HEADDESK(s)! 。 :ㅤ office(r) choi sooyeon --> ಥ_ಥ

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✩ koko (子子) by her cousin; a shortened and modified version of her japanese name (shizuko - 静子 - means 'quiet one')
✩ soo, yeon, etc (,, 등등) by her co-workers; any cute variation on her name or some part of it just because
✩ sooborg (수보그) by people behind her back; a combination from her name and 'cyborg' because of how emotionless she seems and her overall demeanor; secretly knows of the nickname but leaves it alone because really. what can she do about it?
birthday 10 / 04 (age 22)
birthplace suzu, japan
hometown suwon, korea
faceclaim kim jennie (blackpink)
alternative(s) lee hi (soloist), lee soonkyu (snsd), im nayoung (pristin)
height 152 cm
weight 52 kg
✩ a single pair of ear piercings
✩ a dimple on her left side when smiling
✩ a small birthmark on her collarbone that resembles a five-pointed star (or a blob)
✩ simple accessories
✩ sneakers, preferably worn
✩ reasonably comfortable jeans
✩ flannels every day and in every color
✩ clothes stolen from takuya's closet and / or gifted to her by said model / fab cousin 
* click for larger image (hover)
✩ can wear other clothes but chooses not to (unless a special event / occasion)
✩ in those occasions, goes shopping with takuya and gives him free reign except with a budget because he has none
✩ once the monstress(es) gave her an outfit as a welcome gift but she hasn't worn it so they take it as a sign that she doesn't want to be part of them (in reality, she cherishes it too much to wear it) 
personality trait(s)
+ calm, patient, competent, guileless +
/ observant, organized /
- stoic, succinct, honest, aimless -
✩ summary: the competent but awkward turtle who doesn't know how to express her feelings and be "in" with everyone but does her job and deserves a promotion. (and a hug. lots and lots of hugs.)

