IMA IS THE MOON'S DAUGHTER (always late. i wannacry. what is homework? #EEE7C9 #B6CFD4 #fff4fc #ff9983)                        
im myeonah
FULL NAME im myeonah. 면앟.
miss steal your snacks. myeonah loves nibbling on snacks. her nickname serves as a warning for other members to be alert with their snacks whenever myeonah is around. if they don't pay attention, be ready to say goodbye to the snacks.
chubbs. her stretchy cheeks explains it all. its more of an endearing nickname instead of mocking. myeonah doesn't really mind the nickname, instead she finds the nickname adorable. just like how joonhyung calls bokjoo chubbs in weightlifting fairy. 
rubber cheeks. myeonah's mochi cheeks are guaranteed stress ball. just stretch her rubber-like cheeks and you'll feel better (addicted to stretch her cheeks more, even).
tiny grandma. myeonah acts like your very own grandma. fussy, asks where you are 25/8, overfeeds you cookies, tucks you in and wraps you up in your very own cocoon blanket. tiny refers to her short height. combine the two and you get myeonah.
enigma. something myeonah refers herself as. a mysterious puzzle, with surprising twists and turns. that is to say, myeonah is full of unexpected charms. her stage presence is similar to a riddle, where she'll draw you in and make you try to figure her out. "hello, i am threed's enigma ima!"
DATE OF BIRTH 18th of july 1997.
PLACE OF BIRTH incheon, south korea.
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea.
korean. fluent. mother tongue.
taiwanese. fluent. a language she learned during her early years while living there, also a language she communicates in with her family besides korean.
mandarin. advanced. another language she learned while growing up in taiwan, since a majority of peope in taiwan speaks mandarin besides taiwanese.
cantonese. intermediate. visited hongkong multiple times and eventually stayed there during her childhood. a bit difficult than taiwanese and mandarin due to having more tones.
FACE CLAIM wjsn's soobin.
BACKUP elris's hyeseong.
HEIGHT 162 cm.
WEIGHT 52 kg [originally].
APPEARANCE if there was one thing myeonah wanted to do, that is to get rid of beauty standards. no, its not to make herself feel better, its so she doesn't have to see other girls break down crying asking themselves why they're not born pretty when they actually are. as for myeonah, she doesn't really care if she's not categorized as "pretty". to myeonah, having chubby cheeks, wide smiling eyes, button nose and thin full lips are enough. myeonah's quite proud of her monolids, and she doesn't mind if she's considered overweight, or fat. yes, she may lack a victoria secret's body, she may not have a thigh gap, but at least she's healthy, right? her face has been noted multiple times as bloated, or some would put it, moon emoji face. her dark brown locks cascades down her back, and bangs decorates her forehead, which she either brushes to the side or to the front. myeonah is quite petite, with a tiny addition of fat pudding on her thighs and arms. to say that she's fat is a delusional lie. she's more on the normal side with a little extra weight. but of course, that's not good enough for the entertainment world is it?
STYLE myeonah's personal favourites had always been t-shirts, jeans, sweaters, anything light and flowy. she has a balanced taste in both girly and boyish fashion. myeonah usually dresses in either dark or neutral coloured clothes, but is alright with any colours. prioritizes comfiness more than style. doesn't really mind showing skin, as long as its appropriate. you can usually find myeonah in her hoodies, blouses, button ups, converses, sandals, tea length skirts, denim, cotton dresses, blazers etc. another thing myeonah likes to do is layering, such as wearing a camisole dress on top of a t-shirt, etc. after myeonah undergo a strict diet, she usually wears shirts that covers her protruding collarbones, or wears something long to cover her thighs. because she doesn't want to see what kind of changes she went through. she couldn't bear seeing herself now.
gryffinclaw - istp - phlegmatic/choleric
overbearing adamant headstrong impassive deceptive
tolerable devoted valiant wise level-headed
"a blooming rose covered by thorns, seeking and rejecting sunlight at the same time." 
i. do not be fooled by her appearance. for myeonah is not as delicate as she may seem to be.
