☾ m o o n s p e / / : kim hojung ; couldn`t let go

NAME: kim hojung
⚝ hojungie (friends) - the mandatory cute nickname from friends
⚝ crybaby (magically famous) - she's often emotional because of light reasons 
⚝ hoe-jung (her ex, probably. that piece of sh*t)
⚝ spicybuddy (kyulkyu back in high school) - they both like spicy food
⚝ kim noona (the neighborhood kids who play baseball)
BITHDATE : 10.31.94 + 23 y/o
HOMETOWN : namwon, south korea
FACECLAIM : chengxiao (wjsn)
BACK UP FACECLAIM : heejin (loona)
APPEARANCE : during her childhood, hojung used to be more tomboy-ish—short hair, baggy shorts and graphic tees while being a whole lot on the chubby side. now, hojung stands at 163 cm tall and will never tell anyone about her weight has a healthy bmi. she has managed to slim down ever since they parted ways after high school—mostly because her grandma had been telling her that she needed to lose some weight. hojung's hair is dyed a light brown color which may sometimes looks lighter or darker. she used to wear rectangular far-sighted glasses but now she wears eyeglasses with a circular frame. she has round, simple, golden-colored ear piercings, one on each ear.

FASHION STYLE : from her old sk8rboi aesthetic, she has moved to wearing clothes like it's always autumn. i kid you not, the sun could be beating down outside and she'll just say "wow it's pretty hot" while sweating bullets. she thinks it's a good thing for her, like a free sauna. ...but really, she wears sweaters and pants to hide bruises and burns in her skin caused by mishandling her new powers.



personality traits 
positive : well-organized, resourceful, patient, approachable, non-judgemental
negative : emotional, impulsive, no self control, lazy, stubborn
at first glance, hojung can been seen with her trademark resting b*tch face. not that she's upset all the time—that's just how her face is! when you get to know her though, she's actually quite approachable and is willing talk to you more if you do so first. she's excited to make friends but doesn't want to force people into being friends with her. the downside to her being emotional and impulsive though, is that even though she doesn't want to force people, she still ends up doing just that—like doing the ritual after high school when she felt lonely as .

back in high school, hojung was the one who was always crying due to the most shallow reasons. sad movie? she's crying. her wi-fi got cut-off? she's bawling. did magically famous just cuss her out? oh no, is she bringing in a flood with her tears?! she's grown out of that state but still, she has her sad days. hojung cries internally now even when she's really affected. her self-control might have gotten better through the years but she's still far from being in control of her desires, namely: buying cute stuff (and promptly wondering where all her allowance went), eating spicy food whilst suffering the consequences afterwards, and basically not playing games during the exam season (even as a teacher! she should stop procrastinating making the exam).

hojung doesn't like judging people because she knows the feeling of being judged (being treated as a weirdo back then and then the effect of her resting b*tch face), so she decides whether a person is good by the way they treat her and others and not by the initial impression they give off. and even when they treat her badly, she thinks about the possibility that they are going through hard times so she's patient with them and gives them a lot of chances. but if a person just can't help bullying or insulting others, she cuts them off from her life without a second thought.

hojung is the type of person to get protective over her friends and treasures them the most because they're all she has. she's also painfully defensive when it comes to topics she cares about. she doesn't care what people think because that's her opinion. it's quite sad that she's a tad bit emotional, really—she could look really cool defending her opinions without having the need to cry.

studying might be her weakness but when she gets the hang of it, hojung aces tests. she just has to find that motivation. it's usually nowhere to be found 'cause oftentimes, she's lazier than ever. she gets that feeling of dread everytime she avoids doing her homework but she doesn't do it either way. the only thing that can make her study is either the reward of a premium game at the end of the semester, some strawberry milk tea, or when a fellow friend with needs some help on a lesson they're having trouble with.

hojung often finds shortcuts to make studying faster for her and more efficient. she also teaches those shortcuts to her students. not only are those shorcuts applicable for her schoolworks, but she also finds ways to make everything she does easier. between two choices or solutions, she would most likely choose the practical one. she's not one to bother with difficult one unless her temperament affects her decision-making skills (which happens a lot, surprisingly).

n a worriless state of mind, hojung is ideally practical and reasonable. in a chaotic state of mind, hojung is prone to impulsive decision-making and failing to uphold her ideals often resulting in her ending up as a hypocrite. when it comes to events that she doesn't have control over, or when she doesn't understand the situation, hojung panics a lot.

being brought up into the country-side, she's used to cleaning the house with no complaint. she's gotten the habit of organizing things in a really aesthetic manner that often leads her to taking a while to clean (and so her granny complains), but that also means that she puts the extra effort to make things pretty which now includes her clothing style lmao thankfully. hojung is also patient when it comes to waiting—webtoons, exam results, and replies from undeserving individuals (*cough*ex*cough*).