june (papa - 2012 kmovie)
machida yuki (namaikizakari)
iida tenya (boku no hero academia)
"i'm here to work, not look pretty."
the office worker that bosses dream about. always does her work early or on time. never has to do overtime but will stay back in case anyone needs help. answers 'yes' or 'no because-' with viable reasons. 
"ten pounds of feathers, like you asked."
never has to be told directions twice. delivers on all orders, even that macchiato hold the ice, even if you were kidding. has a poker face great for discussions. needs more people skills though. like a lot more.
"i'll get it done within the hour."
never seems to complain about anything, especially regarding work. isn't taken by surprise if things change last minute. lacks ambition and barely changes expression regardless of what is going on in her life.
"it's ugly."
speaks truth even if it hurts, which it oft does. doesn't understand why people lie or prank her. communicates verbally as little as possible. keeps things neat but can't find anything if it isn't in its proper place. 
"i'll do it for you."
presents herself as she is. notices things people don't want her to. secretly loyal. willing to do anything for her nonexistent friends. thinks after 22 years without relations, she might be unloveable. 
"tadaima kaerimaa."
born to a japanese-korean couple. moved from japan to korea when five. brilliant but isolated growing up. spent her weekends at her family's dojo, learning then teaching jujutsu (close combat) & kyudo (archery). 
"okaeri nasai." 
cousin came to live with them when she was 11 and he 14. initially like a sour cat. warmed up eventually, taking on the older brother role. said cousin modeled since high school. popularity continued to grow.
"oyasumi nasai."
parents moved back to japan after she finished college early. she stayed in korea with takuya but struggled to find work. got lucky and interviewed for kim & co. hired. finally able to move out of takuya's place. 
cousin ✩ terada takuya (寺田拓哉)
+ charismatic, confident, social +
/ cunning, curious, honest /
- overprotective, selfish, haughty -
her older cousin but more like her older brother, takuya loves spoiling his 'little sister,' who he calls koko. (she thinks it's annoying but she's adjusted by now.) they're typical siblings in that they tease, hang out, and would kill for each other. takuya is pretty much the only person sooyeon isn't afraid to be mean to, because he needs to deflate his ego.
sibling things: 
"i got a new flannel."
takuya endorses sooyeon stealing his clothes. mostly because if he doesn't, he knows she won't buy new clothes. he thinks it's an outright shame she won't let him coordinate her outfit more often.
"happy 5th monday since moving!"
he has to come up with excuses to buy her stuff because though he's wealthy enough (model + act + etc), she doesn't like him spending money like that. some of his excuses are really...out there.
"model for me!"
she doesn't like being in pictures. he likes taking pictures (of her). do you see the problem? she never forces him to delete the photos but has rules on what he can put on instagram aka no face. 
quotes from a child model: 
✩ "when god made me, he spent extra time on me. on my face. god spent extra time on my face."
("he didn't spend enough time on your brain.")
✩ "if i give myself a scar, do you think i'd be more popular?"
("i think your agent would kill you.")
✩ "since i'm a slytherin and you're a ravenclaw, we could hypothetically do anything, right? koko! we could take care of world hunger!"
("you can't even take care of yourself.")
✩ "if i hit myself and it hurts, am i strong or am i weak?"
("you're an idiot.")
✩ "you know, you're very mean to me. i deserve an apology. a good one. with flowers, chocolates, photos - the whole works!"
more on takuya: 
✩ has two phones. one for work and one for games. is addicted to phone games, particularly rpg and / or puzzle. 
✩ used to be a serial dater / one-night-stander. quit once sooyeon pointed out the cons of loving and leaving people. 
✩ goal in life is to one day open up his own photo gallery and / or fashion line but at least not for another year or so. 
"it's like i didn't move out." 
sooyeon currently rents a 1-bed-and-1-bath apartment that is approximately a 10 min drive / 30 min walk from the job and the cheapest on the block. takuya lives a few floors above her and constantly visits. 
"takuya-nii, go to your job."
with a literal child floors away, most of her time goes to hanging out with her cousin. (not that she actually minds.) when he's busy and she's not, she reads, stargazes, and watches movies, particularly ghibli.
studio ghibli
smell of cigarettes 
being called babe / baby
tilts head when confused
leaves the room when upset
tucks hair behind ear all the time
blinks rapidly when embarrassed
covers mouth with hand when laughing
glances then refuses to look at something when envious or wants it
practices jujutsu and / or kyudo when nervous, thinking, or just because
visits japan annually
follows japanese customs
favorite flavor is green tea
favorite flower is a sunflower
has never been in a relationship
doesn't have an instagram (gasp!)
has everyone's coffee orders memorized
will call people sir and ma'am unironically
speaks english, japanese, korean fluently
has photographic memory and can do too-much math in her head
has a personal feedback box on her desk that she listens to (actually)
knows an excessive amount about stars, constellations, and legends behind them
worked at kim&co for a year before mi opened up; she asked to be transferred because it was closer to her apartment
physically seems to be unable to get drunk, much to the relief of her cousin and increase in office rumors (because srsly?)
word of mouth
pcy: "morning, sooyeon!"
(blinks rapidly)
bbh: "i need this done within two hours."
("i'll have it to you in one.")
kjm: "do you speak?"
bsy: "do you have-"
(hands her the packet)
bsy: "what about-"
(hands her a usb and a cup of coffee the way bsy likes it)
bsy: "i can't tell if i like you or hate you."
("you mean ambivalent.")
random co-worker: "hey. say something."
(tilts head)
rcw: "come on. anything."
rcw: (groans)
(shakes head)
"tomorrow." (as in 'see you tomorrow.')
"your coffee, as you like it."
"today, it's tea instead."
"yes, i can translate to / from japanese."
"yes, english too."
"all the necessary information has been sent over by email."
"as long as your opinion about my person does not affect our work, feel free to believe what you would like about me. now, anything else?"
"i have already read over the packet and summarized the main points separately. also, i have photocopied, distributed, and informed the company about the change in requirements via email. anything else?"
"if you have any personal complaints, please direct them to the feedback box on my desk. anything else?"
"anything else?"

about monstagram
sooyeon doesn't own an instagram (which you read above) so she doesn't actually partake in any of the company madness (although a certain co-worker might be convincing enough to make her get one hint hint). a majority of her instagram knowledge is from her cousin's instagram. since he's famous (and prideful), he has a ridiculous number of posts and followers. she stars in it a lot and has her own hashtag (#ykwiasc aka you know who i am's cousin). she's popular for hilarious comments but infamous because of her relation to terada takuya but no one has been able to fully id her as of yet.