a spirit with a courageous heart, myeonah blooms brighter than the sun. though she's tiny, she's very mighty and has an enormous heart. its a wonder how this tiny human possess such a vast amount of energy. she's not one to get easily attached though, so if you're considered by myeonah as one of her "precious treasures" be ready for this grandma to fuss and dote over you. she'll become your personal lifeguard in times of crisis. she'll stand and fight alongside you. myeonah doesn't say much, but she's there for you when you need advices, or a harsh wake up call. do not be hurt though! for myeonah means well, despite her actions contradicting her purpose. she sees the world with a rational view, and generally able to keep calm in times of difficulties. growing up in a literal suitcase, myeonah learned to rely on herself, refusing help but would help anyone in need. her delicate and fragile appearance does well to hide how endurable and thick skinned she is. in a way, if you push her of a cliff, she'll climb back up unaffected. 
ii. but of course, thorns hides the rose blooming on the inside well. or is the other way around?
myeonah's determination knows no boundaries sometimes, to the point she becomes so stubborn and dictatorial. she spits gold covered in glass splinters. her rough and harsh choice of words and actions throw people off, when they actually do not know the true and genuine purpose of what myeonah actually means. like a father, in  a way. she cloaks herself in shields made of rocks, sometimes people wonder what she's truly feeling on the inside. she does have feelings, but has a difficult time showing it. she cares for people, she truly does, but people sometimes questions her sincerity. due to myeonah being a little spitfire and a robot. she hides her feelings well, hides her own problems in the hopes of not wanting to burden other people. its also a way to guard herself, protecting herself from possible heartbreaks. she'll deceive you, either for her own sake or others' sake, for good or for bad, and  unintentionally forces people in a way (without them realizing) so that they'll say or do the things myeonah would like them to say or do. yet she forces you to open yourself up to her, when she won't do the same for you. a bit of a rebel, trying new challenges and seeking things that takes her beyond her limit.
myeonah was brought into the world with her mother's last breath. she's an only child, growing up without the nurture and care from a mother. myeonah had always blamed herself for her mother's death, despite her father strongly disagreeing. myeonah's father, despite losing his only love and soulmate, deeply cares for myeonah. he loses his love yet gains a gift in the form of a child. growing up, myeonah is always around her father. she may not experience a mother's loving hands caressing her hair or gentle hugs, but she has her father's warm bear-like hugs and head pats. to myeonah, that is enough.
when myeonah was two years old, her father received a promotion on his work. yet good news are always accompanied by bad news. myeonah's father had to move to taiwan due to his job promotion, and that includes myeonah too. for how can a two years old live by herself? thus the family of two moved to kaohsiung, taiwan. growing up, myeonah had a difficult time adapting herself to the new environment. she didn't make many friends at first, due to the language barrier. but myeonah is generally polite and well-mannered, thus its not much of a surprise that her classmates befriended her later on. the two lived in taiwan for six years before moving to kowloon, hongkong. again, its due to myeonah's father's job. he moved due to the higher income, and wanting his sole daughter to have a better living, he took the chance and transferred  bank branches to hongkong. myeonah and her father stayed in hongkong for three years before moving back to incheon, korea.
myeonah came back to korea after living almost half of her life in foreign countries. around this time, kpop was slowly starting to grow. myeonah didn't show much interest at first. but slowly she caught the kpop virus. from being not too interested in kpop idols performing on tv to snatching the tv remote from her father whenever snsd performed live. myeonah was young and impressionable, so myeonah's father didn't think much of myeonah's sudden interest in the kpop industry. he found myeonah rather adorable trying to copy snsd's dance moves or sing alongside super junior.
