

( ♚ — Myunggie; ) Shorterned version of her name, anyone she's close to uses it
( ♚ — nickname; ) explanation

AGE — 22
BIRTHDAY —  April 21

BIRTH PLACE — Incheon, S.Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, S.Korea

♚ — Korean; ) fluent / born and raised in Korea
♚ — English; ) fluent / tutored in it so she can go study at a university in America, also studied in America
♚ — American Sign Language; ) basic / currently self teaching
FACE CLAIM — Choi Seul Ki
APPEARANCE — Slender, toned cause she kept up her exercises as she would want to be able to run away and fast when neccessary. Average height and weight for her age and body type. Hair has natural wavy curls at the ends, naturally black hair, but sometimes dyes it sombre russet brown with balayage. Has scars on her hands and wrists and fingers, she explains them away as being clumsy with scapels and papercuts and thicker ones on her hands and wrists as her dog/cat/pet being silly and boisterous. Eyes are honey brown.

STYLE —  She has a penchant for dusky colours, and is fond of clothes that looks respectable. Usually goes for clothes that are loose and comfortable, she has a love of hats and scarves, and partial to belts. Wears minimal jewelry, but expensive ones - the ones made of real gold and sterling silver and natural precious stones. 
♚ straightforward, sarcastic, energetic, stubborn, loyal, caring, protective, cynical, optimistic realist

She's outspoken, quite hyperactive and immensely intelligent, has a quick mind for puzzles and research, but is prone to distraction and fumbling about due in part to her short attention span. Despite her scatterbrained shenanigans and penchant for sarcastic quips, she is well-meaning and very protective of those she cares for. Headstrong and gutsy she has an unwavering loyalty and camadarie to those close to her, to the extent that she would go out of her way to help even if it would cause her trouble or even when it becomes a life threatening situation she would keep going until the objective have been acheived. Due to her knowledge of the law, inquisitiveness, natural intelligence and her aptitude for research, analysis, deduction, and solving mysteries; she takes satisfaction in gathering clues and evidence in identifying 'enemies' and  solving problems (hopefully) before it becomes a major headache. 

Slow to trust people, she is always being highly suspicious to anyone newly introduced, rarely ever taking them at face value. Has good gut instincts, so usually she judges correctly. She's cynical and pragmatic, a realist; an optimistic one though.

When she was 10 years old her mother died; it was a slow decline defore the death. First she forgot things and events then she started to forgot about her own daugther. Because of this Hyun Myung's shin powers started to awaken and act up. Her father's grief of her mother's passing caused him to unintentionally neglect Hyun Myung (working a lot more, over indulging in alcohol, and then passing out; rinse and repeat), causing her to grow up much faster than she would have. He got help and became much better when she started high school. For a long time since she feels guilt and believes she caused her death, her nightmares and visual disturbances concurs. Hyung Myung used to love drawing, ever since her mother, during an episode, ripped up her drawing yelling how she does not have a daughter and she must be her father's bastard, etc. , she tones down on the drawings which used to litter the living room and the kitchen fridge, after her death she does not draw at all. She has since turned her creativity to the written and spoken word. 
She has always love poking her nose into her father's cases, her father always tries to stop her but he's not always successful, and sometimes she even helped solve the case. She decided to study in America because, one, they have an excellent program and she got in!, and two, she doesn't need to deal with the headaches wrestling with her shin powers as from what she researched and tentatively concluded that they either don't appear or appear much less when on foreign grounds. 

PRESENT — Currently lives with her father, is planning to move out when she found a full-time job (in forensics with the police would be her dream job). She recently came back from tertiary studies in America. Have a temporary part-time job as a tea brewer and salesperson at a local tea shop/house.

TRIVIA — this entire section is dedicated to the little quirks and fun facts about your character. there is no minimum requirement or limit to how much you write, so go crazy! Ideas include: likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, fears, special talents/skills, ect. 
-  Usually lies by omission, rarely tells a bold-faced lie
- Fully trained in Aikido
- Never drinks coffee, always either tea or hot chocolate/cocoa
- Has a pet cactus, Mizu
- Keeps her promises, doesn't mean she doesn't bend them when needed though; a very basic example, you asked for a car she gets you a (toy) car (cos she has no money to spend on cars cars)
- Loves apple desserts
- Fears the demise of her loved ones
FAMILY — tell us all about your character's family whether they be her parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and whatever else you think falls under this category. don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! there's no limit to how many family members you include but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
Father / Jeong, SeungMin / 49 / strong moral compass and sense of justice, witty, protective instincts, stern yet compassionate, practical, accepting
Close. Although Hyun Myung regularly frustrates and annoy him with her constant meddling in his cases (he's a police detective) and showing up to crime scenes when he specifically said to stay at home, he is extremely protective, forgiving, and loving parent to his daughter. Vice versa for Hyun Myung to her father (extremely protective, forgiving and loving). She also tends to control his diet (no fatty/oily foods, no more than 3 red meat meals a week, no carbonated/sugary drinks, etc.) ever since that heart attack scare that one time.

FRIENDS — Like above, this is for your character's friends and only those! If your character has enemies, rivals, acquaintances, ect., that goes below, too. Don't forget to copy and paste the format below as many times as you need to! There's no limit to how many friends you include, but please only include those who you think are relevant and important.
Best friend / last name, first name / age / some preferrable personality traits: positive, loyal, courageous
One of the other shins. Relationship goes from strangers to friends, good friends, to best friends. 

OTHERS — and now you can tell us about those who your character might not be particularly close enough to consider some sort of friend. Feel free to delete or skip this section if you think you have everything covered!
random acquaintances / last name, first name / age / various personality traits
explain their relationship with your character here. are they close? how do they treat each other? etc. Depends.

STRENGTH — how strong is your character as a shin? Strong.

STABILITY —  Unstable. Only recently got back onto Korean soils, and started to retrain herself as a shin.



NICKNAMES — list each on a new line and explain who calls them it and how they got it. copy and paste the format below for as many as you need.
( ♚ — nickname; ) explanation

SUMMARY — give us a rundown of who your character's love interest is. Things to include can include but are not limited to: their background, likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, other trivia. You can also replace this section with personality instead, if you'd like. This is a scroll box, so don't worry if you write too much!
FIRST MEETING —  Hmmm, I don't know, maybe something like THIS ? or introduced by her friend? or a meet-cute =)

RELATIONSHIP — Always witty bantering, sort of slow burn, they grow togther and build trust and awkwardly find that they love/like each other ... and then question themselves whether he/she likes her ... etc. etc. etc.

CONCLUSION — Uh, hopefully together (happily ever afterrrrrr)? or a somewhat hopeful ending... but I'm good with one of them dying as well (tragedyyyy) ahahaha
FAMOUS LAST WORDS —  Hi there! My application is a bit short I know , if you need any elaboration or if I missed anything do tell, happy to fix  =)

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — there's no guarantee that they will all be used, if any at all, but they do help inspire other ideas so go crazy. you never know what might be used or what might help!
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