( the beginning! ) a healthy child since birth, hojung grew up with her mom and her grandma. both of them had told her that her father never came back when he went away to do his mandatory army service. in reality though, her dad died because hojung's mom gave him powers, but something went wrong when he tried to use his powers. her mom then promised herself not to get hojung tangled up with witchcraft and vowed to protect her with all her life. she also begged her mom (hojung's grandma) not to let hojung see any form of witchcraft or any books about it—she was doing all this to keep hojung safe. and she also wanted her child to live a normal life, not troubled by fighting monsters.

in school, hojung got bullied a lot for being different—she was quiet, and did some weird things like talk to herself out loud, and think that she can be the next hokage, or that she has powers that she needed to hone. she still tried to find the good in people despite their reaction towards her. it felt like a breeze going throught grade school and middle school. she didn't really stand out much and didn't do anything memorable either. she had no friends so she watched a lot of animes, read a lot of books, and played a ton of computer games especially visual novels. visual novels are kind of like choose-your-own-adventure stories but in a game format. she felt less lonely when she played them.

( 숯이! ) hojung got her first cat when she rescued the little kitten near yocheon river. she named the kitten soochi because of his black fur that was reminiscent of charcoal. she bathed it in lukewarm water and fed it some cat food and cooked fish everyday, even though she was initially afraid of cats. the kitten grew twice its size in just nine months. hojung also noticed that this cat was a bit special. it couldn't walk straight and didn't respond to her calling its name. the cat's face also tilted to one side. nonetheless, she really found joy in taking care of soochi and finding it waiting for her at home when she returned from school.

it was the middle of winter when soochi caught hyperthyroidism. hojung went to the nearest veterenarian which was still a ways from her house. they told her that they needed to examine the cat for a few days, and that soochi needed to stay overnight over the next three to five days. she was worried about the cat day and night that she didn't even think of reading books or watching her favorite dramas. she also couldn't get any sleep. the next day, she visited the vet and they told her that her cat wasn't moving much, but when they took the cat out to see her, soochi became more energetic and she felt like soochi will get better. she went home feeling much lighter.

hojung planned to see soochi everyday but there was a thunderstorm that day and her mom told her that she should just wait 'til it lets up. it didn't stop until the next day, when the thunderstorm became a snowstorm and left almost five feet of snow in its wake. after not being able to visit for two days, she called the vet early in the morning and they told her that soochi was fine. hojung told them that she'll be coming by later that afternoon. she couldn't have possibly expected what they told her when she got there. it was just a few minutes past two when the cat gave up (possibly from not seeing her for almost three days straight, the cat thought that hojung had left him alone in a strange place). it was 2:55 pm when she arrived. they refused to give her the cat's cadaver for fear that it could be infectious. hojung was devastated. it took her more than a week to stop crying.

( high school! ) during high school she found her group of friends. for the first time, she was accepted and wasn't thought of as weird. granted, she already grew out of her super weird phase. during their third year of high school, it came to hojung that everyone could be parting ways. she honestly didn't know what to do if they separated. it was the first time ever that she had a group of friends so she thought of inviting them over to her grandmother's house for one day during summer vacation. her mom and grandma saw no harm, her mom was even glad that she finally had some friends—coming over, even!

they arrived and saw the place. their backyard resembled a garden, and the house was quite huge, like a retreat house. they played some outdoor games and ate a lot (courtesy of grandma). hojung planned some fun activities including a treasure hunt where they found an old book while looking for the treasure. the 'treasure' they found was actually the true treasure map, and it said that the treasure was right where they started, much to the displeasure of most of the group. they found the true treasure which was eight metal bracelets with a similar design. "isn't this kind of girly?" "oh shut up!" after the activities and a meal, they had to go home. but unbeknownst to her mom and grandma, the group had returned to hojung's grandma's house when hojung's mother (who had an apartment in seoul and only visited hojung and her grandma during vacation) took hojung's grandma to seoul a day before hojung's summer vacation ended and hojung was left to keep the house by herself.