the following year, myeonah's father had another job promotion that required him to move again. myeonah's father didn't have the heart to take myeonah with him. he thought that too much moving will damage myeonah mentally, due to having to adapt in new environment several times. myeonah insisted in following wherever her father goes, not wanting to be separated from him. the two moved to melbourne, australia. myeonah lived in australia only for a year before moving to seoul, korea to live with her aunt and grandmother. myeonah's grandmother didn't have anyone to look after her. eventhough myeonah's aunt stays with her grandmother, she had work to do. myeonah's father send myeonah back to korea in hopes of myeonah accompanying her grandmother and helping her aunt, while he himself stayed back in australia. it was hard, since myeonah never lived apart from her father, but she moved back to her home in the end.
myeonah was in and out from the kpop scene. she didn't keep up too much with kpop when she lived abroad. myeonah didn't show too much passion either in the music and arts industry. myeonah does sing here and there, but its more of a side hobby that she enjoys instead of a firm passion. during the next few years, myeonah took care of her grandmother and helped her aunt in keeping the household together. she missed her father dearly, and regularly video calls him from 12345 miles away. he only comes home once every couple of months. sometimes he doesn't come back home at all, due to the busy workload. when myeonah was fifteen years old, she decided to join k-pop star season two in 2012. she was a fan of watching talent shows, and a few of her favourite shows are k-pop star and superstar k. she originally didn't want to join, for her singing talent are nowhere near developed. yet the encouragement from her family willed her to join. why not anyways? i've got nothing to lose, was myeonah's initial thought. it completely backfired though. all the judges rejected her. she went viral as "a national failure" and received a lot of criticism (and backlash) online. it was a segment of her life which she would like to forget.
myeonah, despite her haunting past, received an offer from jellyfish to audition and became a trainee a few months later. still traumatized from her previous audition, myeonah wanted to turn down their offer at first. she finally auditioned after receiving support and encouragement from her family. she passeed and became a jellyfish audition for around two years before quitting the trainee life in 2014. afterwards, myeonah continued life as usual. she had a part-time job to gain extra income and to pay for her grandmother's hospital bills. her grandmother was not in a healthy state during these years. all was alright, until wanbyeok contacted her.
hwi "baehoney" baehan
myeonah wasn't too close with baehan at first. baehan, in myeonah's eyes, is too gentle for this world. myeonah didn't want to admit it, but she enjoys the younger's presence. her passion and kind heart made myeonah smile from time to time. myeonah would usually nod or occasionally make small talks with baehan. baehan is someone myeonah would grow to be fond of, and protect with her  whole being because baehan is too precious for this world. baehoney is a nickname myeonah would later on address baehan as, because she's sweet. sweeter than honey, even.
im jongwon
myeonah's father, in her eyes, is a superhero. he's the anchor of her ship in times of rough seas. he also doubles as myeonah's mother, in a way. he braids myeonah's hair (eventhough it looks messy), packs her lunches (sometimes he forgots to chop off fruits in even bite sizes), he casted away his pride and lets myeonah put makeup on him, etc. he's busy most of the time, and sometimes myeonah wishes her father didn't have to work so hard. they aren't financially unstable but aren't well off either. myeonah strives to be like her father someday. a hardworker who smiles despite going back home physically and mentally tired. its also thanks to myeonah's father that myeonah likes to tell horrible cringeworthy dad jokes. he's the roots to myeonah's tree, there to support her and guide her back up whenever myeonah falls down.

liu "sally" xiening
the hailing from china, xiening is one of the few trainees myeonah befriended during her time in jellyfish. she calls the older girl jiejie. they became friends due to both being able to understand mandarin and myeonah helping xiening learn korean. xiening sees the younger girl more as a little sister, and cares for myeonah. like opposite magnets with the same introverted nature, the two naturally became close. myeonah wasn't used to having someone care for her besides her family. xiening's care for her opened myeonah's eyes, and heart. you could say that myeonah had a teeny tiny platonic crush on the elder girl. the crush doesn't develop further, since its more  of admiration and adoration. tbh, myeonah isn't even sure if its called a crush. its not that myeonah is into girls. but xiening's beauty and her kind heart never fails to make myeonah smile, albeit a little. 
