I Finally Made 2 New Posters?!

I've had such a creative block recently (I say recently, it's been there for as long as I can remember lol) and haven't made much.

So, I forced myself to percivere and finish a graphic bc I spend too much time starting a project, deciding it's crap and scrapping it.

Honestly, I'm kind of annoyed at myself; a while ago I posted about my progress in graphic design and truthfully, I haven't progressed much since that last design. It's not even my most recent but everything I've made since seems kind of lackluster. But, after struggling with that mentality for a while I told myself that if I want to get better, I have to attempt and actually try to make things and progress and learn from them. So that's what I'm doing. Practicing until one day I make something and I'm happy with it. 


Dun dun da duuuun, this is the poster I made for my story 'Disparity'. I'm not happy with the text so I'll fix that at a later date when I have an idea of how to fix it. I tried something new(ish) here, and I think I like how it turned out overall?



And this is a poster that I made just for practice!


As always, I'm open to criticism and advice (so I know where to focus on improving) so please let me know what you think! :)



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Them posters are fancy! It's 100000000000x better than what I can do. Even the best person has room for improvement. To equate, the year I drew my art got better. But recently it's bent faltering and not too much changing in a good sense. It just takes time and practice. The most important thing is: Have fun with what you're doing. Even if the result isn't what you expected, as long as you enjoyed the opportunity to try to do something spectacular. #I'mSoCheesy