Niylah Biography (Inmortalis)

the lone wolf

name — Niylah Lydden

given name — Aryana Luna

nicknames — Ny/Niy, Ary

birthdate — January 23

birthplace — Crescent Falls

House — Wolfstone

occupation — Brothel Maid


Brinna Lydden — Adoptive mother and caretaker

Ashara Wolfstone — Biological mother, abandoned Niylah after birth

name — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

name — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

name — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

name — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


traits — Quiet, awkward, reserved, respectful, hardworking, stubborn

early life — 

Throughout her life, Niylah never knew her true heritage. Born Aryana, Luna, she was dropped on the doorsteps of a Northern brothel in hopes one of the es would take her in. Luck was on her side. Brinna, one of the es, knew she could never bear children despite her lifestyle. She raised Aryana as her own, renaming her Niylah.

Niylah grew up within the brothel. When she turned thirteen, she knew she would have to serve and earn her keep. However, Brinna fought hard to keep Niylah out of the business. It was difficult as Niylah grew older and her beauty garnered unwanted attention from customers. She remained a servant to the brothel. Instead of keeping their customers happy, Niylah was assigned to keep the rooms clean.

Niylah never questioned her family despite Brinna having a head of gold locks compared to her own dark hair. She always assumed her father had been a dark haired customer and she had a resemblance to him.

Whenever asking about her father, Brinna would never give her a satsifying answer. She would dance around the subject, saying it was a man who only visited once. It wasn’t until Niylah approached Brinna, complaining about strange dreams of wolves and wild hunts, that she came clean about not being her biological mother.

However, Brinna couldn’t give her an answer about her heritage either. She explained how she had found Niylah on the footsteps of the brothel. She couldn’t tell her who her parents were, but Brinna had assumed she was the daughter of some guilty nobleman. She never thought that her adopted daughter could be a bastard princess.


personality — Growing up in the brothel, Niylah knew from a very young age to be respectful. If she didn’t, she could potentially drive away customers and that was bad. She also grew numb to creepy men making ual advances and whispering revolting dirt into her ear. She knew she had to hold her tongue.

She’s quiet and keeps to herself for the most part. She doesn’t know much about life other than the brothel and those within it, making her incredibly awkward.

Under co. as she develops as a character.

likes — Brinna, working hard, being in the forest, animals, outside the brothel walls

dislikes — Brothels, , men, noblemen, royalty, her mother

hobbies — Cleaning, reading, exploring

habits — Looking down, holding her tongue, accepting mistreatment

trivias — loathes her biological mother for abandoning her, hates the creepy men that come into the brothel (particularly noblemen and lords), doesn't venture out of the brothel often, dreams of escaping

blood is thicker

family — 

— Brinna Lydden | Adoptive Mother

— Ashara Wolfstone | Biological Mother

than water

friends — 

— Name | Relation

— Name | Relation

me, myself & i

her heart — distant

her mind — strong


view — Love? I don't know what love is.

trivia — Growing up within the confines of the brothel, Niylah grew up with a skewed version of "love". To her, love was just the physical attraction. After all, the lords that entered the brothel would scream out how much they loved the pleasure received from their favourite . It wasn't until she grew older that she realized what she thought was love, was obviously wrong. She knew familial love. Or, she thought she did. Until she discovered Brinna wasn't her biological mother.
Finding out that she was abandoned on the doorsteps of a house distorted her view on all relationships. She grew wary of those who came into her life. She grew uncomfortable with the lewd comments coming from the customers. Overall, Niylah's view on love and affection was twisted in a way she didn't think would change.

behind the mask

timezone — PST/GMT-8

traits — lazy, loses interest quickly (rip me), enjoys angst/romance/thriller/fantasy/rated-m plots

trvia — 21 y/o, Canadian, university student

head back — to Inmortalis


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