⍣ mbali wolff swears they're up to no good. (#00bbbb)

turquoise aesthetic
I solemnly swear that
I am up to no good.
mbali wolff
  "mbali strides down the halls, book in one hand and wand stuck in her distinctive hair. she mutters to herself in languages most haven't even heard of, and honestly, no one is surprised when she doesn't show up for class or when she does but slams a hand down on the table because "eureka! i figured it out!" and runs out "for science." at this point, there hasn't been one person who hasn't heard of "the wolff and her claws" or how only a select few can deter her from her crazy experiments. they look down at her giant cat "familiar," thando, and sigh, wondering how a girl like her has such a level-headed cat, but, they half-joke and half-discuss, someone had to be responsible in the wolff family / household; might as well be the cat."
li ⍣ pronounced "lee"; the latter half of her first name, adopted by the attendees of hogwarts because some had difficulty pronouncing her name and others were too lazy to bother to even struggle with it. she suggests the nickname to anyone (aka everyone) who struggles with her name. actually, she finds it cute and loves their accents so she encourages it (especially since it's preferable to butchering her name).
wolff ⍣ using her last name as opposed to her first since it's infinitely easier to pronounce (and spell) than mbali (not that she's particularly bothered); it's said by a variety of people including friends and she answers to it well enough. the most common context to hear it is in 'run away or you'll be caught in wolff's claws!' which is an obvious reference to her hogwarts house, ravenclaw, and her mad scientist ways. 
face claim amandla stenberg. 
backup keke palmer.
appearance with distinct curly hair identifying her across the room, she strides in purposefully, confidence obvious in each clear sound of her steps. when she wears her hair in a ponytail, people know to steer clear because she isn't theorizing anymore, but experimenting (and lord help whichever soul(s) she chooses to act as lab assistant or rat). she can oft be found reading, book held up to her face with a straight, almost regal posture rather than bending her neck in what promises to be a horrid cramp later. overall, an entity that commands attention despite her short stature and smooth features. 
style down the halls in blue and bronze, people recognize her by her hair alone. her tie is slightly loose and her sleeves rolled up to her elbows to avoid smudges of pencil and ink. outside of hogwarts, she tends towards solid colors or simple patterns, focused on comfort. it's rarely an attractive ensemble but it doesn't really matter to her as foretold by her complete lack of adornment - no jewelry, make up, or even, some girls mock, a hairbrush. her confidence makes everything she wears acceptable because she 'works it' but it doesn't really matter. there's more important things to do anyways. like science!
height 152 cm (5 ft). 
weight 52 kg (115 lbs). 
full name mbali wolff
dob twenty-fifth of december (19). 
birthplace gauteng, south africa. 
current residence mbarara, uganda.
ethnicity african-danish.
nationality south african. 
blood status quarter-blood.
house ravenclaw (uagadou)
isizulu ⍣ fluent; her first ever language, she writes a majority of her notes in this language, confusing people when they look at her notes as a result. it's what she's most comfortable in though she's fluent in a majority of south african languages. she prefers urban zulu but understands both
english ⍣ fluent; her second language ever; has a mixed general and cultivated accent depending on what she's saying. the slang she tends to use is shifting to british but she still occasionally resorts to afrikaan habits (such as saying 'ja' instead of 'yes' or 'yeah') and slang (ex: tekkies = sneakers).
afrikaans ⍣ semi-fluent; the third language she picked up and retained because she had a language phase, so what? sue her. her teacher (a neighborhood grandpa who loved the company and telling stories about his, at times sketchy, past) had a sombela dialect so she does too when she speaks. 
south african sign language ⍣basics; the language she started picking up when she felt like it before she transferred to hogwarts. has already mastered the alphabet and is learning more generic signs now. doesn't have much use for it now but occasionally practice it to avoid forgetting. 
"meet the living headache."
pos ⍣ cool-headed, excitable,
.......... adaptable, modest
neu ⍣ creative, curious
neg ⍣ preoccupied, abrupt,

.......... obsessive, blunt
recipe to make mbali
mumblings ..... 9 tbsps
tunnel vision ..... 2.5 qts
breakthroughs ..... 3.1 lbs
books and spells ..... 17 ozs
social obliviousness ..... a dash
izuku midoriya (boku no hero academia)
hatsume mei (boku no hero academia)
certain ravenclaw posts (
 the mbali that most people know and recognize is what has been dubbed her "mad scientist" side: striding down the halls or sitting in class, large tome (oft in another language) in hand and low mumbles under her breath. mid-sentence exits because breakthroughs! science experiments, often pulling in other passing students to be assistants or the very lab rat to work on (with permission because she isn't a heathen). using jargon that makes people confused and asking "you don't know?" with genuine curiosity rather than pride and explaining excitedly after. answering rhetorical questions very seriously because "why would you ask a question if you don't want an answer?" knowing about other cultures and legends and anything - everything - obscure but not knowing who is snogging who unless they're right in front of her. writing and writing and writing in various languages on papers, notebooks, even on herself. losing those papers but oh well. it's in her head anyways. brilliance "wasted" under her "crazy [hair]". 