hojung planned a farewell party that she would initiate that night. she even made spicy jjamppong (the instant kind) to celebrate, along with some drinks from the nearest convenience store. late into the night, hojung brought out a mysterious book that they had found during the treasure hunt a week before. most of them were against it but the others reasoned out that nothing can go wrong. they finally did the ritual—some didn't take it serously, some were reluctant, and some were having fun. after that, some of them ate the spicy noodles but the others wanted something that isn't spicy. so they bought and cooked some instant jjajangmyeon. magically famous also brought out the home-made wine he found at his house that he secretly brought to the party. a few others messed around with the book some more but didn't manage to trigger anything. her mom and grandma came back the day after with no clue to what happened the night before.

( 등등! ) after that summer, everyone parted ways. hojung got kyulkyu and hometown dream's contact numbers in an attempt to stay in contact. she actually got everyone's but they either changed numbers or couldn't care less. hojung was the only one who stayed in namwon with her grandma (her mom still had a job in seoul) and continue studying. her university was far from home but she wanted to finish studying in a good university to hopefully get a job as a physics teacher, so she took up applied physics in a near-by town. 

suprisingly, her grades started declining because she wasn't studying enough. back in grade school, she didn't even need to study and still got high grades. now, she was going through a slump where she was barely passing subjects and she couldn't even focus on her studies. she took a break for one term and came back, determined. she will finish this course and help out with the bills! and finally legally buy games and manga!

what she didn't expect though, when she came back from school one night was the news of her mom confined in a hospital in seoul. she had some pretty bad kidney disease that she was too stubborn to go to the doctor for. she was already a bit yellow when hojung visited her. she told hojung it was gonna be okay. but her mom never managed to return to the apartment she was staying at. hojung didn't even had much time to mourn because she had finals that week. she hated everything. she had kept everything bottled up. she misses everyone. she misses her mom. her friends. she misses the old times. why couldn't she just turn back time like some kind of anime protagonist?!

( an encounter! ) she took up applied physics in uni with hopes that she could teach physics to middle school kids or high school kids. hojung believed that most kids would already be finding a job after high school so she wanted to inspire and help them before they went off to find a job. she wanted to be that type of teacher who knew all her students and not just their names. she's willing to give them as much encouragement as they needed. hojung wants kids to learn instead of just aiming for a passing grade that they would opt for a C even when they don't really understand the lesson.

she met jaehwan in uni, they had the same classes that semester but he was taking finance. they grew close in a week while spending nights chatting and tagging each other on posts on social media. he asked her to go out after school and they ate at a fast-food restaurant where he footed the bill. after their initial date, he always asked her if she wanted to eat together at lunch time. another week went by with her being nonchalant about the whole deal because her old friends (guys and girls) often treated her to lunch as well, so she suddenly went into panic mode when jaehwan told her that he liked her. "you were courting me?" "wasn't it obvious?" he also told her that she can decide now if she liked him back or if he should go and distance himself from her, because he couldn't stand the thought of her being with another guy.

she couldn't really answer straight. so he asked her if he had a chance with her "of course you have" and asked her if she didn't want him to go. she answered that she didn't want him going—she's lonely enough and he's her only friend right now. "but i don't need another friend, i already have a lot of those. i need a girlfriend." she was overwhelmed. she's been single all her life and she didn't know what to do with... with this. being honest, she told him that she liked him back even if she wasn't 100% sure. they had a "" relationship.

a week after, they had an argument about hypothetical future things when he told a joke about a zipper getting stuck in things and mentioned that there's also another thing that gets stuck—d*cks. of course he said that jokingly but in an effort to be honest in the relationship, hojung confessed that she's disgusted by d*cks and she didn't have any opinion on the matter 'til now. but to a person you just met, that might be a bit too tmi, even if you both like each other. she couldn't sleep after that so she turned off her phone and closed her eyes. the next day, which was a holiday, she went to a fast-food chain near the uni which was also near his home. hojung texted him to come.