(she has full access to takuya's instagram and posts pictures of her cousin in his natural state. her most common tags are #hecallshimselfamodel #he'sanidiot #why and #no. takuya whines about how unattractive he looks at times but never takes them down. his agent / manager allows sooyeon to do this because takuya seems more real to fans popular so her participation is secretly encouraged.)
✩ make her own insta
if / when sooyeon ever made her own instagram, she would make her username generic unless someone else makes it for her. her pictures would be simple and whatever she encounters throughout the day - the sky, her brunch, the view outside her window, her recently read book with a recommendation, etc. as she grows closer to others, they'll show up more on her instagram; it'll become a memory trove.
thanks for being such a kind author and patiently answering all of my excessive questions. ; u ; i tried to make her into a unique character. no idea if it worked. :/ i hope you enjoy her. i worked as quickly and efficiently as i could. all the pictures (that i could work on anyways) are hover so i hope you have a lot of fun with that. instagram order is bottom to top, right to left (chronologically). hope you like her! :)

for the hex colors, i changed pink (#fae0df) to your suggested rose quartz (#f7cac9) and blue (#b5c4df) to silver (#eeeeee).
scene suggestions
✩ movie date nights 
✩ csy doing jujutsu / kyudo
✩ csy and bbh as friends / co-workers
✩ csy and her competence in the office
✩ csy as more snarky, expressive, and human
✩ csy making friends with the rest of the office finally
✩ resolution between csy and bsy when someone starts dating someone
✩ kji no longer cursing after she tells him she doesn't like it + some teasing
✩ csy picking ties for kji + gifting him ties when they "remind her of [him]"
✩ as they date longer, csy pulling him down by the tie and kissing him privately
✩ kji thinking he'll never be able to wear a tie without thinking of her again
✩ kji freaking out when he realizes he's ok with that and has forgotten to do stuff for proof of bet 
✩ csy finding out about the bet and dragging him down by the tie and kissing him in the middle of the office ("there. now pick up your winnings and never talk to me again. hope you're happy, jongin.")
✩ conversely, kji confesses the bet to csy and promises to make it up to her and date her properly and over time does (first option better for angst)
✩ takuya + his big brother role in all of this
password silver
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office romance?
false advertising.
how were you hired?
she reaches up, tucking loose strands of her hair behind her ear. "i was transferred from kim & co." a beat of silence and a glance. "by my request." 
how's the office life?
she pauses. "it's work," she finally settles on, and for her it's true. unlike others who might play pranks, procrastinate, fold origami, and / or anything else, she actually spends all of her time working. her lunch breaks are half an hour on the dot if she's busy. if she's semi-busy, 45 min, and if she's finished everything, a full hour. her direct supervisor doesn't mind (and has actually told her she could always take the full hour since she actually works) but she varies it. she tends to get a little lonely but she reminds herself it's just work; she doesn't need friends here, right? 
on coffee runs, what do you get?
"i choose water or a green tea frappuccino or latte," she answers simply, hands folded together in her lap. "occasionally-" (she means when she is hungry or wants a snack) "-i may also request the blueberry muffin with yogurt and honey." water and green tea. her favorites. she also has a sweet tooth but too many apple fritters and cinnamon rolls aren't good for her so she exercises restraint (though she might glance at what others have gotten in slight slight envy). 
tell me about your company dinners.