 the things about mbali that are rare to notice and even rarer to be a recipient of is what her friends fondly call "mbali breakthroughs" - little milestones involving mbali in no particular order: the way that when she emerges from late night experiments seeking food, water, companionship, and a shower (in whatever order), and she looks for you. sitting through one of her explanations and actually listening only to discover that not only is she genuinely excited to share with you and interested in the topic, but also that her explanation is easy to follow and thorough enough that you wish your professors could teach with as much enthusiasm and clarity. her belief that "me? smart? no way! there's so much left to learn! you though. you're brilliant! you know so much about-" because she noticed you and admires you truly. the almost child-like way she wants to know everything about the world and how infectious her laugh is, especially with a pun or intellectual joke because she actually finds it funny. 
 word of mouth (quotes about mbali said by other students)
"the other day, wolff came running down the halls with her hair up and it was like moses and the red sea."
"isn't that book from the restricted section of the library?"
"what do you mean 'slinky experiment'?"
"she  looked so disappointed that i hadn't exploded. what do i do with the knowledge that wolff was trying to make me blow up?"
"wait for it. ... see? she can dodge anything while reading!"
"i'm pretty sure that's from the restricted section of the library."
"do you think her and anika are a thing? because i ship it." 
"li came out after three days and ate an entire table of food while talking to anaika. where does she store it all? she's so tiny!"
"someone call anaika. li got her claws into some poor first year."
"so apparently someone burned wolff's notes and she laughed. a galleon that he regrets it by the end of the day?"
significant life events 
format: day month age ⍣ description
 25 12 00 ⍣ mbali is born to a south african (zulu) woman whose european boyfriend broke up with her and went back to europe. due to a difficult pregnancy, her mother calls her a "christmas miracle."
 04 07 07 ⍣ mbali has her first instance of magic and her (bad) drawing of a tree comes to life. said tree is carefully and quickly removed from existence a day later because of its aggressiveness.
 10 10 12 ⍣ mbali receives her uagadou dream stone, which she still has to this day. her mother and grandmother - pureblood - are excited for her. they indulge mbali and buy her extra textbooks. 
 30 11 12 ⍣ the headmistress of uagadou learns what a headache mbali is (but how brilliant she is too, like wow) and finally approves the girl's request to not follow the traditional school schedule. 
 17 05 19 ⍣ mbali hears about the exchange program and excitedly volunteers to learn via "immersion." uagadou's headmistress contacts headmistress mcgonagall to warn her about the young wizard.
 28 08 19 ⍣ mbali gets her own wand. long story short, her family had a fallout with the wandmakers in africa. she'd been wandless until then because technically increased control of magic would be scarier. 
 11 09 19 ⍣ anaika is volun-told to mentor mbali after mbali befriends her and mbali's previous mentor gets chased off because she was ineffective and bossy. long story but it worked out so.
desired schedule 
i make my own classes ⍣ as interesting as everything is, mbali is very much an independent studies kind of girl. the headmistress of uagadou helped her negotiate with headmistress mcgonagall so she has to just pass her class exams and isn't required to go to class or do assignments. it pisses people off but honestly, they can't even complain because mbali is so brilliant and really, mbali would be annoying if she was forced to come to class what with her mumbling and breakthroughs and experiments. she takes (aka will take tests for) potions, charms, herbology, transfiguration, ancient runes, and care of magical creatures.
so i had a question ⍣ although mbali technically isn't taking the class, it isn't surprising to see her attend random lectures that she finds interesting or seeking out professors because she wants their opinion on a certain experiment she's about to perform and any precedents and etc. professors are torn between loving her and wanting to strangle her because she's such an eager student but a frustrating one too. she also pulls other students into her crazy experiments. she respects it if they decline to help but honestly you're missing out because it's probably one of the few times mbali makes (more) sense. 
who needs life when there's science? ⍣ mbali's days tend to swivel between scientist mode and normal-human mode. she keeps the oddest hours because she can be researching / theorizing / experimenting until the wee hours of the morning. she attends classes or chases down professors whenever she likes. honestly, every day is an adventure with this girl because one day she'll go to all her classes and sleep eight solid hours. the next, she'll have taken a 15 minute nap and been up since two in the morning because she had this idea and "you need to help me now. there's this thing-" long story short, a high-key mess and miracle. 
so have you ever wondered about magic? ⍣ one of the conditions of her special permission with the headmistress of uagadou (and with hogwarts too now) is the publication of a book detailing her research. she's got several topics lined up that she focuses her experiments on (mostly anyways). one is the existence of magic and its relation to science (aka is magic super advanced science?). another is how experience with wandless magic affects perception of magic using other transfers and hogwarts students as a control group. one topic she wanted to do but can't (for now) is what divides wizards from normal humans.