( 남친! ) jaehwan came late in a bad mood because of the argument and had thought that hojung was about to break off their 'relationship'. instead, she apologized and said that she wanted to try with him, and that she won't leave him ever—even if she tells him otherwise afterwards. he was ecstatic about it, and told her that he appreciated her going out of her way to go near the uni on a holiday even though it wasn't certain that he'll go and meet up with her. "so are we really together-together?" "yes!"

the same day, she told him in a fit of honestly (again) that she didn't really feel anything when she held his hand.  flabbergasted, he asked her "are you ing playing with my feelings?" she walked out, she had nothing else to say. but on the way home, she felt guilty and texted him that he shouldn't take it to heart what she was saying. he forgave her. hojung was uncharacteristically undecisive and she didn't know what was happening with her.

it was the third week from the day that they had met. hojung wasn't at all happy, and kept on getting subconciously jealous of the people he talked to. they continued arguing about small things. usually afterwards they made up, but the feeling got heavier.

one time, a week after they got together, he stopped messaging her at altogether. she was confused but also skeptical, if she should message him. she did and got sparse replies from jaehwan. she thought it was okay. it wasn't.

after a few days, he told her that he was testing her if she truly cared about him and he decided that she wasn't. he told her that they needed to meet for the last time for some closure.

"all this time, you were treating me like trash. i'm human, too. i told you a lot of times already that it was always me who stayed, all my exes left me. but this time, while i still have some shred of self-respect, i'll be the one to leave. this will be the last time i'm going to try my luck in love."


"to tell you the truth, it felt like i was dating a brick wall."

"..." she really didn't have anything to say because she wasn't ready for a relationship that was going to last 'til they get married. that's what he wanted. she wasn't ready. she was scared because to her, he was still a stranger and it was all going just too fast.

"do you have anything else to say?"


"...you didn't even have the guts to stop me, you coward. i guess this is goodbye."

the aftermath! ) after a week, they were still friends on social media and talked to each other on messenger. hojung told him that she'll work hard to improve herself so that when the time came, she'll be the one to court him. she didn't notice that he'd become less responsive through chat (or she just didn't care about getting replies, but rather, getting her message across). she noticed that jaehwan had began avoiding her at school. she thought it was alright since he did say that he needed some space the last time they talked.

her whole bubble burst when a notification appeared on her social media. the notifs you get when a friend tags someone on a post that you had commented on. it turns out that it was jaehwan, tagging a 'heemin' on a poem about love that jaehwan had privately messaged her when they were still together. she commented about her thoughts on it on the page itself because he had submitted it and it got featured. it was a very lovely poem about his expectations to rid a girl of her worries by being 'the one' for the girl. but now that they weren't together, she found out that it was too vague and that it mentioned the girl liking this one band that she didn't even know of.

"his last time trying his luck at love? what a joke. i can't believe i believed him that ing jerk." she never wanted to experience that feeling of losing the person you trusted the most. it was the most un-hojung she ever had been. and at that time, she didn't have anyone by her side that time besides jaehwan. but then he left. her grandma didn't even know about the relationship. she was so lonely. she remembered her mom, and it made her feel a lot worse. she remembered her old high school days when she and the gang were still together and having fun. they did a lot of dumb stuff back then but it didn't hurt like this.

in a fit of tears, she tried to find the old book and the items from back in the summer, and attempted to do the previous blood ritual. she doesn't notice that she's on the wrong page and does the ritual in a teary mess on a rainy night.

( 김치! ) nothing happened, not that she was expecting anything to. but the next day, something special appeared. it was a small kitten with streaked orange fur. her grandma was given the kitten to take care of by a local animal shelter. hojung had first pick for the kitten's name. she called the kitten kimchi because it smelled like one, and looked like one. either way, she loved the kitten. she missed soochi but this time, she's making it right.

after a couple of days, the cat became less hyper. it would sleep more and became more lethargic. she took kimchi to the vet. they told her that they needed to get some blood samples to actually know what the cat's suffering from if it was suffering from anything. but they can't because it would be difficult to locate a vein to stick the needle in as the kitten was very small. hojung was also informed that even if they find something, it would be hard to operate on the kitten because of its size. hojung had to silently go back home with kimchi. he seemed to be getting dehydrated so she mixed in some powdered milk with a hydrating solution.

she woke up the next morning to feed kimchi some milk, but realized that he felt limp. she left him bundled in with blankets and he whimpered silently, like how a human would whimper if they were hurting inside, but hojung couldn't do anything. she was ready to go to the veterenarian again but when she went back to pick up the kitten, kimchi wasn't breathing anymore. she tried to breathe into the kitten but to no avail. she was too sad to notice but the falling raindrops on the window slowed down to a stop.