"they are...entertaining," she decides on. their energy, the connections of not-quite family, the teasing and bickering - all of it is something that she rarely takes part in. she tends to finish her meal quietly and call the servers if they need anything else (like more napkins because that's the fourth time chanyeol's spilled his drink while telling his story and another pitcher of water please). she occasionally joins them for the second round for karaoke but they glance at her awkwardly enough that she can take a hint so she backs out more often than not. she has a strong alcohol tolerance so she tends to be the one calling cabs for everyone alongside shiyoon.
i heard that you're chummy with jongin, can you tell me more about them?
she tilts her head. "i'm unsure where you've heard the rumor because i can assure you that we aren't particularly close," she admits, blinking rapidly at the insinuation. "i can tell you that whatever occurs in the office, he is always at the center. he laughs and jokes but does his work relatively on time. he also has at least a partial death wish or is missing brain cells since he finds it entertaining to antagonize bae director often."
monstagram banner
you know who i am aka terada takuya
model, actor, photographer, and heart stealer.
made up of stardust and hearts, including yours.
번역 보기
myheartisyours, meibaetakuyano1님 와 2170명이 팔로우함
✩ jongin, kim-sunbae (종인, 김선배) the only person in the office who calls him by his real name or addresses him as sunbae 'cause he chill and lets everyone call him kai or any not-mean name
✩ kai, jjong (카이,) by all in the office, except sooyeon + shiyoon, because "it's cool" or something
✩ in () a nickname by bae shiyoon and only used by her; no one knows why she uses it or why only she does but they ain't risking anything for a nickname
birthday 14/01 (23)
faceclaim kim jongin (exo)
alternative(s) kim samuel (p101 s2), ong seongwoo (wanna one), kim taehyung / v (bts)
height 183 cm
weight 66 kg
✩ absent tie
✩ semiformal to formal
✩ sleeves rolled to elbows
* click for larger image (hover)
character quotes
✩ "hey bae. you look even hotter than the last time i saw you."
bsy: "it's been five minutes since i last saw you, in."
✩ pcy: "kai, what are you doing?"
"bae dared me to eat this pizza all by myself."
bsy: "wtf? no. i said, 'in, you shouldn't eat a whole pizza on your own, you man-child.' "
✩ bbh: "i need you to finish these tasks by tomorrow."
"can i take a nap first?"
- two hours later - 
"ay yo, baek. what was the thing you asked for again?"
bbh: (lists the tasks)
"alright. cool. i'm done. have fun with all your part now."
✩ kjm: "kai! just the man i was looking for! tell these ladies how awesome i am."
"an awesome man wouldn't need a recommendation."
✩ "you guys are serious. date sooborg? there's a reason we call her sooborg."
kjm: "what, you can't do it?"
"how dare you imply that. of course i can! get ready to pay!"
bsy: "make sure to really date her. she needs to get laid."
"wtf guys. the bet is for proof of a kiss, not . i'm not a call boy or e."
department sales
position staff
+ amiable, eloquent, observant +
/ playful, cunning, sarcastic /
- fiery, impulsive, headstrong -
summary: the one involved with everything. easily riled but easily pleased. still a child inside. popular with literally everyone. even if he and other party insult each other, they're friends. less prince charming, more devilish rogue. does his work but with fun. natural lady's man but would be loyal to his significant other.
btb (before the bet) era
she's just a colleague. he flirts with her but only a little and to see if she reacts. (outwardly, she doesn't but inwardly freaks out). in summary, not close. just there.
stb (starting the bet) era
for a good week, he slowly cuts back on all of his flirting and staring at her more often, going out of his way to talk with her. he's competitive but not a jerk.
dtb (during the bet) era
he flirts only with her and just finds excuses to talk to her, asking her for dates both jokingly and seriously. when he falls for her, he'd try and call off the bet.
her side
to say she isn't flattered by his attention is a lie, but she can't really believe him. as he asks her continuously, she finds herself losing her cool and flustered.

becoming snarkier to him like her with takuya (because jongin is also too a child) and flustering herself because she didn't mean to be so, well, mean to him. 