01 likes avocado flavoured coffee, bai mudan (a type of chinese white tea), liu xiening, kind people who aren't easily hurt by myeonah's words/actions, snsd, bubble tea with tapiocas, eating snacks, danzai noodles, gua bao, bian dang, tian bu la (aha ok all of them are about food), reading chinese poetry, sleeping with night light, board games (especially sudoku & snake and ladders), hugging a members's head (despite her tiny height lel), afternoon rain etc
02 dislikes unconstructive criticisms, caterpillars, mangoes, skinship (is not too used to it, but would eventually grow to like it ehe), being weak, being bossed about, being held down for quite some time (myeonah cannot sit still), beauty standards, dieting, having her secret stash of snacks being hidden away from her view, exercising etc
03 nowadays, after dieting, myeonah is not too fond of v-necks (because it shows her collarbones). its a sight that reminds her of who she is now, a sight she avoids to see
04 likes to watch cooking tutorials but failing when trying to do the cooking tutorial
05 can spin continuously on one heel for 15 seconds
06 likes to put her hair up in buns using chopsticks
07 self learned in playing the flute. though she's not excellent at it, myeonah's able to play a few songs
08 tried and did kungfu during her time in china. only lasted for around five years. one of the skills myeonah picked up from kung fu is being able to do a backflip. its been years since she last practiced kung fu, so she's a bit rusty 
09 likes to take night showers
10 tba
2013-2014. jellyfish
myeonah didn't have much friends during her time in jellyfish. she's only friends wit a small amount of trainees, liu xiening being one of them. no matter how polite and generally well-mannered myeonah is, she's still known amongst the trainees as "that girl who failed on national tv" or "national failure". despite her viralness having died down a few months later, some trainees still recognize her. which leads to name-calling and whispering behind myeonah's back. myeonah knew everything they said behind her back. she doesn't deserve to be here, what a talentless girl! does she have no shame?, she's not even that pretty, are just some few of the notable sayings the trainees gossiped about behind myeonah's back. it hurted myeonah, despite her hardest in trying to look unaffected. in the end, the pressure, both physically and mentally, not being able to tolerate the trainees nor the strict trainee life, myeonah turned her back on the entertainment world.
myeonah thought she was done with the kpop industry, until wanbyeok called her. myeonah was more firm in her decision to turn down the offer this time. yet there's a lingering feeling in her heart, a burning fire to get back up despite having a haunting past. she wanted to show that she's able to stand back up. myeonah finally decided to try again, and accepted wanbyeok's offer. she accepted the offer not because she wants revenge, or a way for myeonah to show off her talent and rub it on the antis. its more of a challenge which myeonah takes up, wanting to prove that, despite getting knocked down in the form of hate, she's able to rise back up.
wanbyeok was way worser than jellyfish though. myeonah was one to not care about physical appearance, yet wanbyeok forced her to prioritize looks more than health. rebelling does not help, for every time myeonah refused to undergo such diet, wanbyeok only forced her to diet more severely.  myeonah was ready to step her foot out off this hell hole, but myeonah was a valuable asset wanbyeok cannot lose. they somehow managed to tie down myeonah with them, offering a better living for her family, reminding myeonah once again how she'll be able to rise back up despite her past with the help of wanbyeok. myeonah knew wanbyeok are lying, yet when family and her purpose are mentioned, myeonah cannot help but agree. so she signed the devil's contract, did what they wanted her to do, eventhough she hates it. she hates seeing other trainees being forced by wanbyeok to do unimaginable horrible things. she hates how her freedom is now lost, she hates how singing is no longer about passion, but beauty through public acceptance instead.
myeonah doesn't recognize her reflection anymore. one might think, why? but you're pretty now! no, she might be pretty but she dislikes the way she looks now. pretty hurts. she'd rather receive hate for being herself rather than receiving praises for who she is not. she hates how she's no longer able to enjoy her grandmother's home cooked food without vomiting it out.
myeonah does eat secretly often times, but undergoing such a strict diet caused a change in her. no matter how many times myeonah rebelled and ate food despite being on a diet, she ends up spilling out the contents of her food. she just wants it to stop. 