( another beginning! ) "you're getting too fat. i refuse to buy you new clothes." "but granny— T_T" "no." hojung went to the flea market to find some clothes she could buy with her savings. on the way home after finding a pair of pants and some t-shirts, she heard a shout that rhymed with truck. she looked back, at the direction of the voice, to find a baseball about to smash her face in. she dropped her shopping bags and put her hands in front of her in a panic, but the ball just... suddenly stopped. and i mean stopped. she didn't know if it was real but it did. she was sure of it. 

something's wrong. hojung was sure that it wasn't just some sort of optical illusion. that that baseball really did stop in front of her face, and that the paper for the part-time job application she ways writing really did just spontaneously combust. she doesn't know the why this was all happening but she had a bad feeling it was connected to the ritual she did after she broke up with that guy. 

hojung managed to graduate from university but she was late a year due to her failed subjects and a leave of absence during her second year. she managed to find work as a science teacher in a high school in namwon, but only as a part-timer. during her free time, she plays baseball and oftentimes she does practice games with the kids in the neighborhood (the ones that almost hit her with the ball). she also helps out with the shelter that gave kimchi to her grandma whenever she feels lonely.





grandma :: shin sulhee granny :: 80+ :: retired :: she's a sassy grandma, she is. when she's not being the human embodiment of sass, she's a grandma who cares for her granddaughter and often prepares a ton of meals that made hojung end up the way she was. she realizes her mistake and continues to reprimand her granddaughter for not exercising. she also prepares healthy meals now. hojung doesn't really mind her grandma's sass except that she gets really strict sometimes.

bff :: fresh start ::  :: the most carefree out of the bunch. hojung enjoys her company a lot and she doesn't really care if fresh start gets annoyed because they're that close. they mostly hung out in hojung's grandma's house when there's no school. but when there is school, they usually study together because they both want to get a decent job, "and to get a decent job you need decent grades"—a mantra they often said together back in high school. hojung knows why fresh start doesn't like being in namwon and understands why she had to leave, but it still doesn't change the fact that hojung misses her.

friend :: magically famous :: :: previously an idol, now saving people :: despite teasing hojung a lot and disagreements between the two, they actually do trust each other a lot. he's a really confident individual that stands by his ideals like hojung, and this is one of the reasons that holds them together.

friend :: hometown dream :: :: tutor :: he's one of the people that hojung looks forward to. not only is he funny but he's also a good friend. at first, hometown dream thought hojung was a guy due to her clothes and because hojung's name could either be for both boys or girls. "i was wearing the school uniform for girls == you never noticed?" "i thought— " he couldn't believe that he thought she had been a guy for almost a year. they were still good friends, though.

friend :: jeon kyulkyu :: :: owner of rice cake shop and cafe & manhwa artist :: hojung looks up to her because she's one of the friendly people (if not the most friendly) in their group, and she's also hard-working. kyulkyu doesn't like what hojung did to bring them back, but before that happened they were actually pretty close. hojung would help kyulkyu with schoolwork whenever she can and they would talk about manhwas together.


friend :: crash & burn :: :: hojung was one of the people who didn't get intimidated by him on first impression (she always cried but she didn't get intimidated easy especially if she didn't know the person). crash & burn had a wall before but after the group was made, they got acquainted. they learned that they had a lot of similarities back then so they became friends fast. both hold the same love for the group and hojung is glad that he understands why she did.


friend :: afraid to contact :: :: although they weren't that close in high school, hojung used to check up on her whenever she sees afraid to contact alone. since she was famous, that was a rare occurence. nevertheless, hojung hoped that afraid to contact appreciated those 'how are you's.


friend :: never looked back :: :: he was a casanova back then, and hojung being the chubby and slightly weird girl—she wasn't a part of his targets for heart-breaking. they first met when the group came about. he thought hojung was a funny girl but cried a lot. she thought that he was a kid who caused a lot of trouble.


mom :: lee soyeon :: deceased :: seamstress :: her mom loved hojung so much but her mother was pretty stubborn. she thought the kidney damage wouldn't be that bad so she lived life like she wouldn't be gone 'til she's 80. she was pretty strict with hojung but hojung understands why she needed to be. she learned a lot from her mom and hojung misses her a lot.


ex :: park jaehwan :: 23 :: who cares finance director at a local firm :: hojung feels angry and hurt when she sees even a glimpse of jaehwan. most probably because besides her high school friends, she trusted him the most and due to their break-up it's like that trust didn't even matter. truth be told, she doesn't really remember what happened between them. she has an excellent selective memory, but a picture of him is enough to trigger a strong feeling of hate in her. he avoids her but doesn't feel as much hate because what he said was true and he feels justified, and he already has someone that loves him for who he is anyway. 










