Mental Illness is No Joke

2015 ...

That year was the hardest for myself. My Depression hit me harder than ever. The darkness that I was trying to fight through the years was about to win. As I was getting closer to the cliff that I was driving to, my phone suddenly lights up and brought me back to reality. Skidded to a stop, backed up, and drove myself to the Hospital. Called my counsellor, told her that I'm going to the Hospital to get help. She then met up with me at the Hospital. The doctor and my counsellor was trying to convince me to get admitted at the rehab but I refused saying that I'll be humiliated by going there. After trying to convince me for a while, I relented. I was then taken to the rehab center, got admitted and assessed by the doctors. 

The first week was very difficult. The first Doctor that I had, I hated him so much. Instead of helping me out, he was making matters worse. Kept asking me, "Why? Why Why?" Questions and whenever he gives advice, his advices was tearing me apart even more. I couldn't handle our first meeting to the point that I just blanked out the entire meeting. After our meeting, I went straight to the Nurses' Station to request a change of Doctor. They were asking me why and I remembered that I was just crying and begging them to change my Doctor. The Nurses tried calming me down but I was a mess so they had to give me meds for me to calm down. After a while, a Lady Doctor came to my room. We talked and I can honestly say that I love her. She had a way with words that soothed me.

I stayed at the rehab centre for almost 2 months and had counselling up until August of this year. I moved to another province to continue my Education that's why I needed to stop my counselling with my Doctor. My Doctor strongly suggested that I continue my counselling and I will surely do that this January 2018. 

2NE1 was my very first KPoP favorite artist because of Sandara Park (love her so much!). The next one was SHINee. What attracted me at first was Minho because of his overflowing charisma but as time passed by, I slowly learnt more about the other members and they became one of my inspirations. I even have a SHINee Hoodie that I love to wear.

When I woke up yesterday and saw my news feed, I was shocked, heartbroken, confused. I was like, "No, it cannot be. Why????!!!" ... I cried hard for I know how it feels when Depression eats you up slowly until it swallows you whole.

The struggle is very real. Behind our smiles, laughter, jokes, charisma, swag, there is a person who is asking for help - a person who is slowly dying. Everytime I do something, I feel that I am being judged and that little voice in my head is saying that I am a useless person who doesn't deserve to live in this world. It's hard pretending to be strong in front of others. I joke a lot and people say that my charisma and my swag is very strong that it makes it hard for the others to befriend me because they think that I will be mean to them. Whenever I hear that, I laugh because deep inside of me, I'm the one who is afraid that they will be the ones who will be mean to me and will judge me right away.

Being back to University was a tough decision. Being surrounded by lots of people and having moved to another province where I don't have any acquaintances made it harder. The first month was a little bit of struggle for I was trying to adjust with my new surroundings. My Depression quieted down for a bit up until recently when I had a Group Project to do. I basically did everything for the Group Project - script, translations, directing, videographer, and editing. When the Project was done and was submitted to our Teacher, our grades got posted and we got the highest grade in our class.  I never heard a single "Thank You" from my groupmates. Thus it made me think that I am really worthless and I don't deserve to live. 

Nowadays, with no classes for the month of December, I immerse myself into working everyday. I try hard not to think about school for now for it only tears me apart even more whenever I think about that situation.

Everyone should be mindful of what they say and what they do to others. For a word from you might be the downfall of another. Mental Health is as important as Physical Health. Kim Jong Hyun's death should serve as an eye opener for everyone that Depression is real and it shouldn't be taken for granted. Others may just try to shower us more love and support but that is not what we just need. We need help, acceptance, and understanding. 

To Kim Jong Hyun, You fought hard, You lived well ..
Shine brighter over there ..
You will be greatly missed ..
See you there 오빠 ..
May your Soul Rest in Peace ..



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Just want to tell you that you're definitely not alone.
I suffered from depression 2 years ago and during that time, i felt like a scum and whatever i did was not good enough. Hence, why until today, i still don't think whatever i do right now is not good enough.
During my depression, i felt like i was stuck in a dark deep well, trying so hard to reach the light and it nearly consumed my life. My self-esteem was so low that i felt unworthy as a human. I reached to a point where i needed someone to comfort me and tell me that not everything is my fault and that was when i pushed myself to a counselor even though i feared telling someone my story.

I was so glad that i actually dragged my feet to a counselor's front door . If i didn't get help, i think i really would've died internally and never be happy.
Although it has been 2 years already, I still feel that i am unworthy and upset but at least i now know that i need to turn to someone and talk about it before the overwhelming sadness consumes me entirely. That was the first thing i learnt from my counselor which was to let things out of my head. It can be shared with people whom we are close to or just simply write it out. We humans have every right to lash out our thoughts.

Cheers, mate :) You're great in every way :D
I rarely comment on any site but I have to say...

you're doing well.

I also had my episode of a blackhole slowly eating away at me. I never got to the point where I was about to do it, but I was already thinking of different ways to die with lesser physical pain to be inflicted. I was miserable and lost. 2016. I couldn't find a single purpose in life to live. I also felt like everything I did was mediocre and that I was utterly incompetent. What actually lifted me up from that hole was a stranger. He wasnt entirely a stranger. He was my teacher and we weren't close. I dont trust people very easily. But to let it out to someone who is there to listen without truly knowing who you are and letting them know you through only you and your persepective, I got the feeling that he had no choice but to side with me. I don't think he truly understood what I felt, but it didnt matter because I felt like a heavy baggage was lifted off my chest. Or maybe he, too, had his way with words that comforted me. Don't get me wrong. We arent in any sort of illicit relationship.

It never really goes away though. I'm still extremely moody, but I can control my thoughts better now. I distract myself with other things rather than wallow in misery. You are a strong person. Living's just not for the weak-spirited. I won't wait until something terrible happens just to say you did well. You are doing well. Fighting to us!
Your groupmates' reaction is not a reflection of yours. You did a good job and they were being a freeloader. If it weren't for you, I'm sure they won't get that great of a score. Agreed. Depression is not a joke. Behind all the laughter may lie a very sad soul. We will never know what a person's battle is all about. I pray that Jonghyun will finally find his peace. May he finally be free from pain in this cruel world. I pray that you and along with all other people suffering from depression who are being treated like a joke, be strong enough to withstand all the trials that may come along your way. Please remember that you are not alone. 🙏
How others treat you shows their colors, not yours. I know it doesn't feel like it, but that's the way it is.
I am "just" passing by but I know how it feels - it's hard to not forget that you aren't alone but you aren't.
It feels that way but that's just a lie depression tells you. <3