Kat McNamara Bio (Lumia)


Kat McNamara

Mermaid • Lumia • Roleplay


the basics.

name » Katherine McNamara

nickname(s) » Kat, Ariel

birthday » November 22 ????

age » Unknown, appears to be in her early twenties

hometown » The Sea

Species » Mermaid

uality » Panual

language » English, fish, dolphin, multiple human and sea creature languages


appearance » Captivating green eyes and long cascading red hair kept neatly in different styles of braids. Beautiful shells are often incorporated in her hair as decoration. Her skin is pale and soft due to the plentiful seaweed forests.

trivia » Likes: singing, swimming, lounging in the sun, exploring, playing with sea creatures, watching land folk

Dislikes: loud noises, sharks, fishermen, boats, pollution

" Her mind is on land, but her heart belongs to the sea. "

" The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net forever. "


her heart is the sea.

personality » Kat is very curious. From the very start she was fascinated about the land folk and their world. She couldn’t believe such a different world could exist above her. She enjoys learning and always had her mind on the humans. She wanted to know what their life was like more than anything.

She eventually found her answers and was granted legs as a result of her curiosity. On land, Kat is both fearful and awestruck about the people surrounding her. She is very naive and often comes across as childish due to her sheltered life underwater. She’s very clumsy whilst on her legs. She hasn’t gotten the hang of them and often stumbles.

Because she was exiled from her pod for using forbidden magic, Kat longs to return. She didn't think there could be such consequences, but she knows the law is the law. However, she sometimes sneaks into the ocean for swims. She believes that if she doesn't return to the sea every now and then her heart will grow cold.


home is where your heart is.

background »Kat was brought up by her pod to fear land people. She was often told horror stories from above. Her parents raised her to be respectful of the sea around her because it wouldn’t last forever. She was often told stories before sleeping about the horrific things humans did to the sea she loved.

As a result, Kat grew up to be both curious and terrified of land folk. She would often watch ships sail by with giant clouds sticking out from them.

Kat grew up in the time when society was growing. As a mermaid, it took her a long time to age. She knew she outlived many land folk, but she didn’t know how long. She heard rumours that they lived a very short life time. Kat, herself, was quite young for a mermaid. She was often quoted as being naive and simple minded. However, she was curious about the world above her.

When opportunity struck for her to gain legs, Kat jumped at it immediately. She heard that a cast out mermaid wanted to practice her magic. Kat managed to sneak away and found that mermaid who granted her wish for legs. This allowed Kat to join the land folk. However, she was exiled as a result. She was told never to return to her pod as it put everyone in danger. There hadn't been a mermaid on land in centuries and her pod feared for what might happened. Despite that, Kat ventured into the unknown world. What she was not expecting was a world so full of danger and wonder.


family » Despite having two parents, a merman and a mermaid, Kat was brought up by the entire pod. She misses them deeply, but knows that she wronged them in a way that can not possibly be made right. She accepts her banishment.



the little mermaid.

Weakness » Iryna’s weakness on land is water. Once water touches her, she reverts back to her mermaid form until she dries off. To her, this is her greatest secret. She fears if people find out what she is, they will use her for her tears and scales.


abilities »Hydrokinesis - ability to create, control and manipulate water in liquid state.
Hydro-thermokinesis - the power to heat and boil water and all things that contain water.
Cryokinesis - the ability to manipulate, generate, and control frost, sleet, ice, cold, snow and hail at will.
Atmokinesis - the power to control the weather, particularly storms.
Sirening - the ability to manipulate and control people by singing (it is forbidden to use by mermaids).



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