2012. k-pop star season two


an acronym of her birth name, im myeonah. myeonah almost went with her actual name, but to her, it sounds plainly ordinary so she chose ima instead. pronounced ee-muh.


BACKUP orchid. (birth year and faceclaim will change, and her background will be slightly altered).
VOCAL TWIN omg's hyojung.
DANCE TWIN omg's jiho.
RAP TWIN yo my name is ima, i like my pajama, uhh...break it down now!
usually stays quiet and supports her members whenever they're performing or showing their individual talents, clapping along and smiling.  she wouldn't mind showing her talent if you asked her. but if no question, or anything, is directed at her, she'll probably sit still.
of course, sometimes myeonah jumps in and joins along whenever the members are having fun, she's not one to create an idol image for its ultitmately destroyed once you asked her to do something meme-ish.
other talents include an upgraded version of spinning continuously (from 15 to 20 seconds), backflip (that is, with a high chance of injury because she's a stiff grandma now in terms of flexibility), and more to be developed lel.
i. From the time of your debut as a member of Daughters of the Moon, has Wanbyeok Entertainment done anything remarkably negative towards you?
myeonah clenched her fist, her jaws set firmly. "yes, they have." myeonah's heart was bursting with sadness and anger, her fingers shaking under her tucked fists.
ii. Please elaborate. Do not leave any details out. Mention names if you must.
myeonah's mind flashed back towards the time she would wake up and dumped out the contents inside her stomach. her lips quivered. myeonah took a deep breath, forcing herself to sit still. "they put me on an extreme diet. its not a healthy diet, its not a diet deemed safe for a healthy lifestyle. its a diet only for the purpose to be accepted by the public, a diet with the sole purpose of being physically pleasing to the eyes of people." myeonah shook her head, trying to shake off the image of her portruding collarbones, how it looks like skin wrapped around a bone. "i am always starving. starving because of the diet, and starving because no matter how much amount of food that i swallow, it will never be digested. its always goes back up." myeonah inwardly shuddered. "not only that, but other girls undergo mistreatments  whether physically or mentally. they get harmed too, they get harmed but they cannot fight back."  she closed her eyes, breathing out slowly. i missed eating.. opening her eyes, she continued. "retching in the toilet at 3am became a normal occurence for me." it came out in a hollow tone, devoid of any emotion. i don't understand what's so wrong with having a few extra ounces. when did beauty became such a demanding factor in the entertainment world?
iii. Do you have any evidence of this mistreatment?
"a voicenote and a video of the manager verbally abusing and shouting profanities with foul choice words." myeonah shakily took out her phone, where most of wanbyeok's dark secrets are captured or recorded. with an addition of bowls of food thrown against the walls, scales and numbers as facts which i burned to the back of my mind until i can memorize it backwards, various doctor appointments with the same results of dangerous health level and lack of nutrition and same advises of eating more and undergoing eating disorder therapy. myeonah shook her head. am i not a living proof of what they have done to me?. she gulped down air before continuing. "i also have a few pictures of some wanbyeok staff hitting and doing physical harm to the girls." myeonah intertwined her fingers together. and many more, but that comes in the form of vivid flashbacks. i guess that doesn't count, she thought miserably.
iv. Did you tell anyone of what Wanbyeok Entertainment had done to you, with the exception of your group members and fellow employees at the company?
"my family." myeonah choked on her tears. she remembered how shocked they looked like, how absolute livid her father's eyes were. i never planned to tell them, i never wanted to throw them under the bus. yet some secrets cannot be kept in the dark for so long. tears lined her eyes. "i was threatened and blackmailed countless times that if any information leaked, my family will pay the price. i never wanted my family to know, but they eventually found the doctor's appointments and health check ups results." her heart broke into a million pieces, rewinding the moments where her family found out countless times in her mind and the threats wanbyeok warned her if she ever dared to even breathe out a word of the hidden things around wanbyeok. "i managed to calm my family down, and they eventually promised not to breathe out a word. i told them i would eventually expose wanbyeok, as a way to save my family from the restlessness after finding out about wanbyeok. i lied that wanbyeok was being handled by the court back then so that my family won't do anything and leave it to me. i even managed to stop them from dropping a nuclear bomb on wanbyeok back then." she let out a hoarse chuckle. 