⍣ demiual
⍣ ambidextrous
⍣ talented at wandless magic even compared to uagadou students
⍣ constantly sneaks into the restricted section of the library and borrows books, much to the librarian's chagrin and annoyance
relationships scrolls down and right
alia bhattbest friend + program mentor
anaika aurora
"what am i ever going to do with you, mbali?"
presenting mbali's best friend and the only one who fully understands her and loves her all the same, anaika (nai as mbali calls her) is a godsend in mbali's life. she is the first mbali seeks when she's not in scientist mode, has the ability to pull mbali out of her "science" without repercussions, talks mbali out of her most extreme experiment ideas with a simple "no," and overall is just a steady and competent presence in mbali's life. the two have the ability to communicate without actual words and are more than willing to do anything for each other. they're constantly holding hands and are, at least, platonic soulmates.
"... mbali."
"eep! nai! you scared me!"
"i don't think 'scared' is the
right word."
"... anyways...?"
"you have to eat."
"now? but there's science!"
"which will still be here. eat."
ravenclaw gryffindor
fun facts: 
⍣ nai is the only one to fluster mbali and vice versa
⍣ mbali really likes nai's voice and accent and nai knows it
⍣ nai capitalizes on the fact that mbali likes her voice and pulls mbali out of her science by calling her name right in her ear
⍣ ⍣
savannah catpet + companion
introducing thando, mbali's "familiar, because all great witches need one!" but basically just a super friendly cat who loves his owner to bits and is constantly wandering around campus. in contrast to mbali, thando is very much loved by everyone. he doesn't mind being pet and loves when people slip him food (although that's probably not always a good idea; the sneezing sorbet was-) anyways, he's a f2 savannah cat (more information in this link) and an intelligent but spoiled kitty. he helps mbali out with her experiments and with classes because he's great at finding ingredients and / or her homework, whichever really.
"thando, think you can find
me some nightshade?"
"don't give me that look,
thando. i'm not going to blow
anything up!"
a look.
"fine. i'm not going to blow up 
much. happy? just a flower."
roro ruko (model)friend + troublemaker
rayelynn blanc
"li! i came up with the greatest idea ever!"
forget mbali alone. it's when she and raye are together that almost literally all hell breaks loose. known simply as "enablers," the two seem to cause only chaos and mayhem wherever they go. it may or may not have something to do with raye supplying mbali with stuff for experiments or mbali agreeing to a prank "for science!" or just the pure fact that the only solution to their meetings is to pray and get out of their way. of course, they are still friends so occasionally they meet up and talk and nothing bad happens. but let's be a little real here: something almost always happens, especially when the word "idea" pops up.
"hey li!"
"morning raye."
"i got the polyjuice potion
you asked for. what'cha
gonna do with it?"
"i want to see the differences
between a person who is
polyjuiced and the actual person."
"cool. i'm down! who do we
ravenclaw hufflepuff
what do you see in your partner?
  mbali's ideal is someone who doesn't stop her from her science and respects her creative process. ideally, it'd be someone who finds it entertaining or attractive rather than a bother. other than that, her only other requirement is that they love cuddling and eating because both, she thinks, are requirements to a warm and well-fed relationship that will (hopefully) last.
love story 
⍣ cuddles
⍣ meals together
⍣ thando playing bodyguard
⍣ science! + when she comes out of it
⍣ her friends "testing" said love interest
ending author's choice
hello. for security sake, please introduce yourself here. thank you! 
morning! i'm mbali wolff. you can call me wolff if mbali is a little too hard. i'm attend uagadou school of magic.
why do you want to be apart of this program & what do you want to learn from hogwarts?
why? don't you mean why not? there's so much history in hogwarts, not to mention great professors, historical sites, ghosts to talk to, moving stairs, magical creatures not in africa, wands- (the list continues for another ten minutes.) also, i want to learn everything i can while i'm here! 
where do you see yourself in 10, 15 years?
hopefully doing my research still! if i'm lucky, i'm hoping i get funded officially by the government and can unlock more on what divides us from- the term here is muggles, i believe. it's an interesting topic!
do you value friendship, power, or knowledge? explain why. 
hm. in the end, i believe i have to say friendship. knowledge is tons of fun but without friendship, i don't think i'd be able to do my research for knowledge! that makes sense, right?

comments i love the idea. i was a bit sad to not be able to turn this in but i hope i manage to get this app to you anyways. anaika's app is too much of a wip but i hope you were entertained by mbali! let me know if you reopen it.
password mischief managed
koreangal5 . soul . 10점 만점의 10점


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