves. 

I write about this because I want more people to get better. I want people to know that there is always a way. Maybe not professional help, maybe not the help of your friends or family but help from and by yourself. You can be the person to make yourself better. 

In light of recent events, I hope that everyone knows that you are loved. That you are wanted. Yes, things may be difficult right now. They maybe even get worse. But things will always, always be better.


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