wokainight. aini. 11 out of potatoes. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
"f stands for friends who do in' together! u is for me and me! n is for now get the out."
FULL NAME — jin daeui
• dae-dae / euri (loyalty&honour) / jinday / jini (genie) + ordinary nicknames for everyone! it's free!
DOB + AGE — 12 • 12 • 1995 (22)
BIRTHPLACE — daegu, south korea
HOMETOWN — daegu, south korea
ETHNICITY — korean
• korean + mother tongue
• english + learnt throughout her schooling
FACE CLAIM — f(x) krystal
BACKUP — twice sana, red velvet irene
• the same f how krystal looks tbh, not gonna change a thing :3
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 161 & 47
• casual, chic and perhaps feminine features would looks splendid on daeui's frame. as long as she's not wearing anything hideous, she's fine with the clothing. at times, she would follow the trend and look more formal, preppy or of any genre. 
one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine.
PERSONALITY TRAITS — negligent, amusable, coquettish, ferocious, nonchalant, versatile, anticipative, vulgar
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\  [ negligent ] "the stuff on the floor's not rubbish" daeui rubs her hand together to relinquish the salt and oil spread over her fingertips. "it's how i organise things" as she continued to much through her pack of chips. 
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  [ amusable ] "w-what the hell" daeui doubled over into laughter, overjoyed at the current situation. she had been teaching kyungsoo how to take a photo but all he's done is stare onto his reflection supported on the screen and making groans. "press the button! the button!" kyungsoo fumbles against his fingers as he eyed her, suspicious of her schemes. "what button?" "this one" daeui came close to the point where she heard kyungsoo's breath hitched and his eyes further widens. she spins her head to face him and smiled. then a wink. then she was on the ground and kyungsoo's out of sight. "haha, how cute" she muttered, nursing the bump on her head. 
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\  [ coquettish ] "if you wink one more time i'm going to sew your eyes together" kyungsoo snarled as he sets the dish on top of the table. daeui juts out her bottom lip. "kyungsoo" "what" he spat out. "this chilli..." she paused, "reminds me of you" he didn't reply. "lights a fire in heart" and then her share dissapears. "I'M SORRY YOU'RE HOT, YOU'RE HOT OK-" kyungsoo loos away, face reddening. but daeui was observant. "are you... blushing? oh my god that's so cute!" "no. i'm not." "you're so cute that i have this sudden urge to kiss you"
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\ ​​​​​​​ [ ferocious ] "if you touch a single in feather of kyungsoo's" motions a thumb from one end of her neck to the other. "got it?"
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\ ​​​​​​​ [ nonchalant ] dialogue 1 : "oh that's ok" | dialogue 2 : "yeah sure" | dialogue 3 : "uh huh" | dialogue 4 : "ahhhhh" | dialogue 5 : "hm i don't see why not?" | dialogue 6 : "oh i see"
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  [ versatile ] "honestly, i eat everything"
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\ ​​​​​​​ [ anticipative ] "so are you going to buy me a present? are you doing to surprise me? are you going to ask me out now? isn't it about time? kiss me? procreate with me? what the hella watermelon with me?" daeui was sure that kyungsoo had sabotaged her toothpaste with whipped cream the next day- but she lapped at it so happily he ended up turning off the hot water completely. 
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  [ vulgar ] "fukin fukery fawker s ting tery sh-" kyungsoo groans into his palms "your lack of vocabulary amazes me"

• jin daeui is an only child born to yang miah and jin jaeji. she was born to a middle-upper class family as her mother worked as an accountant and her father as a lawyer. she was constantly surrounded by a sense of righteousness and justice that sometimes it was hard to breath. 
• at first, she had been extremely obedient and a hard-working child. always a 'yes' and never a 'no'- but as time goes by, she realised the faults of life. why was she trying so hard when there was barely a return? her parents were no longer impressed by her grades nor her achievements. she was in a state of constant turmoil. 
• then, everything changed. she met baekhyun, chanyeol and jongdae. it was during one of university's open day in which she had gotten lost of her group of friends and bumped into the trio. "so is business your passion?" baekhyun questioned- to which daeui could never answer. she knew it was a no- but when she's been taught to say yes all her life, it got her twisted.
• she had undergone a period of depression, anxiety and counselling after that- to which her parents declared null of her current duties.
• after practically begging to be sent out of home, daeui is currently taking a major in design and and a minor in  literature. her parents were still wary of her and sort of 'distanced' themselves from her. they did pay her tuition and gave her a monthly sum. 
• she rarely calls them but would come home for chuseok. 
• mondays, tuesdays and thursdays are the days where she spends at uni, hacking away at her design skills while on fridays, she would have a full day on literature and what not. wednesdays and the weekends are days off. 
• she prefers to write on her day off, walk the cat (which doesn't work) or visit somewhere exquisite (a new cuisine, nature, conservations and etc)
• she's also a bit of a homebody so she doesn't mind sitting on her and cackle at some bland tv
• the three musketers: baekhyun, chanyeol and jongdae were also enrolled in her uni and they were the best of friends. despite having known each other for a short time, the quartet felt the bond of friendship. they've even made a friendship bracelet... albeit to daeui's shame. 
• best friend - byun baekhyun (22) - student, psychology - warm, understanding, sensitive - the kindest bundle of sunshine ever! baekhyun usually acts as a mediator between daeui and jongdae's quarrel and a referee to chanyeol's neverending stupidity. he's usually level-headed and never out of control. 

• bff - park chanyeol (22) - student, acting - hyperactive, prankster, easygoing - the main moodmaker of the group. chanyeol and daeui are usually partners in crime to pranking jongdae and sometimes baekhyun (but baekhyun was hard to fool, he was accurate in prediction). he usually randomly sputs out nonsense and daeui would take that to her advantage. 