  • spicy food 
  • mangas with time travel powers
  • cute stuff like bags, pens, stationery paper etc.
  • witch☆witchmania!!
  • strawberry milk tea - tastes like something her mom would make. it's comforting



  • titanic - how dare it make her cry no matter how many times she watches it
  • faculty evaluation - back in university, she always had to do this survey to make the teachers improve their teaching process. but now, she's the one getting the comments.
  • jumpscares - she doesn't even drink coffee but she's so jumpy
  • judgemental people
  • cleaning the bathroom esp. the toilet "wHY"



  • playing baseball!!
  • crying
  • playing visual novels
  • reading comics and books
  • watching movies and tv series
  • cooking (wow! she's adulting now—an achievement)



  • her unending mantra when she knows she's about to do something she'll regret like eating all that spicy jjamppong in the casserole all by herself. at first, you think she'll succeed but in the end she succumbs to her desire 'donteatitdonteatitdonteatitdonteatitdonteaghhhh'
  • shouts when she gets jumpscared (whether in-game or in real life)
  • panicking in general



  • hojung lives in namwon with her grandma because it's cheaper than getting an education in seoul. and there's an equal job opportunity anyway
  • had a crush on hometown dream back in high school
  • her university is nearly a two-hour ride from home, but the environment there is very conductive for learning (except for the fact that because the university is small she sometimes sees jaehwan, her ex)
  • her eyes get really puffy after a good cry
  • has self-proclaimed extensive knowlege about witchcraft by playing witch☆witchmania!! and watching charmed
  • hojung's powers can be activated by intense emotions but if she tries to practice it, she can control it

how do YOU feel about being a witch?
"i'm kind of excited. you know that i'm a huge fan of witch☆witchmania!!, right? this is like a dream come true. but to be honest, no power comes with no responsibility. so... i must be responsible!" *a tree spontaneously combusts* "...with practice!"

HOW DO YOU FEEL about having powers?
"of course it feels surreal. i've thought countless of times that i was dreaming. i mean, powers couldn't be real. if it was, i don't think people would've made fun of me when i was in grade school for thinking that i had powers. but i've come to a realization that i do in fact have powers, and that it's real. i think i'd have preferred another type of power so that i could help others with it, 'cause i really think that my powers are kind of useless. but... i'll have to make do with what i have and use my ability to make the world a better place. i hope my friends are willing to help fight with me." "oh yeah i'll definitely fight you! how can i work properly in the shop with these powers?!"
how do you feel about fighting demons & other creatures?
"i'm definitely okay with it. if there are things like that... i would want to fight them with everything i've got, so that the people i care about won't get harmed. i'm still skeptical about getting my friends roped in with their new powers 'cause i don't want them to get hurt. but i'm really happy that we're together again."

comments? good luck with the story!! and pls don't hesitate to say if i did something wrong w the app or if it's not clear. so far all the applicants have rly cute characters and i can't wait to read abt them ^^ btw idk if you've already seen or heard it but like wjsn's 'secret' mv reminds me of ur fic it's a really pretty mv too :> i can't believe i wrote so much about her ex >____<;; and idk if "helping others" w/ her job as a part-time school teacher is okay or not. just tell me and i'll change it!!
Scene requests?
⚝ a scene where her l/i couldn't take it anymore and asks her that they change t-shirts because it's summer and she's wearing long sleeves. she insists that it's okay but he's more persistent than her and it ends with her donning a relatively big but definitely more breathable shirt (it still covered her burns surprisingly, but her l/i might still see the scars and ask about it). her l/i may try to wear her sweater or he may end up only wearing his undershirt or tank top or going bare lol.
⚝ her hiding about her ex but one of theM FINDS OUT and then she's like "wtf who is the guy in the picture i don't remember anything about this"
⚝ lots of fighTING
⚝ a play for the local kids!! with them as the lead characters. it could be funny!



PASSWORD : v a m p i r e s





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