eventually falling hard and going on that date but not killing her sass. the sass leaking over to the office and letting her be more human to her job colleagues.
nicknames grow
he starts calling her "angel" in private because of her birthday. she starts to call him "badman" in retaliation after the 2009 movie remake they watch one night. 
anything active
movie watching
bothering hanging out w/ friends
smirks whenever
sticks his tongue out when focused
runs his hand through his hair when thinking or frustrated
hasn't watched ghibli movies yet
used to take dance lessons and practices in place of working out
prefers to receive skinship from his loved ones than initiate but prefers to initiate skinship with acquaintances than receive
probably has some kind of death wish because he loves bothering bsy and was part of whatever's going on between her and bbh 
likes the competition of bets but dislikes doing stupid stuff for said bets yet can't seem to stop much to the amusement of everyone in the office, especially bae shiyoon
about the bet
the bet is to date with "sooborg" in a month and to keep dating her (for however long) until she kisses him in office or until he can get evidence they kissed. 

his plan is to truly date her (even if it's acting because he takes relationships seriously (but not that seriously apparently)), get proof, "lose interest", and end it. 
nickname byun leader, leader, sunbae, baekhyun-sunbae
character quotes
✩ "i need-"
✩ "hand this to miss bae shiyoon for me."
("i'll send the intern.")
✩ "317 times 496."
("157,232. 789 times 425.")
"335,325. 653 times 814."
✩ "no, you are not fired, no matter what miss bae shiyoon says."
✩ "if you call me senpai, i'll demote you."
("so desu ka.")
personality n/a.
(part of bsy's application →)
she's his favorite worker because she's good and doesn't waste time. they're often on the same wavelength and if he could, he'd have given her a promotion.
personally (bbh)
he doesn't hate her company and likes her the best (or one fo the best) of all the workers. worried about jongin's interest in her but trusts in her judgment.
personally (csy)
can't tell if he's her friend but she thinks that they could be. is one of the few (or the only) who can tell his mood even if he's smiling. secretly ships bbh and bsy.
✩ sooyeon got (gets?) him a 10 x 10 rubix cube for his birthday
✩ they compete over who can solve hard math problems wo/ messing up (like some genius version of gugudan, the game, not the group); game is ongoing
✩ if he coffee runs, he buys her a cinnamon roll because of her sweet tooth and if she coffee runs, she buys him an extra vanilla pastry or drink because of his vanilla preference
nickname bae director, director, sunbae, shiyoon-sunbae
character quotes
✩ "you're fired."
(pause. nods. leaves.)
- an hour later -
"why are you packing?"
(tilts head. "you fired me")
"well you're unfired. hurry up. i need you to clean up your intern's mess."
✩ "why did you send your intern to see me instead of coming yourself?"
(tucks hair behind ear. "you've made it clear you do not prefer my presence.")
"personally, maybe. for work? no. you get your to me unless you want me to kill your intern. understood?"
("yes, ma'am.")
("director, the ceo wished to hide from you.")
"yes, he's in trouble. want to point me in a direction?
(looks at the male restroom.)
"i won't fire you this time."
✩ "you've gotten snarkier since you've started dating in. i like it. i still have to give you the shovel talk though."
("would you like a shovel to make your threat even more convincing?")
"what number am i?"
("third. if it makes you feel better, you're the scariest.")
"who tf did it before me?"
("park director and the ceo.")
"those idiots."
✩ "ok, that's it. do you ship baekhyun with me?"
(tilts head. " 'ship?' ")
- an explanation later -
(pause. "then yes.")
"wtf? why?"
(a pointed look.)
personality n/a. 
agrees with everyone that csy is a godsend. fires and unfires csy when in a bad mood but never seriously (much). will praise csy behind her back but not in front.
personally (bsy)
dislikes how close csy is with bbh but doesn't realize it. at the same time, wants to befriend csy. insert mixed signals and ambivalence that comes off as rude / mean.
personally (csy)
admires bsy and her work ethic balanced with her private life and just all of her friendships. wishes to be as bold. can't tell if bsy wants to be her friend or not.
app link
✩ "fires" and "unfires" sooyeon almost every other time they talk 
✩ sooyeon can no longer tell if she's fired or not because bsy constantly changes her mind and so asks bbh for confirmation, which makes bsy more upset (it's just a bad cycle)
by 95816!


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