be my mutual on tumblr

Hey peeps. it's been a while. this is going to be very informal but feel free to follow me on tumblr and i'll follow you back. just let me know what your url is. i must warn you though, i love exo LOL. if you read my tags they're funny sometimes? and you can tag me in stuff and talk to me there. im pretty active on tumblr

follow here @loeyboy (my clever url dedicated to my #1 boyfriend for life, pcy)


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Oh boy! I'm @josmiles
Followed! My url's byunbohu, let's be friends on tumblr too~
i was looking for new exo blogs to follow! (': my main blog's url is deja-soo (mostly a pastel exo blog) & my side blog's url is kuhyungsoo (exo, attack on titan, zutara, and other spam haha)
Heyy, I followed you. My URL is kayjayxoxox on there too, it pretty much is for everything... I haven't been active lately but I will be now!!