Personality Type Test

So last night while I was procrastinating from studying lmao, my friend recommended I take a personality type test which I did. I'll include a link below. And you guys can comment down below with your own personality type! And what you found interesting or didn't expect!

I learned I'm an ENFJ! ENFJ stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.

  • I was a lot more extroverted than expected (75%). I figure it's from all the presentations I had to do in class this quarter that made me like this lol. Previously, I was always a borderline introvert/extrovert.
  • Intuitive was as expected since I do typically ponder and imagine a lot of things that may or may not be realistic, and I always look at things with an open mind and try to improve what I can.
  • Feeling beat out Thinking by a marginal percentage (by 8% really). So in essence, I look at things from a rational perspective, but I am also compassionate and sensitive towards others' perspectives. A team player if you will.
  • Judging does not mean that I'm judgemental by the way LOL. It means I tend to look at situations and come up with possible plans on how to proceed, rather than just going with the flow of things. I prefer clarity and closure.

That was fun! I recommend you guys take the test as well, and don't forget to comment down below what you got. And what you found interesting, etc.


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Im really interested with mbti test personality. Me, myself is an INFJ-Assertive type. I said that Im really took interest with the mbti test, I persuade a few of my classmates and my bestfriends to take the test. Most of them closest to me is either an ENFP, ENFJ and INFP. I did some research and reading. Suprise! but not surprise. Those types were said to be among the 5 types compatible with INFJ type. More suprise to me is one of my classmates whom I really considered quite perfectly compatible with me is an INFJ type and my bestfriend is an INFJ too!

Sometimes I make a joke with my friend (She is an ENFP), my type said to be the rarest but somehow including me, myself...we have 3 persons with the same type that supposed to be the rarest type.
I've actually flip flopped between INFP and INTP for some reason. Probably need to take it again in case its changed haha.
I'm an INFP.. it's the same every time I take it
INTP!!!!! Every business student in my school is required to take the test freshman year and it’s spot on
I'm an INFJ. I've taken it so many times over the years and always got the same. It's the rarest and it's kinda cool how accurate they are!
Ah yeah, I took this test twice, once a month ago and once about five months ago(?) I got the same thing twice; INFJ-T
Apparently people like me only make up, like, less than 1% of this world’s population, according to the site. It’s kinda funny how introverted I am tho- 83% (which is, I guess, less than the first time, which was 85% lol)
It’s kinda funny cause my friend took the test and people like her apparently make up only 4% of the population, so we were joking how we’re a rare species~~