Catch Me on Wattpad

Not sure who this affects, but I made a Wattpad account. I'm working on moving my AFF works over there, so if for some reason you prefer Wattpad's user interface, you'll be able to read my stuff there, too. Currently, I only have "A Thousand Purple Stars" and "Nevermind, Goodnight" up there, but will be working on adding "Autumnal Equinox" too.

Personally, I find AFF's interface easier to use, but maybe I'm just being a grumpy old person who can't get with the times. Anyway, here is my profile! Please check out my stuff and be my friend, or whatever it is Wattpad users do, haha. 

EDIT: To clarify, I'm still going to be active here on AFF. I usually update here first, then I update my other accounts (AO3 and Wattpad)


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Are you going to move for good or will you be updating in both? I personally like aff better too though i have a wattpad account