v. Would you rather Daughters of the Moon be disbanded or move to another company? Which company would you like?
myeonah shook her head. no, please no disbandment. at least, i don't want to disband. myeonah didn't want to admit it, but she found a second home amongst her members. "i personally would not like three-d to disband. i hope that three-d can continue to make music and i want the girls to continue their passion. maybe start anew by moving to a company..." -a name of a company pops up in myeonah's mind- "...preferably moonlight company. but if other girls do not share my hopes, i am alright with disbanding." myeonah choked down a sob. "at the very least, i would like to stay in contact with my members." 
gugudan's sally
nothing more except a simple platonic crush, admiration and adoration. someone she looks up to very much. see connections section.
- some angst moments huehue
- three-d members eventually finding out about myeonah's eating disorder
- cute moments between myeonah and sally?? like the two meet up when both three-d and gugudan performed in music bank or something, and myeonah is all heart eyes and smiling up at xiening staring at her as if she's an angel and thinking, wow what an angel! i must protect my jiejie. she's so perfect, please continue existing. i wonder how she likes her eggs?
- rebellious myeonah makes a move ouo aka myeonah went to stock snacks to hide inside her hoodies and she'll snack them on the toilet (its up to you if you want the manager or anyone to find out) and they'll be like,,,myeonah what are you doing? and she's like im eating duh?? and they're the toilet? and she nods all serious like
- fluffy heartwarming moments between the girls weak for fluff
- the girls running away and went to han river or some place and emptying out their fears, their hopes and dreams, when will wanbyeok stop torturing them
- myeonah's family finding out about wanbyeok and they turned sparta 300 mode on and gets ready to hulk smash wanbyeok to a pulp
- etc
three-d's ima's drastic weight loss.
basically it started with a picture of ima performing with her collarbones and thighs clearly showing signs of lack of nutrition (like how that one photo of wendy rv's ribcage went viral) and antis starts to bash her. there are some knetz defending her but most of the comments circulates on ima "trying too hard to be pretty" which will eventually lead to knetz discussing about her past in kpop star 2.
three-d's ima has possible eating disorders?
started with a blurry night time picture of ima bending her head down to a trash bin with her hands clutching both sides of the bin so it looks like she's vomiting. she is, but wanbyeok denied such accusations and claimed that ima was just spitting out gum or candy or some sheet. it leads to more pictures of ima covering with a tissue or handkerchiefs, ima refusing food politely from fans (eventhough deep down she wanted to take some but if she does, wanbyeok would murder her), more photos of ima's protruding collarbones and sickly looking thighs until knetz pieced the photos together and came up with the theory that ima has eating disorder. why else would she keep vomiting? what other explanation is logical enough to show why three-d's ima gained an enormous weight loss? 
USERNAME guisukigwi.
ALIAS ayiev.
COMMENTS arin back at it again with her gg fics that im weak for. ahaa. here's my tiny grandma, i hope you'll like her. while i'm making this, all i can think about is how much of a savage cutie and highkey tsundere myeonah is xD and on another note (eventhough its supa supa late), happy birthday dearest arin! apologies for my always last minute app (ily ok?).
wonder. the fans are a wonder to three-d. the ones who stayed, despite knowing how terrible wanbyeok handled three-d. the ones who waged a war against wanbyeok after finding out the various mistreatments members received from wanbyeok.
blue moon. as the saying goes "once in a blue moon", to threed, their fans are rare, like the blue moon. the fans are threed's treasure, threed's blue moon.
eclipse. like the lunar eclipse that covers up the moon, the fans are the protectors that shields threed from any hate they received. lunar eclipses happen when the sun, moon and earth are aligned. and thus, its kind of a hidden message, in a way, that the fans are aligned together with threed. they're always with threed, through thick and thin.
© to reon (ttaecup) & am.


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