• besteu furind furever - kim jongdae (22) - student, opera music - competitive, sharp-tongued, sassy - puts the sass in jongdae. daeui's archenemy. they would argue a lot and the result is a tie of 50:50. he's got a lovely voice which daeui claims as 'bird shrieks'!
• took up hapkido in baekhyun's training space and is currently almost reaching a black belt 
• reads books of all kinds but would love to read more ancient ones 
• she had a dog since young back at her parent's house but decides against taking in another dog due to their needs: walking, combing, etc, etc. 
• whenever she tries to do gardening, her plants always die. 
• she wants to try fencing but is kind of afraid of getting probed at. 
WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO HWANG COMPLEX? — the rent was reasonable, the location's great and i loved the house plan... what better accommodation could there be?
DO YOU LIVE ALONE? — /grumbling. yes.
WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT OCCUPATION? OR ARE YOU IN SOME SORT OF SCHOOL? — i'm attending university as a design major with a literature minor. and i'm also working at a barista at cafe suho. the owner (kim joonmyeon) is hella slack and so nice whilst the main barista and second in charge (kim minseok) teaches me a lot of stuff- ah crap i'm rambling. 
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER PETS? — back at home, i have a little pup- wait actually he's old now /laughs. his name's kenzo like the perfume brand- wait it sells other stuff too... i think?
PET NAME — dyodo (aka dyo)
REASON FOR ADOPTING — she had always been lonely and terrible in the art of seduction. hence, it was the start of her coincidence fate plan to challenge a path of becoming the kittymon master! gotta catch em' all- kittymon! aka cat lady
LOVE INTEREST — do kyungsoo
BACKUP — byun baekhyun, kim jongdae
PERSONALITY —  the book of d.oing soo  (dialogue are kyungsoo's only)
sick af  -  
                "back in my days, you've ceased to exist"
            "i'm a late bloomer" daeui then proceeds to insult his height. violently snatchs a chair and springs on top of it. when she gives him weirded out eyes and questions his sanity, he merely replied. "photosynthesising." she snorts a whole lot of laughter. "so i can convert some of your bull"
               "black widow is hot" daeui halts her actions as she turns to face him, face unreadable. "but do you know who's hotter?" he closed in, eyes intense. the female proceeds to shake her head in a violent manner before coyly waits for the answer, expectations rising to her nose. the corner of his lips lifted up, up and away. "the bacon you're burning"
                is holding a cane. daeui opens - but he beats her to it. "no
. i won't and will not be your sugar daddy."
sweet af  -  
        "you're... okay."
        "i'd say you're a two and a half" this time, daeui had stared up at kyungsoo with hopeful eyes. he inhaled. "out of ten" then exhaled.
        "i made you food. just in case you start feeding me those obnoxious niblets again."
savage af  -  
"no." he paused, scanning her once more. "you look hideous"
"even if you were a math equation, i would still not do you"
"s come in different shapes and sizes. just so happen you're the biggest kind."
stoic af  -  
"if that makes you embarrassed i can walk back out?" 
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  ah, the fateful day. 
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  daeui was casually commuting home when she spots an odd furry figure up on a tree. being the hospitable soul she was, her ego had practically begged to save the fluffball.
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  and to hell, she did.
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  she had attempt to climb up the tree, branches swaying through the process perhaps due to the accumulation of weight. not that she was fat or anything. or so she hoped. she was thisclose to the thing, now identified as an overlord demon kitty, when it pounced on her beautiful face (which is now scarred for life.) (not really but her heart was)
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  "what the f-" she stared into its ravishing eyes. "wow" she breathed out. "you're coming home with me" the cat had had proceed to slap her with its paws. 
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\   the cat would weirdly slap her a lot. whenever she says something a bit abstract- it would. and sometimes, her conscious mind would tell her that the thing's most probably looking down on her- based on its eyes as it stared up at her from the cupboards 
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\   dyodo was a cold cat who seemed to despise his name. when she calls him "dyo" rather than "dyodo" he seemed to be more affectionate. 
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\   he never ripped any furniture, messed around or anything. he does jump a lot around the place and is more active than passive. he doesn't respond well to physical touches and prefers being alone. he rarely eats the cat food provided and sometimes daeui thinks that food from her fridge dissapears one by one.  
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  still like the last, kyungsoo's a bit cold at times but he's still extremely attentive to her needs and more than often, they exchanged plain banter. they also fool around a lot because kyungsoo's always bad at technology and street knowledge whilst daeui enjoys making fun of him.
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  he cooks and cleans around the house and has more freedom. he even goes out sometimes- to which the result is pretty much tragic. more times than not, daeui would end up searching for the poor catboy with the terrible sense of direction.
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  kyungsoo would sometimes pick her up from school (she bought him a phone, fully tracked and with unlimited internet) using his gps and most people would mistaken them for a couple with how clingy daeui is and kyungsoo's unseen scowls. "your boyfriend?" chanyeol hyped- to which daeui replied. "yes" and kyungsoo's "no"
• daeui asking, "so if we have several kids, can we call them a litter?" cue kyungsoo with his machine-gun lmao
 /ᐠ  ᐟ\  kyungsoo's cat is based off instagram star ciao_nana!
 /ᐠ 。 ꞈ  ᐟ\  plzz lub daeui and satan!soo
• [ FIRST MEETING AS A BOY ] daeui coming back home to a foreign man picking up her scattered clothes and screaming bloody murder. "daeui i can explain" "nOT A FUKIN CHANCE! NOT wHEN YOU'RE HOLDING MY !"
scottish foldeu did u say bop?
replace with animal ver of l/ireplace with human ver of l/ireplace with animal ver of l/i


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